58 research outputs found

    Input and Output in the Acquisition of Russian as a Heritage Language During the Third Year of Life

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    Heritage language (HL) acquisition is characterized by substantial variation that is claimed be the result of reduced input. HL grammars demonstrate systematic processes of grammatical restructuring and are often incomplete, divergent, and reduced in comparison to the standard language. The present study investigates the role of the quantity and quality of linguistic input in the vocabulary and grammar development of HL Russian-English children during their third year of life. Particular attention is paid to the development of the grammatical categories of Russian verbs (aspect, tense, person, and number). The current thesis employs several research tools: parental questionnaires measuring language exposure and performance, LENATM analysis of adults’ and children’s linguistic activity based on the day-long recordings, and the analysis of a transcribed naturalistic dense corpus. The results of longitudinal analysis show that the rate of development of the child’s two languages reflect her relative amount of language exposure. Despite the small amount of English, the effect of the presence of the second language in the input was found: there was a slight delay in vocabulary and grammar development in the child’s two languages at age 2. However, at age 3, vocabulary and grammar scores in both languages rose, evidence of acquisition of the two linguistic systems. Additionally, despite the reduced relative amount of Russian, children follow the same developmental path acquiring Russian verbal categories as the Russian monolinguals do. Moreover, the evidence demonstrates that heritage Russian input differs significantly from monolingual Russian input in terms of the verb forms used. Heritage Russian quantitative characteristics of verb forms use in output showed a strong interrelation with input. The dense description of familial language use proved useful in that it provided a means of quantifying and qualifying the actual distribution of languages in the home environment as well as the features present in parental child-directed speech. The results of the current analysis demonstrate the importance of undertaking a composite approach when examining children’s bilingual living environments and their bilingual development

    SIRT1 gene methylation in sperm differs in rams with high and low fertility

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    Submitted 2020-07-02 | Accepted 2020-09-04 | Available 2020-12-01https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2020.23.mi-fpap.156-161Recently, more evidences of epigenetic impact on the male fertility, particularly on sperm DNA methylation have been reported. Data related to this issue in livestock males is still limited. The present study analyzed the DNA methylation status of the important gene for spermatogenesis, SIRT1, in ram sperm and its correspondence with semen quality and fertilizing ability. The ejaculates of 10 rams (5 rams - 1.5 years old, and 5 rams - 4 years old) from Synthetic Population Bulgarian Milk breed were evaluated and used for the artificial insemination of 174 ewes in breeding season. Two semen samples from each animal were used for DNA extraction followed by bisulfite conversion. The DNA methylation status of SIRT1 was detected through quantitative methylation-specific PCR using two sets of primers designed specifically for bisulfite-converted DNA sequences to attach methylated and unmethylated sites. On the base of age and conception rate the rams were divided in different groups. Data of semen quality, DNA methylation status of SIRT1 and reproductive performances of each group were statistically processed. Results showed a high average value of DNA methylation of SIRT1 in ram sperm (78.5±23.9%) and wide individual variability among investigated animals, with a coefficient of variation of 34.4%. The 1.5 years old animals tended to have a higher level of SIRT1 methylation than 4 years old animals. The rams in group with high fertilizing ability had significantly higher DNA methylation of SIRT1 in sperm than those with low fertilizing ability. In conclusion, results of this study provided evidence that the alteration of sperm SIRT1 methylation is associated with fertility performances of the rams and, probably, with their age.Keywords: sperm DNA methylation, SIRT1, ram fertilityReferencesAHLAWAT, S. et al. (2019). Promoter methylation and expression analysis of Bvh gene in bulls with varying semen motility parameters. Theriogenology, 125, 152–156. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.theriogenology.2018.11.001ASTON, K. I. et al. (2015). Aberrant sperm DNA methylation predicts male fertility status and embryo quality. Fertility and Sterility, 104, 1388–1397. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fertnstert.2015.08.019AX, R. L. et al. (2000). Semen evaluation. In: Hafez, B., Hafez, E. S. E. (Eds.), Reproduction in Farm Animals, 7 th ed. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, pp. 365-375.BELL, E. L. et al. (2014). SirT1 is required in the male germ cell for differentiation and fecundity in mice. 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DNA hypermethylation of sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) caused by betel quid chewing—a possible predictive biomarker for malignant transformation. Clinical Epigenetics, 12, 12. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13148-019-0806-y JENKINS, T. G. et al. (2019). Age-associated sperm DNA methylation patterns do not directly persist trans-generationally. Epigenetics & Chromatin 12,(1), NA https://doi.org/10.1186/s13072-019-0323-4JING, H. and LIN, H. (2015). Sirtuins in epigenetic regulation. Chemical Reviews, 115, 2350−2375. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr500457hKENNEDY, D. (2012). Sheep Reproduction Basics and Conception Rates. http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/livestock/sheep/facts/12-037.htmKROPP, J. et al. (2017). Male fertility status is associated with DNA methylation signatures in sperm and transcriptomic profiles of bovine preimplantation embryos. BMC Genomics, 18, 280. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-017-3673-yLAMBERT, S. et al. (2018). 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    Oregonin from Alnus incana bark affects DNA methyltransferases expression and mitochondrial DNA copies in mouse embryonic fibroblasts

