43 research outputs found

    Six billion and counting

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    In 1999 global population surpassed 6 billion people, and this number rises by about 70-80 million people each year. "Six Billion and Counting" examines the consequences of continuing population growth for the world's resource systems and for national and global food security. Leisinger, Schmitt, and Pandya-Lorch offer here a sober analysis of a complex and alarming situation. They assess the progress the world has made in controlling population growth and point to the areas where future difficulties will lie. They describe the effects of rapid population growth on social and economic conditions and on natural resources, and they consider what population growth will mean for the food security of poor people and poor countries. In addition, the authors make clear how the roles of women and children in traditional societies affect birth rates. "Six Billion and Counting" shows that neither the population pessimists, who predict a catastrophic exhaustion of natural resources, nor the population optimists, who foresee technological solutions for all of the problems raised by population growth, offer the most useful approach to this problem. Instead, Leisinger and his coauthors argue that new technologies mitigating the harmful effects of rapid population growth can give the world valuable time to take the complex and multifaceted steps needed to reduce population growth rates to sustainable levels.Population forecasting. ,Population Economic aspects. ,Food security. ,Population Environmental aspects ,Technological innovations. ,Population policy. ,

    The challenge of hunger: The 2008 Global Hunger Index

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    "With high food prices threatening the food security of millions of vulnerable households around the world, hunger and malnutrition are back in the headlines. The world is making only slow progress in reducing food insecurity, according to the Global Hunger Index (GHI). Some regions—in particular South and Southeast Asia, the Near East and North Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean—have made significant headway in combating hunger and malnutrition since 1990, but in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, the GHI remains high. Moreover, progress in Sub-Saharan Africa since 1990 has been marginal. The GHI is a tool developed by IFPRI for regularly tracking the state of global hunger and malnutrition. This year's index reflects data until 2006—the most recent available global data—and does not yet take account of the latest changes in the world food system, in which a number of factors are converging to raise prices for agricultural commodities to their highest levels in decades. Food prices appear likely to remain high in the near term, leading to food and nutrition insecurity for poor people around the globe. In this risky and changing environment, the GHI highlights key trends and the geographic areas of greatest vulnerability." from TextHunger, Undernutrition, Child mortality, Malnutrition in children, Food availability, Indicators, HIV/AIDS, Conflict, war, Developing countries, Transitional economies, Countries in transition, malnutrition, measurement, evaluation,

    High food prices: The what, who, and how of proposed policy actions

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    "The complex causes of the current food and agriculture crisis require a comprehensive response. In view of the urgency of assisting people and countries in need, the first set of policy actions— an emergency package—consists of steps that can yield immediate impact: 1. expand emergency responses and humanitarian assistance to food-insecure people and people threatening government legitimacy, 2. eliminate agricultural export bans and export restrictions, 3. undertake fast-impact food production programs in key areas, and 4. change biofuel policies. A second set of actions—a resilience package—consists of the following steps: 5. calm markets with the use of market-oriented regulation of speculation, shared public grain stocks, strengthened food-import financing, and reliable food aid; 6. invest in social protection; 7. scale up investments for sustained agricultural growth; and 8. complete the Doha Round of World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations. Investment in these actions calls for additional resources. Policymakers should consider mobilizing resources from four sources: the winners from the commodity boom among countries; the community of traditional and new donor countries; direct or indirect progressive taxation and reallocation of public expenditures in the affected countries themselves; and mobilization of private sector finance, including through improved outreach of banking to agriculture. Because of countries' diverse situations, the design of programs must be country driven and country owned. Accountability for sound implementation must also rest with countries. At the same time, a new international architecture for the governance of agriculture, food, and nutrition is needed to effectively implement the initiatives described, and especially their international public goods components. Global and national action is needed, through existing mechanisms, well-coordinated special initiatives, and possibly a special fund." from TextFood prices, Food supply, Food demand, Social protection, Agricultural research, Agricultural policy, Agricultural subsidies,

    Los altos precios de los alimentos: El ‘qué', ‘quién' y ‘cómo' de las acciones de política propuestas

