169 research outputs found

    On Some Properties of Tribonacci Quaternions

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    In this paper, we give some properties of the Tribonacci and Tribonacci-Lucas quaternions and obtain some identities for them

    Análise econômica de empresas agrícolas na Turquia de acordo com seu nível de sucesso

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    Neste estudo, empresas agrícolas de Turhal, Tokat foram agrupadas com base em seu grau de sucesso, suas características foram identificadas e seus resultados de atividades discutidos. O objetivo do estudo é determinar os aspectos que diferenciam empresas agrícolas de sucesso das demais. O ponto a ser alcançado pelo estudo é assistir as empresas agrícolas com um uso mais efetivo. O ponto a ser alcançado pelo estudo é assistir as empresas agrícolas com um uso mais efetivo dos meios existentes, para ajudar a desenvolvê-las. Foram utilizados dados de 71 empresas selecionadas pelo método estratificado de Neyman, através de questionários. O "Criterion of Agricultural Income Per Interprise Land Decar" foi aplicado para a classificação em relação ao nível de sucesso. Quando a renda agrícola foi suficientemente examinada, as empresas de sucesso moderado e as sem sucesso não podem obter renda agrícola suficiente para atender ao custo do trabalho familiar. Seu nível agrícola está muito abaixo da soma dos salários familiares e do juro real do capital equivalente. Por isso, a renda agrícola das empresas examinadas é considerada insuficiente. A relação entre o produto líquido e o capital ativo é 3,45% nas empresas de sucesso, 0,57% nas de moderado sucesso e -2,22% nas sem sucesso. Nesta relação, o limite do juro normal é de 5% para empresas de sucesso. Assim, empresas de sucesso trabalham mais eficientemente em comparação a outros grupos empresarias.In this study, agricultural enterprises in Turhal, Tokat were grouped based on their degree of success, their structural characteristics have been identified and their outcomes of activities discussed. The objective of the study was to determine the aspects that render successful agricultural enterprises different from other agricultural enterprises. The point to be achieved through the study is to assist agricultural enterprises with a more effective utilization of existing means in order to help them to develop. Data has been collected from 71 agricultural enterprises, which have been determined by Neyman's Method that is a stratified sampling method, via questionnaires. The Criterion of Agricultural Income Per Enterprise Land Decar has been applied for the classification of the enterprises according to their level of success. When the agricultural income was sufficiently examined in the enterprises, moderate successful and unsuccessful enterprises cannot obtain agricultural income to meet family labor force cost. Their agricultural level is quite below the sum of the family labour wage equivalent and the real interest of the equivalent capital. Therefore, the agricultural income of the examined enterprises is considered insufficient. The rate of the net product to the active capital is 3.45% in successful enterprises, 0.57% in those with moderate success, and for the unsuccessful ones, it has a negative value of -2.22%. This ratio for successful enterprises is close to 5%. Accordingly, the successful enterprises work more efficiently in comparison to the other enterprise groups

    The structure of vortical flow over a rounded broad-crested weir

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    Turbulent flow over a rounded broad-crested weir is investigated by means of detached eddy simulation (DES) and large eddy simulation (LES) with special emphasis on the interaction of coherent vortex structures with free-surface. In order to set up and validate the computational model, experimental studies were conducted in a laboratory flume using a moderately rounded broad-crested weir with a rounding ratio of R/P=0.15, where R is the radius of the upstream nose and P is the height of the weir. The simulated mean velocity, Reynolds stresses and free-surface profiles show good agreement with the experimental measurements. Spatial variation of the boundary layer on the crest is well captured using a dimensionless form of the Lamb vector divergence. Boundary layer shape factor calculated over the weir was found to be lie between 0.76 and 0.92. A horseshoe vortex system emanating from the bottom of the channel interacts with the free-surface at the entrance of the crest causing undulation on the free-surface. Unsteady characteristics of the flow are examined in terms of the power spectral density (PSD) of vortex-induced forces acting on the weir. It is found that a free-surface boundary layer develops from the undulation to the wall boundary layer on the crest. It was revealed from the simulations for various Reynolds numbers that the installation of an artificial pool upstream of the weir significantly modified vortex structures and reduced undulation effects by 86% according to a proposed undulation index.Comment: 30 pages, 20 figures and 4 table

