11 research outputs found

    The Effects of Mental Fatigue on Surgical Performance:A Systematic Review

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    Introduction: The effect of mental fatigue and sleep deprivation on surgeons has been questioned for decades. While other high-stake professions such as aviation and military have already established guidelines to restrict work hours, this trend has yet to reach the surgical profession. This study aimed to give a complete and up-to-date overview of the existing literature regarding the impact of mental fatigue on surgical performance, in order to facilitate further research and the development of guidelines. Methods: A systematic review was performed searching Medline and Embase. 31 studies regarding the relation between fatigue and surgical performance, using both real-life surgery and simulator studies, were included. Articles based on patients as well as on surgeons and surgical residents were included. Articles based on stress, muscle fatigue, learning, work hour restrictions or regulations were excluded from analysis, as were studies on medical students and non-surgical professions. The methodological quality of the included studies was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. The studies were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: None of the studies on real-life surgery found a correlation between fatigue and surgical performance, but 45% of simulator studies found a negative correlation between fatigue and surgical performance, and 22% of simulator studies found a positive correlation. 8% of surgeon-based studies found a negative correlation, while 44,5% of intern-based studies did. Conclusion: In simulator studies, the effects of fatigue were mixed, but in real-life surgery, fatigue appears not to affect surgical performance. An explanation for this difference between simulator and real-life studies may lie in the fact that in real-life operations the stakes are higher and surgeons put in more effort to protect their performance against the detrimental effects of fatigue. However, surgical performance measures in real life operations were found to be rather crude, so it is unclear whether these measures were sufficiently sensitive to detect effects of fatigue if they do exist. We argue for more fine-grained performance measures in future research. Disclosure: Nothing to disclos

    Diagnostic implications of mycetoma derived from Madurella pseudomycetomatis isolates from Mexico

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    Background: At the dermatology service of the General Hospital of Mexico City, Mexico, two patients, father and son, with black-grain mycetoma were seen. The grains were isolated, and the cultured fungi were identified as Madurella mycetomatis based on morphology. Using the M. mycetomatis specific PCR, amplicons of a different size than that of the M. mycetomatis type strain were obtained. Objective: To determine the causative agent of the two black-grain mycetoma cases and develop non-culture-based diagnostic tools to identify them to the species level. Methods: The M. mycetomatis specific, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, β-tubulin (BT) and ribosomal binding protein 2 (RBP2) PCRs were used to confirm the identity of the isolates. Genetic variation was established by amplification fragment length polymorphisms. To determine the antifungal susceptibility profile, the Sensititre™ YeastOne™ assay was used. To develop a species-specific PCR primers were designed on the sequenced PCR amplicon from the M. mycetomatis specific PCR. Results: By analyzing the ITS, BT and RBP2 regions the isolates were identified as Madurella pseudomycetomatis. The isolates from father and son were similar but not identical to M. pseudomycetomatis from Venezuela and one from an unknown origin. Madurella pseudomycetomatis isolates were inhibited by itraconazole, posaconazole and voriconazole but showed increased MIC values for amphotericin B and fluconazole. They were not inhibited by the echinocandins and five flucytosine. The two patients were treated with itraconazole resulting in cure for the father while the son was lost to follow-up. The species-specific PCR developed for M. pseudomyceotmatis was discriminative and specific. Conclusion: Madurella pseudomycetomatis is genetically diverse with same susceptibility profile as M. mycetomatis and causes eumycetoma in Latin America. The M. pseudomycetomatis specific PCR can be used to identify this causative agen

    Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis Demonstrates a Decrease in Porins and Increase in CMY-2 β-Lactamases in Escherichia coli Exposed to Increasing Concentrations of Meropenem

