2,167 research outputs found

    TFM-Explorer: mining cis-regulatory regions in genomes

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    DNA-binding transcription factors (TFs) play a central role in transcription regulation, and computational approaches that help in elucidating complex mechanisms governing this basic biological process are of great use. In this perspective, we present the TFM-Explorer web server that is a toolbox to identify putative TF binding sites within a set of upstream regulatory sequences of genes sharing some regulatory mechanisms. TFM-Explorer finds local regions showing overrepresentation of binding sites. Accepted organisms are human, mouse, rat, chicken and drosophila. The server employs a number of features to help users to analyze their data: visualization of selected binding sites on genomic sequences, and selection of cis-regulatory modules. TFM-Explorer is available at http://bioinfo.lifl.fr/TFM

    Churn, Baby, Churn: Strategic Dynamics Among Dominant and Fringe Firms in a Segmented Industry

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    This paper integrates and extends the literatures on industry evolution and dominant firms to develop a dynamic theory of dominant and fringe competitive interaction in a segmented industry. It argues that a dominant firm, seeing contraction of growth in its current segment(s), enters new segments in which it can exploit its technological strengths, but that are sufficiently distant to avoid cannibalization. The dominant firm acts as a low-cost Stackelberg leader, driving down prices and triggering a sales takeoff in the new segment. We identify a ā€œchurnā€ effect associated with dominant firm entry: fringe firms that precede the dominant firm into the segment tend to exit the segment, while new fringe firms enter, causing a net increase in the number of firms in the segment. As the segment matures and sales decline in the segment, the process repeats itself. We examine the predictions of the theory with a study of price, quantity, entry, and exit across 24 product classes in the desktop laser printer industry from 1984 to 1996. Using descriptive statistics, hazard rate models, and panel data methods, we find empirical support for the theoretical predictions

    Flexible production and entry: institutional, technological, and organizational determinants

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    Academics, the media, and policymakers have all raised concerns about the implications of human workers being replaced by machines or software. Few have discussed the implications of the reverse: firmsā€™ ability to replace capital with workers. We show that this flexibility can help new firms overcome uncertainty and increase entrepreneurial entry. We develop a simple real options model where permissive labor regulations allow firms to take advantage of capital-labor substitutability by replacing ā€˜rigidā€™ capital with ā€˜flexibleā€™ labor. The model highlights institutional, technological, and organizational preconditions to using this flexibility. Using a large and comprehensive dataset on entry by standalone firms and group affiliates, we provide evidence in support of the model

    Innovation and the creative destruction of trade :Ā a study of the intensive and extensive margins of trade for French firms

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    Our study of French exporters examines the causal relationship between innovation and extensive and intensive margins of trade using a propensity score matching and differenceā€inā€differences approach. Results show innovation has a positive impact on total exports driven primarily through the intensive margin. To understand the absence of an extensive margin effect, we show new and terminated productā€“country transactions increase at similar rates in the year of innovation for the treated and control groups but net trade creation for innovators outstrips that of nonā€innovators in the following two years implying firms need to innovate in order to survive in export markets

    Isospin Dependence in the Odd-Even Staggering of Nuclear Binding Energies

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    The FRS-ESR facility at GSI provides unique conditions for precision measurements of large areas on the nuclear mass surface in a single experiment. Values for masses of 604 neutron-deficient nuclides (30<=Z<=92) were obtained with a typical uncertainty of 30 microunits. The masses of 114 nuclides were determined for the first time. The odd-even staggering (OES) of nuclear masses was systematically investigated for isotopic chains between the proton shell closures at Z=50 and Z=82. The results were compared with predictions of modern nuclear models. The comparison revealed that the measured trend of OES is not reproduced by the theories fitted to masses only. The spectral pairing gaps extracted from models adjusted to both masses, and density related observables of nuclei agree better with the experimental data.Comment: Physics Review Letters 95 (2005) 042501 http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v95/e04250
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