71 research outputs found

    Cultura organizacional en una Universidad Privada de la sierra central del Perú : un estudio de caso

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    Comprender la cultura es fundamental para el buen funcionamiento de un sistema organizativo, pues le otorga coherencia y cohesión mediante el ejercicio de una serie de hábitos, normas y costumbres, manteniendo viva su identidad, reforzando sus valores y cimientos, y guiándola hacia el logro de metas y objetivos comunes. Esta investigación se desarrolla metodológicamente desde un enfoque cualitativo, a nivel descriptivo y aplicando el método de estudio de casos para responder al objetivo planteado que busca describir la cultura organizacional de una universidad de la sierra central del Perú. El diseño aplicado permite abordar la investigación desde una realidad en particular, en este caso, una universidad, contando con datos recogidos de sus propios colaboradores. Para la categorización se utilizaron las dimensiones del modelo de Cultura Organizacional de Daniel Denison (2000). Cada categoría responde a un objetivo específico, lo que permitió, que la información recogida fuera sistematizada, analizada e interpretada de forma estructurada. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron una cultura organizacional aún no consolidada, pero consideramos que, con los hallazgos presentados, se abren posibilidades de aplicar estrategias asertivas si se construyen de forma participativa y desde una relación intercultural, rasgo tan importante para la Universidad objeto de estudio.Understanding culture is essential for the proper functioning of an organizational system. It gives it coherence and cohesion through the exercise of a series of habits, norms, and customs, keeping its identity alive, reinforcing its values and foundations, and guiding it towards the achievement of common goals and objectives. This research is methodologically conducted from a qualitative approach, at a descriptive level, applying the case study method to meet the proposed objective that seeks to describe the organizational culture of a university in the central highlands of Peru. The applied design allows us to address this research from a particular reality, in this case, a university, with data collected from its workers. This research applied Daniel Denison's Organizational Culture Model dimensions for categorization. Each category meets a specific objective, which allowed the information collected to be systematized, analyzed, and interpreted in a structured manner. The results showed an organizational culture not yet consolidated; however, we consider that, with the findings presented, there are possibilities to apply effective strategies if developed in a participatory manner, from an intercultural relationship, which is a feature that is important for the University under research.Tesi

    Hantavirus Prevalence in the IX Region of Chile

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    An epidemiologic and seroprevalence survey was conducted (n=830) to assess proportion of persons exposed to hantavirus in IX Region Chile, which accounts for 25% of reported cases of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome. This region has three geographic areas with different disease incidences and a high proportion of aboriginals. Serum samples were tested for immunoglobulin (Ig) G antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay against Sin Nombre virus N antigen by strip immunoblot assay against Sin Nombre, Puumala, Río Mamoré, and Seoul N antigens. Samples from six patients were positive for IgG antibodies reactive with Andes virus; all patients lived in the Andes Mountains. Foresting was also associated with seropositivity; but not sex, age, race, rodent exposure, or farming activities. Exposure to hantavirus varies in different communities of IX Region. Absence of history of pneumonia or hospital admission in persons with specific IgG antibodies suggests that infection is clinically inapparent

    Epidemiological and virological characteristics of influenza viruses circulating in Cambodia from 2009 to 2011

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    Background: The Cambodian National Influenza Center (NIC) monitored and characterized circulating influenza strains from 2009 to 2011. Methodology/Principal Findings: Sentinel and study sites collected nasopharyngeal specimens for diagnostic detection, virus isolation, antigenic characterization, sequencing and antiviral susceptibility analysis from patients who fulfilled case definitions for influenza-like illness, acute lower respiratory infections and event-based surveillance. Each year in Cambodia, influenza viruses were detected mainly from June to November, during the rainy season. Antigenic analysis show that A/H1N1pdm09 isolates belonged to the A/California/7/2009-like group. Circulating A/H3N2 strains were A/Brisbane/10/2007-like in 2009 before drifting to A/Perth/16/2009-like in 2010 and 2011. The Cambodian influenza B isolates from 2009 to 2011 all belonged to the B/Victoria lineage represented by the vaccine strains B/Brisbane/60/2008 and B/Malaysia/2506/2004. Sequences of the M2 gene obtained from representative 2009–2011 A/H3N2 and A/H1N1pdm09 strains all contained the S31N mutation associated with adamantanes resistance except for one A/H1N1pdm09 strain isolated in 2011 that lacked this mutation. No reduction in the susceptibility to neuraminidase inhibitors was observed among the influenza viruses circulating from 2009 to 2011. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that A/H3N2 strains clustered each year to a distinct group while most A/H1N1pdm09 isolates belonged to the S203T clade. Conclusions/Significance: In Cambodia, from 2009 to 2011, influenza activity occurred throughout the year with peak seasonality during the rainy season from June to November. Seasonal influenza epidemics were due to multiple genetically distinct viruses, even though all of the isolates were antigenically similar to the reference vaccine strains. The drug susceptibility profile of Cambodian influenza strains revealed that neuraminidase inhibitors would be the drug of choice for influenza treatment and chemoprophylaxis in Cambodia, as adamantanes are no longer expected to be effective

    Worldwide molecular epidemiology of HIV

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    Global Role and Burden of Influenza in Pediatric Respiratory Hospitalizations, 1982-2012:A Systematic Analysis

