304 research outputs found

    Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a quenched ferromagnetic spinor Bose condensate

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    A central goal in condensed matter and modern atomic physics is the exploration of many-body quantum phases and the universal characteristics of quantum phase transitions in so far as they differ from those established for thermal phase transitions. Compared with condensed-matter systems, atomic gases are more precisely constructed and also provide the unique opportunity to explore quantum dynamics far from equilibrium. Here we identify a second-order quantum phase transition in a gaseous spinor Bose-Einstein condensate, a quantum fluid in which superfluidity and magnetism, both associated with symmetry breaking, are simultaneously realized. 87^{87}Rb spinor condensates were rapidly quenched across this transition to a ferromagnetic state and probed using in-situ magnetization imaging to observe spontaneous symmetry breaking through the formation of spin textures, ferromagnetic domains and domain walls. The observation of topological defects produced by this symmetry breaking, identified as polar-core spin-vortices containing non-zero spin current but no net mass current, represents the first phase-sensitive in-situ detection of vortices in a gaseous superfluid.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Polymerization of lignosulfonates by the laccase-HBT (1-hydroxybenzotriazole) system improves dispersibility

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    The ability of laccases from Trametes villosa (TvL), Myceliophthora thermophila (MtL), Trametes hirsuta (ThL) and Bacillus subtilis (BsL) to improve the dispersion properties of calcium lignosulfonates 398 in the presence of HBT as a mediator was investigated. Size exclusion chromatography showed an extensive increase in molecular weight of the samples incubated with TvL and ThL by 107% and 572% from 28400 Da after 17 h of incubation, respectively. Interestingly, FTIR spectroscopy, 13C NMR and Py-GC/MS analysis of the treated samples suggested no substantial changes in the aromatic signal of the lignosulfonates, a good indication of the ability of TvL/ThL-HBT systems to limit their effect on functional groups without degrading the lignin backbone. Further, the enzymatic treatments led to a general increase in the dispersion properties, indeed a welcome development for its application in polymer blends.Financial support from the BIORENEW EU-project (NMP2-CT-2006-26456), Austrian Academic Exchange Programme (OEAD) and the Spanish projects BIO2007-28720-E, BIO2008-01533, and AGL2008-00709 is acknowledged

    Polymerisation of lignosulfonates by the laccase-HBT (1-hydroxybenzotriazole) system improves dispersibility

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    Prasetyo, Endry Nugroho et al.--The ability of laccases from Trametes villosa (TvL), Myceliophthora thermophila (MtL), Trametes hirsuta (ThL) and Bacillus subtilis (BsL) to improve the dispersion properties of calcium lignosulfonates 398 in the presence of HBT as a mediator was investigated. Size exclusion chromatography showed an extensive increase in molecular weight of the samples incubated with TvL and ThL by 107% and 572% from 28400 Da after 17 h of incubation, respectively. Interestingly, FTIR spectroscopy, 13C NMR and Py-GC/MS analysis of the treated samples suggested no substantial changes in the aromatic signal of the lignosulfonates, a good indication of the ability of TvL/ThL-HBT systems to limit their effect on functional groups without degrading the lignin backbone. Further, the enzymatic treatments led to a general increase in the dispersion properties, indeed a welcome development for its application in polymer blends.Financial support from the BIORENEW EU-project (NMP2-CT-2006-26456), Austrian Academic Exchange Programme (ÖEAD) and the Spanish projects BIO2007-28720-E, BIO2008-01533, and AGL2008-00709 is acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    Vortices in multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We review the topic of quantized vortices in multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates of dilute atomic gases, with an emphasis on that in two-component condensates. First, we review the fundamental structure, stability and dynamics of a single vortex state in a slowly rotating two-component condensates. To understand recent experimental results, we use the coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations and the generalized nonlinear sigma model. An axisymmetric vortex state, which was observed by the JILA group, can be regarded as a topologically trivial skyrmion in the pseudospin representation. The internal, coherent coupling between the two components breaks the axisymmetry of the vortex state, resulting in a stable vortex molecule (a meron pair). We also mention unconventional vortex states and monopole excitations in a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate. Next, we discuss a rich variety of vortex states realized in rapidly rotating two-component Bose-Einstein condensates. We introduce a phase diagram with axes of rotation frequency and the intercomponent coupling strength. This phase diagram reveals unconventional vortex states such as a square lattice, a double-core lattice, vortex stripes and vortex sheets, all of which are in an experimentally accessible parameter regime. The coherent coupling leads to an effective attractive interaction between two components, providing not only a promising candidate to tune the intercomponent interaction to study the rich vortex phases but also a new regime to explore vortex states consisting of vortex molecules characterized by anisotropic vorticity. A recent experiment by the JILA group vindicated the formation of a square vortex lattice in this system.Comment: 69 pages, 25 figures, Invited review article for International Journal of Modern Physics

