11 research outputs found

    Pilonidalni sinus interdigitalnog prostora Ŕake

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    Pilonidal disease is an acquired skin disease, usually in the sacrococcygeal region, rarely in the umbilical or intermammary region. It occurs as an abscess, cyst, or sinus. The considered cause is folliculitis caused by hair indentation into the follicles. Interdigital pilonidal sinus is a rare professional disease of hairdressers, barbers, and dog groomers. Short-cut hair is sharp, electrostatic, and adhesive, so it easily perforates and lags in the interdigital epidermis.Pilonidalna bolest stečena je bolest kože najčeŔće sakrokokcigealne regije, rjeđe umbilikalno ili intermamarno. Javlja se u obliku apscesa, ciste ili sinusa, a uzrokom se smatra folikulitis nastao uvlačenjem dlaka u folikule. Pilonidalni sinus smjeÅ”ten interdigitalno rijetka je profesionalna bolest frizera, brijača i njegovatelja pasa. Kratka odrezana dlaka izrazito je oÅ”tra te se ponaÅ”a elektrostatski i adhezivno, stoga lako perforira i zaostaje u interdigitalnom epidermisu

    Bypassing major venous occlusion and duodenal lesions in rats, and therapy with the stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157, L-NAME and L-arginine

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    AIM: To investigate whether duodenal lesions induced by major venous occlusions can be attenuated by BPC 157 regardless nitric oxide (NO) system involvement. ----- METHODS: Male Wistar rats underwent superior anterior pancreaticoduodenal vein (SAPDV)-ligation and were treated with a bath at the ligated SAPDV site (BPC 157 10 Ī¼g, 10 ng/kg per 1 mL bath/rat; L-NAME 5 mg/kg per 1 mL bath/rat; L-arginine 100 mg/kg per 1 mL bath/rat, alone and/or together; or BPC 157 10 Ī¼g/kg instilled into the rat stomach, at 1 min ligation-time). We recorded the vessel presentation (filled/appearance or emptied/disappearance) between the 5 arcade vessels arising from the SAPDV on the ventral duodenum side, the inferior anterior pancreaticoduodenal vein (IAPDV) and superior mesenteric vein (SMV) as bypassing vascular pathway to document the duodenal lesions presentation; increased NO- and oxidative stress [malondialdehyde (MDA)]-levels in duodenum. ----- RESULTS: Unlike the severe course in the SAPDV-ligated controls, after BPC 157 application, the rats exhibited strong attenuation of the mucosal lesions and serosal congestion, improved vessel presentation, increased interconnections, increased branching by more than 60% from the initial value, the IAPDV and SMV were not congested. Interestingly, after 5 min and 30 min of L-NAME and L-arginine treatment alone, decreased mucosal and serosal duodenal lesions were observed; their effect was worsened at 24 h, and no effect on the collateral vessels and branching was seen. Together, L-NAME+L-arginine antagonized each other's response, and thus, there was an NO-related effect. With BPC 157, all SAPDV-ligated rats receiving L-NAME and/or L-arginine appeared similar to the rats treated with BPC 157 alone. Also, BPC 157 in SAPDV-ligated rats normalized levels of NO and MDA, two oxidative stress markers, in duodenal tissues. ----- CONCLUSION: BPC 157, rapidly bypassing occlusion, rescued the original duodenal flow through IAPDV to SMV flow, an effect related to the NO system and reduction of free radical formation

    Koliko je učenje o koriŔtenju medicinskih informacija zastupljeno u dodiplomskoj i postdiplomskoj edukaciji?

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    Izlaganje na konferenciji MICC 2009 - Poduka u srediŔtu na tematiku učenja o koriŔtenju medicinskih informacija u dodiplomskoj i postdiplomskoj edukacij

    Koliko je učenje o koriŔtenju medicinskih informacija zastupljeno u dodiplomskoj i postdiplomskoj edukaciji?

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    Izlaganje na konferenciji MICC 2009 - Poduka u srediŔtu na tematiku učenja o koriŔtenju medicinskih informacija u dodiplomskoj i postdiplomskoj edukacij

    Gallbladder cancer

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    Gallbladder cancer is the fifth most common cancer involving gastrointestinal tract, but it is the most common malignancy of the biliary tract, accounting for 80-95% of biliary tract cancers. This tumor is a highly lethal disease with an overall 5-year survival of less than 5% and mean survival mere than 6 months. An early diagnosis is essential as this malignancy progresses silently with a late diagnosis. The percentage of patients diagnosed to have gallbladder cancer after simple cholecystectomy for presumed gallbladder stone disease is 0.5-1.5%. Patients with preoperative suspicion of gallbladder cancer should not be treated by laparoscopy. Epidemiological studies have identified striking geographic and ethnic disparities-inordinately high occurrence in American Indians, elevated in Southeast Asia, yet quite low elsewhere in the Americas and the world. Environmental triggers play a critical role in eliciting cancer developing in the gallbladder, best exemplified by cholelithiasis and chronic inflammation from biliary tract and parasitic infections. Improved imaging modalities and improved radical aggressive surgical approach in the last decade has improved outcomes and helped prolong survival in patients with gallbladder cancer. The overall 5-year survival for patients with gallbladder cancer who underwent R0 curative resection was from 21% to 69%. In the future, the development of potential diagnostic markers for disease will yield screening opportunities for those at risk either with ethnic susceptibility or known anatomic anomalies of the biliary tract

    The laparoscopic liver resections-an initial experience and the literature review

