1,849 research outputs found

    Regionalmuseen in der Rhön – Kulturgut im Wandel

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    Unabhängig davon, wie sie geführt werden und ob sie modernen useumspädagogischen Ansprüchen genügen, sind Regionalmuseen ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil des Kulturgutes des Biosphärenreservats Rhön. Sie sind als Kleinode zu behandeln, denn ein jedes für sich präsentiert nicht nur einen Teil der Kultur und Naturgeschichte der Region, sondern auch seine eigene Geschichte. Auch ein „verstaubtes“ Museum mit skurrilen Ausstellungsstücken ist Teil der Rhön und hat seinen Charme. Nur nützt der Charme nichts, wenn die Besucher fern bleiben und das Museum wirtschaftlich in seiner Existenz bedroht ist. In solchen Fällen sind Engagement, Einfallsreichtum und die Bereitschaft zu Investitionen des Trägers erforderlich

    Heavy metal interactions with nucleic acid derivatives : a nuclear magnetic resonance study

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    Bibliography: p. 181-184.The aqueous solution conformation of SAH and SAM has been investigated using lanthanide probes. SAH at pH 7.0 interacts normally with lanthanide aquo ions and lanthanide-EDTA complexes via coordination at the carboxyl group. The conformation of the homocysteine fragment is found to, be extended but bent back towards the adenine base. SAM does not interact with lanthanide aquo ions in the pH region 2-7. It does form complexes with lanthanide-EDTA species via an ion-pairing mechanism rather than direct coordination. In addition to lanthanide probes, 250 MHz 1H n.m.r. spectra yielded vicinal JHH coupling constants from which the ribose conformation in both SAM and SAH could be more accurately determined

    Quantum mechanics in the brain

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    Does the enormous computing power of neurons mean consciousness can be explained within a purely neurobiological framework, or is there scope for quantum computation in the brain

    Relating the permeability of quartz sands to their grain size and spectral induced polarization characteristics

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    Recently, Revil & Florsch proposed a novel mechanistic model based on the polarization of the Stern layer relating the permeability of granular media to their spectral induced polarization (SIP) characteristics based on the formation of polarized cells around individual grains. To explore the practical validity of this model, we compare it to pertinent laboratory measurements on samples of quartz sands with a wide range of granulometric characteristics. In particular, we measure the hydraulic and SIP characteristics of all samples both in their loose, non-compacted and compacted states, which might allow for the detection of polarization processes that are independent of the grain size. We first verify the underlying grain size/permeability relationship upon which the model of Revil & Florsch is based and then proceed to compare the observed and predicted permeability values for our samples by substituting the grain size characteristics by corresponding SIP parameters, notably the so-called Cole-Cole time constant. In doing so, we also asses the quantitative impact of an observed shift in the Cole-Cole time constant related to textural variations in the samples and observe that changes related to the compaction of the samples are not relevant for the corresponding permeability predictions. We find that the proposed model does indeed provide an adequate prediction of the overall trend of the observed permeability values, but underestimates their actual values by approximately one order-of-magnitude. This discrepancy in turn points to the potential importance of phenomena, which are currently not accounted for in the model and which tend to reduce the characteristic size of the prevailing polarization cells compared to the considered model, such as, for example, membrane polarization, contacts of double-layers of neighbouring grains, and incorrect estimation of the size of the polarized cells because of the irregularity of natural sand grain

    Bildungssystem und Zweiter Bildungsweg: Formen und Motive reversibler Bildungsbeteiligung

