1,246 research outputs found

    Large-scale albuminuria screen for nephropathy models in chemically induced mouse mutants

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    Background/Aim: Phenotype-driven screening of a great pool of randomly mutant mice and subsequent selection of animals showing symptoms equivalent to human kidney diseases may result in the generation of novel suitable models for the study of the pathomechanisms and the identification of genes involved in kidney dysfunction. Methods: We carried out a large-scale analysis of ethylnitrosourea (ENU)-induced mouse mutants for albuminuria by using qualitative SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Results: The primary albuminuria screen preceded the comprehensive phenotypic mutation analysis in a part of the mice of the Munich ENU project to avoid loss of mutant animals as a consequence of prolonged suffering from severe nephropathy. The primary screen detected six confirmed phenotypic variants in 2,011 G1 animals screened for dominant mutations and no variant in 48 G3 pedigrees screened for recessive mutations. Further breeding experiments resulted in two lines showing a low phenotypic penetrance of albuminuria. The secondary albuminuria screen was carried out in mutant lines which were established in the Munich ENU project without preceding primary albuminuria analysis. Two lines showing increased plasma urea levels were chosen to clarify if severe kidney lesions are involved in the abnormal phenotype. This analysis revealed severe albuminuria in mice which are affected by a recessive mutation leading to increased plasma urea and cholesterol levels. Conclusion: Thus, the phenotypic selection of ENU-induced mutants according to the parameter proteinuria in principle demonstrates the feasibility to identify nephropathy phenotypes in ENU-mutagenized mice. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Nonlocality in many-body quantum systems detected with two-body correlators

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    Contemporary understanding of correlations in quantum many-body systems and in quantum phase transitions is based to a large extent on the recent intensive studies of entanglement in many-body systems. In contrast, much less is known about the role of quantum nonlocality in these systems, mostly because the available multipartite Bell inequalities involve high-order correlations among many particles, which are hard to access theoretically, and even harder experimentally. Standard, "theorist- and experimentalist-friendly" many-body observables involve correlations among only few (one, two, rarely three...) particles. Typically, there is no multipartite Bell inequality for this scenario based on such low-order correlations. Recently, however, we have succeeded in constructing multipartite Bell inequalities that involve two- and one-body correlations only, and showed how they revealed the nonlocality in many-body systems relevant for nuclear and atomic physics [Science 344, 1256 (2014)]. With the present contribution we continue our work on this problem. On the one hand, we present a detailed derivation of the above Bell inequalities, pertaining to permutation symmetry among the involved parties. On the other hand, we present a couple of new results concerning such Bell inequalities. First, we characterize their tightness. We then discuss maximal quantum violations of these inequalities in the general case, and their scaling with the number of parties. Moreover, we provide new classes of two-body Bell inequalities which reveal nonlocality of the Dicke states---ground states of physically relevant and experimentally realizable Hamiltonians. Finally, we shortly discuss various scenarios for nonlocality detection in mesoscopic systems of trapped ions or atoms, and by atoms trapped in the vicinity of designed nanostructures.Comment: 46 pages (25.2 + appendices), 7 figure

    Light Hadron Spectroscopy: Theory and Experiment

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    Rapporteur talk at the Lepton-Photon Conference, Rome, July 2001: reviewing the evidence and strategies for understanding scalar mesons, glueballs and hybrids, the gluonic Pomeron and the interplay of heavy flavours and light hadron dynamics. Dedicated to the memory of Nathan Isgur, long-time collaborator and friend, whose original ideas in hadron spectroscopy formed the basis for much of the talk.Comment: to be published in "Lepton Photon 2001 Conference Proceedings" (World Scientific Publishing), 19 pages with 6 figure

