51 research outputs found

    Glucose concentration in capillary blood of dairy cows obtained by a minimally invasive lancet technique and determined with three different hand-held devices

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    Background Dairy cows have a massive demand for glucose at the onset of lactation. A poor adaption to this period leads to an excessive negative energy balance with an increased risk for ketosis and impaired animal health and production. Besides the measurement of ketones, analysing the glucose concentration in blood is reported as helpful instrument for diagnosis and differentiation of ketosis. Monitoring metabolic parameters requires multiple blood sampling. In other species, new blood sampling techniques have been introduced in which small amounts of blood are rapidly analysed using electronic hand-held devices. The objective of this study was to evaluate the suitability of capillary blood for blood glucose measurement in dairy cows using the hand-held devices FreeStyle Precision (FSP, Abbott), GlucoMen LX Plus (GLX, A. Menarini) and the WellionVet GLUCO CALEA, (WGC, MED TRUST). In total, 240 capillary blood samples were obtained from dry and fresh lactating Holstein-Friesian cows. Blood was collected from the skin of the exterior vulva by using a lancet. For method comparison, additional blood samples were taken from a coccygeal vessel and analyzed in a laboratory. Glucose concentrations measured by a standard laboratory method were defined as the criterion standard. Results The Pearson correlation coefficients between the glucose concentrations analyzed in capillary blood with the devices and the reference were 73 % for the FSP, 81 % for the GLX and 41 % for the WGC. Bland- Altman plots showed biases of −18.8 mg/dL for the FSP, -11.2 mg/dL for the GLX and +20.82 mg/dL for the WGC. The optimized threshold determined by a Receiver Operating Characteristics analysis to detect hyperglycemia using the FSP was 43 mg/dL with a sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) of 76 and 80 %. Using the GLX and WGC optimized thresholds were 49 mg/dL (Se = 92 %, Sp = 85 %) and 95 mg/dL (Se = 39 %, Sp = 92 %). Conclusions The results of this study demonstrate good performance characteristics for the GLX and moderate for the FSP to detect hyperglycemia in dairy cows using capillary blood. With the study settings, the WGC was not suitable for determination of glucose concentrations

    Genetic and genomic monitoring with minimally invasive sampling methods

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    Funding: Marie Slodowska Curie Fellowship, (Behaviour-Connect) funded by the EU Horizon2020 program (ELC).The decreasing cost and increasing scope and power of emerging genomic technologies are reshaping the field of molecular ecology. However, many modern genomic approaches (e.g., RAD-seq) require large amounts of high quality template DNA. This poses a problem for an active branch of conservation biology: genetic monitoring using minimally invasive sampling (MIS) methods. Without handling or even observing an animal, MIS methods (e.g. collection of hair, skin, faeces) can provide genetic information on individuals or populations. Such samples typically yield low quality and/or quantities of DNA, restricting the type of molecular methods that can be used. Despite this limitation, genetic monitoring using MIS is an effective tool for estimating population demographic parameters and monitoring genetic diversity in natural populations. Genetic monitoring is likely to become more important in the future as many natural populations are undergoing anthropogenically-driven declines, which are unlikely to abate without intensive adaptive management efforts that often include MIS approaches. Here we profile the expanding suite of genomic methods and platforms compatible with producing genotypes from MIS, considering factors such as development costs and error rates. We evaluate how powerful new approaches will enhance our ability to investigate questions typically answered using genetic monitoring, such as estimating abundance, genetic structure and relatedness. As the field is in a period of unusually rapid transition, we also highlight the importance of legacy datasets and recommend how to address the challenges of moving between traditional and next generation genetic monitoring platforms. Finally, we consider how genetic monitoring could move beyond genotypes in the future. For example, assessing microbiomes or epigenetic markers could provide a greater understanding of the relationship between individuals and their environment.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Multilocus Sequence Typing and Antimicrobial Resistance of Campylobacter jejuni Isolated from Dairy Calves in Austria

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    Human campylobacteriosis is primarily associated with poultry but also cattle. In this study, 55 Campylobacter jejuni strains isolated from 382 dairy calves’ feces were differentiated by multilocus sequence typing and tested for antimicrobial resistance. The most prevalent sequence type (ST) was ST883 (20.0%), followed by ST48 (14.5%), and ST50 (9.1%). In contrast to ST48 and ST50, ST883 has rarely been described in cattle previously. Furthermore, risk factor analysis was performed for the presence of the most prevalent STs in these calves. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the type of farm (organic versus conventional) and calf housing (place, and individual versus group) were identified as significantly (p<0.05) associated with the presence of ST883 in calves, and ST50 was associated with calf diarrhea. Antimicrobial resistance was detected in 58.2% of the isolates. Most of the resistant isolates (81.3%) were resistant to more than one antimicrobial. Most frequently, resistance to ciprofloxacin (49.1%), followed by nalidixic acid with (42.8%), and tetracycline (14.5%) was observed. The results of the present study support the hypothesis that dairy calves may serve as a potential reservoir for Campylobacter jejuni and pose a risk for transmission, including antimicrobial resistant isolates to the environment and to humans

