1,091 research outputs found

    5,6-Dihydro-2H-pyran-3(4H)-on als Baustein zur Synthese pyrananellierter Heterocyclen

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    Während 5,6-Dihydro-2H-pyran-3(4H)-on (3) sich mit ortho-substituierten Phenylcarbonylverbindungen nur in Einzelfällen regioselektiv zu pyrananellierten Heterocyclen umsetzt - z. B. zum Pyrano[2,3-b]chinolin 7c -, gelingt das besser mit dem aus 3 hergestellten Enamin 15d, dem Silylenolether 18 und dem daraus gewonnenen Lithiumenolat 14. Diese Pyranderivate mit 2,3-oder 3,4-Doppelbindungen eignen sich zur gezielten Darstellung von 2- oder 4-substituierten 3-Pyranonen - z.B. 2, 21a, 21b, 23a-c, 26a-c, 31a-c, 32, sowie 35a-c - und von Pyrano[3,2-b]- oder -[3,4-b]chinolinen, -chinolonen, -chromonen und -thiochromonen 6a, 30a-c und 38a-d

    Muting Science: Input Overload Versus Scientific Advice in Swiss Policy Making During the Covid‐19 Pandemic

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    This article explores why the Swiss Federal Council and the Swiss Federal Parliament were reluctant to follow the majority views of the scientific epidemiological community at the beginning of the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. We propose an institutionalist take on this question and argue that one major explanation could be the input overload that is characteristic of the Swiss federal political system. We define input overload as the simultaneous inputs of corporatist, pluralist, federalist and direct democratic subsystems. Adding another major input—this time from the scientific subsystem—may have threatened to further erode the government's and parliament's discretionary power to cope with the pandemic. We assume that the federal government reduced its input overload by fending off scientific advice

    Switzerland Report : Sustainable Governance in the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis

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    Switzerland was one of the first European countries to be affected by the coronavirus pandemic. As with other countries that were affected early, Switzerland took longer to respond than countries that were affected later (Kohler et al. 2020; Wenger et al. 2020), because there were no best practice examples to copy (Plümper and Neumayer 2020). Measured in terms of controlling the coronavirus incidence rate (average number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants), the country’s response to the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic and its aftermath (March – April 2020) was extraordinarily successful. However, its response to the second wave, which began in late August and reached its preliminary peak in November 2020, was significantly poorer. During the first wave, Switzerland pursued a strict, time-consistent lockdown policy. However, the country’s approach to the second wave was hesitant, less strict and less time-consistent, with various temporary, light lockdowns pursued. In particular, during the first wave, efficient and pragmatic economic policies were implemented, including a light-handed lending program managed by private banks and fully guaranteed for loan defaults by the federal government, while a generous short-time work compensation program and several à fonds perdu payments (hardship cases) were introduced by cantonal and federal governments. At the end of the period under review, Switzerland’s economic growth, government deficit and unemployment rates appeared to have been relatively unaffected. This was due to very favorable conditions at the start of the coronavirus pandemic, namely Switzerland’s highly competitive economy, booming and flexible labor market, efficient infrastructure, reliable public administration, and sound public finances. In addition, the government recently enacted an ordinance regulating lockdown measures within the framework of the Swiss Epidemics Act (EpA 2012). By international standards, democracy in Switzerland has functioned well, and few restrictions have been placed on civil liberties and rights. As a federal state with a weak federal government due to sovereignty residing mainly in the cantons, policy responses to the coronavirus crisis involved complex coordination between cantons, and between cantons and the federal level. Consequently, policymaking was prone to conflict, slow and idiosyncratic, while policy actors were incentivized to avoid blame for policy failures. Policymaking has been strongly path dependent. With the exception of the emergency law period (“exceptional situation”), which increased federal government powers over the cantons, federal economic policy has been coordinated with cantonal policies and worked to a large extent by matching funds. The need for negotiations and compromise in policy formulation resulted in a sluggish process that ultimately delivered relatively inconsistent policies. Corporatist coordination between the state and economic actors continued to be highly effectively. The major achievement was the introduction of a program that entitled struggling firms to request credit from private banks, which would be guaranteed in case of default by the federal government. This program was designed and implemented within a few days by representatives of five major banks together with the Federal Ministry of Finance, and demonstrates the extent of mutual trust and familiarity between the banks and the ministry as well as the country’s pragmatic heterodox economic ideology. Beyond corporatist cooperation, economic interest groups (in particular small- and medium-sized enterprises) were highly successful in achieving their goals, provided there was no opposition from other economic elites or liberal counterparts of industry in the political systems. For example, representatives of the hospitality industry successfully lobbied to remove lockdown restrictions on hotels and restaurants earlier than planned during the first wave (Sager and Mavrot, 2020). However, their demands for a rent reduction program to support hotels and restaurants during the lockdown failed, as the proposal provoked opposition from economic-liberal politicians and other interest groups (e.g., landlords). Path dependence characterized the likelihood of interest groups’ success. While well-organized producer interests (particularly associations of employers and firm owners) could carry the day, weakly organized groups and employees were much less successful. It was only in December 2020 that short-time work compensation for low-wage employees was increased, as requested by trade unions. Meanwhile, the demands of nursing personnel for better working conditions were rejected by parliament in the fall of 2020. Finally, during the coronavirus pandemic, tensions between expert scientific advice and political decision-making became pronounced. It took several weeks following the start of the coronavirus pandemic for the Federal Council to institutionalize a scientific task force, and when it was formed it was composed mainly of life scientists and economists (with sociologists, psychologists and political scientists poorly represented). Scientific advice has been treated as one among many inputs and some politicians – in particular from the right-populist Swiss People’s Party – have made it clear that they do not appreciate scientific input into political decision-making

