14 research outputs found

    Experimental glomerulonephritis induced by hydrocarbon exposure: A systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Much epidemiological evidence suggests that hydrocarbon exposure may induce glomerulonephritis and worsen its course in many patients. The mechanisms are unknown, however, no specific microscopic pattern has been identified, and it has also been argued that hydrocarbon exposure causes tubular damage mainly. Studying experimental animals may best answer these questions, and as no systematic review of glomerulonephritis produced experimentally by hydrocarbon exposure has been performed previously, I found it relevant to search for and analyse such studies. METHODS: Animal experiments having mimicked human glomerulonephritis by hydrocarbon exposure were sought on Medline and Toxnet RESULTS: Twenty-six experiments using thirteen different hydrocarbons were identified. Several human subtypes were observed including IgA nephritis, mesangial, proliferative and extracapillary glomerulonephritis, focal and focal-segmental sclerosis, minimal change nephropathy, anti-GBM and anti-TBM nephritis, and glomerulonephritis associated with peiarteritis nodosa. Glomerular proteinuria was seen in 10/12 experiments that included urine analyses, and renal failure in 5/8 experiments that included measurements of glomerular function. All experiments resulted in various degrees of tubular damage as well. In most studies, where the animals were examined at different times during or after the exposure, the renal microscopic and functional changes were seen immediately, whereas deposits of complement and immunoglobulins appeared late in the course, if at all. CONCLUSION: These experiments are in accord with epidemiological evidence that hydrocarbon exposure may cause glomerulonephritis and worsen renal function. Probable mechanisms include an induction of autologous antibodies and a disturbance of normal immunological functions. Also, tubular damage may increase postglomerular resistance, resulting in a glomerular deposition of macromolecules. In most models a causal role of glomerular immune complex formation was unlikely, but may rather have been a secondary phenomenon. As most glomerulonephritis subgroups were seen and as some of the hydrocarbons produced more than one subgroup, the microscopic findings in a patient cannot be used as a clue to the causation of his disease. By the same reason, the lack of a specific histological pattern in patients with glomerulonephritis assumed to have been caused by hydrocarbon exposure is not contradictive

    Goodpasture-Syndrom und Benzineinwirkung

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    Symptomatischer h�molytischer Ikterus nach Trinitrotoluolexposition

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    Collisional probes and possible structure of La2C80

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    The soluble molecule La2C80 recently reported by Alvarez et al. exhibits a robustness similar to other fullerenes. It survives intact for ≃10-6s following impact against solid surfaces Si (100) at up to 200 eV, yielding an estimate Ef>4 eV for fragmentation processes. The high threshold for electron emission suggests that the electron affinity in La2C80- is significantly larger than in C60. These facts seem to rule out an external site for either La atom and disfavor a network-site interpretation, and thus favor endohedral (encapsulation) sites. Among the possible cages, the Ih-C80 fullerene appears to be highly favourable for the oxidation state (La3+)2C6-80

    Immunohistochemical expression of fibronectin and C5b-9 in the myocardium in cases of carbon monoxide poisoning.

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    Even if there is clinical evidence that carbon monoxide poisoning determines cardiac damage, the literature on the cardiac pathomorphology in such cases is scarce. We investigated the immunohistochemical expression of two known markers of fresh cardiac damage, fibronectin and the terminal complement complex C5b-9, in both cardiac ventricles in 26 cases of CO intoxication (study group, 15 ♀, 11 ♂, mean age 47 years, mean COHb level 65.9%, min. 51%, max. 85%) compared to a group of 23 cases of hanging (n = 23, 4♀, 19♂, mean age 42 years) as well as to 25 cases of myocardial infarction (n = 25, 13♀, 12♂, mean age 64 years). Fresh cardiac damage was detected with the antibody fibronectin in cases of CO poisoning and was prevalently localised at the right ventricle

    Biological Effects of Acetamide, Formamide, and Their Monomethyl and Dimethyl Derivatives

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