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    Oregonin is an open-chain diarylheptanoid isolated from Alnus incana bark that possesses remarkable antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, inhibits adipogenesis, and can be used in the prevention of obesity and related metabolic disorders. Here, we aimed to investigate the effects of oregonin on the epigenetic regulation in cells as well as its ability to modulate DNA methylating enzymes expression and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copies. Our results show that oregonin altered the expression of DNA methyltransferases and mtDNA copy numbers in dependency on concentration and specificity of cells genotype. A close correlation between mtDNA copy numbers and mRNA expression of the mtDnmt1 and Dnmt3b was established. Moreover, molecular modeling suggested that oregonin fits the catalytic site of DNMT1 and partially overlaps with binding of the cofactor. These findings further extend the knowledge on oregonin, and elucidate for the first time its potential to affect the key players of the DNA methylation process, namely DNMTs transcripts and mtDNA

    DNA Methylation Level of Gene SIRT1 in Ram Spermatozoa and Relationship with Fertilizing Ability According to Breed and Age

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    Background: Effect of the epigenetic factors on the male fertility is well proofed. Sperm acts as a carrier of genetic material, and its DNA methylome can affect maternal pregnancy rate and offspring phenotype. However, the research on the DNA methylation in the spermatozoids of livestock males, in particular rams, is still limited. To best of our knowledge the data about as a global as well as gene specific DNA methylation in ram spermatozoa from different breeds and ages are missed in the scientific literature. The present study was designed to analyze the relationship between methylation levels of the important for spermatogenesis gene SIRT1 in spermatozoa and fertilizing ability of sperm in rams from different breeds and ages. Materials, Methods & Results: The ejaculates of 16 rams from Lacaune, East Friesian and Assaf breeds at age between 18 to 96 months were evaluated. The kinematic parameters of 2 semen samples from each animal were estimated by CASA. The separated spermatozoa were used for DNA extraction followed by bisulfite conversion. The DNA methylation of SIRT1 was detected through quantitative methylation-specific PCR using 2 sets of primers designed specifically for bisulfite-converted DNA sequences to attach methylated and unmethylated sites. The breed and age effect on the gene SIRT1 methylation by ANOVA was estimated. Experimental females included 393 clinically healthy milk ewes (Lacaune, n = 131; East Friesian sheep, n = 100 and Assaf, n = 162) in breeding season. Reproductive performances (conception rate at lambing, lambing percentage and fecundity) of ewes, inseminated by sperm of the investigated rams, were statistically processed. ANOVA showed that the animal breed influences significantly on the level of DNA methylation of gene SIRT1 in ram spermatozoa (P = 0.002) An average value of DNA methylation of SIRT1 in ram sperm from Lacaune breed was significantly higher than in Assaf and East Friesian (81.21 ± 15.1% vs 36.7 ± 14.2% and 38.3 ± 18.6 respectively, P < 0.01). The highest percent of SIRT1 methylation was observed in old animals compared to the young and middle-age. Moderate and strong correlations (r from 0.44 to 0.71, P < 0.05) between the methylation level of the SIRT1 gene in rams' sperm and reproductive parameters of inseminated ewes in all breeds were established. Discussion: Our data are the first message about the effect of breed on the specificity of DNA methylation of gene SIRT1 in ram spermatozoa. These results demonstrated an existence of the sheep breeds with high and low level of DNA methylation of gene SIRT1 in ram sperm. Although the effect of age on the methylation level in sperm is still discussable, our results showed a moderate correlation between age and methylation level of SIRT1 in spermatozoa of rams. Taking into account that DNA methylation in sperm is stabilized with puberty onset and is a heritable epigenetic modification, it can be a promising marker of sperm quality in animal breeding. In all investigated breeds the rams with relatively high level of DNA methylation of gene SIRT1 in spermatozoa (50-68%) demonstrated a high conception rate at lambing (> 70%). In conclusion, the DNA methylation level of the SIRT1 gene in ram spermatozoa is determined by both the breed and the age of the animals and correlates with fertilizing ability of sperm. Keywords: SIRT1 methylation, ram spermatozoa, Lacuane, East Friesian, Assaf breeds

