908 research outputs found


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    Abstract Spatial data have become very important phenomena within the last decade in Europe due to a strong support from the political spectrum with regard to related legislation and resulting in financial support to several research, educational, and enlargement projects. INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community) Directive indeed defines the principles for the harmonization of spatial data infrastructure in the European community, including Land Use and Land Cover data themes. INSPIRE defines a methodology on how to transform datasets to common data models, but it does not cover the process of data collection and update, because it is out of its scope. Evaluation of the Land Use dataset derived from remote sensing products complemented by fieldworks has been realized since 2006 by Eurostat within the LUCAS (Land Use and Cover Area frame Survey) project. The work presented in this paper follows the LUCAS fieldwork methodology, which was applied during the fieldwork in July 2014 in the City of Zagreb (Croatia), to use at the local (municipal) geoportal level. The surveying groups collected point features with the following data type attributes: Land Use codes defined by HILUCS (Hierarchical INSPIRE Land Use Classification System) and optional Land Cover codes defined by LUCAS classification. In addition, photographs representing the observed areas were collected by cameras embedded in the mobile GIS platforms. An update of original topological layer was performed and Web GIS components for sharing the newly developed datasets were implemented. The results presented provide a suitable proposal for fieldworks methodology and updates of a land use database in line with the INSPIRE directive applicable at a local spatial data infrastructure level

    Advanced Editor of VHDL Files

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    Tato bakálářská práce se zabývá vývojem aplikace, která umožňuje návrháři číslicových obvodů snadněji vkládat a propojovat jednotlivé komponenty VHDL entity. Práce vysvětluje základní principy jazyka VHDL a způsob, jakým se v jazyce VHDL číslicové systémy popisují. Dále jde zde nastíněna problematika syntetizovatelných šablon a jsou vysvětleny důvody jejich používání. V dalších částech práce je popsán návrh a způsob implementace editoru, který poskytuje uživateli možnost snadnější práce na návrhu pomocí grafického prostředí, které editor obsahuje.This bachelor's thesis deals with an evolution of an application, with which the designer of digital systems can insert and connect components of VHDL entity easier. You can find an introduction to the VHDL language here and the ways how to design digital systems with VHDL. The reasons of using synthesizable templates will be described. Next part is a description of a design and an implementation of an editor, which makes it easy to design by an graphic interface.

    Cechy szczególne kształcenia dzieci muzułmańskich w Republice Czeskiej

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    The paper tackles the requirements of the Muslim children’s parents on a change of the form of their teaching in various types of schools in the Czech Republic and the way in which the schools cope with these requirements.3837738323Studia Edukacyjn