    Grain alignment and its relationship with superconductivity and thermal transport of Ni-substituted Bi-2212 textured rods fabricated at two different growth rates

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    The microstructure, grain alignment, superconducting and thermal transport properties of Ni-substituted Bi-2212 rods grown at two different speeds (15 and 30 mm h−1) through the Laser Floating Zone method, have been evaluated. Significant variations in grain size, grain alignment, electrical and thermoelectric power properties have been observed for the rods depending on the growth and substitution rates. The highest aligned structure was obtained on unsubstituted rods grown at 15 mm h−1. Both increased substitution and growth rates degraded the grain alignment. The presence of Ni-based secondary phases showed that Ni is not totally incorporated into the crystal structure, which, in turn, caused a decrease on the average grain size of the rods. With increasing Ni concentration, peak values of thermoelectric power of the rods, which lie between 3.8 and 6.4 μVK−1, monotonically decreased while thermal conductivity values did not show any systematic change. The activation energy of flux motion, Uo, was calculated from the field dependent resistivity–temperature curves in a range of 0–8 T. Superconducting transition temperatures, Tconset and Tcoffset, and activation energy, Uo, were found to decrease with increasing Ni contents and applied magnetic field. It has been estimated from the magnetic field dependence of activation energy of the samples that plastic creep of the collective vortices is dominant in the rods.This work was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) under 2214 International Doctoral Research Fellowship Program (M. Ozabaci). A. Sotelo and M.A. Madre acknowledge DGA (Consolidated research group T12) for financial support. M. A. Madre acknowledges MINECO-FEDER (Project MAT2011-22719) for funding.Peer Reviewe

    Classical and Bayesian Estimation of Reliability in Multicomponent Stress-Strength Model Based on Weibull Distribution

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    In this study, we consider a multicomponent system which has k independent and identical strength components X1,...,Xk and each component is exposed to a common random stress Y when the underlying distributions are Weibull. The system is regarded as operating only if at least s out of k (1 ≤ s ≤ k) strength variables exceeds the random stress. We estimate the reliability of the system by using frequentist and Bayesian approaches. The Bayes estimate of the reliability has been developed by using Lindley's approximation and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods due to the lack of explicit forms. The asymptotic confidence interval and the highest probability density credible interval are constructed for the reliability. The comparison of the reliability estimators is made in terms of the estimated risks by the Monte Carlo simulations.En este estudio, consideramos un sistema multicomponente con k componentes de fuerza independientes y cada componente expuesto a un estrés común aleatorio Y cuando seconsidera una distribución Bernoulli. El sistema se considera operativo si por lo menos s de los k (1 s k) exceden el estrés aleatorio. Se estima la confiabilidad del sistema usando métodos bayesianos y frecuentistas. La estimación de Bayes de la confiabilidad ha sido desarrollada usando una aproximación de Lindley y métodos MCMC debido a la falta de formas explícitas. El intervalo de confianza asintótico y el intervalo de la densidad deprobabilidad más alta se construyen para la confiabilidad. La comparación de los estimadores de confiabilidad se hace en término de los riesgos estimados por medio de simulaciones Monte Carlo

    Torsion homology growth for noncongruence subgroups of Bianchi groups

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    We carry out numerical experiments to investigate the growth of torsion in their first homology of noncongruence subgroups of Bianchi groups. The data we collect suggest that the torsion homology growth conjecture of Bergeron and Venkatesh for congruence subgroups may apply to the noncongruence case as well

    Sustainable development from millennium 2015 to sustainable development goals 2030

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    In modern economies, the advancement of well‐being of the citizens should be in an inclusive and sustainable way. In this respect, the sustainable welfare targets should exclusively include three main pillars: economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental protection. These pillars consist of qualitative and nonmonetary, as well as monetary and quantitative indicators to monitor. Although sustainable development today is well‐appreciated in most governments' agenda, yet it is generally not a trivial task to measure its progress especially due to multidimensional nature of some targets. In this article, sustainable development is measured by using a wide range of indicators within multidimensional perspective of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 2015. Indicators cover wide spectrum of areas such as poverty reduction, health, education, gender equality, and environment. An index creation method is developed for measuring the level and the performance of countries' progress through achieving MDGs. The index score levels and the rankings of countries are compared with similar indexes developed by United Nations. Finally, countries are classified according to their achievements relative to other countries (which is measured by the index) versus their self‐achievement performances (in terms of improvement of the index over years) in a big matrix. Results demonstrate the importance of measuring country performances in both dimensions. Understanding the progress in MDGs can help settle on binding targets for achieving the country specific goals in economic and noneconomic areas and on the mechanisms to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030, which set amid on the success of MDGs.Post prin

