59 research outputs found

    Effect of gluconeogenic diet on primary hepatoma patients

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    Three inoperable patients with primary hepatoma could be placed on gluconeogenic diets (minimum carbohydrate-high fat diets) for one to three months. A transient inhibition or a marked retardation of the tumor growth was observed with these patients and their entire clinical courses were fairly good. These results confirmed our previous observation with a metastatic liver tumor patient.</p

    A case of Acute Diffuse Non-Perforative Biliary Peritonitis

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    This is a report on a male patient aged 35, who had experienced an attack like gall stones in the past, and who, at night on a sudden felt a sharp r. hypothondralgia; next, vomiting came; thus, appeared gall bladder swell as large as a child's fist, and on the fourth day of disease suddenly succumbed under a complication, i.e., diffuse peritonitis; though have conducted a laparotomia, the prognosis proving bad, died; about whom man could not affirm perforated portion macroscopically, but for operation as well as autopsy, Furthermore, for the cause of this disease it might be mentioned such matters as, stagnation of bile caused by a presence of dove's egg size gall stone in the part where common bile duct opens to duodenum; as well as, swell of gall bladder, tention as well as contrary flow of pancreatic juice into biliary tract: besides, infection of escherichia coli in the bile within bile bladder, along with necrosis of gall bladder wall etc

    Studies on the Me­chanism of Bile Pigment Formation in Vivo. Part &#8544;. On the Cor­relation between the Production of Bile Pigments and Functions of the Parenchymal Cells of the Liver.

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    1. In normal adults and in patients of non-hepatic diseases a transient hyperbilirubinemia occurs after peroral administration of hemolysed blood. 2. In cases of severe anchylostomiasis the serum bilirubin displays a remarkable decrease, and on imposition of hemolysed blood, no hyperbilirubinemia occurs but a relative one may be seen. 3. In patients with highly impaired functions of the parenchymal cells of the liver, neither absolute nor relative hyperbilirubinemia occurs on similar imposition of hemolysed blood. 4. Imposed blood or hemoglobin seems primarily to be phagocytosed by the reticulo-endothelial system. 5. A similar transient hyperbilirubinemia is also seen in rabbits after peroral imposition of hemohsed blood. 6. When the functions of the reticulo-endothelial system are accelerated by administration of &#34;Koha&#34;, even incases of nonimposition of blood a hyperbilirubinemia occurs, but when hemolysed blood is imposed an additional transient increase in the hyperbilirubinemia may be detected. 7. In cases of blockage of the reticulo- endothelial system, this degree in the occurrence of hyperbilirubinemia is somewhat lower. 8. In cases of impaired liver cells by carbon tetrachloride, this decline is especially remarkable, and only a tendency of occurence can be dected. Since it is very difficult to explain this fact only by the co-existing impairment in the reticulo-endothelial system, the decline in the functions of the parenchymal cells of the liver must be placed under consideration. 9. By absorption tests of the intestines and by serological procedures, it is apparent that the perorally administerred hemoglobin may be readily absorbed from the jejunum, under any of these conditions. 10. Consequently, as for the cause of the hyperbilirubinemia occurring after peroral administration of hemolysed blood, most naturaly the reticulo-endothelial system participates, but it is impossible to neglect the part payed by the parenchymal cells of the liver.</p

    Treatment of hepatic cancer patients with a gluconeogenic diet: report of a case with hepatic metastases of malignant melanoma

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    A case of malignant melanoma with metastases mainly to the liver and the right ilium was treated with a gluconeogenic diet. The carbohydrate content of the diet was finally reduced to 5&#8764;10 g per day and the remaining calories were derived from protein and fat. Increased blood citrate and NEFA concentrations, increased ketone body formation and the maintenance of a reasonable level of blood sugar confirmed the attainment of a gluconeogenic metabolic state. Definite improvements in size of a hepatic tumor, serum alkaline phosphatase activity and the general condition were observed transient1y during the dietary therapy. Growth of the tumor resumed despite the continued gluconeogenic therapy, and the patient died of cardiac failure. Concentrations of gluconeogenic enzymes, fructose-1, 6-diphosphatase, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase and glutamic pyruvic transaminase, were all found to be very low in the tumor tissue as expected.</p

    Immunological properties of two fetus-specific globulins of rat in experimentally induced hepatic lesions

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    Two fetus-specific globulins, al and a2·fetoglobulins, were detected in rat fetal serum, and the former was detected in amniotic fluid, using respective monospecific rabbit immune sera. Immunochemical distinction of these two proteins was demonstrated. By polyacrylamide gel disc electrophoresis, al-fetoglobulin was further resolved into fast and slow migrating subcomponents having a similar reactivity against the specific immune serum. The concentrations of these globulins in the serum of adult rat with experimentally induced hepatic lesions were determined by quantitative immunoprecipitin method or the Ouchterlony test using the specific antisera.</p

    Studies on the Mechanism of Bile Pigment Formation in Vivo. III. On the Transition of Biliverdin, and Bilirubin in the Bile of Rabbits.

