3 research outputs found

    Sudraba nanodaļiņu iegūšana un īpašības SiO2 sola-gela sistēmā

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    Sudraba nanodaļiņas ir interesantas sakarā ar to spēju efektīvi mijiedarboties ar gaismas kvantiem. Var izmantot efektīvo un atlases katalizatoru iegūšanai, mikroelektronisko un optisko ierīču elementu radīšanai. Sudraba nanodaļiņas izrāda bioloģisko un antibakteriālo aktivitāti un var būt veiksmīgi pielietotas medicīnā, lauksaimniecībā un jauno materiālu sintēzei. Sudraba nanodaļiņas spēj ilglaicīgi saglabāt savas īpašības uz dažādiem materiāliem, piemēram, stikla, papīra, keramikas, auduma, metāla

    Synthesis of Nanoparticles by Redox Initiated Process and Preparation of Their Polymeric Nanocomposites

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    The ability of silver nanoparticles to interact efficiently with photons is of high interest in last years and also for obtaining the efficient and selected electrical and optical properties for application in the medicine and production of microelectronic and optical elements. However, zinc oxide is piezoelectric, transparent, semiconducting oxide with a wide direct band gap 3,37 eV and large excition binding energy of 60 meV

    Synthesis of Nanoparticles by Redox Initiated Process and Preparation of Their Polymeric Nanocomposites

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    The ability of silver nanoparticles to interact efficiently with photons is of high interest in last years and also for obtaining the efficient and selected electrical and optical properties for application in the medicine and production of microelectronic and optical elements. However, zinc oxide is piezoelectric, transparent, semiconducting oxide with a wide direct band gap 3,37 eV and large excition binding energy of 60 meV.