    Cyclin-dependent kinases 7 and 9 specifically regulate neutrophil transcription and their inhibition drives apoptosis to promote resolution of inflammation

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    Terminally differentiated neutrophils are short-lived but the key effector cells of the innate immune response, and have a prominent role in the pathogenesis and propagation of many inflammatory diseases. Delayed apoptosis, which is responsible for their extended longevity, is critically dependent on a balance of intracellular survival versus pro-apoptotic proteins. Here, we elucidate the mechanism by which the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor drugs such as R-roscovitine and DRB (5,6-dichloro-1-beta--ribofuranosylbenzimidazole) mediate neutrophil apoptosis. We demonstrate (by a combination of microarray, confocal microscopy, apoptosis assays and western blotting) that the phosphorylation of RNA polymerase II by CDKs 7 and 9 is inhibited by R-roscovitine and that specific effects on neutrophil transcriptional capacity are responsible for neutrophil apoptosis. Finally, we show that specific CDK7 and 9 inhibition with DRB drives resolution of neutrophil-dominant inflammation. Thus, we highlight a novel mechanism that controls both primary human neutrophil transcription and apoptosis that could be targeted by selective CDK inhibitor drugs to resolve established inflammation

    Nutrient Availability as a Mechanism for Selection of Antibiotic Tolerant Pseudomonas aeruginosa within the CF Airway

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    Microbes are subjected to selective pressures during chronic infections of host tissues. Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates with inactivating mutations in the transcriptional regulator LasR are frequently selected within the airways of people with cystic fibrosis (CF), and infection with these isolates has been associated with poorer lung function outcomes. The mechanisms underlying selection for lasR mutation are unknown but have been postulated to involve the abundance of specific nutrients within CF airway secretions. We characterized lasR mutant P. aeruginosa strains and isolates to identify conditions found in CF airways that select for growth of lasR mutants. Relative to wild-type P. aeruginosa, lasR mutants exhibited a dramatic metabolic shift, including decreased oxygen consumption and increased nitrate utilization, that is predicted to confer increased fitness within the nutrient conditions known to occur in CF airways. This metabolic shift exhibited by lasR mutants conferred resistance to two antibiotics used frequently in CF care, tobramycin and ciprofloxacin, even under oxygen-dependent growth conditions, yet selection for these mutants in vitro did not require preceding antibiotic exposure. The selection for loss of LasR function in vivo, and the associated adverse clinical impact, could be due to increased bacterial growth in the oxygen-poor and nitrate-rich CF airway, and from the resulting resistance to therapeutic antibiotics. The metabolic similarities among diverse chronic infection-adapted bacteria suggest a common mode of adaptation and antibiotic resistance during chronic infection that is primarily driven by bacterial metabolic shifts in response to nutrient availability within host tissues