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    Die Schulen des Zweiten Bildungswegs (Abendschulen, Kollegs) verzeichneten zwischen den 1950er- und den 1970er-Jahren eine wachsende Nachfrage. Seit Mitte der 1970er-Jahre unterliegt das Wachstum wie auch die Nachfrage selbst Sprüngen und Schwankungen. Langfristig sinkt die Wachstumsrate. Die quantitative Veränderung geht mit einer Veränderung der Rahmenbedingungen einher. Schulen für Erwachsene erfüllen die Funktion der lebenslaufbezogenen Neuzuteilung von Bildungschancen. Diese Funktion der Reversibilisierung steht allerdings heute unter spezifischen Vorzeichen: Die Funktion der nachholenden Eliteförderung ist nicht mehr dominant. Sie hat sich zur allgemeinen Funktion einer nicht nur vom Aufstiegsprinzip geprägten, sondern auch mit der Vermeidung sozialer Exklusion verbundenen Chanceneröffnung im Nachhinein entwickelt. Die Veränderung wird anhand der Literatur zur Entwicklung sowie anhand von Daten zur Teilnehmerstruktur des Zweiten Bildungswegs (ZBW) am Fall des Bundeslandes Hessen aufgezeigt. (DIPF/Orig.)Between the 1950s and 60s, the institutions of adult education experienced a strong increase in demand. Since the mid-1970s, both growth and demand have been subject to leaps and fluctuations. In the long term, the growth rate is sinking. This quantitative change is accompanied by a change in the basic conditions. Schools for adults fulfill the function of a biography-related re-assignment of educational opportunities. Today, however, this function of reversibilization is to be seen under specific circumstances: the function of a retrospective promotion of an elite is no longer dominant; it has developed into a general function of a retrospective opening-up of opportunities not so much determined by the principle of promotion but, rather, by the avoidance of social exclusion. This change is sketched on the basis of literature on this development and of data on the social structure of participation in adult education in the case of the state of Hesse. (DIPF/Orig.

    In Human Keratinocytes the Common Deletion Reflects Donor Variabilities Rather Than Chronologic Aging and can be Induced by Ultraviolet A Irradiation

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    Mitochondrial DNA mutations play a major role in human aging processes and degenerative diseases. The most frequently reported marker for mutations of the mitochondrial DNA in human skin is a 4977 bp large-scale deletion, called the Common Deletion. Although this deletion is rarely detectable and constitutes only one example of the multitude of about 50,000 known mutations in mitochondrial DNA, it can represent “the tip of the iceberg” of all types of mitochondrial DNA mutations. We established a quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction assay to detect the Common Deletion in vitro as well as in vivo/ex vivo. In contrast to previous studies, we were able to demonstrate that the Common Deletion is frequently abundant in keratinocytes isolated from various donors. Quantitative analysis of the mutation indicated interperson variations but obviously no relation to the donors' ages. Prolonged proliferation of keratinocytes led to a distinct reduction in the amount of the Common Deletion. Single ultraviolet A irradiation (12 J per cm2 and 15 J per cm2) neither in vitro nor in vivo increased the incidence of the mutation in keratinocytes, whereas repetitive irradiation resulted in a clear increase in vitro. Again, prolonged cultivation of these irradiated cells caused a significant reduction in the amounts of the deletion. In view of these results, the Common Deletion appears to be a useful marker rather for ultraviolet-A-induced alterations than for chronologic aging in human skin keratinocytes

    Evaluation of economic forecasts for Austria

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    In this paper, we evaluate macroeconomic forecasts for Austria and analyze the effects of external assumptions on forecast errors. We consider the growth rates of real GDP and the demand components as well as the inflation rate and the unemployment rate. The analyses are based on univariate measures like RMSE and Theil’s inequality coefficient and also on the Mahalanobis distance, a multivariate measure that takes the variances of and the correlations between the variables into account. We compare forecasts generated by the two leading Austrian economic research institutes, the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) and the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), and additionally consider the forecasts produced by the European Commission. The results indicate that there are no systematic differences between the forecasts of the two Austrian institutes, neither for the traditional measures nor for the Mahalanobis distance. Generally, forecasts become more accurate with a decreasing forecast horizon, as expected; they are unbiased for forecast horizons of less than a year considering traditional measures and for the shortest forecast horizon considering the Mahalanobis distance. Finally, we find that mistakes in external assumptions, in particular regarding EU GDP and the oil price, translate into forecast errors for GDP and inflation

    Comparative study of platinum electroplating to improve micro gold electrode arrays with LCP laminate

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    Decoding the cellular network interaction of neurons and glial cells are important in the development of new therapies for diseases of the central nervous system (CNS). Electrophysiological in vivo studies in mice will help to understand the highly complex network. In this paper, the optimization of epidural liquid crystal polymer (LCP) electrodes for different platinum electroplating parameters are presented and compared. Constant current and pulsed current electroplating varied in strength and duration was used to decrease the electrode impedance and to increase the charge storage capacity (CSCC). In best cases, both methods generated similar results with an impedance reduction of about 99%. However, electroplating with pulsed currents was less parameter-dependent than the electroplating with constant current. The use of ultrasound was essential to generate platinum coatings without plating defects. Electrode model parameters extracted from the electrode impedance reflected the increase in surface porosity due to the electroplating processes

