1,482 research outputs found

    The international transmission of euro area monetary policy shocks

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    This paper analyzes the international transmission effects of euro area monetary policy shocks in to other western European countries, namely the United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, and Norway. For this purpose, we use a structural VAR model of the euro area and augment it consecutively by the foreign variables of interest. We find that a monetary policy shock in the euro area leads to a largely similar change in the interest rate and in GDP in these other western European countries. The effects on their exchange rates are limited and their trade balances usually are unaffected. Our results suggest that the income absorption effect to be more important than the expenditure switching effect in the international transmission of monetary policy and that exchange rate stabilization seems to be of some concern to monetary policy makers in small open economies

    On the look-out for the bear: Predicting stock market downturns in G7 countries

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    The paper examines the informational content of a series of macroeconomic indicator variables with the intention to predict stock market downturns - colloquially also referred to as 'bear markets' - for G7 countries. The sample consists of monthly stock market indices and a set of exogenous indicator variables that are subject to examination, ranging from January 1970 to September 2008. The methodical approach is twofold. In the first step, a modified version of the Bry-Boschan business cycle dating algorithm is used to identify bull and bear markets from the data by creating dummy variable series. In the second step, a substantial number of probit estimations is carried out, by regressing the newly identified dummy variable series on different specifications of indicator variables. By applying widely used in- and out-of-sample measures, the specifications are evaluated and the forecasting performance of the indicators is assessed. The results are mixed. While industrial production, and money stock measures seem to have no predictive power, short and long term interest rates, term spreads as well as unemployment rate exhibit some. Here, it is clearly possible to extract some informational content even three months in advance and so to beat the predictions made by a recursively estimated constant

    Intimate Interactions. Intersektionale Dynamiken als künstlerische Strategie in den Performances von Steven Cohen und IngridMwangiRobertHutter

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    Intersectional approaches in recent feminist theory seek to analyse specific problems of discrimination on the basis of relations between individuals and societal structures. In their performances Steven Cohen and IngridMwangiRobertHutter experiment artistically with possibilities of transgressive identification that are set into arranged interactions with varying audiences. Therefore, their work not only negotiates intersectionality in terms of oppressive structures but also and most notably describes relational and polyphonic dynamics that generate agency and identity within societal frameworks. The essay explores how the artists deal with categories like ethnicity, class, gender and sexuality. Moreover, it examines how norms are subverted or rather alternatively configured through specific situational contexts. Through making visible the interplay between individual modes of expression the artists offer and respective reactions in public space Cohen and MwangiHutter thematise exactly the characterization of the subject as incomplete and negotiable that permanently challenges an intersectional research perspective.Die intersektionalen Ansätze in der neueren feministischen Theorie nehmen vor allem die Analyse spezifischer Probleme von Diskriminierung in den Blick, die das Beziehungsgeflecht zwischen Individuum und gesellschaftlichen Strukturen befragen. In ihren Performances experimentieren Steven Cohen und IngridMwangiRobertHutter mit transgressiven Identifikationsmöglichkeiten, die sich in künstlerisch arrangierten Interaktionen mit unterschiedlichem Publikum abspielen. Ihre Arbeiten verhandeln Intersektionalität also nicht nur im Bezug auf diskriminierende Strukturen, sondern beschreiben auch und vornehmlich die relationalen und multiperspektivischen Dynamiken, die Handlungsoptionen und Identität in soziokulturellen Bezugssystemen generieren. Im vorliegenden Essay wird untersucht, wie die Künstler bzw. Künstlerinnen mit Kategorien von Ethnizität, Klasse, Gender und Sexualität umgehen und wie schließlich die ihnen inhärenten Normen unterlaufen bzw. mehr noch durch bestimmte situative Kontexte alternativ konfiguriert werden. Durch das Sichtbarmachen der Wechselwirkungen zwischen individuellen Ausdrucksformen, die die Künstler bzw. Künstlerinnen anbieten, und entsprechenden Reaktionen im öffentlichen Raum wird genau jene Unvollständigkeit jeder Subjektbeschreibung thematisiert, die in der intersektionalen Forschung den Stoff für Kritik an und die permanente Erweiterung der Forschungsperspektive liefert.