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    Socha s názvem Katedrála je přirozeným pokračováním mé tvorby, ve které se zabývám organickým tvaroslovím krajiny, a to jak detaily, tak velkolepými kompozicemi, které se v krajině vyskytují.Stejně jako u většiny autorů je i moje tvůrčí činnost reflexí mého okolí, jak osobního, tak okolí v geografickém smyslu. Propojením těchto aspektů vznikají impulzy k tvorbě. V případě sochy s názvem Katedrála se jedná o ztvárnění velmi silného dojmu z vertikality, která v krajině dominuje. Pravidelným střetáváním se zdánlivě obyčejnými přírodními objekty, jako jsou stromy, půdní reliéfy či kopce a reliéfy krajiny jako takovými, jsem se dostal do pomyslného dialogu, na který jsem se rozhodl odpovědět touto sochou a zároveň ztvárnit již zmíněný dojem. Tento pocit je pro mě identicky přirovnatelný k situaci, kdy divák stane před stavbou vrcholné gotiky a snaží se pojmout gigantický tvar, který stojí před ním. Jeho vrchol se mu zdá tak vzdálený, jakoby neměl konce, a široká základna je jakési znamení jistoty ve formě stability. Paralelu mezi těmito zdánlivě odlišnými tématy jsem nemohl opomenout, a proto jsem se rozhodl sochu nazvat Katedrála. V této práci, stejně jako v těch předchozích, se snažím dostat do soch organický ráz za pomoci deformace materiálů, čili v zásadě drapérie. Tužením elastických materiálů se snažím vytvářet v sochách ono napětí, které mě v přírodě fascinuje a vytváří dojem růstu, který je v krajině jedním z nejsilnějších motivů. Tvarová pestrost, jaká je v krajině, je podle mého nevyčerpatelným zdrojem inspirace a stala se v poslední době prostorem, který mě naplňuje. Při vnímání různorodých aspektů uvolňuji prostor své fantazii a stavím pomyslné kompozice, jež by pak měly být identickým vyjádřením pociťovaných dojmů.The statue called The Cathedral is a natural extension of my work, which deals with organic morphology of the landscape, both the details and grand compositions, which in the countryside vyskytují.Stejně like most authors is my creative work reflection of my surroundings, both personal so near in geographical terms. Integrating these aspects arise impetus to creation. In the case of sculptures entitled The Cathedral is a rendering of the very strong impression of verticality, which dominates the landscape. Regularly clashing with seemingly ordinary natural objects such as trees, soil, hills or reliefs and reliefs such as landscapes, I got into an imaginary dialogue, which I decided to answer this statue and also portray already mentioned impressed. This feeling is for me identically comparable to a situation where the viewer stands in front of the high Gothic building and trying to accommodate the shape of a giant who stands before him. Its peak, it seems so distant, as if no end, and the broad base is a kind of sign of confidence in the form of stability. Parallels between these seemingly different topics I could not miss, so I decided to call the statue Cathedral. In this work, as in previous ones, I try to get into organic sculptures character with the help of the deformation of materials, or basically draping. Compacting elastic materials to try to create the statues of the tension that fascinates me in nature and creates the impression of growth, which is in the countryside of one of the strongest motives. Shape diversity, which is in the landscape, in my inexhaustible source of inspiration and has become lately a space that fills me. When I release the perception of various aspects of your imagination and build imaginary composition, which would then be identical expression perceived impressions.

    Entrepreneurial intention of business development

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou problémů současného stavu společnosti NTC s.r.o. a jejího okolí. Na základě zjištěných skutečností obsahuje návrh komplexního řešení, rozvoje a zlepšení postavení společnosti, který by měl pomoci upevnit její pozici na trhu.This Master’s thesis deals with the analysis problem of current situation in a company NTC s.r.o. and its environment. On the basis of findings, the work includes complex solution strategy, development and improvement company position, which should had help establish firm and fix her position on market.

    A Visit to the Buddhist Temple of Chicago

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    After learning about the holy doctrine and scriptures of many east Asian religions, I settled on learning more about Buddhism through visitation and study of the Buddhist Temple of Chicago. There is a particular focus on the practice and personal faith of each specific individual and the relationships between the individual, Buddhism, and Chicago/the US. I dive into the history of the temple and how it has grown to be a core factor in the community


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    The present research presents a comparative analysis between experiments conducted with basic equipment for a portable INSIZE ISR - C002 roughness tester and a specially made for the purpose attachment to the device. An analysis is made of the proposed basic device for working with a portable roughness tester INSIZE ISR - C002, and its shortcomings have been determined. In order to facilitate the operator\u27s work with the device and obtain more accurate results, a special device is developed. It is designed using CAD/CAM products and manufactured using additive printing (3D printing). The additive printing technology used reduces its cost. The manufactured device is analyzed and its advantages and disadvantages are determined. Experiments are conducted with both devices and a comparative analysis of the obtained results is made. An analysis of the measurement system (MSA) is made, through which the results of the conducted experiments were analyzed. The comparative analysis shows a number of advantages of the new device compared to the basic one, which provide a basis for the formulated conclusions and recommendations.


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    Agile methodologies embrace project management methods, techniques and tools that seek to continuously improve products; ensure the agility of project scope, performance of self-organizing teams and the release of quality products. Scrum and Kanban are two of the most popular agile methodologies which IT companies use to develop software products and improve the management of their business processes. The aim of this paper is to suggest an agile methodology that combines Scrum and Kanban elements and techniques. The methodology has been deployed in the Customer Service Department of an IT company in order to improve team management and optimize the performance of the department. In result of employing the suggested agile methodology to the management of business processes in the department, a high degree of awareness about the progress of ongoing tasks has been achieved