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    While Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamases (ESBL) and AmpC β-lactamases barely degrade carbapenem antibiotics, they are able to bind carbapenems and prevent them from interacting with penicillin-binding proteins, thereby inhibiting their activity. Further, it has been shown that Enterobacterales can become resistant to carbapenems when high concentrations of ESBL and AmpC β-lactamases are present in the bacterial cell in combination with a decreased influx of antibiotics (due to a decrease in porins and outer-membrane permeability). In this study, a targeted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) assay was developed for the detection of the Escherichia coli porins OmpC and OmpF, its chromosomal AmpC β-lactamase, and the plasmid-mediated CMY-2 β-lactamase. Bla CMY-2-like positive E. coli isolates were cultured in the presence of increasing concentrations of meropenem, and resistant mutants were analyzed using the developed LC-MS/MS assay, Western blotting, and whole genome sequencing. In five strains that became meropenem resistant, a decrease in OmpC and/or OmpF (caused by premature stop codons or gene interruptions) was the first event toward meropenem resistance. In four of these strains, an additional increase in MICs was caused by an increase in CMY-2 production, and in one strain this was most likely caused by an increase in CTX-M-15 production. The LC-MS/MS assay developed proved to be suitable for the (semi-)quantitative analysis of CMY-2-like β-lactamases and porins within 4 h. Targeted LC-MS/MS could have additional clinical value in the early detection of non-carbapenemase-producing carbapenem-resistant E. coli

    Transmission and reflection mode macroscopic x-ray powder diffraction imaging for the noninvasive visualization of paint degradation in still life paintings by Jan Davidsz. de Heem

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    The use of noninvasive chemical imaging techniques is becoming more widespread for the study of cultural heritage artifacts. Recently a mobile instrument for macroscopic X-ray powder diffraction (MA-XRPD) scanning was developed, which is capable of visualizing the distribution of crystalline (pigment) phases in quasi-flat-painted artifacts. In this study, MA-XRPD is used in both transmission and reflection mode for the analysis of three 17th century still life paintings, two paintings by Jan Davidsz. de Heem (1606–1684) and one copy painting after De Heem by an unknown artist. MA-XRPD allowed to reveal and map the presence of in situ-formed alteration products. In the works examined, two rare lead arsenate minerals, schultenite (PbHAsO4) and mimetite (Pb5(AsO4)3Cl), were encountered, both at and below the paint surface; they are considered to be degradation products of the pigments realgar (α-As4S4) and orpiment (As2S3). In transmission mode, the depletion of lead white, present in the (second) ground layer, could be seen, illustrating the intrusive nature of this degradation process. In reflection mode, several sulfate salts, palmierite (K2Pb­(SO4)2), syngenite (K2Ca­(SO4)2·H2O), and gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O), could be detected, in particular, at the (top) surface of the copy painting. Estimates for the information depth and sensitivity of both transmission and reflection mode MA-XRPD for various pigments have been made. The possibility of MA-XRPD to allow for noninvasive identification and visualization of alteration products is considered a significant advantage and unique feature of this method. MA-XRPD can thus provide highly relevant information for assessing the conservation state of artworks and could guide possible future restoration treatments

    Madurella mycetomatis grains within a eumycetoma lesion are clonal

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    Eumycetoma is a neglected tropical infection of the subcutaneous tissue, characterized by tumor-like lesions and most commonly caused by the fungus Madurella mycetomatis. In the tissue, M. mycetomatis organizes itself in grains, and within a single lesion, thousands of grains can be present. The current hypothesis is that all these grains originate from a single causative agent, however, this hypothesis was never proven. Here, we used our recently developed MmySTR assay, a highly discriminative typing method, to determine the genotypes of multiple grains within a single lesion. Multiple grains from surgical lesions obtained from 11 patients were isolated and genotyped using the MmySTR panel. Within a single lesion, all tested grains shared the same genotype. Only in one single grain from one patient, a difference of one repeat unit in one MmySTR marker was noted relative to the other grains from that patient. We conclude that within these lesions the grains originate from a single clone and that the inherent unstable nature of the microsatellite markers may lead to small genotypic differences. Lay Abstract: In lesions of the implantation mycosis mycetoma many Madurella mycetomatis grains are noted. It was unknown if grains arose after implantation of a single isolate or a mixture of genetically diverse isolates. By typing the mycetoma grains we showed that all grains within a single lesion were clonal and originated from a single isolate

    Rapid and Accurate Detection of Aminoglycoside-Modifying Enzymes and 16S rRNA Methyltransferases by Targeted Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