    Intimate Interactions : Intersektionale Dynamiken als künstlerische Strategie in den Performances von Steven Cohen und IngridMwangiRobertHutter

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    Intersectional approaches in recent feminist theory seek to analyse specific problems of discrimination on the basis of relations between individuals and societal structures. In their performances Steven Cohen and IngridMwangiRobertHutter experiment artistically with possibilities of transgressive identification that are set into arranged interactions with varying audiences. Therefore, their work not only negotiates intersectionality in terms of oppressive structures but also and most notably describes relational and polyphonic dynamics that generate agency and identity within societal frameworks. The essay explores how the artists deal with categories like ethnicity, class, gender and sexuality. Moreover, it examines how norms are subverted or rather alternatively configured through specific situational contexts. Through making visible the interplay between individual modes of expression the artists offer and respective reactions in public space Cohen and MwangiHutter thematise exactly the characterization of the subject as incomplete and negotiable that permanently challenges an intersectional research perspective. Die intersektionalen Ansätze in der neueren feministischen Theorie nehmen vor allem die Analyse spezifischer Probleme von Diskriminierung in den Blick, die das Beziehungsgeflecht zwischen Individuum und gesellschaftlichen Strukturen befragen. In ihren Performances experimentieren Steven Cohen und IngridMwangiRobertHutter mit transgressiven Identifikationsmöglichkeiten, die sich in künstlerisch arrangierten Interaktionen mit unterschiedlichem Publikum abspielen. Ihre Arbeiten verhandeln Intersektionalität also nicht nur im Bezug auf diskriminierende Strukturen, sondern beschreiben auch und vornehmlich die relationalen und multiperspektivischen Dynamiken, die Handlungsoptionen und Identität in soziokulturellen Bezugssystemen generieren. Im vorliegenden Essay wird untersucht, wie die Künstler bzw. Künstlerinnen mit Kategorien von Ethnizität, Klasse, Gender und Sexualität umgehen und wie schließlich die ihnen inhärenten Normen unterlaufen bzw. mehr noch durch bestimmte situative Kontexte alternativ konfiguriert werden. Durch das Sichtbarmachen der Wechselwirkungen zwischen individuellen Ausdrucksformen, die die Künstler bzw. Künstlerinnen anbieten, und entsprechenden Reaktionen im öffentlichen Raum wird genau jene Unvollständigkeit jeder Subjektbeschreibung thematisiert, die in der intersektionalen Forschung den Stoff für Kritik an und die permanente Erweiterung der Forschungsperspektive liefert

    Transcriptional Targeting of B Cells for Induction of Peripheral CD8 T Cell Tolerance

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    Abstract Several mechanisms are in place to neutralize autoimmune CD8 T cells by tolerance induction. Developing self-specific CD8 T cells are eliminated in the thymus by Ag-presenting epithelial and dendritic cells (DCs). However, CD8 T cells escaping thymic central tolerance can also be inactivated by tolerance mechanisms in peripheral organs. In contrast to DCs, the role of B cells in generating CD8 T cell tolerance is not well-characterized. To investigate this question in more detail, we transcriptionally targeted Ag to B cells using B cell-specific retroviral vectors in vivo. Although Ag expression could be detected in B cells of thymus, lymph nodes, and spleen, B cells were unable to induce central tolerance of CD8 thymocytes. In contrast, in peripheral organs, we could identify clonal deletion and functional inhibition (anergy) of CD8 T cells as tolerance-inducing mechanisms. Although Ag expressed by B cells was acquired and cross-presented by DCs, B cells were also sufficient to tolerize CD8 T cells directly. These findings suggest exploitation of B cells for Ag-specific immunotherapy of CD8 T cell-mediated autoimmune diseases