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    "La complejidad de las causas de la actual crisis alimentaria y agrícola requiere de una respuesta integral. En vista de que es urgente prestar asistencia a las poblaciones y los países necesitados, la primera serie de acciones de política —un paquete de emergencia— consiste en varios pasos para generar un impacto inmediato: 1. Incrementar las acciones de emergencia y la ayuda humanitaria para incluir a las poblaciones que experimentan inseguridad alimentaria y a las que amenazan la legitimidad gubernamental; 2. Eliminar la prohibición y las restricciones a las exportaciones agrícolas; 3. Emprender programas que permitan rápidamente expandir la oferta alimentaria en áreas clave; y, 4. Modificar las políticas de los biocombustibles. Una segunda serie de acciones de política —un paquete de resiliencia socioeconómica— consiste en los siguientes pasos: 5. Proveer tranquilidad en los mercados mediante una regulación de los movimientos especulativos a través de instrumentos de mercado, reservas públicas y compartidas de granos, un mayor financiamiento para la importación de alimentos, y una ayuda alimentaria confiable; 6. Invertir en protección social; 7. Incrementar paulatinamente las inversiones para un crecimiento agrícola sostenido; y, 8. Concluir las negociaciones de la Ronda de Doha de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC). La inversión en estas acciones requiere de recursos adicionales. Las instancias decisorias deberán considerar la movilización de recursos provenientes de cuatro fuentes: los países que se han beneficiado del auge de los commodities agrícolas; la comunidad de países donantes, tanto tradicionales como nuevos; impuestos proporcionales, directos o indirectos, y la reasignación del gasto público en los propios países afectados; y la movilización de los recursos financieros del sector privado, lo que incluye una ampliación en la cobertura de los servicios financieros para la agricultura. Debido a las diversas situaciones que enfrentan, los mismos países deben dirigir y apropiarse del diseño de los programas. La rendición de cuentas en cuanto a una implementación acertada también deberá recaer en los países. Al mismo tiempo, se necesita una nueva estructura internacional de gobernabilidad para la agricultura, la alimentación y la nutrición, a fin de implementar de forma eficaz las iniciativas descritas, especialmente los componentes relativos a los bienes públicos internacionales. También es necesaria la acción, tanto en el ámbito mundial como nacional, a través de los mecanismos existentes, iniciativas especiales muy bien coordinadas y posiblemente un fondo especial." from TextFood prices, Food supply, Food demand, Social protection, Agricultural research, Agricultural policy, Agricultural subsidies,

    Hohe Nahrungsmittelpreise: Konzept f �r die Wege aus der Krise

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    "Die vielschichtigen Ursachen der gegenw�rtigen Krise im Bereich der Nahrungsmittelproduktion und Landwirtschaft erfordern eine umfassende globale Antwort. Angesichts der dringend benötigen Hilfe besteht der erste Ma�nahmenkatalog – ein Notfallpaket – aus Programmen, die sofort wirken: 1. Ausweiten der Soforthilfe und der humanit�ren Unterst�tzung f�r Menschen, deren Versorgung nicht gesichert ist, sowie dort, wo die Legitimit�t der Regierung bedroht ist 2. Abschaffung der landwirtschaftlichen Exportverbote und Exportbeschr�nkungen 3. Durchf�hrung von Programmen, die Nahrungsmittelproduktion in wichtigen Regionen steigern und schnell wirksam sind 4. �nderung der Agrar-Treibstoffpolitik Der zweite Ma�nahmenkatalog – ein Nachhaltigkeitspaket – besteht aus folgenden Komponenten: 5. Beruhigung der M�rkte durch marktorientierte Regulierung der Spekulation, Koordination öffentlicher Getreidevorr�te, Finanzierung von Nahrungsmittelimporten und verl�ssliche Nahrungsmittelhilfe in armen L�ndern 6. investieren in Ma�nahmen zur sozialen Absicherung 7. Ausweitung des Investitionsvolumens f�r nachhaltiges landwirtschaftliches Wachstum und 8. erfolgreicher Abschluss der Verhandlungen im Rahmen der Doha Runde der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) Diese Ma�nahmen erfordern zus�tzliche finanzielle Ressourcen. Die Politik sollte daf�r vier Quellen ins Auge fassen: (1) die L�nder, die als Gewinner aus dem Rohstoffboom hervorgegangen sind, (2) die Gemeinschaft der alten und neuen Geberl�nder, (3) direkte oder indirekte progressive Besteuerung und Umschichtung der öffentlichen Ausgaben in den betroffenen L�ndern selbst, (4) Mobilisierung von Finanzmitteln des privaten Sektors, u.a. durch ein verst�rktes Engagement des Bankwesens in der Landwirtschaft. Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Lage, in der sich die L�nder befinden, muss die Planung der Programme vom jeweiligen Land gef�hrt werden. Die L�nder sind auch verantwortlich f�r eine solide Implementierung ihrer Programme. Gleichzeitig wird eine straffere internationale Architektur f�r die Politik in den Bereichen Landwirtschaft, Nahrungsmittel und Ern�hrung gefordert, um die oben beschriebenen Initiativen wirksam zu implementieren; besonders die Komponenten, die öffentliche G�ter betreffen. Die Umsetzung der Ma�nahmen auf globaler und nationaler Ebene sollte mit existierenden Mechanismen und gut aufeinander abgestimmten speziellen Initiativen erfolgen. Ein �Sonderfonds zur Weltern�hrung“ w�rde die f�r eine effektive Koordination notwendigen Anreize schaffen." from TextFood prices, Food supply, Food demand, Social protection, Agricultural research, Agricultural policy, Agricultural subsidies,

