2,388 research outputs found

    Employment impacts of cleaner production: evidence from a German study using case studies and surveys

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    The study assesses net employment effects of technical progress which can be expected by the ongoing transition from end-of-pipe technologies towards cleaner production. Empirical evidence is presented on the basis of case studies and panel data including a telephone survey in German industry. The main result ist that cleaner production leads in more firms to a net creation of jobs than end-of-pipe technologies. However, eco-innovations like other innovations tend to require higher qualification. Thus, the demand for skilled and high-skilled labour rises while the demand for unskilled labour decreases. The results imply that supporting cleaner production is not in conflict with labour market policy. Synergies are identified, they are however small and specific. Thus, technology policy in general and supporting cleaner production in particular can not be expected to give substantial contributions to the solution of mass unemployment in Germany without using additional instruments (e.g. concerning a reduction of labour costs, increasing flexibility of labour markets). --

    Employment Impacts of Cleaner Production - Evidence from a German Study Using Case Studies and Surveys

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    The study assesses net employment effects of technical progress which can be expected by the ongoing transition from end-of-pipe technologies towards cleaner production. Empirical evidence is presented on the basis of case studies and panel data including a telephone survey in German industry. The main result ist that cleaner production leads in more firms to a net creation of jobs than end-of-pipe technologies. However, eco-innovations like other innovations tend to require higher qualification. Thus, the demand for skilled and high-skilled labour rises while the demand for unskilled labour decreases. The results imply that supporting cleaner production is not in conflict with labour market policy. Synergies are identified, they are however small and specific. Thus, technology policy in general and supporting cleaner production in particular can not be expected to give substantial contributions to the solution of mass unemployment in Germany without using additional instruments (e.g. concerning a reduction of labour costs, increasing flexibility of labour markets)

    Weder Jobkiller noch Jobwunder

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    Integrierte Uniweltschutztechniken gewinnen international an Bedeutung, weil von ihnen neben ökologischen Vorteilen gleichzeitig auch Impulse fĂŒr den Standortwettbewerb und damit den Arbeitsmarkt erwartet werden. Eine Studie des ZEW liefert erstmals empirisch fundierte Aussagen zu den BeschĂ€ftigungseffekten integrierter Umwelttechnik. Es zeigt sich, daß diese positiv sind, aber ihrem Umfang nach bescheiden ausfallen

    An approach to construct a three-dimensional isogeometric model from ”-CT scan data with an application to the bridge of a violin

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    We present an algorithm to build a ready to use isogeometric model from scan data gained by a ”-CT scan. Based on a three-dimensional multi-patch reference geometry, which includes the major topological features, we fit the outline, then the cross-section and finally the three-dimensional geometry. The key step is to fit the outline, where a non-linear least squares problem is solved with a Gauss-Newton approach presented by Borges and Pastva (2002). We extend this approach by a regularisation and a precise interpolation of selected data points. The resulting NURBS geometry is ready for applying isogeometric analysis tools for efficient numerical simulations. As a particular example we examine the scan data of a violin bridge and present the complete workflow from the ”-CT scan up to the numerical simulation based on isogeometric mortar methods. We illustrate the relevance of the constructed geometry with a vibro-acoustical application

