18 research outputs found

    Interpretation of Trace Element Chemistry of Zircons from Bor and Cukaru Peki: Conventional Approach and Random Forest Classification

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    The deposits of Bor and Cukaru Peki are important contributors to the Apuseni–Banat–Timok–Srednogorie (ABTS) belt’s metallogenic endowment. We use decision tree and random forest algorithms applied to zircon geochemistry data from Bor, Cukaru Peki and a selection of other localities within the ABTS. The resulting predictions, supported by high scores on the test set predictions for the random forest algorithm, suggest that it is possible to fingerprint the studied deposits and localities from the ABTS belt based on zircon geochemistry. These results take into account the multivariate geochemical patterns and can be used in combination with a widely accepted Eu anomaly indicator or assist in finding more subtle geochemical differences for systems where applying a single cut-off value does not result in a good separation between barren and mineralized rocks.ISSN:2076-326

    Impact of inclusive education on improving the quality of life of totally blind students

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    The desire of contemporary society to improve the quality of life through the organization of wider access to education for people with disabilities raises several issues concerning the conditions for organizing inclusive education. In the article based on theoretical analysis and practical experience in implementing five-year research and educational project in cooperation with the Moscow City University, the hypothesis is substantiated that using specially developed didactic materials, individual training of applicants according to an adapted curriculum, and adaptive teaching methods, it is possible to ensure successful foreign language training of a foreign language teacher for blind and visually impaired adults enrolled in the inclusive education in an undergraduate program. The purpose of the study is to find the possibilities of teaching a foreign language to totally blind adults studying in an inclusive educational environment of a higher educational institution with the subsequent successful implementation of their professional activities. The scientific novelty of the research is seen in the development and testing of a model of methodically substantiated professionally-focused educational trajectory of foreign language education for totally blind adults studying at the university. Using classical research methods, such as the study of scientific literature and accumulated methodological experience, trial training, observation, and questionnaires, the researchers came to conclusions about the feasibility and productivity of the proposed approach to teaching English to blind students in an inclusive environment, contributing to a more effective professional training of people with disabilities, improving their self-esteem, better adaptation to life, as well as professional and personal advancement of all participants in the educational process

    Silicate-replacive high sulfidation massive sulfide orebodies in a porphyry Cu-Au system: Bor, Serbia

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    The Cu-Au deposit of Bor (Serbia) represents a continuum of mineralization styles, from porphyry-style ore occurring in quartz-magnetite-chalcopyrite veins and chalcopyrite disseminations to high-sulfidation epithermal Cu-Au ores in pyrite-chalcopyrite and anhydrite-sulfide veins. Decisive for the great economic importance of Bor is the presence of exceptionally rich high-sulfidation massive sulfide orebodies, composed of pyrite + covellite + chalcocite/digenite and minor anhydrite and enargite. They form irregular bodies measuring 0.5-10 million tons of ore grading up to 7% Cu, hosted by andesites and surrounded by intense argillic alteration. This study focuses on a small but rich underground orebody mined out recently, where limited drillcore is preserved for quantitative geochemical study. This paper documents the vein relationships within the deep porphyry-style orebody of Borska Reka, the transitional porphyry-epithermal veins, and the overlying and laterally surrounding epithermal massive sulfides of the Bor deposit. Geological observations indicate that the formation of massive sulfide orebodies concludes the ore formation. Mass balance calculations, recast into geologically realistic bulk fluid-rock reactions, confirm textural evidence that near-isovolumetric replacement of andesite host rocks is the dominant formation mechanism of massive sulfide orebodies at Bor, whereby all lithophile elements including Si are dissolved and only Ti stays relatively immobile. While net volume changes for individual mineralization styles within the massive sulfide orebody vary from - 16% volume loss to + 127% volume gain, overall volume change for the whole massive sulfide orebody was probably slightly negative. Brecciation is important only as means of creating channelways for reactive fluid that turns the andesite protolith into massive sulfide, whereas net breccia infill occurred only locally.ISSN:0026-4598ISSN:1432-186