    Skeletal muscle properties and fatigue resistance in relation to smoking history

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    Although smoking-related diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), are often accompanied by increased peripheral muscle fatigability, the extent to which this is a feature of the disease or a direct effect of smoking per se is not known. Skeletal muscle function was investigated in terms of maximal voluntary isometric torque, activation, contractile properties and fatigability, using electrically evoked contractions of the quadriceps muscle of 40 smokers [19 men and 21 women; mean (SD) cigarette pack years: 9.9 (10.7)] and age- and physical activity level matched non-smokers (22 men and 23 women). Maximal strength and isometric contractile speed did not differ significantly between smokers and non-smokers. Muscle fatigue (measured as torque decline during a series of repetitive contractions) was greater in smokers (P = 0.014), but did not correlate with cigarette pack years (r = 0.094, P = 0.615), cigarettes smoked per day (r = 10.092, P = 0.628), respiratory function (%FEV1pred) (r = −0.187, P = 0.416), or physical activity level (r = −0.029, P = 0.877). While muscle mass and contractile properties are similar in smokers and non-smokers, smokers do suffer from greater peripheral muscle fatigue. The observation that the cigarette smoking history did not correlate with fatigability suggests that the effect is either acute and/or reaches a ceiling, rather than being cumulative. An acute and reversible effect of smoking could be caused by carbon monoxide and/or other substances in smoke hampering oxygen delivery and mitochondrial function

    Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 9 Activity Regulates Neutrophil Spontaneous Apoptosis

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    Neutrophils are the most abundant leukocyte and play a central role in the immune defense against rapidly dividing bacteria. However, they are also the shortest lived cell in the blood with a lifespan in the circulation of 5.4 days. The mechanisms underlying their short lifespan and spontaneous entry into apoptosis are poorly understood. Recently, the broad range cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor R-roscovitine was shown to increase neutrophil apoptosis, implicating CDKs in the regulation of neutrophil lifespan. To determine which CDKs were involved in regulating neutrophil lifespan we first examined CDK expression in human neutrophils and found that only three CDKs: CDK5, CDK7 and CDK9 were expressed in these cells. The use of CDK inhibitors with differing selectivity towards the various CDKs suggested that CDK9 activity regulates neutrophil lifespan. Furthermore CDK9 activity and the expression of its activating partner cyclin T1 both declined as neutrophils aged and entered apoptosis spontaneously. CDK9 is a component of the P-TEFb complex involved in transcriptional regulation and its inhibition will preferentially affect proteins with short half-lives. Treatment of neutrophils with flavopiridol, a potent CDK9 inhibitor, increased apoptosis and caused a rapid decline in the level of the anti-apoptotic protein Mcl-1, whilst Bcl2A was unaffected. We propose that CDK9 activity is a key regulator of neutrophil lifespan, preventing apoptosis by maintaining levels of short lived anti-apoptotic proteins such as Mcl-1. Furthermore, as inappropriate inhibition of neutrophil apoptosis contributes to chronic inflammatory diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, CDK9 represents a novel therapeutic target in such diseases

    Identification of Biofilm-Associated Cluster (bac) in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Involved in Biofilm Formation and Virulence

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    Biofilms are prevalent in diseases caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an opportunistic and nosocomial pathogen. By a proteomic approach, we previously identified a hypothetical protein of P. aeruginosa (coded by the gene pA3731) that was accumulated by biofilm cells. We report here that a ΔpA3731 mutant is highly biofilm-defective as compared with the wild-type strain. Using a mouse model of lung infection, we show that the mutation also induces a defect in bacterial growth during the acute phase of infection and an attenuation of the virulence. The pA3731 gene is found to control positively the ability to swarm and to produce extracellular rhamnolipids, and belongs to a cluster of 4 genes (pA3729–pA3732) not previously described in P. aeruginosa. Though the protein PA3731 has a predicted secondary structure similar to that of the Phage Shock Protein, some obvious differences are observed compared to already described psp systems, e.g., this unknown cluster is monocistronic and no homology is found between the other proteins constituting this locus and psp proteins. As E. coli PspA, the amount of the protein PA3731 is enlarged by an osmotic shock, however, not affected by a heat shock. We consequently named this locus bac for biofilm-associated cluster
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