19 research outputs found

    Quantitative analysis of the human T cell palmitome

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    Palmitoylation is a reversible post-translational modification used to inducibly compartmentalize proteins in cellular membranes, affecting the function of receptors and intracellular signaling proteins. The identification of protein “palmitomes” in several cell lines raises the question to what extent this modification is conserved in primary cells. Here we use primary T cells with acyl-biotin exchange and quantitative mass spectrometry to identify a pool of proteins previously unreported as palmitoylated in vivo

    Dynamic palmitoylation events following T-cell receptor signaling

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    Palmitoylation is the reversible addition of palmitate to cysteine via a thioester linkage. The reversible nature of this modification makes it a prime candidate as a mechanism for regulating signal transduction in T-cell receptor signaling. Following stimulation of the T-cell receptor we find a number of proteins are newly palmitoylated, including those involved in vesicle-mediated transport and Ras signal transduction. Among these stimulation-dependent palmitoylation targets are the v-SNARE VAMP7, important for docking of vesicular LAT during TCR signaling, and the largely undescribed palmitoyl acyltransferase DHHC18 that is expressed in two isoforms in T cells. Using our newly developed On-Plate Palmitoylation Assay (OPPA), we show DHHC18 is capable of palmitoylating VAMP7 at Cys183. Cellular imaging shows that the palmitoylation-deficient protein fails to be retained at the Golgi and to localize to the immune synapse upon T cell activation

    Adhesion and Degranulation Promoting Adapter Protein (ADAP) Is a Central Hub for Phosphotyrosine-Mediated Interactions in T Cells

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    TCR stimulation leads to an increase in cellular adhesion among other outcomes. The adhesion and degranulation promoting adapter protein (ADAP) is known to be rapidly phosphorylated after T cell stimulation and relays the TCR signal to adhesion molecules of the integrin family. While three tyrosine phosphorylation sites have been characterized biochemically, the binding capabilities and associated functions of several other potential phosphotyrosine motifs remain unclear. Here, we utilize in vitro phosphorylation and mass spectrometry to map novel phosphotyrosine sites in the C-terminal part of human ADAP (486–783). Individual tyrosines were then mutated to phenylalanine and their relevance for cellular adhesion and migration was tested experimentally. Functionally important tyrosine residues include two sites within the folded hSH3 domains of ADAP and two at the C-terminus. Furthermore, using a peptide pulldown approach in combination with stable isotope labeling in cell culture (SILAC) we identified SLP-76, PLCγ, PIK3R1, Nck, CRK, Gads, and RasGAP as phospho-dependent binding partners of a central YDDV motif of ADAP. The phosphorylation-dependent interaction between ADAP and Nck was confirmed by yeast two-hybrid analysis, immunoprecipitation and binary pulldown experiments, indicating that ADAP directly links integrins to modulators of the cytoskeleton independent of SLP-76

    The guanine-nucleotide exchange factor CalDAG GEFI fine-tunes functional properties of regulatory T cells

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    Using quantitative phosphopeptide sequencing of unstimulated versus stimulated primary murine Foxp3(+) regulatory and Foxp3(-) conventional T cells (Tregs and Tconv, respectively), we detected a novel and differentially regulated tyrosine phosphorylation site within the C1 domain of the guanine-nucleotide exchange factor CalDAG GEFI. We hypothesized that the Treg-specific and activation-dependent reduced phosphorylation at Y523 allows binding of CalDAG GEFI to diacylglycerol, thereby impacting the formation of a Treg-specific immunological synapse. However, diacylglycerol binding assays of phosphomutant C1 domains of CalDAG GEFI could not confirm this hypothesis. Moreover, CalDAG GEFI(-/-) mice displayed normal Treg numbers in thymus and secondary lymphoid organs, and CalDAG GEFI(-/-) Tregs showed unaltered in vitro suppressive capacity when compared to CalDAG GEFI(+/+) Tregs. Interestingly, when tested in vivo, CalDAG GEFI(-/-) Tregs displayed a slightly reduced suppressive ability in the transfer colitis model when compared to CalDAG GEFI(+/+) Tregs. Additionally, CRISPR-Cas9-generated CalDAG GEFI(-/-) Jurkat T cell clones showed reduced adhesion to ICAM-1 and fibronectin when compared to CalDAG GEFI-competent Jurkat T cells. Therefore, we speculate that deficiency in CalDAG GEFI impairs adherence of Tregs to antigen-presenting cells, thereby impeding formation of a fully functional immunological synapse, which finally results in a reduced suppressive potential

    Filamin A Phosphorylation at Serine 2152 by the Serine/Threonine Kinase Ndr2 Controls TCR-Induced LFA-1 Activation in T Cells

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    The integrin LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18) plays a critical role in the interaction of T cells with antigen presenting cells (APCs) to promote lymphocyte differentiation and proliferation. This integrin can be present either in a closed or in an open active conformation and its activation upon T-cell receptor (TCR) stimulation is a critical step to allow interaction with APCs. In this study we demonstrate that the serine/threonine kinase Ndr2 is critically involved in the initiation of TCR-mediated LFA-1 activation (open conformation) in T cells. Ndr2 itself becomes activated upon TCR stimulation and phosphorylates the intracellular integrin binding partner Filamin A (FLNa) at serine 2152. This phosphorylation promotes the dissociation of FLNa from LFA-1, allowing for a subsequent association of Talin and Kindlin-3 which both stabilize the open conformation of LFA-1. Our data suggest that Ndr2 activation is a crucial step to initiate TCR-mediated LFA-1 activation in T cells

    The Multiple Roles of the Cytosolic Adapter Proteins ADAP, SKAP1 and SKAP2 for TCR/CD3 -Mediated Signaling Events