    Utjecaj hranidbe s dodatkom trutovskog legla na folikulogenezu u nazimica

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    The biological properties of bee drone brood make it an ideal additive for growth promotion in animal husbandry instead of banned hormonal anabolics and antibiotics. However, the drone brood action on mammalian ovaries has not been well studied. The present study analyzes the impact of drone brood homogenate (DBH) in the diet of growing gilts on folliculogenesis. Large White female pigs at the age of 35 days were randomly divided into two groups of 10 animals each, and fed with the same basal diets. The experimental group was supplemented with 25 mg/kg forage of DBH for 180 days, after which the animals were slaughtered and morphometric, histological and immunohistochemical evaluation of their ovaries was performed. In addition, the expression of ovarian growth factors BMP15 and GDF9 in oocytes and cumulus cells was analyzed by RT-PCR. A significant increase in body weight and average daily gain at day 145 in the DBH-supplemented group was established. The length of the ovaries in the treated animals also was enhanced. More pools of primordial follicles, involved in intensive growth, as well as a larger diameter of primary and tertiary follicles were found in the ovaries of DBH-supplemented animals. These findings corresponded with an increase in the expression of GDF9 mRNA in the oocytes and cumulus cells. At the same time, signs of atresia in the Graafian follicles of treated animals were observed. The supplementation with DBH stimulates the early stages of folliculogenesis in gilts, but provokes atresia in the last stage of follicular development.Biološka svojstva pčelinjeg trutovskog legla čine ga idealnim dodatkom za poboljšanje rasta u stočarstvu umjesto zabranjenih hormonskih anabolika i antibiotika. Ipak, utjecaj trutovskog legla na jajnike u sisavaca još uvijek nije dovoljno istražen. U ovom se radu analiziran je utjecaj homogenata trutovskog legla (DBH) u prehrani nazimica na folikulogenezu. Ženke pasmine veliki jorkšir u dobi od 35 dana nasumično su podijeljene u dvije skupine po 10 životinja, s jednakim osnovnim prehrambenim obrokom. Pokusnoj skupini u krmu je dodavano 25 mg/kg DBH-a tijekom 180 dana, nakon čega su životinje usmrćene te je učinjena morfometrijska, histološka i imunohistokemijska procjena jajnika. Zatim je u oocitama i stanicama kumulusa RT-PCR-om analiziran izražaj faktora rasta jajnika, BMP15 i GDF9. U skupini s dodatkom prehrani DBH ustanovljen je znakovit porast tjelesne mase i prosječnog dnevnog prinosa 145. dan. Povećana je i dužina jajnika u pokusnih životinja. U životinja hranjenih dodatkom pronađeno je više nakupina primordijalnih folikula uključenih u intenzivan rast, kao i veći promjer primarnih i tercijarnih folikula. Ovi su rezultati u skladu s porastom izražaja GDF9 mRNA u oocitama i stanicama kumulusa. Istodobno su opaženi znakovi atrezije u Graafovim folikulima pokusnih životinja. Dodatak prehrani DBH stimulira rane stadije folikulogeneze u nazimica, ali uzrokuje atreziju u posljednjem stadiju folikularnog razvoja