    Integrating preparation for international exams into foreign language education curriculum at university

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    In order to increase competitiveness of graduates not only in our country, but abroad as well, the development of the higher education system in Russia requires qualitative changes in the content of language training of students who are to be capable of integration into the global multicultural community, academic mobility, independence and constant professional growth. In this regard, there arises a question whether the quality of students’ knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of foreign language communication may comply with the requirements of international standards. The article reflects the results of theoretical research and practical experience in international exams preparation as part of foreign language instruction provided by the Foreign Languages Faculty of Kursk State University thus substantiating the hypothesis that it is possible to optimize the development of skills and abilities necessary to successfully pass international exams if the subject-related tasks and exercises are designed in their format and offered both for in-class and self-study activities. The purpose hereof is to explore feasibility of implementing effective preparation for international language exams in class without interference with the major curriculum. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development and testing of a model of the educational trajectory leading to the formation of the competencies that meet international standards of foreign language education in graduates, majoring in languages. Having applied classical research methods analysis of publications and accumulated methodological experience, trial learning and observation – the authors came to the conclusion that the proposed approach is feasible and productive

    New insights on the geochemical affinity and age of mineralized rocks in Timok magmatic complex, East Serbia

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    Bor and ÄŚukaru Peki are world-class porphyry deposits spatially and genetically associated with the Cretaceous Timok magmatic complex. This research was conducted to determine the age and geochemical affinity of the magmatic rocks that formed these ore deposits. Our new geochemical analyses of magmatic rocks from Bor and ÄŚukaru Peki deposits imply they comprise adakite-like compositions that have undergone the amphibole fractionation and sulphide saturation processes. The zircon ages indicate that the Bor system was formed in the age span between 84.5-82 Ma, while the ÄŚukaru Peki system was created in the age span between 86.5-85 Ma.ISSN:0350-0608ISSN:2406-074

    Partial melting of lower oceanic crust gabbro: Constraints from poikilitic gabbro clinopyroxene primocrysts

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    Successive magma batches underplate, ascend, stall and erupt along spreading ridges, building the oceanic crust. It is therefore important to understand the processes and conditions under which magma differentiates at mid ocean ridges. Although fractional crystallization is considered to be the dominant mechanism for magma differentiation, open-system igneous complexes also experience Melting-Assimilation-Storage-Hybridization (MASH, Hildreth and Moorbath, 1988) processes. Here, we examine crystal-scale records of partial melting in lower crustal gabbroic cumulates from the slow-spreading Atlantic oceanic ridge (Kane Megamullion; collected with Jason ROV) and the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise (Hess Deep; IODP expedition 345). Clinopyroxene oikocrysts in these gabbros preserve marked intra-crystal geochemical variations that point to crystallization-dissolution episodes in the gabbro eutectic assemblage. Kane Megamullion and Hess Deep clinopyroxene core1 primocrysts and their plagioclase inclusions indicate crystallization from high temperature basalt (>1,160 and >1,200°C, respectively), close to clinopyroxene saturation temperature (<50% and <25% crystallization). Step-like compatible Cr (and co-varying Al) and incompatible Ti, Zr, Y and rare earth elements (REE) decrease from anhedral core1 to overgrown core2, while Mg# and Sr/Sr* ratios increase. We show that partial resorption textures and geochemical zoning result from partial melting of REE-poor lower oceanic crust gabbroic cumulate (protolith) following intrusion by hot primitive mantle-derived melt, and subsequent overgrowth crystallization (refertilization) from a hybrid melt. In addition, toward the outer rims of crystals, Ti, Zr, Y and the REE strongly increase and Al, Cr, Mg#, Eu/Eu*, and Sr/Sr* decrease, suggesting crystallization either from late-stage percolating relatively differentiated melt or from in situ trapped melt. Intrusion of primitive hot reactive melt and percolation of interstitial differentiated melt are two distinct MASH processes in the lower oceanic crust. They are potentially fundamental mechanisms for generating the wide compositional variation observed in mid-ocean ridge basalts. We furthermore propose that such processes operate at both slow- and fast-spreading ocean ridges. Thermal numerical modeling shows that the degree of lower crustal partial melting at slow-spreading ridges can locally increase up to 50%, but the overall crustal melt volume is low (less than ca. 5% of total mantle-derived and crustal melts; ca. 20% in fast-spreading ridges


