35 research outputs found

    "Hva er det med meg, jeg virker som en magnet på maktmennesker?" : en undersøkelse om åtte informanters opplevelse av mobbing i arbeidslivet

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    SAMMENDRAG Denne oppgavens tema er mobbing i arbeidslivet. Jeg har intervjuet åtte personer som har fortalt om det de karakteriserer som mobbing i arbeidslivet. Hensikten med oppgaven var å synliggjøre problemet mobbing i arbeidslivet og på denne måten kunne fange opp problemer på et tidlig tidspunkt. Videre var hensikten å kunne synliggjøre problemet slik at ofre for mobbing i arbeidslivet kunne få den hjelp og støtte de har behov for i forhold til behandlere og økonomiske støtteordninger og erstatninger. Jeg ønsket mer fokus på problemet slik at det kunne forebygges. Følgende hovedproblemstilling ble brukt: Hvordan opplever informantene det de karakteriserer som mobbing i arbeidslivet? Mitt hovedmateriale er intervjuer med åtte informanter som opplever at de er blitt mobbet i arbeidslivet. I tillegg til intervjuene har jeg brukt statistiske undersøkelser og kvalitative undersøkelser og litteratur. Analysen er av informantenes opplevelse av mobbingen. Det er ikke undersøkt i hvilken grad disse opplevelsene stemmer overens eller ikke med andres opplevelser. Analysen er delt opp i forhold til underspørsmål og er i fem deler. I del én er en presentasjon av informantene. I del to beskrives informantenes opplevelse av hvem som mobber og mobbehandlingene. De fleste informantene ble primært mobbet av én eller flere ledere. Mobbehandlingene ble kategorisert i ”Beskyldningene”, ”Sykeliggjøring som hersketeknikk” og ”Knebling og sosial utstøting som hersketeknikk”. I del tre kommer det informantene opplevde var årsaker til og hensikten med mobbingen. Informantenes opplevelse av årsaker til mobbingen ble analysert i et maktteoretisk-, et psykodynamisk og et stemplingsteoretisk perspektiv. Informantene opplevde at både ytre og indre forhold kunne være årsak til mobbingen. Informantenes opplevelse av hva som var hensikten med mobbingen ble analysert i et maktteoretisk- og et psykodynamisk perspektiv. Informantenes opplevelse var at hensikten med mobbingen var å få dem tause eller få dem fjernet fra arbeidsplassen. I del fire analyseres informantenes opplevelse av forholdet til behandlere og andre hjelpeinstanser, her brukte jeg et maktteoretisk- og et medisinsk sosiologisk perspektiv. De fleste informantene opplevde møtet med behandlere og/eller andre hjelpeinstanser som nye traumatiske opplevelser. I del fem analyseres informantenes opplevelse av konsekvensene av mobbing, her brukte jeg et stemplingsteoretisk perspektiv. Alle informantene opplevde at de hadde fått helseskader, mange av dem fikk sosiale problemer, og alle fikk sin økonomi redusert som følge av mobbingen

    Does urbanization influence the diet of a large snake?

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    Urbanization facilitates synanthropic species such as rodents, which benefit the diets of many predators in cities. We investigated how urbanization affects the feeding ecology of dugites Pseudonaja affinis, a common elapid snake in south-west Western Australia. We predicted that urban snakes: 1) more frequently contain prey and eat larger meals, 2) eat proportionally more non-native prey, 3) eat a lower diversity of prey species, and 4) are relatively heavier, than non-urban dugites. We analyzed the diet of 453 specimens obtained from the Western Australian Museum and opportunistic road-kill collections. Correcting for size, sex, season, and temporal biases, we tested whether location influenced diet for our 4 predictions. Body size was a strong predictor of diet (larger snakes had larger prey present, a greater number of prey items, and a greater diversity of prey). We identified potential collection biases: urban dugites were relatively smaller (snout-vent length) than non-urban specimens, and females were relatively lighter than males. Accounting for these effects, urban snakes were less likely to have prey present in their stomachs and were relatively lighter than non-urban snakes. Other urban-adapted carnivores appear to benefit from urbanization through increased food supplementation, but we found the opposite of this: urban dugites were less likely to contain a meal, and their meals were smaller, indicating they did not make greater use of synanthropic species than was evident for non-urban snakes. In contrast to other carnivores, snakes do not appear to fit a consistent directional pattern for size differences between urban and non-urban populations

    Does optimal foraging theory explain why suburban Florida scrub-jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) feed their young human-provided food?

