207 research outputs found

    Measurement of cerebrospinal fluid formation and absorption by ventriculo-cisternal perfusion: what is really measured?

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    The generally accepted hypothesis on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) hydrodynamics suggests that CSF is actively formed mainly by the choroid plexuses, circulates unidirectionally along the brain ventricles and subarachnoid space, and is passively absorbed mainly into the dural venous sinuses. CSF formation rate (Vf ) has been extensively studied using the ventriculo-cisternal perfusion technique and the results have been used as the key evidence confirming the mentioned hypothesis. This technique and the equation for Vf calculation are based on the assumption that the dilution of the indicator substance is a consequence of the newly formed CSF, ie, that a higher CSF formation rate will result in a higher degree of dilution. However, it has been experimentally shown that the indicator substance dilution inside the CSF system does not occur because of a “newly formed” CSF, but as consequence of a number of other factors (departure of substances into the surrounding tissue, flowing around the collecting cannula into the cortical and spinal subarachnoid space, departure into the contralateral ventricle, etc). This technique allows “calculation” of the CSF formation even in dead animals, in an in vitro model, and in any other part of the CSF system outside the ventricles that is being perfused. Therefore, this method is indirect and any dilution of the indicator substance in the perfusate caused by other reasons would result in questionable and often contradictory conclusions regarding CSF formation rates

    New experimental model of acute aqueductal blockage in cats: effects on cerebrospinal fluid pressure and the size of brain ventricles

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    It is generally assumed that cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is secreted in the brain ventricles, and so after an acute blockage of the aqueduct of Sylvius an increase in the ventricular CSF pressure and dilation of isolated ventricles may be expected. We have tested this hypothesis in cats. After blocking the aqueduct, we measured the CSF pressure in both isolated ventricles and the cisterna magna, and performed radiographic monitoring of the cross-sectional area of the lateral ventricle. The complete aqueductal blockage was achieved by implanting a plastic cannula into the aqueduct of Sylvius through a small tunnel in the vermis of the cerebellum in the chloralose-anesthetized cats. After the reconstitution of the occipital bone, the CSF pressure was measured in the isolated ventricles via a plastic cannula implanted in the aqueduct of Sylvius and in the cisterna magna via a stainless steel cannula. During the following 2 h, the CSF pressures in the isolated ventricles and cisterna magna were identical to those in control conditions. We also monitored the ventricular cross-sectional area by means of radiography for 2 h after the aqueductal blockage and failed to observe any significant changes. When mock CSF was infused into isolated ventricles to imitate the CSF secretion, the gradient of pressure between the ventricle and cisterna magna developed, and disappeared as soon as the infusion was terminated. However, when mock CSF was infused into the cisterna magna at various rates, the resulting increased subarachnoid CSF pressure was accurately transmitted across the brain parenchyma into the CSF of isolated ventricles. The lack of the increase in the CSF pressure and ventricular dilation during 2 h of aqueductal blockage suggests that aqueductal obstruction by itself does not lead to development of hypertensive acute hydrocephalus in cats

    Low back pain

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    Glavni cilj ovog diplomskog rada je dati pregled i na jednom mjestu sažeti osnovne spoznaje o jednom od najučestalijih zdravstvenih problema današnjice - lumbalnom bolnom sindromu. Ovim radom se ukazuje na rizične čimbenike njegova nastanka, uzroke, kliničku sliku, dijagnostiku i oblike liječenja. Prikazati će se na pojavu lbs-a kod sportaša. Pri tome će se dati pregled kineziterapijskog programa koji spada u jedan od najvažnijih oblika liječenja. U kineziterapijskom programu će opisivati vježbe za kronični oblik lbs-a, u koje spadaju: vježbe istezanja lumbalnih ekstenzora, vježbe istezanja mišića psoasa, vježbe istezanja mišića stražnje lože natkoljenice, vježbe jačanja trbušnih mišića, vježbe jačanja glutealnih mišića i fleksijske vježbe za poboljšanje pokretljivosti lumbalne kralježnice.The main objective of this dissertation is to provide a review and summarize in one place a basic cognitions of one of the most common health problems of present-day low back pain. With this dissertation it will be indicated on risk factors of it’s occurrence, etiology, clinical picture, diagnosis and forms of treatments. It will be presented appearance of low back pain of athletes. This will give a review of the kinesitherapy program, which is one of the most important forms of treatment. In kinesiteraphy program will be described exercises for the chronic form of low back pain which contains exercises : Stretching exercises of lumbar extensors, exercises for stretching muscle psoas, stretching exercise for hamstring, exercises for strengthening the abdominal muscles, exercises of strengthening gluteal muscles, flexion exercise to improve lumbar spine mobility