    Phylogenetic Groups and Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in Escherichia coli from Different Meat Species

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    Escherichia coli isolated from meat of different animal species may harbour antimicrobial resistance genes and may thus be a threat to human health. The objectives of this study were to define antimicrobial resistance genes in E. coli isolates from pork, beef, chicken- and turkey meat and analyse whether their resistance genotypes associated with phylogenetic groups or meat species. A total number of 313 E. coli samples were isolated using standard cultural techniques. In 98% of resistant isolates, a dedicated resistance gene could be identified by PCR. Resistance genes detected were tet(A) and tet(B) for tetracycline resistance, strA and aadA1 for streptomycin resistance, sulI and sulII for resistance against sulphonamides, dfr and aphA for kanamycin resistance and blaTEM for ampicillin resistance. One stx1 harbouring E. coli isolated from pork harboured the tet(A) gene and belonged to phylogenetic group B2, whilst another stx1 positive isolate from beef was multi-resistant and tested positive for blaTEM,aphA, strA&ndash;B, sulII, and tet(A) and belonged to phylogenetic group A. In conclusion, the distribution of resistance elements was almost identical and statistically indifferent in isolates of different meat species. Phylogenetic groups did not associate with the distribution of resistance genes and a rather low number of diverse resistance genes were detected. Most E. coli populations with different resistance genes against one drug often revealed statistically significant different MIC values

    Maternal education influences Australian infants’ language experience from six months

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    Disparities in children’s early language skills associated with socioeconomic factors have led to many studies examining children’s early language environments, but few as yet in the first year of life. This longitudinal study assessed the home language environments of 50 Australian infants, who varied in maternal education (university education, or not). Full-day audio recordings were collected and analyzed using the LENA system when infants were aged 6–9 months and 12–15 months. Using the device-specific analysis software, we assessed 12-h projected counts of (1) adult speech input, (2) conversational interactions, and (3) child vocalizations. At both ages, higher maternal education was associated with higher counts of adult words and conversational turns, but not child vocalizations. The study adds to the literature by demonstrating disparities in the infants’ language experience within the first year of life, related to mothers’ education, with implications for early intervention and parenting supports

    Microbiota of newborn calves and their mothers reveals possible transfer routes for newborn calves’ gastrointestinal microbiota

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    The intestinal microbiota of newborns plays an important role in the development of immunity and metabolism. In livestock animals, knowledge of the intestinal microbiota is essential not only to prevent diseases but also to optimize weight gain and performance. The aim of our study was to examine faecal samples repeatedly within the first two days of life using 16S rRNA gene High Throughput Sequencing. Additionally, samples from the mouths of the calves and the vaginas, colostrum, and faeces of the dams were included to evaluate possible sources of the calf faecal microbiota. The calf faecal microbiota was highly variable during the first 48 hours post natum (p.n.). Significant changes were found in species diversity and richness, in copy numbers evaluated by qPCR and in predominant bacteria over time. The most pronounced changes occurred between 6 and 24 hours p.n. All calf faecal samples were dominated by Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae. Cow faecal samples showed significantly higher species richness, diversity, number of observed OTUs, and copy numbers compared to all other samples. OTUs belonging to the family Ruminococcaceae were most abundant in cow faecal and vaginal samples. Colostrum was dominated by Enhydrobacter affiliated OTUs. To identify possible inoculation routes for the calf microbiota, we analysed OTU sharing between samples. The calf microbiota during the first two days of life was clearly distinct from the dam’s faecal microbiota. Furthermore, colostrum microbiota clearly differed from calf and cow faecal microbiota and thus most likely does not play an important role as inoculation source for calf microbiota during the first two days of life. In contrast, the cow vaginal and the calf faecal microbiota were more similar, suggesting that some of the calf faecal microbiota may derive from inoculation from the birth canal during birth.This article is published as Klein-Jöbstl D, Quijada NM, Dzieciol M, Feldbacher B, Wagner M, Drillich M, et al. (2019) Microbiota of newborn calves and their mothers reveals possible transfer routes for newborn calves’ gastrointestinal microbiota. PLoS ONE 14(8): e0220554. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0220554.</p