    Energy Consumption, Carbon Emissions and Global Warming Potential of Wolfberry Production in Jingtai Oasis, Gansu Province, China

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    During the last decade, China's agro-food production has increased rapidly and been accompanied by the challenge of increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other environmental pollutants from fertilizers, pesticides, and intensive energy use. Understanding the energy use and environmental impacts of crop production will help identify environmentally damaging hotspots of agro-production, allowing environmental impacts to be assessed and crop management strategies optimized. Conventional farming has been widely employed in wolfberry (Lycium barbarum) cultivation in China, which is an important cash tree crop not only for the rural economy but also from an ecological standpoint. Energy use and global warming potential (GWP) were investigated in a wolfberry production system in the Yellow River irrigated Jingtai region of Gansu. In total, 52 household farms were randomly selected to conduct the investigation using questionnaires. Total energy input and output were 321,800.73 and 166,888.80 MJ ha−1, respectively, in the production system. The highest share of energy inputs was found to be electricity consumption for lifting irrigation water, accounting for 68.52%, followed by chemical fertilizer application (11.37%). Energy use efficiency was 0.52 when considering both fruit and pruned wood. Nonrenewable energy use (88.52%) was far larger than the renewable energy input. The share of GWP of different inputs were 64.52% electricity, 27.72% nitrogen (N) fertilizer, 5.07% phosphate, 2.32% diesel, and 0.37% potassium, respectively. The highest share was related to electricity consumption for irrigation, followed by N fertilizer use. Total GWP in the wolfberry planting system was 26,018.64 kg CO2 eq ha−1 and the share of CO2, N2O, and CH4 were 99.47%, 0.48%, and negligible respectively with CO2 being dominant. Pathways for reducing energy use and GHG emission mitigation include: conversion to low carbon farming to establish a sustainable and cleaner production system with options of raising water use efficiency by adopting a seasonal gradient water pricing system and advanced irrigation techniques; reducing synthetic fertilizer use; and policy support: smallholder farmland transfer (concentration) for scale production, credit (small- and low-interest credit) and tax breaks

    Epidemiology of intra-abdominal infection and sepsis in critically ill patients: “AbSeS”, a multinational observational cohort study and ESICM Trials Group Project

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    Purpose: To describe the epidemiology of intra-abdominal infection in an international cohort of ICU patients according to a new system that classifies cases according to setting of infection acquisition (community-acquired, early onset hospital-acquired, and late-onset hospital-acquired), anatomical disruption (absent or present with localized or diffuse peritonitis), and severity of disease expression (infection, sepsis, and septic shock). Methods: We performed a multicenter (n = 309), observational, epidemiological study including adult ICU patients diagnosed with intra-abdominal infection. Risk factors for mortality were assessed by logistic regression analysis. Results: The cohort included 2621 patients. Setting of infection acquisition was community-acquired in 31.6%, early onset hospital-acquired in 25%, and late-onset hospital-acquired in 43.4% of patients. Overall prevalence of antimicrobial resistance was 26.3% and difficult-to-treat resistant Gram-negative bacteria 4.3%, with great variation according to geographic region. No difference in prevalence of antimicrobial resistance was observed according to setting of infection acquisition. Overall mortality was 29.1%. Independent risk factors for mortality included late-onset hospital-acquired infection, diffuse peritonitis, sepsis, septic shock, older age, malnutrition, liver failure, congestive heart failure, antimicrobial resistance (either methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin-resistant enterococci, extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Gram-negative bacteria, or carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacteria) and source control failure evidenced by either the need for surgical revision or persistent inflammation. Conclusion: This multinational, heterogeneous cohort of ICU patients with intra-abdominal infection revealed that setting of infection acquisition, anatomical disruption, and severity of disease expression are disease-specific phenotypic characteristics associated with outcome, irrespective of the type of infection. Antimicrobial resistance is equally common in community-acquired as in hospital-acquired infection