    The application of ultrasound in neuroendoscopic procedures: first results with the new tool »NECUP-2« [Upotreba ultrazvuka u neuroendoskopskim procedurama: prvi rezultati s novim uređajem »NECUP-2«]

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    In this paper, our experience with originally constructed Neurosurgical Endoscopic Contact Ultrasound Probe »NECUP-2« in neuroendoscopy is reported. Between June 1997 and June 2007, 132 neuroendoscopic procedures have been performed: 102 endoscopic thrid ventriculostomies (ETV), 15 arachnoid cysts and 5 intraventricular tumours operations. The »NECUP-2« was applied effectively in all cases in which blunt perforation was not possible: 38/102 ETV, 10/10 septostomies, 15/15 arachnoid cysts. In five cases of intraventricular tumours, neuroendoscopic procedure was combined with open microsurgery for tumour removal with preservation of vascular structures. There were no »NECUP-2« related complications. Of postoperative complications, we had liquorrhea (9 patients), and symptoms of meningitis (6 patients). In the follow-up period (6 months to 6 years), we had a patency rate of 80% (50/63 patients). All patients improved in clinical status. According to the first results, it seems that ultrasonic contact probe NECUP-2 presents a new device in neurosurgical armamentarium that can be used in various fields of neurosurgery. With minimal and controlled lesion that is produced at the tip of the probe, it can be used in highly demanding operations such as third ventriculostomy and tumour resection

    Physiological Characteristics of Some Monoamine Metabolites in Cat Cerebrospinal Fluid

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    The concentrations of main metabolites of serotonin and dopamine, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid and homovanillic acid, respectively, were measured in cisternal cerebrospinal fluid of cats by high performance liquid chromatography with an electrochemical detector. Higher concentrations of homovanillic acid and a wide interindividual oscillation for both parameters have been found. However, samples collected at four different time intervals showed stabile intraindividual concentrations of the metabolites. The existence of a concentration gradient of both parameters inside the cat cerebrospinal fluid system was confirmed in experiments with a provoked artificial flow of cerebrospinal fluid inside physiological limits. These experiments also suggested that the hydrodynamics of cerebrospinal fluid is the factor responsible for the concentration gradient existence. It appears that the absence of cerebrospinal fluid circulation is the main hydrodynamic reason for the maintenance of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid and homovanillic add gradients between various parts of the cerebrospinal fluid system

    Sotsiaaltöö täienduskoolitused Eestis: sotsiaaltöötajate ja koolitajate kogemused

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    Iliotibial band syndrome

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    Glavni cilj ovog diplomskog rada je dati pregled i na jednom mjestu sažeti osnovne spoznaje o iliotibijalnom sindromu ili drugi naziv sindrom trenja iliotibijalnogtraktusa, te o sindromima prenaprezanja općenito. U životnoj svakodnevnici modernog čovjeka kronična oštećenja, odnosno sindromi prenaprezanja, učestala su pojava u sportu i rekreaciji ili u nekim drugim zanimanjima. Ovim radom će se ukazati i na faktore rizika nastanka, funkcionalnu anatomiju, simptome, kliničku sliku i dijagnostičke testove za procjenu iliotibijalnog sindroma. Također cilj rada je pobliže opisati vrste liječenja i faze rehabilitacijskog programa u koji su uključene vježbe istezanja i jačanja pojedinih mišićnih skupina.The main objective of this dissertationis to provide a review and summarize in one placea basic cognitions of iliotibial band syndrome, otherwise known asiliotibial band friction, and to provide a general review of overuse syndromes. In everyday life of modern man chronic injuries, aproposoveruse syndromesare a frequent occurrence in sports and recreation, or in some other occupations. With this dissertationwill be presented the risk occurrence factors, functional anatomy, symptoms, clinical picture and diagnostic tests for assessment ofiliotibial syndrome. Additionally, theobjective of this dissertation is to describe types of treatment and phase of rehabilitation program that includes stretching and strengthening exercises of specific muscle groups

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