    Cyclists' experiences in urban longitudinal traffic scenarios and their requirements for designing interactions with highly automated vehicles

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    As cycling becomes more popular and automated driving is on the rise, it can be assumed that in the city of the future highly automated vehicles (HA Vs) and cyclists will share the same roads. Yet only little is known about how cyclists announce their maneuvers to motorized vehicles or how they communicate and interact with them. Knowledge on these aspects is currently missing to guide the design of cyclist-HA V interactions. Situations where a cyclist rides upfront a vehicle, will be especially challenging for HA Vs, such as when a cyclist (A) avoids an obstacle on the road section ahead, (B) merges onto the road from an ending cycling path, or (C) leaves the road turning into a driveway {see Figure 1) [1 ]. Based on the cyclist's intention, the HA V will have to pass or keep following with only limited options to communicate to the cyclist ahead. Design solutions derived from the well-studied field of pedestrian-HA V interactions cannot simply be transferred to the here considered cyclist-HA V interactions, since in past research successful design concepts for pedestrians were not beneficial for cyclists [2]. Hence, it is vital to investigate the behavior and experiences of cyclists in more detail and to explore possible design solutions for HA V interaction behavior in these situations. With this study we aim to get more insights into the subjective experience of cyclists travelling in longitudinal traffic, especially during cyclist-vehicle interactions, as well as to derive cyclists' requirements to design safe and desirable cyclist-HA V interactions

    Targeting of the master receptor MOM19 to mitochondria

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    The targeting of proteins to mitochondria involves the recognition of the precursor proteins by receptors on the mitochondrial surface followed by insertion of the precursors into the outer membrane at the general insertion site GIP. Most mitochondrial proteins analyzed so far use a mitochondrial outer membrane protein of 19 kilodaltons (MOM19) as an import receptor. The gene encoding MOM19 has now been isolated. The deduced amino acid sequence predicts that MOM19 is anchored in the outer membrane by an NH2-terminal hydrophobic sequence, while the rest of the protein forms a hydrophilic domain exposed to the cytosol. MOM19 was targeted to the mitochondria via a pathway that is independent of protease-accessible surface receptors and controlled by direct assembly of the MOM19 precursor with GIP

    Экологическая оценка состояния растений произрастающих в зоне влияния выбросов железорудных шахт

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    Выполнены исследования состояния растений произрастающих на территориях прилегающих к железорудному комбинату. Установлены закономерности изменения степени повреждения озимой пшеницы в зависимости от расстояния до вентиляционных стволов железорудной шахты.Виконані дослідження стану рослин, що зростають на територіях прилеглих до залізорудного комбінату. Встановлено закономірності зміни ступеня пошкодження озимої пшениці в залежності від відстані до вентиляційних стволів залізорудної шахти.The studies of the status of plants growing in areas adjacent to the iron ore plant are conducted. The regularities of changes in the damage degree of winter wheat depending on the distance to the ventilation shafts of iron ore mines are fixed

    Der Zusammenhang von Arbeitsorganisation und Entlohnung: Betriebsfallstudien zum Verhältnis von Arbeitsbedingungen und Leistungslohn in einem Unternehmen mit Sitz in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Endbericht

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    Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchung ist die Hypothese, daß "zwischen Produktionstechnik, Arbeitsorganisation und Entlohnung keine zwingenden - technischen oder ökonomischen bestimmten - Zusammenhänge bestehen, sondern daß es gerade die Offenheit und Gestaltbarkeit dieser Beziehungen ist, die ihnen bei der Durchsetzung betrieblicher Interessen einen eigenen strategischen Stellenwert zuweist, wobei "zwischen den Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten der Produktionstechnik, der Arbeitsorganisation und der Entlohnung enge wechselseitige Beziehungen bestehen. Welche Probleme ergeben sich bei der Gestaltung der Beziehungen zwischen Produktionstechnik, Arbeitsorganisation und Entlohnung in Abhängigkeit von den betrieblichen Rahmenbedingungen (Arbsatzmarktsituation etc.) und Strukturmerkmalen (technisch-organisatorischer Stand der Produktionsprozesse, Beschäftigungsstrukturen etc.) und welche betrieblichen Interessen bestehen an bestimmten Kombinationen von Produktionstechnik, Arbeitsorganisation und Entlohnung bzw. ihrer Veränderung? Ferner wird in Übereinstimmung mit bereits vorliegenden Untersuchungen, von folgenden Überlegungen ausgegangen: Es besteht die Tendenz zu einer weiteren Aufrechterhaltung und Verbreitung des Leistungslohns, wobei jedoch an die Stelle des klassischen Akkordlohns neue Formen des Leistungslohns treten. In der Untersuchung wird an ausgewählten Fällen in Betrieben der Elektro-Industrie den hier umrissenen Einschätzungen und Fragen zu Entwicklungen des Leistungslohns detaillierter nachgegangen. Sie zeigen, daß in der betrieblichen Praxis neue Formen des Leistungslohns in unterschiedlicher Weise zur Anwendung kommen und daß durch die "formalen Definitionen" der angewandten Lohnformen die faktische Entlohnungspraxis in den Betrieben vielfach unzureichend erfaßt und wiedergegeben wird. Ferner kann gezeigt werden, daß unter bestimmten Bedingungen offenbar auch eine Rückkehr von "Festlöhnen" zu traditionellen Formen des Akkordlohns erfolgt (oder zumindest möglich ist.) In der Untersuchung wird ferner exemplarisch gezeigt, daß Verfahren vorbestimmter Zeiten in der betrieblichen Praxis unterschiedlich angewandt und mit den traditionellen REFA-Verfahren kombiniert werden. (IAB2