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    <p>Successive magma batches underplate, ascend, stall and erupt along spreading ridges, building the oceanic crust. It is therefore important to understand the processes and conditions under which magma differentiates at mid ocean ridges. Although fractional crystallization is considered to be the dominant mechanism for magma differentiation, open-system igneous complexes also experience Melting-Assimilation-Storage-Hybridization (MASH, Hildreth and Moorbath, 1988) processes. Here, we examine crystal-scale records of partial melting in lower crustal gabbroic cumulates from the slow-spreading Atlantic oceanic ridge (Kane Megamullion; collected with Jason ROV) and the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise (Hess Deep; IODP expedition 345). Clinopyroxene oikocrysts in these gabbros preserve marked intra-crystal geochemical variations that point to crystallization-dissolution episodes in the gabbro eutectic assemblage. Kane Megamullion and Hess Deep clinopyroxene core1 primocrysts and their plagioclase inclusions indicate crystallization from high temperature basalt (>1,160 and >1,200°C, respectively), close to clinopyroxene saturation temperature (<50% and <25% crystallization). Step-like compatible Cr (and co-varying Al) and incompatible Ti, Zr, Y and rare earth elements (REE) decrease from anhedral core1 to overgrown core2, while Mg# and Sr/Sr<sup>*</sup> ratios increase. We show that partial resorption textures and geochemical zoning result from partial melting of REE-poor lower oceanic crust gabbroic cumulate (protolith) following intrusion by hot primitive mantle-derived melt, and subsequent overgrowth crystallization (refertilization) from a hybrid melt. In addition, toward the outer rims of crystals, Ti, Zr, Y and the REE strongly increase and Al, Cr, Mg#, Eu/Eu<sup>*</sup>, and Sr/Sr<sup>*</sup> decrease, suggesting crystallization either from late-stage percolating relatively differentiated melt or from in situ trapped melt. Intrusion of primitive hot reactive melt and percolation of interstitial differentiated melt are two distinct MASH processes in the lower oceanic crust. They are potentially fundamental mechanisms for generating the wide compositional variation observed in mid-ocean ridge basalts. We furthermore propose that such processes operate at both slow- and fast-spreading ocean ridges. Thermal numerical modeling shows that the degree of lower crustal partial melting at slow-spreading ridges can locally increase up to 50%, but the overall crustal melt volume is low (less than ca. 5% of total mantle-derived and crustal melts; ca. 20% in fast-spreading ridges).</p