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    BACKGROUND:The global burden of pediatric severe respiratory illness is substantial, and influenza viruses contribute to this burden. Systematic surveillance and testing for influenza among hospitalized children has expanded globally over the past decade. However, only a fraction of the data has been used to estimate influenza burden. In this analysis, we use surveillance data to provide an estimate of influenza-associated hospitalizations among children worldwide. METHODS AND FINDINGS:We aggregated data from a systematic review (n = 108) and surveillance platforms (n = 37) to calculate a pooled estimate of the proportion of samples collected from children hospitalized with respiratory illnesses and positive for influenza by age group (<6 mo, <1 y, <2 y, <5 y, 5-17 y, and <18 y). We applied this proportion to global estimates of acute lower respiratory infection hospitalizations among children aged <1 y and <5 y, to obtain the number and per capita rate of influenza-associated hospitalizations by geographic region and socio-economic status. Influenza was associated with 10% (95% CI 8%-11%) of respiratory hospitalizations in children <18 y worldwide, ranging from 5% (95% CI 3%-7%) among children <6 mo to 16% (95% CI 14%-20%) among children 5-17 y. On average, we estimated that influenza results in approximately 374,000 (95% CI 264,000 to 539,000) hospitalizations in children <1 y-of which 228,000 (95% CI 150,000 to 344,000) occur in children <6 mo-and 870,000 (95% CI 610,000 to 1,237,000) hospitalizations in children <5 y annually. Influenza-associated hospitalization rates were more than three times higher in developing countries than in industrialized countries (150/100,000 children/year versus 48/100,000). However, differences in hospitalization practices between settings are an important limitation in interpreting these findings. CONCLUSIONS:Influenza is an important contributor to respiratory hospitalizations among young children worldwide. Increasing influenza vaccination coverage among young children and pregnant women could reduce this burden and protect infants <6 mo

    Relación entre las expectativas de mejores empleos futuros y la decision de ingresar a los Centros de Educación Básica Alternativa : estudio de jóvenes del Ceba Alfredo Rebaza Acosta

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    Esta tesis pretende mostrar la relación entre las expectativas de mejoras de empleo y la reinserción a la educación básica de un joven o adulto. Esta relación en nuestro país es directa ya que, por lo general, los trabajadores informales no cuentan con educación básica concluida. La educación básica de jóvenes y adultos debe ser atendido por nuestro sistema educativo con urgencia, si deseamos tener una población preparada para hacerle frente a las demandas del siglo XXI. Las estadísticas demuestran que la educación básica no es atractiva para muchos peruanos, sobre todo en la secundaria, y que, al insertarse por primera vez en el trabajo, una gran parte ya no regresa a la escuela. Un joven que trabaja asume diversas responsabilidades que no le permiten continuar su vida escolar, condicionándolo a futuro a una situación laboral precaria, casi irreversible. La Educación Básica Alternativa (EBA) juega un papel fundamental en la inserción de tantos peruanos que se encuentran fuera del sistema escolar y que, por lo tanto, quedan relegados también de una oportunidad en la educación superior. Los mecanismos y la mirada que esta modalidad ofrezca a sus estudiantes son fundamentales para cambiar este escenario.This thesis is intended to show the relationship between the expectations of employment improvements and the reintegration into basic education of a young person or adult. This relationship in our country is direct and it is proven that, in general, informal workers have not completed basic education. Basic education of young people and adults must be addressed urgently in our education system, if we want to have a population trained for work and to meet the 21st century demands. Statistics show that basic education is not attractive to many Peruvians, especially in high school, and that, when they first enter work, most of them do not return to school. A young working person takes on various responsibilities that do not allow him to continue his school life; this conditions him to maintain a precarious labor situation, and influences the quality of life of their families, almost irreversible situation. Alternative Basic Education (ABE) plays a fundamental role in the insertion of so many Peruvians who are outside the school system and who, therefore, are also relegated from an opportunity in higher education. The mechanisms and the view this modality offers its students are fundamental to change this scenario.Tesi

    Differential Functional Avidity of Dengue Virus-Specific T-Cell Clones for Variant Peptides Representing Heterologous and Previously Encountered Serotypes▿

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    Proinflammatory cytokines secreted by memory CD8+ and CD4+ T cells are thought to play a direct role in the pathogenesis of dengue virus infection by increasing vascular permeability and thereby inducing the pathophysiologic events associated with dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. Severe disease is frequently observed in the setting of secondary infection with heterologous dengue virus serotypes, suggesting a role for cross-reactive memory T cells in the immunopathogenesis of severe disease. We used a large panel of well-characterized dengue virus-specific CD8+ T-cell clones isolated from Pacific Islanders previously infected with dengue virus 1 to examine effector memory function, focusing on a novel dominant HLA-B*5502-restricted NS5329-337 epitope, and assessed T-cell responses to stimulation with variant peptides representing heterologous serotypes. Variant peptides were differentially recognized by dengue virus 1-specific effector CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in a heterogeneous and clone-specific manner, in which cytolytic function and cytokine secretion could be enhanced, diminished, or abrogated compared with cognate peptide stimulation. Dengue virus-specific CTL stimulated with cognate and variant peptides demonstrated a cytokine response hierarchy of gamma IFN (IFN-γ) > tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) > interleukin-2 (IL-2), and a subset of clones also produced IL-4 and IL-6. Individual clones demonstrated greater avidity for variant peptides representing heterologous serotypes, including serotypes previously encountered by the subject, and IFN-γ and TNF-α secretion was enhanced by stimulation with these heterologous peptides. Altered antiviral T-cell responses in response to stimulation with heterologous dengue virus serotypes have implications for control of virus replication and for disease pathogenesis