10 research outputs found
Hjúkrun sjúklinga með Parkinsonsveiki
Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenÞegar ég hóf störf á taugalækningadeild, sem ungur og óreyndur hjúkrunarfræðingur, kveið ég því að þurfa að taka á móti og sinna sjúklingum með Parkinsonsveiki. Ég áleit úrræði hjúkrunar þeim til handa heldur gagnslaus. Umönnun þessara sjúklinga var oft mjög tímafrek og ég var hálf ráðalaus yfir hvað ég ætti að gera fyrir þá. Eftir að ég öðlaðist meiri þekkingu um Parkinsonsveiki og hún er orðin eitt af mínum aðal áhugamálum innan taugahjúkrunar, geri ég mér grein fyrir að kvíði minn byggðist á þekkingar- og úrræðaleysi gagnvart sjúkdómnum. Sem hjúkrunarfræðingur vill maður hjálpa sjúklingunum, en ef staðið er uppi ráðalaus gagnvart hinum sjúka verður hjúkrunin manni erfið. Með þá þekkingu sem ég hef öðlast um Parkinsonssjúklinga og hjúkrunarþarfir þeirra, leyfi ég mér að lýsa hjúkrun þeirra sem mjög áhugaverðri, en jafnframt mjög flókinni og krefjandi. Hvað lyfjameðferðina varðar er varla hægt að hugsa sér nokkuð flóknara en að stilla inn rétt lyf og lyfjaskammta til að halda sjúkdómnum og einkennum hans í skefjum. Hið sama má segja um hjúkrunina. Ef hægt er að veita Parkinsonssjúklingi góða hjúkrun er hægt að hjúkra nánast hvaða sjúklingi sem er. Markmiðið með þessari grein er að koma til skila hversu fjölbreytt verkefni eru við hjúkrun sjúklinga með Parkinsonsveiki og mun ég lýsa helstu atriðum sem hafa þarf í hug
Taking phenomenology beyond the first-person perspective: conceptual grounding in the collection and analysis of observational evidence
To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadPhenomenology has been adapted for use in qualitative health research, where it’s often used as a method for conducting interviews and analyzing interview data. But how can phenomenologists study subjects who cannot accurately reflect upon or report their own experiences, for instance, because of a psychiatric or neurological disorder? For conditions like these, qualitative researchers may gain more insight by conducting observational studies in lieu of, or in conjunction with, interviews. In this article, we introduce a phenomenological approach to conducting this kind of observational research. The approach relies on conceptual grounding to focus a study on specific aspects of the participants’ experiences. Moreover, the approach maintains the openness to novel discoveries that qualitative research requires while also providing a structured framework for data collection and analysis. To illustrate its practical application, we use examples of hemispatial neglect—a neurologic disorder in which patients characteristically lack awareness of their own illness and bodily capacities. However, the approach that we describe can be applied more broadly to the study of complex illness experiences and other experiential alterations. © 2021, The Author(s).
Author keywords
Embodiment; Hemispatial neglect; Observational research; Phenomenology; Qualitative method
Taking phenomenology beyond the first-person perspective: conceptual grounding in the collection and analysis of observational evidence
To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadPhenomenology has been adapted for use in qualitative health research, where it’s often used as a method for conducting interviews and analyzing interview data. But how can phenomenologists study subjects who cannot accurately reflect upon or report their own experiences, for instance, because of a psychiatric or neurological disorder? For conditions like these, qualitative researchers may gain more insight by conducting observational studies in lieu of, or in conjunction with, interviews. In this article, we introduce a phenomenological approach to conducting this kind of observational research. The approach relies on conceptual grounding to focus a study on specific aspects of the participants’ experiences. Moreover, the approach maintains the openness to novel discoveries that qualitative research requires while also providing a structured framework for data collection and analysis. To illustrate its practical application, we use examples of hemispatial neglect—a neurologic disorder in which patients characteristically lack awareness of their own illness and bodily capacities. However, the approach that we describe can be applied more broadly to the study of complex illness experiences and other experiential alterations. © 2021, The Author(s).