    "Sinn des Lebens" : Systematische Überlegungen im Ausgang von Robert Reininger

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    Die Frage nach dem Sinn des Lebens wird belĂ€chelt, abgewiesen, kritisiert - und immer wieder gestellt, sowohl in der Philosophie und den Einzelwissenschaften wie Psychologie, Theologie, Medizin, Soziologie etc., als auch außerhalb der Wissenschaften, in der Literatur und ganz allgemein in dem, was man Lebenswelt nennt. Die Sinnfrage wird zu Recht gestellt. Sie vermag - individuell aber auch in gesamtgesellschaftlichen ZusammenhĂ€ngen - gleichermaßen Orientierung im und Kritik am Bestehenden zu initiieren. Sie zielt auf "das Ganze" des Menschen in der Welt als Natur und Geschichte, das immer nur fragmentarisch faßbar ist. Wenn sich die vorliegende Arbeit aus philosophischer Perspektive der Frage nach dem Sinn des Lebens stellt, so befindet sie sich an der Schnittstelle von Philosophie als Wissenschaft und Philosophie als Lebenskunst und leistet damit einen Beitrag zu dem heute mehr denn je notwendig gewordenen Transfer philosophischen Denkens ĂŒber die Grenzen des Fachs hinaus. Der erste Teil der Arbeit ist die erste umfassende Monographie, die einen zentralen Gedanken des dem sog. Österreichischen Neukantianis- mus zugerechneten Philosophen Robert Reininger zur Darstellung bringt: die Frage nach dem Sinn des Lebens war fĂŒr Reininger in seinem theoretischen, vor allem aber praktischen Oeuvre - er formulierte sie als Grundfrage der Ethik - maßgebend. Dabei war sein Denken geprĂ€gt von einem PhilosophieverstĂ€ndnis, das Philosophie nicht nur als akademische Wissenschaft, sondern auch im Sinne einer Lebenspraxis verstand. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit erfolgen systematische Überlegungen. Reiningers Pessimismus und der nicht wieder herstellbare Verlust von vorgegebenen Sinngewißheiten - Sinn ist nur vom einzelnen angesichts einer sinn-losen Welt zu setzen - bilden hierfĂŒr das Fundament. Im Zuge der Kritik an Reiningers "egozentrischem" Ansatz wird gezeigt, daß die Frage nach dem Sinn des Lebens nicht - wie dies meist geschieht - allein in den Bereich des Privaten, Persönlichen verlagert werden darf, sondern immer eine gesellschaftlich-politische Dimension hat. Dies erfordert eine Transformation des pessimistischen Ansatzes, was exemplarisch in Rezeption von GedankengĂ€ngen Ernst Blochs entwickelt wird. Die Entfaltung der gesellschaftlich-politischen Dimension der Sinnfrage kann aber nur gelingen, wenn den existierenden EinwĂ€nden begegnet wird. So wird u.a. in einer eingehenden Untersuchung der Versuch von Odo Marquard zurĂŒckgewiesen, die Sinnfrage zu reduzieren. Den pessimistischen Grundansatz ergĂ€nzend und erweiternd, wird dann der Gedanke eines nicht allgemeinen, daher konstruktiven Optimismus entwickelt. Das SpannungsverhĂ€ltnis von individueller Sinngebung und einem nicht vorhandenen, aber immer intendierten Sinn des "Ganzen" wird abschließend neu bestimmt und resultiert in einem PlĂ€doyer fĂŒrs Fragmentarische

    X-ray phase-contrast tomography with a compact laser-driven synchrotron source.

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    Between X-ray tubes and large-scale synchrotron sources, a large gap in performance exists with respect to the monochromaticity and brilliance of the X-ray beam. However, due to their size and cost, large-scale synchrotrons are not available for more routine applications in small and medium-sized academic or industrial laboratories. This gap could be closed by laser-driven compact synchrotron light sources (CLS), which use an infrared (IR) laser cavity in combination with a small electron storage ring. Hard X-rays are produced through the process of inverse Compton scattering upon the intersection of the electron bunch with the focused laser beam. The produced X-ray beam is intrinsically monochromatic and highly collimated. This makes a CLS well-suited for applications of more advanced--and more challenging--X-ray imaging approaches, such as X-ray multimodal tomography. Here we present, to our knowledge, the first results of a first successful demonstration experiment in which a monochromatic X-ray beam from a CLS was used for multimodal, i.e., phase-, dark-field, and attenuation-contrast, X-ray tomography. We show results from a fluid phantom with different liquids and a biomedical application example in the form of a multimodal CT scan of a small animal (mouse, ex vivo). The results highlight particularly that quantitative multimodal CT has become feasible with laser-driven CLS, and that the results outperform more conventional approaches

    Heterogeneity of Graphite Lithiation in State‐of‐the‐Art Cylinder‐Type Li‐Ion Cells

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    The two‐dimensional lithium distribution in the graphite anode was non‐destructively probed by spatially resolved neutron diffraction for a batch consisting of 34 different cylinder‐type (18650) Li‐ion batteries in fully charged state. The uniformity of the lithium distribution was quantified and correlated to the cell specifications/electrochemistry and to intrinsic cell parameters like electrode thickness, position of current collectors, etc. which were obtained by X‐ray micro‐computed tomography. Non‐uniformities in the lithiation state of the anode from a constant plateau have been observed for the majority of the studied cells. Their location corresponds to the positions of current tabs connecting the electrode stripes and areas of incomplete electrode coating at the beginning and the end of the electrode stripes. Four commonly used schemes of current lid connection were identified. Each of them displays its own effect on the uniformity of the lithiation at the anode and, therefore, variation of the intrinsic state‐of‐charge distribution and, most probably, the ageing behavior of the electrodes