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    The laparoscopic liver resection (LLR) represents a new pathway in hepatic surgery. Several studies have reported its application in both malignant and benign liver diseases. The most common liver resections performed laparoscopically are wedge, segmental resections and metastasectomy; although in large centers the laparoscopic right and left hepatectomies have begun to perform more frequently. We report the initial experience in LLRs at our department including a case of the first laparoscopic left lateral liver bisegmentectomy performed in patient with follicular nodular hyperplasia and the 15 cases of wedge laparoscopic resections of echinococcic liver cysts. According to literature the mortality rate in LLRs is up to 0.3% and morbidity rate up to 10.5%. The most common cause of the death is liver failure, while the most frequent complication is the bile leakage. Advantages for patients include smaller incisions, less blood loss, and shorter lengths of hospital stay. The LLRs in experienced hands were shown to be safe with acceptable morbidity and mortality for both minor and major hepatic resections in benign and malignant diseases

    The surgical treatment of patients with colorectal cancer and liver metastases in the setting of the "liver first" approach

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    A surgical resection is the only curative method in the therapy of colorectal carcinoma and liver metastases. Along with the development of interventional radiological techniques the indications for surgery widen. The number of metastases and patients age should not present a contraindication for surgical resection. However, there are still some doubts concerns what to resect first in cases of synchronous colorectal carcinoma and liver metastases and how to ensure the proper remnant liver volume in order to avoid postoperative liver failure and achieve the best results. Through this review the surgical therapy of colorectal carcinoma and liver metastases was revised in the setting of "liver-first" approach and the problem of ensuring of remnant liver volume

    Potential use of Doppler perfusion index in detection of occult liver metastases from colorectal cancer

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    Many clinical and preclinical studies demonstrated that measurements of liver hemodynamic [Doppler perfusion index (DPI)] may be used to accurately diagnose and predict liver metastases from primary colorectal cancer in a research setting. However, Doppler measurements have some serious limitations when applied to general population. Ultrasound is very operator-dependent, and requires skilled examiners. Also, many conditions may limit the use of Doppler ultrasound and ultrasound in general, such as the presence of air in digestive tract, cardiac arrhythmias, vascular anomalies, obesity and other conditions. Therefore, in spite of the results from clinical studies, its value may be limited in everyday practice. On the contrary, scientific research of the DPI in detection of liver metastases is of great importance, since current research speaks strongly for the presence of systemic vasoactive substance responsible for observed hemodynamic changes. Identification of such a systemic vasoactive substance may lead to the development of a simple and reproducible laboratory test that may reliably identify the presence of occult liver metastases and therefore increase the success of adjuvant chemotherapy through better selection of patients. Further research in this subject is therefore of great importance

    Pilonidalni sinus interdigitalnog prostora Ŕake

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    Pilonidal disease is an acquired skin disease, usually in the sacrococcygeal region, rarely in the umbilical or intermammary region. It occurs as an abscess, cyst, or sinus. The considered cause is folliculitis caused by hair indentation into the follicles. Interdigital pilonidal sinus is a rare professional disease of hairdressers, barbers, and dog groomers. Short-cut hair is sharp, electrostatic, and adhesive, so it easily perforates and lags in the interdigital epidermis.Pilonidalna bolest stečena je bolest kože najčeŔće sakrokokcigealne regije, rjeđe umbilikalno ili intermamarno. Javlja se u obliku apscesa, ciste ili sinusa, a uzrokom se smatra folikulitis nastao uvlačenjem dlaka u folikule. Pilonidalni sinus smjeÅ”ten interdigitalno rijetka je profesionalna bolest frizera, brijača i njegovatelja pasa. Kratka odrezana dlaka izrazito je oÅ”tra te se ponaÅ”a elektrostatski i adhezivno, stoga lako perforira i zaostaje u interdigitalnom epidermisu

    Stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 heals cysteamine-colitis and colon-colon-anastomosis and counteracts cuprizone brain injuries and motor disability

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    Stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 was suggested to link inflammatory bowel disease and multiple sclerosis, and thereby, shown to equally counteract the models of both of those diseases. For colitis, cysteamine (400 mg/kg intrarectally (1 ml/rat)) and colon-colon anastomosis (sacrifice at day 3, 5, 7, and 14) were used. BPC 157 (10 Ī¼g/kg, 10 ng/kg) was applied either intraperitoneally once time daily (first application immediately after surgery, last at 24 hours before sacrifice) or per-orally in drinking water (0.16 Ī¼g/ml/12 ml/day till the sacrifice) while controls simultaneously received an equivolume of saline (5 ml/kg) intraperitoneally or drinking water only (12 ml/day). A multiple sclerosis suited toxic rat model, cuprizone (compared with standard, a several times higher regimen, 2.5% of diet regimen + 1 g/kg intragastrically/day) was combined with BPC 157 (in drinking water 0.16 Ī¼g or 0.16 ng/ml/12 ml/day/rat + 10 Ī¼g or 10 ng/kg intragastrically/day) till the sacrifice at day 4. In general, the controls could not heal cysteamine colitis and colon-colon anastomosis. BPC 157 induced an efficient healing of both at the same time. Likewise, cuprizone-controls clearly exhibited an exaggerated and accelerated damaging process; nerve damage appeared in various brain areas, with most prominent damage in corpus callosum, laterodorsal thalamus, nucleus reunions, anterior horn motor neurons. BPC 157-cuprizone rats had consistently less nerve damage in all damaged areas, especially in those areas that otherwise were most affected. Consistently, BPC 157 counteracted cerebellar ataxia and impaired forelimb function. Thereby, this experimental evidence advocates BPC 157 in both inflammatory bowel disease and multiple sclerosis therapy