Author keywords
Embodiment; Hemispatial neglect; Observational research; Phenomenology; Qualitative method
Living in Rural Areas and Receiving Cancer Treatment Away From Home : A Qualitative Study Foregrounding Temporality
Funding Information: The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This study was supported by funding received by HE from the Icelandic Nurses’ Association and the Icelandic Regional Development Institute. Publisher Copyright: © The Author(s) 2022.We used explorative interviews to gauge (inter)personal, physiological, and emotional challenges of seven rural cancer patients who traveled long distances to cancer treatment centers. After a thematic analysis, we foregrounded experiences of temporality by using a phenomenologically inspired approach. The analysis resulted in three themes: (a) An epiphany of “what really matters in life”—time gains new meaning, (b) Feeling out of sync with others and own body—striving for coherence and simultaneity, and (c) Being torn between benefits of home and treatments site—time and distance as a tangible aspect of traveling and being away. Under these themes, 13 meaning units were generated, which reflected changes in temporality. During treatment, life primarily revolved around repeating circles of travel arrangements, staying on top of treatment schedule, and synchronizing a home life with a life away from home. Nurses should provide comprehensive care to enhance stability in cancer patients’ temporal experiences.Peer reviewe
FAST Heroes : Results of Cross-Country Implementation of a Global School-Based Stroke Education Campaign
Funding Information: This study received funding from Boehringer Ingelheim (Grant Number 395479, 2019). The funder was not involved in the study design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, the writing of this article, or the decision to submit it for publication. Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2022 Tsakpounidou, van der Merwe, Klinke, Webb, Ouriques Martins and Proios.Background: Educating the at-risk population about stroke symptoms and requirement of calling an ambulance when stroke strikes is challenging. This exploratory cross-country study provides insights to the FAST Heroes educational campaign and outcomes hitherto achieved. Aims: The primary aim of the study was to measure the transfer of stroke-related knowledge to parents after a global school-based FAST Heroes educational campaign for 5- to 9-year-old children in 14 different countries. The secondary aim was to evaluate parents and teachers' acceptability toward the program. Methods: The duration of the program was 5 h; 1 h per week, joining face-to-face educational sessions with workbooks, cartoons, web-based learning, and other fun activities. Outcomes were measured before implementation (t1), after implementation (t2), and at 6-month follow-up (t3). Program acceptability and stroke knowledge were evaluated by feedback surveys for teachers and parents. Results: Worldwide, 4,202 parents completed the program with their children and answered surveys at t1 and t2. They increased their knowledge of three stroke symptoms from 48 to 83% (p < 0.001). All three surveys were completed by 86 parents, who improved their knowledge of stroke symptoms, 55% (t1), 79% (t2), and 94% (t3) (p < 0.001). Overall, the educational messages were successfully passed onward. Conclusions: Findings confirm the primary aim of the study that is knowledge about stroke transfer well from children to their families through the FAST Heroes program. Second, parents and teachers globally consider the program feasible and worthwhile. The results will inform further rollout of the campaign.Peer reviewe
Transition to end-of-life care in patients with neurological diseases in an acute hospital ward
From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2024-04-22, registration 2024-07-16, accepted 2024-07-16, epub 2024-07-22, online 2024-07-22, collection 2024-12-01Acknowledgements: We thank the data abstractors Andrea Jona Eggertsdottir, Berglind Osk Olafsdottir, Mona Sif Hadaya and Kristin Asgeirsdottir for their invaluable contribution to this study.Publication status: PublishedFunder: The Icelandic Nurses´ Association; Grant(s): 71545Funder: The University of Iceland Research Fund of Ingibjorg R. MagnusdottirFunder: Landspitali, The National University Hospital of IcelandErna Haraldsdottir - ORCID: 0000-0003-4891-0743
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4891-0743Background: Transitioning to end-of-life care and thereby changing the focus of treatment directives from life-sustaining treatment to comfort care is important for neurological patients in advanced stages. Late transition to end-of-life care for neurological patients has been described previously. Objective: To investigate whether previous treatment directives, primary medical diagnoses, and demographic factors predict the transition to end-of-life care and time to eventual death in patients with neurological diseases in an acute hospital setting. Method: All consecutive health records of patients diagnosed with stroke, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and Parkinson’s disease or other extrapyramidal diseases (PDoed), who died in an acute neurological ward between January 2011 and August 2020 were retrieved retrospectively. Descriptive statistics and multivariate Cox regression were used to examine the timing of treatment directives and death in relation to medical diagnosis, age, gender, and marital status. Results: A total of 271 records were involved in the analysis. Patients in all diagnostic categories had a treatment directive for end-of-life care, with patients with haemorrhagic stroke having the highest (92%) and patients with PDoed the lowest (73%) proportion. Cox regression identified that the likelihood of end-of-life care decision-making was related to advancing age (HR = 1.02, 95% CI: 1.007–1.039, P = 0.005), ischaemic stroke (HR = 1.64, 95% CI: 1.034–2.618, P = 0.036) and haemorrhagic stroke (HR = 2.04, 95% CI: 1.219–3.423, P = 0.007) diagnoses. End-of-life care decision occurred from four to twenty-two days after hospital admission. The time from end-of-life care decision to death was a median of two days. Treatment directives, demographic factors, and diagnostic categories did not increase the likelihood of death following an end-of-life care decision. Conclusions: Results show not only that neurological patients transit late to end-of-life care but that the timeframe of the decision differs between patients with acute neurological diseases and those with progressive neurological diseases, highlighting the particular significance of the short timeframe of patients with the progressive neurological diseases ALS and PDoed. Different trajectories of patients with neurological diseases at end-of-life should be further explored and clinical guidelines expanded to embrace the high diversity in neurological patients.pubpu
Dansmeðferð til að efla hreyfingu, vitræna færni og sálfélagslega líðan hjá einstaklingum með Parkinsonssjúkdóm: fræðileg samantekt
To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadParkinsonssjúkdómur (PS) er langvinnur taugasjúkdómur
sem skerðir hreyfigetu og vellíðan. Ófyrirsjáanleiki
einkenna gerir það að verkum að einstaklingar með PS eiga
það til að draga sig í hlé og taka síður þátt í félagslegum
athöfnum. Dansmeðferð getur verið bæði gagnlegt
og skemmtilegt meðferðarúrræði til að spyrna á móti
sálfélagslegum afleiðingum sjúkdómsins og til að viðhalda
hreyfigetu. Í þessari grein verður niðurstöðum fræðilegrar
samantektar 18 rannsóknargreina með mismunandi
rannsóknarsniði lýst; eigindlegu (n=3), megindlegu (n=9) og
fýsileikarannsóknir (n=6) þar sem skoðaður er ávinningur
og útfærsla dansmeðferðar til að bæta hreyfigetu og líðan
hjá einstaklingum með PS. Auk þess ætlum við að draga
fram þætti sem þarf að hafa í huga þegar dansmeðferð
er skipulögð til þess að hún sé fýsileg, örugg og skili sem
mestum ávinningi