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    <p>Successive magma batches underplate, ascend, stall and erupt along spreading ridges, building the oceanic crust. It is therefore important to understand the processes and conditions under which magma differentiates at mid ocean ridges. Although fractional crystallization is considered to be the dominant mechanism for magma differentiation, open-system igneous complexes also experience Melting-Assimilation-Storage-Hybridization (MASH, Hildreth and Moorbath, 1988) processes. Here, we examine crystal-scale records of partial melting in lower crustal gabbroic cumulates from the slow-spreading Atlantic oceanic ridge (Kane Megamullion; collected with Jason ROV) and the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise (Hess Deep; IODP expedition 345). Clinopyroxene oikocrysts in these gabbros preserve marked intra-crystal geochemical variations that point to crystallization-dissolution episodes in the gabbro eutectic assemblage. Kane Megamullion and Hess Deep clinopyroxene core1 primocrysts and their plagioclase inclusions indicate crystallization from high temperature basalt (>1,160 and >1,200°C, respectively), close to clinopyroxene saturation temperature (<50% and <25% crystallization). Step-like compatible Cr (and co-varying Al) and incompatible Ti, Zr, Y and rare earth elements (REE) decrease from anhedral core1 to overgrown core2, while Mg# and Sr/Sr<sup>*</sup> ratios increase. We show that partial resorption textures and geochemical zoning result from partial melting of REE-poor lower oceanic crust gabbroic cumulate (protolith) following intrusion by hot primitive mantle-derived melt, and subsequent overgrowth crystallization (refertilization) from a hybrid melt. In addition, toward the outer rims of crystals, Ti, Zr, Y and the REE strongly increase and Al, Cr, Mg#, Eu/Eu<sup>*</sup>, and Sr/Sr<sup>*</sup> decrease, suggesting crystallization either from late-stage percolating relatively differentiated melt or from in situ trapped melt. Intrusion of primitive hot reactive melt and percolation of interstitial differentiated melt are two distinct MASH processes in the lower oceanic crust. They are potentially fundamental mechanisms for generating the wide compositional variation observed in mid-ocean ridge basalts. We furthermore propose that such processes operate at both slow- and fast-spreading ocean ridges. Thermal numerical modeling shows that the degree of lower crustal partial melting at slow-spreading ridges can locally increase up to 50%, but the overall crustal melt volume is low (less than ca. 5% of total mantle-derived and crustal melts; ca. 20% in fast-spreading ridges).</p


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    <p>Successive magma batches underplate, ascend, stall and erupt along spreading ridges, building the oceanic crust. It is therefore important to understand the processes and conditions under which magma differentiates at mid ocean ridges. Although fractional crystallization is considered to be the dominant mechanism for magma differentiation, open-system igneous complexes also experience Melting-Assimilation-Storage-Hybridization (MASH, Hildreth and Moorbath, 1988) processes. Here, we examine crystal-scale records of partial melting in lower crustal gabbroic cumulates from the slow-spreading Atlantic oceanic ridge (Kane Megamullion; collected with Jason ROV) and the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise (Hess Deep; IODP expedition 345). Clinopyroxene oikocrysts in these gabbros preserve marked intra-crystal geochemical variations that point to crystallization-dissolution episodes in the gabbro eutectic assemblage. Kane Megamullion and Hess Deep clinopyroxene core1 primocrysts and their plagioclase inclusions indicate crystallization from high temperature basalt (>1,160 and >1,200°C, respectively), close to clinopyroxene saturation temperature (<50% and <25% crystallization). Step-like compatible Cr (and co-varying Al) and incompatible Ti, Zr, Y and rare earth elements (REE) decrease from anhedral core1 to overgrown core2, while Mg# and Sr/Sr<sup>*</sup> ratios increase. We show that partial resorption textures and geochemical zoning result from partial melting of REE-poor lower oceanic crust gabbroic cumulate (protolith) following intrusion by hot primitive mantle-derived melt, and subsequent overgrowth crystallization (refertilization) from a hybrid melt. In addition, toward the outer rims of crystals, Ti, Zr, Y and the REE strongly increase and Al, Cr, Mg#, Eu/Eu<sup>*</sup>, and Sr/Sr<sup>*</sup> decrease, suggesting crystallization either from late-stage percolating relatively differentiated melt or from in situ trapped melt. Intrusion of primitive hot reactive melt and percolation of interstitial differentiated melt are two distinct MASH processes in the lower oceanic crust. They are potentially fundamental mechanisms for generating the wide compositional variation observed in mid-ocean ridge basalts. We furthermore propose that such processes operate at both slow- and fast-spreading ocean ridges. Thermal numerical modeling shows that the degree of lower crustal partial melting at slow-spreading ridges can locally increase up to 50%, but the overall crustal melt volume is low (less than ca. 5% of total mantle-derived and crustal melts; ca. 20% in fast-spreading ridges).</p