9 research outputs found

    Preliminary Engineering Geological Study for the Railway Line Design between Hungary and Slovenia

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    In the valleys a geo-textile 0.5 - 1.0 m foundation of stone spreading and a drain ditch have to be constructed. Additionally, at Nagyrékás, in the region of Balla hill a 1400 m long viaduct with 15 - 18 m deep pile foundation, a 40 m span bridge over a river, a 300 m long tunnel in gravel and clay, along with 9 - 11 m deep cuttings supported by gabionwall in three sections will be completed. More than 50 engineering structures should altogether be established along the whole railway line


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    On the humpy and hilly lands especially as a result of surface transformating constructional activities in the recent decades numerous surface movements took part, that in some eases caused gravy damages. That is why from the seventies the detailed engineering geological-environmental geological regional investigation series had to be made. Our present study summarises the partial results of these investigations

    Engineering Geological Survey for Railway Extension in the Nile Valley

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    Egyptian National Railway (ENR) called for a tender for doubling the railway line Edfu/ Aswan in the mountainous terrain. The engineering geological works were carried out by the authors for MÁVTI Co. Ltd. The study includes two parts El Serag and El Gaafera sections having a length of 6.5 km. One side of the railway track is bordered by steep sandstone cliffs of 30 - 40 m in height that forms the edge of rugged low relief topography often dissected by wades. The other side is on the right bank of the Nile where a narrow flood plain is cultivated and covered by dense vegetation. Several alternatives were studied for the second rail track including tunnel open cut, rock excavation, land bridge and gabion versions. ENR chose the rock excavation version. As a consequence the cliff wall geometry, joint system and rock formations were studied in details. By using these data the necessary rate of rock excavations, the schedule of works, machinery, safety conditions and excavation methods - blasting, swelling cement - were prepared. Finally swelling cement was used by Egyptians. No Hungarian expertise was used during the construction phase

    Peat Exploration for Medical Use

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    An extended swamp was developed in the western foreland of Lake Balaton in the Holocene. The peat has already been explored for hundred years. The peat based product, the HUMET-R syrup became a medicine by the ´90s. Its main component is humin acid that acts as a transporter of trace elements or as a reducer of the excess trace elements of the human body. The aim of the exploration was to delineate medical peat in Keszthely region. By the 84 core drillings of the 190 000 m2 exploration area 367 000 m3 of exploitable peat reserve was found. The peat is divided into three types: mature, fibrous peat (bull liver) and mixed types. The bulk of the reserve belongs to the mixed peat type. It has favourable properties such as 43 - 68 m % of humin acid and 12 - 16 m % of ash content. The groundwater table is at 0.4 - 0.6 m thus it is necessary to drawdown during the periods of exploitation

    Investigating the Mineralogical Composition of Flying Ash Pulps from the Aspect of Waste Quality

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    Nowadays coal-based power plants have still a 25% share in energy production in Hungary. Consequently, professional treatment of the yearly accumulating large volumes of ash/flying ash is an important task from environmental, as well as national economic aspects. Since power plants have gradually switched during the recent years to hybrid-fluid technology, substantial part of sulphur accumulates in fine ash/flying ash. It is important to know in which form the sulphur component becomes absorbed in the flying ash-water pulp of approximately 1:1 mixing ratio. This study presents the thematic as well as temporal evolution of the detailed determination of mineralogical composition

    A Gellért-hegyi sikló mérnökgeológiája

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    A Gellért-hegyre tervezett sikló és a mellette kialakítandó garázs mérnökgeológiai és hidrogeológiai viszonyait mutatja be a cikk. A terület földtani viszonyainak megismerésére 10 magfúrás, kutató aknák készültek. A sikló nyomvonal budai márgában fut, a kőzet felső zónája sárga agyagos, majd ez alatt szürke cementált mészmárga rétegek találhatók. Az eocén márga alatt fúrással feltártuk a hegy fő tömegét alkotó triász dolomitot, amelyben karsztos üregeket mutattak ki a vizsgálatok. A márga dőlése változó a fúrások alapján átlagosan 10-15°-os, de helyenként 30-40°-os meredek dőlésű rétegeket is találtunk. Tektonizáltságára jellemző, hogy réteg menti vetők, csúszólapok tagolhatják, de meredek, 60-75°-os kalcittal részben kitöltött repedéseket is találtunk. A márga felső zónája gyenge (RMR IV. oszt), mélyben fekvő cementált zónája jó (RMR II. oszt) paraméterekkel rendelkező kőzettestnek tekinthető. A 2 éves adatsorok és a vízszint mérések alapján meghatároztuk a maximális várható vízállást

    Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet évkönyve 1973

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    Test results and empirical formulas of rock mechanical parameters of rhiolitic tuff samples from Eger’s cellars

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    Recently, due to population increase in urban areas, underground excavations increasingly influenced the development of cities, parallel with traffic organization. One of the best examples is Eger in North Hungary: several kilometer-long wine-cellars were dug over the centuries beneath the city, which influences further construction; sometimes they present a danger due to the increased weight of surface vehicles as well. Therefore, nowadays the prediction of the stability of these cellars is a question of utmost importance here. The goal of this paper is to statistically analyze the results of strength investigations of the excavated rocks, in order to predict their strength (both compressive and tensile) and Young's modulus. The results of 19 sample blocks are statistically analyzed here in different petrophysical states (air-dry, semi-saturated and fully saturated). The relationships between the different petrophysical constants are also determined and analyzed in this paper. On the basis of these correlations prediction of rock strength has become easier and faster


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    Late Triassic platform and extensional basinal sediments and Eocene shallow self carbonates are mainly covered by Oligocene clays, Pleistocene-Holocene slope sediments in the Rózsadomb area. Eocene carbonates are the host rocks of the extended (25 km) cave system, which passages are primarily tectonically controlled. The fractures and joints of the three major tectonic phases vvere enlarged by ascending thermal waters in the Plio-Pleistocene period. The presence of near surface cave passages raises special problems: hazards of cave collapse, especially when the cover beds are fractured Eocene marls; pollution of karst and related thermal water system from failure of sewer system or cesspits via fissures and cave passages. Damages in built environment are mainly related to landslides of the soaked clayey slope sediments, since in the deeper zones the 'solid' carbonate rocks are stable. The major trigger mechanism of the landslides is the precipitation combined with slope instability (human activity). To reduce the risk of landslides, damages and contaminations the reconstruction and extension of sewer system; the stricter regulations of human impact (control of townplanning regulations); the extension of protection zones and the exploration of the unknown cave system would be necessary