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    New and rapid diagnostic methods are needed for the detection of antimicrobial resistance to aid in curbing drug-resistant infections. Targeted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is a method that could serve this purpose, as it can detect specific peptides of antimicrobial resistance mechanisms with high accuracy. In the current study, we developed an accurate and rapid targeted LC-MS/MS assay based on parallel reaction monitoring for detection of the most prevalent aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes and 16S rRNA methyltransferases in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae that confer resistance to aminoglycosides. Specific tryptic peptides needed for detection were selected and validated for AAC(3)-Ia, AAC(3)-II, AAC(3)-IV, AAC(3)-VI, AAC(6')-Ib, AAC(6')-Ib-cr, ANT(2″)-I, APH(3')-VI, ArmA, RmtB, RmtC, and RmtF. In total, 205 isolates containing different aminoglycoside resistance mechanisms that consisted mostly of E. coli and K. pneumoniae were selected for assay development and evaluation. Mass spectrometry results were automatically analyzed and were compared to whole-genome sequencing results. Of the 2,460 isolate and resistance mechanism combinations tested, 2,416 combinations matched. Discrepancies were further analyzed by repeating LC-MS/MS analysis and performing additional PCRs. Mass spectrometry results were also used to predict resistance and susceptibility to gentamicin, tobramycin, and amikacin in only the E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates (n = 191). The category interpretations were correctly predicted for gentamicin in 97.4% of the isolates, for tobramycin in 97.4% of the isolates, and for amikacin in 82.7% of the isolates. Targeted LC-MS/MS can be applied for accurate and rapid detection of aminoglycoside resistance mechanisms

    A Short-Tandem-Repeat Assay ( Mmy STR) for Studying Genetic Variation in Madurella mycetomatis

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    International audienceMadurella mycetomatis is the major causative agent of eumycetoma, a neglected tropical infection characterized by painless subcutaneous lesions, inflammation, and grains draining from multiple sinuses. To study the epidemiology of mycetoma, a robust discriminatory typing technique is needed. We describe the use of a short-tandem-repeat assay (MmySTR) for genotyping of M. mycetomatis isolates predominantly from Sudan. Eleven microsatellite markers (3 dinucleotides, 4 trinucleotide repeats, and 4 tetranucleotide repeats) were selected from the M. mycetomatis MM55 genome using the Tandem Repeats Finder software. PCR amplification primers were designed for each microsatellite marker using primer3 software and amplified in a multicolor multiplex PCR approach. To establish the extent of genetic variation within the population, a collection of 120 clinical isolates from different regions was genotyped with this assay. The 11 selected MmySTR markers showed a large genotypic heterogeneity. From a collection of 120 isolates, 108 different genotypes were obtained. Simpson’s diversity index (D) value for individual markers ranged from 0.081 to 0.881, and the combined panel displayed an overall D value of 0.997. The MmySTR assay demonstrated high stability, reproducibility, and specificity. The MmySTR assay is a promising new typing technique that can be used to genotype isolates of M. mycetomatis. Apart from the possible contribution of host factors, the genetic diversity observed among this group of isolates might contribute to the different clinical manifestations of mycetoma. We recommend that the MmySTR assay be used to establish a global reference database for future study of M. mycetomatis isolates

    Exploring antimicrobial resistance to beta-lactams, aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones in E. coli and K. pneumoniae using proteogenomics

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    Abstract Antimicrobial resistance is mostly studied by means of phenotypic growth inhibition determinations, in combination with PCR confirmations or further characterization by means of whole genome sequencing (WGS). However, the actual proteins that cause resistance such as enzymes and a lack of porins cannot be detected by these methods. Improvements in liquid chromatography (LC) and mass spectrometry (MS) enabled easier and more comprehensive proteome analysis. In the current study, susceptibility testing, WGS and MS are combined into a multi-omics approach to analyze resistance against frequently used antibiotics within the beta-lactam, aminoglycoside and fluoroquinolone group in E. coli and K. pneumoniae. Our aim was to study which currently known mechanisms of resistance can be detected at the protein level using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) and to assess whether these could explain beta-lactam, aminoglycoside, and fluoroquinolone resistance in the studied isolates. Furthermore, we aimed to identify significant protein to resistance correlations which have not yet been described before and to correlate the abundance of different porins in relation to resistance to different classes of antibiotics. Whole genome sequencing, high-resolution LC–MS/MS and antimicrobial susceptibility testing by broth microdilution were performed for 187 clinical E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates. Resistance genes and proteins were identified using the Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database (CARD). All proteins were annotated using the NCBI RefSeq database and Prokka. Proteins of small spectrum beta-lactamases, extended spectrum beta-lactamases, AmpC beta-lactamases, carbapenemases, and proteins of 16S ribosomal RNA methyltransferases and aminoglycoside acetyltransferases can be detected in E. coli and K. pneumoniae by LC–MS/MS. The detected mechanisms matched with the phenotype in the majority of isolates. Differences in the abundance and the primary structure of other proteins such as porins also correlated with resistance. LC–MS/MS is a different and complementary method which can be used to characterize antimicrobial resistance in detail as not only the primary resistance causing mechanisms are detected, but also secondary enhancing resistance mechanisms