    M+D: conceptual guidelines for compiling a materials library

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    This article proposes to present a study conducted by the Raw Materials research group, the results of which comprise the conceptual guidelines for compiling an M+D material library. The study includes the topic, materials and design taking the impact of the changes that came into being in the post industrial era on project methodologies and the search for information regarding materials. Taking into account the importance and complexity that these relationships have taken on currently, we have studied the issue of materials based on Manzini (1983) and Ashby and Johnson (2002). Afterward different databases and materials libraries located in the Brazil, the United States, France and Italy geared toward design professionals and students were analyzed to understand what information and means of access to them were available. The project methodologies were approached based on Löbach (1991), Bürdeck (1994), Schulmann (1994), Baxter (1998), Dantas (1998 and 2005) and Papanek (1995 and 2000). This study sought to identify the key elements of the role of materials in the project process today, to serve as a parameter for the analysis of the models studied. A comparative analysis of the models investigated enabled identification of positive and negative aspects to adapt to the needs previously mentioned and identify conceptual guidelines for compiling a collection of materials for use in design projects. Keywords: Design, Materials, Project Methodology, Library</p

    Die "Natur der Subjekte": Subjektivierungsprozesse im Tanz

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    "Der Körper und damit auch körperlich-sinnliche Erfahrungen und Bewegungen sind wesentliche Elemente zur Konstitution von Subjektivität. Der Vortrag möchte im Rahmen der Sektionssitzung empirische Forschungsergebnisse aus dem DFG-Projekt 'Trans/nationale Identität und körperlich-sinnliche Erfahrung' zu den Subjektivierungspraktiken und -inszenierungen in den beiden Tanzszenen Tango und Salsa vorstellen und deren theoretischen Bezug zu gouvernementalen, biopolitischen und medialen Diskursen problematisieren. Die Ausgangsthese ist, dass die Tanzpraktiken der Tango- und der Salsakultur die neoliberalen Anforderungen an ein bewegliches, flexibles Subjekt in den Zeiten von Individualisierung hervorbringen und erfahrbar machen und zugleich eine Naturalisierung von Körper, Geschlecht und Ethnie (re)produzieren. Die beiden 'lateinamerikanischen' Tanzpraktiken werden über Ursprungsmythen essentialisiert und als 'natürliche' Bewegungspraktiken einer vermeintlich entfremdeten, westlichen Körpererfahrung entgegengesetzt. Anhand des empirischen Materials sollen die Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojektes veranschaulicht und zur Diskussion gestellt werden." (Autorenreferat

    Savouring morality:moral satisfaction renders food of ethical origin subjectively tastier

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    Past research has shown that the experience of taste can be influenced by a range of external cues, especially when they concern food's quality. The present research examined whether food's ethicality – a cue typically unrelated to quality – can also influence taste. We hypothesised that moral satisfaction with the consumption of ethical food would positively influence taste expectations, which in turn will enhance the actual taste experience. This enhanced taste experience was further hypothesised to act as a possible reward mechanism reinforcing the purchase of ethical food. The resulting ethical food-&gt; moral satisfaction-&gt; enhanced taste expectations and experience-&gt; stronger intentions to buy/willingness to pay model was validated across four studies: one large scale international survey (Study 1) and three experimental studies involving actual food consumption of different type of ethical origin - organic (Study 2), fair trade (Study 3a) and locally produced (Study 3b). Furthermore, endorsement of values relevant to the food's ethical origin moderated the effect of food's origin on moral satisfaction, suggesting that the model is primarily supported for people who endorse these values

    Riveter: Measuring Power and Social Dynamics Between Entities

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    Riveter provides a complete easy-to-use pipeline for analyzing verb connotations associated with entities in text corpora. We prepopulate the package with connotation frames of sentiment, power, and agency, which have demonstrated usefulness for capturing social phenomena, such as gender bias, in a broad range of corpora. For decades, lexical frameworks have been foundational tools in computational social science, digital humanities, and natural language processing, facilitating multifaceted analysis of text corpora. But working with verb-centric lexica specifically requires natural language processing skills, reducing their accessibility to other researchers. By organizing the language processing pipeline, providing complete lexicon scores and visualizations for all entities in a corpus, and providing functionality for users to target specific research questions, Riveter greatly improves the accessibility of verb lexica and can facilitate a broad range of future research