16 research outputs found

    Production and antioxidant capacity of tissue cultures from four Amaryllidaceae species

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    The aim of this study was (i) to produce tissue cultures capable of efficient plant regeneration from European naturally occurring protected and/or pharmacologically important Amaryllidaceae species and (ii) to test them for antioxidant activities in order to select tissue cultures that scavenge efficiently oxygen radicals. Bulb explants were collected from Galanthus woronowii, two Leucojum species, and Sternbergia lutea. Leucojum species were Hungarian isolates. Mostly α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and benzyladenine (BA) were used as growth regulator combinations for the induction and maintenance of tissue cultures and further antioxidant activity studies. Galanthus woronowii and L. vernum cultures produced shoots or whole plants via micropropagation (callus stage was observed only sporadically and callus tissue did not contribute to regeneration), whereas L. aestivum and S. lutea produced efficiently whole plants or multiple shoots via embryogenic calli. Total phenolic content, % inhibition of ABTS radical (ABTS*) cation, and peroxidase activities on native polyacrylamide gels were studied and showed differences between cultures. No relationship could be detected between polyphenol content / radical scavenging capacities and H2O2 reducing enzyme activities. For G. woronowii, S. lutea, and a culture line of L. vernum, polyphenol content and ABTS* cation scavenging activities were high and for G. woronowii, comparable to organs of the native plants used as explant sources. Bulbs of native plants showed low radical scavenging activities in general. For L. vernum and L. aestivum tissue cultures grown in the presence of NAA as the sole growth regulator, ABTS* cation scavenging showed low values. Enzymatic antioxidant (pyrogallol peroxidase) activities were low for all cultures and organs of native plants. This study shows the species conservation value of these cultures and highlights the high antioxidant capacity of G. woronowii and S. lutea, attributed to the presence of non-enzymatic scavengers

    Pyrophosphate therapy prevents trauma-induced calcification in the mouse model of neurogenic heterotopic ossification

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    Trauma-induced calcification is the pathological consequence of complex injuries which often affect the central nervous system and other parts of the body simultaneously. We demonstrated by an animal model recapitulating the calcification of the above condition that adrenaline transmits the stress signal of brain injury to the calcifying tissues. We have also found that although the level of plasma pyrophosphate, the endogenous inhibitor of calcification, was normal in calcifying animals, it could not counteract the acute calcification. However, externally added pyrophosphate inhibited calcification even when it was administered after the complex injuries. Our finding suggests a potentially powerful clinical intervention of calcification triggered by polytrauma injuries which has no effective treatment. © 2020 The Authors. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine published by Foundation for Cellular and Molecular Medicine and John Wiley & Sons Lt

    Cilindrospermopszin (cianotoxin) kezelt mustár csíranövények nukleáz és proteáz enzim aktivitás és mintázat változásai

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    A cianobartériumok vizvirágzások alkalmával, jelentős mennyiségű, úgynevezett cianotocint jutattnak a víztérbe. Ilyen cianotoxin a hatásmechanizmusában még kevésbé ismert cilindrospermopszin (CYN) is, mely kijut a víztérbe és káros a növényekre, halakra és az élőhely más tagjaira is.Korábbi vizsgálataim eredményeire alapozva folytattam vizsgálataimat a cilindrospermopszin által indukált enzimatikus változások jobb megértéséhez. Ehhez vizsgáltam a CYN által kiváltott növekedés változást valamint, az ssDNáz és a dsDnáz enzim aktivitás változásait, illetve vizsgálataimat kiterjesztettem a proteáz enzimekre is.MSc/MABiotechnológiag

    Cilindrospermopszin okozta nukleáz enzim változások mustár csíranövényekben

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    Célul tűztem ki a hatásmechanizmusában még kevésbé ismert cilindrospermopszin (cianotoxin) vizsgálatát, hatásának szervenkénti elemzését.A nukleáz enzimek aktivitásváltozásait poliakrilamid aktivitásgéleken vizsgáltam. Célom volt, hogy az egyfonalú DNS-t hasító ssDN-áz enzimek mellett a natív DNS-t hasító dsDN-ázokról is adatokat gyűjtsek, mert ezek fontos új adatokkal szolgálhatnak a CYN lehetséges sejtkárosító hatásaira vonatkozóan.BSc/BABiológiag