    Exploring antimicrobial resistance to beta-lactams, aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones in E. coli and K. pneumoniae using proteogenomics

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    Antimicrobial resistance is mostly studied by means of phenotypic growth inhibition determinations, in combination with PCR confirmations or further characterization by means of whole genome sequencing (WGS). However, the actual proteins that cause resistance such as enzymes and a lack of porins cannot be detected by these methods. Improvements in liquid chromatography (LC) and mass spectrometry (MS) enabled easier and more comprehensive proteome analysis. In the current study, susceptibility testing, WGS and MS are combined into a multi-omics approach to analyze resistance against frequently used antibiotics within the beta-lactam, aminoglycoside and fluoroquinolone group in E. coli and K. pneumoniae. Our aim was to study which currently known mechanisms of resistance can be detected at the protein level using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) and to assess whether these could explain beta-lactam, aminoglycoside, and fluoroquinolone resistance in the studied isolates. Furthermore, we aimed to identify significant protein to resistance correlations which have not yet been described before and to correlate the abundance of different porins in relation to resistance to different classes of antibiotics. Whole genome sequencing, high-resolution LC–MS/MS and antimicrobial susceptibility testing by broth microdilution were performed for 187 clinical E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates. Resistance genes and proteins were identified using the Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database (CARD). All proteins were annotated using the NCBI RefSeq database and Prokka. Proteins of small spectrum beta-lactamases, extended spectrum beta-lactamases, AmpC beta-lactamases, carbapenemases, and proteins of 16S ribosomal RNA methyltransferases and aminoglycoside acetyltransferases can be detected in E. coli and K. pneumoniae by LC–MS/MS. The detected mechanisms matched with the phenotype in the majority of isolates. Differences in the abundance and the primary structure of other proteins such as porins also correlated with resistance. LC–MS/MS is a different and complementary method which can be used to characterize antimicrobial resistance in detail as not only the primary resistance causing mechanisms are detected, but also secondary enhancing resistance mechanisms.</p

    Using Targeted Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry to Rapidly Detect β-Lactam, Aminoglycoside, and Fluoroquinolone Resistance Mechanisms in Blood Cultures Growing E. coli or K. pneumoniae

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    New and rapid antimicrobial susceptibility/resistance testing methods are required for bacteria from positive blood cultures. In this study, a multiplex-targeted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) assay was developed and validated for the detection of β-lactam, aminoglycoside, and fluoroquinolone resistance mechanisms in blood cultures growing Escherichia coli or Klebsiella pneumoniae complex. Selected targets were the β-lactamases SHV, TEM, OXA-1-like, CTX-M-1-like, CMY-2-like, chromosomal E. coli AmpC (cAmpC), OXA-48-like, NDM, VIM, and KPC; the aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes AAC(3)-Ia, AAC(3)-II, AAC(3)-IV, AAC(3)-VI, AAC(6′)-Ib, ANT(2 (Formula presented.))-I, and APH(3′)-VI; the 16S-RMTases ArmA, RmtB, RmtC, and RmtF; the quinolone resistance mechanisms QnrA, QnrB, AAC(6′)-Ib-cr; the wildtype quinolone resistance determining region of GyrA; and the E. coli porins OmpC and OmpF. The developed assay was evaluated using 100 prospectively collected positive blood cultures, and 148 negative blood culture samples spiked with isolates previously collected from blood cultures or isolates carrying less prevalent resistance mechanisms. The time to result was approximately 3 h. LC-MS/MS results were compared with whole-genome sequencing and antimicrobial susceptibility testing results. Overall, there was a high agreement between LC-MS/MS results and whole-genome sequencing results. In addition, the majority of susceptible and non-susceptible phenotypes were correctly predicted based on LC-MS/MS results. Exceptions were the predictions for ciprofloxacin and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid that matched with the phenotype in 85.9 and 63.7% of the isolates, respectively. Targeted LC-MS/MS based on parallel reaction monitoring can be applied for the rapid and accurate detection of various resistance mechanisms in blood cultures growing E. coli or K. pneumoniae complex