    Non-Coding microRNAs as Novel Potential Tumor Markers in Testicular Cancer

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    Testicular cancer is an important disease with increasing incidence and a high burden of morbidity and mortality in young men worldwide. Histological examination of the testicular tissue after orchiectomy plays an important role alongside patient history, imaging, clinical presentation and laboratory parameters. Surgical procedures and chemotherapeutic treatment provide a high chance of cure in early stages, though some patients in advanced stages belonging to a poor risk group experience cancer-related death. Though conventional serum-based tumor markers, including α-fetoprotein (AFP), the β-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), are useful as prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers, unfortunately, these tumor markers only have a sensitivity of about 60%, and in pure seminoma even lower with about 20%. Therefore, the development of new tumor markers is an important and intensively ongoing issue. The analysis of epigenetic modification and non-coding RNA microRNAs (miRNAs) are carrying most promising potential as tumor markers in future. miRNAs are small RNAs secreted by testicular tumor cells and circulate and be measurable in body fluids. In recent years, miRNAs of the miR-371-373 cluster in particular have been identified as potentially superior tumor markers in testicular cancer patients. Studies showed that miR-371a-3p and miR-302/367 expression significantly differ between testicular tumors and healthy testicular tissue. Several studies including high prospective multi-center trials clearly demonstrated that these miRNAs significantly exceed the sensitivity and specificity of conventional tumor markers and may help to facilitate the diagnosis, follow-up, and early detection of recurrences in testicular cancer patients. In addition, other miRNAs such as miR-223-3p, miR-449, miR-383, miR-514a-3p, miR-199a-3p, and miR-214 will be discussed in this review. However, further studies are needed to identify the value of these novel markers in additional clinical scenarios, including the monitoring in active surveillance or after adjuvant chemotherapy, but also to show the limitations of these tumor markers. The aim of this review is to give an overview on the current knowledge regarding the relevance of non-coding miRNAs as biomarkers in testicular cancer

    Non-Coding microRNAs as Novel Potential Tumor Markers in Testicular Cancer

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    Testicular cancer is an important disease with increasing incidence and a high burden of morbidity and mortality in young men worldwide. Histological examination of the testicular tissue after orchiectomy plays an important role alongside patient history, imaging, clinical presentation and laboratory parameters. Surgical procedures and chemotherapeutic treatment provide a high chance of cure in early stages, though some patients in advanced stages belonging to a poor risk group experience cancer-related death. Though conventional serum-based tumor markers, including α-fetoprotein (AFP), the β-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), are useful as prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers, unfortunately, these tumor markers only have a sensitivity of about 60%, and in pure seminoma even lower with about 20%. Therefore, the development of new tumor markers is an important and intensively ongoing issue. The analysis of epigenetic modification and non-coding RNA microRNAs (miRNAs) are carrying most promising potential as tumor markers in future. miRNAs are small RNAs secreted by testicular tumor cells and circulate and be measurable in body fluids. In recent years, miRNAs of the miR-371-373 cluster in particular have been identified as potentially superior tumor markers in testicular cancer patients. Studies showed that miR-371a-3p and miR-302/367 expression significantly differ between testicular tumors and healthy testicular tissue. Several studies including high prospective multi-center trials clearly demonstrated that these miRNAs significantly exceed the sensitivity and specificity of conventional tumor markers and may help to facilitate the diagnosis, follow-up, and early detection of recurrences in testicular cancer patients. In addition, other miRNAs such as miR-223-3p, miR-449, miR-383, miR-514a-3p, miR-199a-3p, and miR-214 will be discussed in this review. However, further studies are needed to identify the value of these novel markers in additional clinical scenarios, including the monitoring in active surveillance or after adjuvant chemotherapy, but also to show the limitations of these tumor markers. The aim of this review is to give an overview on the current knowledge regarding the relevance of non-coding miRNAs as biomarkers in testicular cancer