    Stärkung der Ertragssicherheit und Rentabilität im biologischen Erdbeeranbau durch effektivere Unkrautkontrolle sowie Regulierung des Erdbeerblütenstechers und verschiedener Wurzelfäulen

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    Der ökologische Erdbeeranbau ist mit hohen Ertragsschwankungen und den daraus resultierenden Ertragsunsicherheiten konfrontiert, wodurch die Rentabilität dieses Betriebszweiges immer wieder in Frage gestellt wird. Die nach wie vor bestehende Unkrautproblematik, der Erdbeerblütenstecher (Anthonomus rubi) und verschiedene Wurzelfäulen wie die Vertcillium-Welke stellen mit die wichtigsten Ursachen für die Ertragsunsicherheit dar. Zur Unkrautkontrolle konnten durch den Fingerhackeeinsatz deutliche Arbeitszeiteinsparungen zur Handhacke dokumentiert werden, so dass auch für Flächen ab bereits 0,5 ha eine kostengünstige und höchst effektive Technik zur Verfügung steht. Die sensorgesteuerte Hacktechnik arbeitet ebenfalls höchst effektiv, zielt jedoch mehr auf größere Spezialbetriebe ab. Zum Erdbeerblütenstecher in einjährigen Beständen in der Sorte Malwina konnte der Befall durch verschiedene Netzauflagen signifikant gesenkt werden, jedoch blieb der ertragssteigernde Effekt der Klasse 1-Früchte aus. Stattdessen stiegen die Anteile der Klasse 2-Früchten überwiegend signifikant an, was sich durch den erhöhten Klimastress, die erschwerte Bestäubungssituation und mögliche mechanische Beschädigungen der Blüte zur Netzauflage erklären lässt. In zweijährigen Beständen konnte mit dem entomopathogenen Pilz Metarhizium anisopliae Isolat Ma43 keine signifikante Befallsreduktion erreicht werden, jedoch konnte in einem Vorversuch eine signifikante Ertragssteigerung dokumentiert werden. Zur Verticillium-Welke wurden auf einem stark belasteten und leichten Standort Antagonisten und Bodenhilfsstoffe in der Sorte Sonata untersucht. Promot WP und die zwei Bodenhilfsstoffe VermiGrand und Eifelgold führten zu keiner praxisrelevanten Ertragssteigerung, während RhizoVital 42, RhizoStar und Plantasalva geringere Erträge aufwiesen als die Kontrolle. Auf einem stark verticilliumbelasteten Standort wurden elf Erdbeersorten auf ihre Robustheit untersucht. Positive Entwicklungen im Vergleich zur verticilliumempfindlichen Honeoye zeigten die Sorten Ultyma, Dely, Christine und Elianny. Unter dem Niveau von Honeoye lagen die Sorten Fenella und Candiss

    Comparison of a standard CO2 pressure pneumoperitoneum insufflator versus AirSeal™: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: AirSeal™ is a novel class of valve-free insufflation system that enables a stable pneumoperitoneum with continuous smoke evacuation and carbon dioxide (CO(2)) recirculation during laparoscopic surgery. Comparison data to standard CO(2) pressure pneumoperitoneum insufflators is scarce. The aim of this study is to evaluate the potential advantages of AirSeal™ compared to a standard CO(2) insufflator. METHODS/DESIGN: This is a single center randomized controlled trial comparing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy, colorectal surgery and hernia repair with AirSeal™ (group A) versus a standard CO(2) pressure insufflator (group S). Patients are randomized using a web-based central randomization and registration system. Primary outcome measures will be operative time and level of postoperative shoulder pain by using the visual analog score (VAS). Secondary outcomes include the evaluation of immunological values through blood tests, anesthesiological parameters, surgical side effects and length of hospital stay. Taking into account an expected dropout rate of 5%, the total number of patients is 182 (n = 91 per group). All tests will be two-sided with a confidence level of 95% (P <0.05). DISCUSSION: The duration of an operation is an important factor in reducing the patient’s exposure to CO(2) pneumoperitoneum and its adverse consequences. This trial will help to evaluate if the announced advantages of AirSeal™, such as clear sight of the operative site and an exceptionally stable working environment, will facilitate the course of selected procedures and influence operation time and patients clinical outcome. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01740011, registered 23 November 2012
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