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    1. In the bile of rabbits, the metabolisms of biliverdin and bilirubin are in a solucible state, and which have a ratio of 2: 1 in normal animals. 2. In the production of biliverdin, the liver, especially the parenchyma of the liver has a very important role, while that of the reticulo-endothelial system is rather minor. However, in the case of glucose administration, the reduction of bilirubin from biliverdin is performed in the reticulo-endothelial system, thus conferring an important part of this system. 3. The production of bilirubin is performed primarily extrahepatically, and the participation of the extrahepatical reticuloendothelial system is of a conservative nature, thus denying us any willingness to agree to the theory of bilirubin production in the reticulo-endothelial system. 4. On administration of hemolysed blood, bile pigments in bile demonstrate a remarkable increase, while as compared when injected into the auricle veins in cases of administration through the portal vein a decline in the functions of the liver reticulo-endothelial system is seen, causing a decrease in biliverdin amount. In the former modus of administration, an occasional stimulation of the liver reticulo- endothelial system is seen, causing reduction of biliverdin to bilirubin. 5. Concluding from these facts, biliverdin in rabbit bile occupies the role of an intermediate product in the production and metabolism of bilirubin.</p

    Studies on the Mechanism of Bile Pigment Formation in Vivo. II. On the Process of Intrahepatical Production of Bilirubin.

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    1. When hemolysed blood is administered orally to rabbits, in cases of healthy and those with blocked reticulo-endothelial systems, a transient increase in the verdohemoglobin (M. Engel) is seen in circulating blood, while in that of rabbits with impaired parenchymal liver cells, no such increase occurs. 2. On irrigation of hemolysed blood through rabbit livers, in healthy rabbits production of indirect bilirubin may be demonstrated while in that with blockage of the reticulo-endothelial system or with impaired liver parenchymal cells, this may not be seen. Moreover, in this case of blockade of the reticulo-endothelial system. production of verdohemoglobin may be demonstrated. while none whatsoever may be demonstrated in cases of impaired liver parenchmal. On the other hand on irrigation of verdohemoglobin and biliverdin solutions, in healthy and in impaired liver parenchymal cell cases, production of bilirubin may be observed while absolutely none was detected in cases of blocked reticulo-endothelial systems, 3. Concluding from the results stated above and those of clinical experiments stated elsewhere, the following process is assumed: when blood is imposed on the organism it is primarily phagocytosed by the reticulo-endothelial system, next dissolved to verdohemoglobin {M. Engel) in the parenchymal cells of the liver, and then dissolved into globin, iron, and biliverdin in the reticulo-endothelial system, of which biliverdin is further reduced to bilirubin. A portion of this remains in the circulating blood as indirect bilirubin, while the majority of it is esterized in the parenchymal cells of the liver, and proceeds to the bile ducts as direct bilirubin.</p

    Post-War Time and Liver Affections

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    To our Dept., so many patients of liver affections entered, after the War: moreover, in our experiences, their prognosis proved to be altogether bad. Therefore, choosing 8 most serious cases out of many, kept record on their disease as well as experiences. Further, at the same time clarifying that there had already existed such a state after the World War 1, due to bibliography, could interpret our own experience to be similar case, namely, the cause by which this kind of strange phenomenon has occurred may roughly be traced back to the decline of nutriment as well as moral degeneration due to financial panic, special in war-time or post-war time. Consequently, today, when man treats various affections it is necessary for him to take much care about the attitude of the liver

    Purification and immunochemical characterization of alpha-fetoprotein from rat fetal serum and liver

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    Two alpha1-globulin bands of fetal serum with relative mobilities against bromophenol blue of 0.55 and 0.58 on 7% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis reacted with a monospecific rabbit antiserum to alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). The former globulin band was clearly detected in the fetal liver supernatant. AFP was immunochemically purified from both the fetal serum and liver, and their electrophoretic and immunochemical properties were compared. Liver AFP purified by immunoadsorbent column yielded electrophoretic mobilities and relative amounts of the two electrophoretically distinct components identical with the purified serum AFP. The immunological reactivity of the two components of the purified preparations from serum and liver against the monospecific anti-AFP serum was also indistinguishable. After the removal of the sialic acid residues from purified serum and liver AFP by treatment with neuraminidase for 6 to 12 hr, disc electrophoretic patterns on 5% polyacrylamide gel and immunoelectrophoretic patterns of the treated AFP were found to be closely similar in both preparations. It may be possible to conclude that serum and liver AFP are structurally indistinguishable and probably identical.</p

    On Liver Cirrhosis which Betook an Interesting Course; to Which, Primary Liver Cancer has Occurred

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    Male, aged 59, who had induced some liver cirrhosis accompanied with pleuro-abdominal fluid, had entered a hospital; after that date, owing to removal of ascites that was conducted twice, as well as removal of pleural fluid conducted once, managed to keep more or less sedate state; but after 3 years, started primary liver cancer. The author, at the same time describing such symptoms and process, have investigated about the mechanism to start ascites, along with pathogenesis to start primary liver cancer
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