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    T cells are the key players of the adaptive immune response. They coordinate the activation of other immune cells and kill malignant and virus-infected cells. For full activation T cells require at least two signals. Signal 1 is induced after recognition of MHC/peptide complexes presented on antigen presenting cells (APCs) by the clonotypic TCR (T-cell receptor)/CD3 complex whereas Signal 2 is mediated via the co-stimulatory receptor CD28, which binds to CD80/CD86 molecules that are present on APCs. These signaling events control the activation, proliferation and differentiation of T cells. In addition, triggering of the TCR/CD3 complex induces the activation of the integrin LFA-1 (leukocyte function associated antigen 1) leading to increased ligand binding (affinity regulation) and LFA-1 clustering (avidity regulation). This process is termed “inside-out signaling”. Subsequently, ligand bound LFA-1 transmits a signal into the T cells (“outside-in signaling”) which enhances T-cell interaction with APCs (adhesion), T-cell activation and T-cell proliferation. After triggering of signal transducing receptors, adapter proteins organize the proper processing of membrane proximal and intracellular signals as well as the activation of downstream effector molecules. Adapter proteins are molecules that lack enzymatic or transcriptional activity and are composed of protein-protein and protein-lipid interacting domains/motifs. They organize and assemble macromolecular complexes (signalosomes) in space and time. Here, we review recent findings regarding three cytosolic adapter proteins, ADAP (Adhesion and Degranulation-promoting Adapter Protein), SKAP1 and SKAP2 (Src Kinase Associated Protein 1 and 2) with respect to their role in TCR/CD3-mediated activation, proliferation and integrin regulation

    Analysis of Phosphorylation-dependent Protein Interactions of Adhesion and Degranulation Promoting Adaptor Protein (ADAP) Reveals Novel Interaction Partners Required for Chemokine-directed T cell Migration

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    Stimulation of T cells leads to distinct changes of their adhesive and migratory properties. Signal propagation from activated receptors to integrins depends on scaffolding proteins such as the adhesion and degranulation promoting adaptor protein (ADAP)1. Here we have comprehensively investigated the phosphotyrosine interactome of ADAP in T cells and define known and novel interaction partners of functional relevance. While most phosphosites reside in unstructured regions of the protein, thereby defining classical SH2 domain interaction sites for master regulators of T cell signaling such as SLP76, Fyn-kinase, and NCK, other binding events depend on structural context. Interaction proteomics using different ADAP constructs comprising most of the known phosphotyrosine motifs as well as the structured domains confirm that a distinct set of proteins is attracted by pY571 of ADAP, including the ζ-chain-associated protein kinase of 70 kDa (ZAP70). The interaction of ADAP and ZAP70 is inducible upon stimulation either of the T cell receptor (TCR) or by chemokine. NMR spectroscopy reveals that the N-terminal SH2 domains within a ZAP70-tandem-SH2 construct is the major site of interaction with phosphorylated ADAP-hSH3N and microscale thermophoresis (MST) indicates an intermediate binding affinity (Kd = 2.3 ΌM). Interestingly, although T cell receptor dependent events such as T cell/antigen presenting cell (APC) conjugate formation and adhesion are not affected by mutation of Y571, migration of T cells along a chemokine gradient is compromised. Thus, although most phospho-sites in ADAP are linked to T cell receptor related functions we have identified a unique phosphotyrosine that is solely required for chemokine induced T cell behavior

    D120 and K152 within the PH domain of T cell adapter SKAP55 regulate plasma membrane targeting of SKAP55 and LFA-1 affinity modulation in human T lymphocytes.

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    The ÎČ2-integrin lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) is needed for T cell receptor (TCR) induced activation of LFA-1 to promote T cell adhesion and interaction with antigen presenting cells (APCs). LFA-1-mediated cell-cell interactions are critical for proper T cell differentiation and proliferation. The Src Kinase-Associated Phosphoprotein of 55 kDa (SKAP55) is a key regulator of TCR-mediated LFA-1 signaling (inside-out/outside-in signaling). To gain understanding of how SKAP55 controls TCR-mediated LFA-1 activation, we assessed the functional role of its Pleckstrin Homology (PH) domain. We identified two critical amino acid residues within the PH domain of SKAP55, aspartic acid 120 (D120) and lysine 152 (K152). D120 facilitates retention of SKAP55 in the cytoplasm of non-stimulated T cells while K152 promotes SKAP55 membrane recruitment via Actin binding upon TCR-triggering. Importantly, the K152-dependent interaction of the PH domain with Actin promotes the binding of Talin to LFA-1 thus facilitating LFA-1 activation. These data suggest that K152 and D120 within the PH domain of SKAP55 regulate plasma membrane targeting and TCR-mediated activation of LFA-1

    The ADAP/SKAP55 Signaling Module Regulates T-Cell Receptor-Mediated Integrin Activation through Plasma Membrane Targeting of Rap1

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    International audienceAdhesion of T cells after stimulation of the T-cell receptor (TCR) is mediated via signaling processes that have collectively been termed inside-out signaling. The molecular basis for inside-out signaling is not yet completely understood. Here, we show that a signaling module comprising the cytosolic adapter proteins ADAP and SKAP55 is involved in TCR-mediated inside-out signaling and, moreover, that the interaction between ADAP and SKAP55 is mandatory for integrin activation. Disruption of the ADAP/SKAP55 module leads to displacement of the small GTPase Rap1 from the plasma membrane without influencing its GTPase activity. These findings suggest that the ADAP/SKAP55 complex serves to recruit activated Rap1 to the plasma membrane. In line with this hypothesis is the finding that membrane targeting of the ADAP/SKAP55 module induces T-cell adhesion in the absence of TCR-mediated stimuli. However, it appears as if the ADAP/SKAP55 module can exert its signaling function outside of the classical raft fraction of the cell membrane