    Spontaneous breaking of spatial and spin symmetry in spinor condensates

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    Parametric amplification of quantum fluctuations constitutes a fundamental mechanism for spontaneous symmetry breaking. In our experiments, a spinor condensate acts as a parametric amplifier of spin modes, resulting in a twofold spontaneous breaking of spatial and spin symmetry in the amplified clouds. Our experiments permit a precise analysis of the amplification in specific spatial Bessel-like modes, allowing for the detailed understanding of the double symmetry breaking. On resonances that create vortex-antivortex superpositions, we show that the cylindrical spatial symmetry is spontaneously broken, but phase squeezing prevents spin-symmetry breaking. If, however, nondegenerate spin modes contribute to the amplification, quantum interferences lead to spin-dependent density profiles and hence spontaneously-formed patterns in the longitudinal magnetization.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Radio frequency association of heteronuclear Feshbach molecules

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    We present a detailed analysis of the production efficiency of weakly bound heteronuclear KRb-Feshbach molecules using radio frequency association in a harmonic trap. The efficiency was measured in a wide range of temperatures, binding energies and radio frequencies. A comprehensive analytical model is presented, explaining the observed asymmetric spectra and achieving good quantitative agreement with the measured production rates. This model provides a deep understanding of the molecule association process and paves the way for future experiments which rely on Feshbach molecules e.g. for the production of deeply bound molecules.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    N∗→Nηâ€ČN^*\to N \eta^\prime decays from photoproduction of ηâ€Č\eta^\prime-mesons off protons

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    A study of the partial-wave content of the Îłp→ηâ€Čp\gamma p\to \eta^\prime p reaction in the fourth resonance region is presented, which has been prompted by new measurements of polarization observables for that process. Using the Bonn-Gatchina partial-wave formalism, the incorporation of new data indicates that the N(1895)1/2−N(1895)1/2^-, N(1900)3/2+N(1900)3/2^+, N(2100)1/2+N(2100)1/2^+, and N(2120)3/2−N(2120)3/2^- are the most significant contributors to the photoproduction process. New results for the branching ratios of the decays of these more prominent resonances to Nηâ€ČN\eta^\prime final states are provided; such branches have not been indicated in the most recent edition of the Review of Particle Properties. Based on the analysis performed here, predictions for the helicity asymmetry EE for the Îłp→ηâ€Čp\gamma p\to \eta^\prime p reaction are presented.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    A slow gravity compensated Atom Laser

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    We report on a slow guided atom laser beam outcoupled from a Bose-Einstein condensate of 87Rb atoms in a hybrid trap. The acceleration of the atom laser beam can be controlled by compensating the gravitational acceleration and we reach residual accelerations as low as 0.0027 g. The outcoupling mechanism allows for the production of a constant flux of 4.5x10^6 atoms per second and due to transverse guiding we obtain an upper limit for the mean beam width of 4.6 \mu\m. The transverse velocity spread is only 0.2 mm/s and thus an upper limit for the beam quality parameter is M^2=2.5. We demonstrate the potential of the long interrogation times available with this atom laser beam by measuring the trap frequency in a single measurement. The small beam width together with the long evolution and interrogation time makes this atom laser beam a promising tool for continuous interferometric measurements.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Applied Physics

    Possible glueball production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    Within a thermal model we estimate possible multiplicities of scalar glueballs in central Au+Au collisions at AGS, SPS, RHIC and LHC energies. For the glueball mass in the region 1.5-1.7 GeV, the model predicts on average (per event) 0.5-1.5 glueballs at RHIC and 1.5-4 glueballs at LHC energies. Possible enhancement mechanisms are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Possible production of exotic baryonia in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    Properties of a hypothetical baryonium with the quark content (uds\ov{u}\ov{d}\ov{s}) are discussed. The MIT bag model predicts its mass to be unexpectedly low, approximately 1210 MeV. Possible hadronic decay modes of this state are analyzed. Ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions provide favorable conditions for the formation of such particles from the baryon-free quark-gluon plasma. We estimate multiplicities of such exotic baryonia on the basis of a simple thermal model.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur