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    Optimal foraging theory assumes that a forager can adequately assess the quality of its prey and predicts that parents feed their young low-quality foods only when suffering unpredicted reductions in their ability to provision. Wildland Florida scrub-jays feed their young exclusively arthropods, but suburban parents include human-provided foods in the nestling diet, with possible costs in terms of reduced growth and survival. We tested experimentally whether parents feed human-provided foods, given the apparent costs, because: 1) they do not discriminate between food types, 2) they switch to low-quality, abundant foods when natural food availability in the environment is low, or 3) they switch when the time needed to obtain natural food is high. Parents discriminated between natural and human-provided foods by showing a preference for natural foods when rearing young. When the handling time of natural foods was increased experimentally, parents in the suburban and wildland habitats switched to human-provided foods. Supplementation with natural foods increased preference for this food in both habitats. Suburban parents chose more natural foods than wildland parents, suggesting that they have a greater preference for natural foods. Regardless of preferences demonstrated at feeders, parents in both the suburbs and wildlands delivered mostly natural foods to nestlings, independent of natural food availability. Nonetheless, natural foods are likely to be scarcer in the environment than in our experimental tests. Because natural food availability is lower in the suburbs than in the wildland habitat, parents in the suburbs may be forced to switch to human-provided foods when feeding nestlings

    High resolution tidal models for the Norwegian coast

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    Moral character and moral certainty: The subjective state of the soul and J. G. Machen\u27s critique of theological liberalism

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    What was the driving force behind Machen\u27s repudiation of theological liberalism? Was it his theological commitment to the Reformed Orthodoxy of the Princeton Theology? Or, was it his philosophical commitment to the Scottish Common Sense Realism of Victorian America? A significant number of modern interpreters contend that Machen was a practitioner of the Old Princeton approach to apologetics and as such hopelessly wed to anthropological and epistemological norms which were diametrically opposed to the anthropological and epistemological assumptions of the Reformed tradition. The problem with the Princeton Theology, so the argument goes, is that while it made a show of orthodoxy, it in fact was built upon an accommodation of theology to the anthropological and epistemological assumptions of an essentially humanistic philosophy. While these conclusions appear to be justified, the question remains as to whether or not they in fact are warranted. This dissertation is motivated by the conviction that they are not precisely because they miss the moral rather than the merely rational nature of Machen\u27s thought. When Machen\u27s intellectualism is understood within an epistemological context which recognizes that the soul is a single unit which acts as a single substance, it becomes clear that Machen was not a rationalist whose confidence in the mental competence of fallen sinners led him to ignore the import of the subjective and the centrality of experience in religious epistemology. He was, rather, a Reformed scholar who consistently acknowledged that subjective and experiential concerns are of paramount importance in any consideration of religious epistemology, for he recognized that the operation of the intellect involves the whole soul rather than the rational faculty alone. In response to those who would suggest that Machen\u27s controversialism betrays an enthusiastic accommodation of theology to the anthropological and epistemological assumptions of enlightenment philosophy, this dissertation establishes that no such accommodation in fact took place, and that Machen\u27s critique, on the contrary, was driven by theological rather than philosophical, subjective rather than objective concerns. It demonstrates, moreover, that Machen\u27s critique will never be understood correctly if the subjective emphases of his thought are given a place of secondary significance

    Moral Character and Moral Certainty: The Subjective State of the Soul and J.G. Machen\u27s Critique of Theological Liberalism

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    J. Gresham Machen (1881-1937) is widely regarded as having been the leading spokesperson for Princeton\u27s Reformed Orthodoxy during the fundamentalist-modernist controversy of the early twentieth century. At a time when many within the denominational power structures of America were calling for liberty, tolerance, and unity on the basis of the accommodation of doctrine to the theological and philosophical presuppositions of modern biblical and historical scholarship, Machen, clinging to the theological and philosophical presuppositions of the Princeton Theology (a major nineteenth-century American school of Reformed thought), was unyielding in his condemnation of this growing trend. Liberty and unity on the basis of doctrinal revisionism cannot be tolerated, he argued, because doctrines are not merely the changing symbolic expressions of an ineffable subjective experience. They are, rather, the objective and unchanging foundation upon which Christian life is based, for they participate in and give witness to the reality of the historical facts which underlie the Christian religion..

    Implementation of high resolution tidal current fields in electronic navigational chart systems

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    A system for displaying tidal currents in an electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) has been developed and implemented in compliance with the standards of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). The tidal current fields can be displayed in real time on the electronic navigational chart and several options and functions for updating and zooming have been designed. The current fields are calculated from a data base with the harmonic constants for the four major tidal constituents. The harmonic constants are obtained from a high resolution numerical model which is validated by comparing with sea level and current measurements. The depth matrix for the central part of the model domain was calculated from data from multi-beam bathymetric surveys. An application example of the implementation is given for Trondheimsleia, a part of the main sailing route along the western coast of Norway