    EffEct of brEEding sEason on thE kinEmatic paramEtErs and morphology of ram' spErm from synthEtic population bulgarian milk shEEp brEEd

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    abstract AbADjievA, D., M. Chervenkov, r. StefAnov, n. MetoDiev, e. kiStAnovA, D. kAChevA and e. rAyChevA, 2014. effect of breeding season on the kinematic parameters and morphology of ram' sperm from synthetic population bulgarian milk sheep breed. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., the aim of this study was the investigation of the breeding season effect on the kinematic and main spermatological parameters of the rams from Synthetic Population Bulgarian Milk sheep breed (SPBM), new Bulgarian breed certificated in 2005. the experiment was carried out with seven rams. Two consecutive ejaculates from each ram were obtained by artificial vagina before and during the breeding campaign (n=28). overall sperm motility and the individual kinematic parameters of motile spermatozoa were assessed by the computer-aided sperm analysis system Sperm Class Analyzer (SCA). the sperm morphology was estimated after sperm blue stain and calculated as a percent of abnormal cells among 100 sperm cells from several fields on the slide. it was found that the ejaculates obtained from SPbM rams during the breeding season had better features of sperm motion kinetics. the values of the velocity parameters (P< 0.05), motility (P< 0.05), and percentages of spermatozoa with rapid (P< 0.01) and medium (P< 0.001) speed were higher than those from the ejaculates collected before the breeding season. Minor and not significant changes in the kinematic parameters of motile spermatozoa in consecutive ejaculates were observed. No significant differences were established in morphological status of spermatozoa in nonbreeding and breeding season. It seems that the better sperm motility kinematic parameters during the breeding season ensure the higher sperm fertility and success on the future insemination

    Specifics of Phase Equilibria Studies in the Multinary Aqueous Systems

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    Фазовые диаграммы и данные по фазовым равновесиям в многокомпонентных системах лежат в основе технологических схем переработки рассолов природного и техногенного происхождения, проектирования процессов получения, разделения и очистки неорганических веществ. Поэтому разработку новых технологий, усовершенствование технологических процессов необходимо начинать с изученя соответствующих систем и построения фазовых диаграмм. Эффективность изучения фазовых равновесий в многокомпонентных водно-солевых системах оптимизированным методом сечений показана на примере пятикомпонентной системы CO(NH2)2 – NH4Cl – (NH4)2SO4 – NH4H2PO4 – H2O при 25 °C. Оптимизированный метод сечений позволяет определять составы равновесных фаз без выделения их из раствора и последующего физико-химического анализа. В результате образования между карбамидом и хлоридом аммония химического соединения NH4Cl·CO(NH2)2 в системе появляются две нонвариантные области – эвтоническая и перитоническая. В работе описаны особенности прогнозирования составов двух нонвариантных точек, экспериментального определения составов на гиперплоскостях нонвариантных областей для расчета по ним составов равновесных жидких и твердых фаз. Показана эффективность алгоритма прогнозирования нонвариантных составов в системе. Описана методология планирования исследования линий моновариантного равновесия и поверхности кристаллизации индивидуальных солей. По экспериментальным данным построена проекция фазовой диаграммы на солевое основание системыThe data of phase equilibria and phase diagrams have an important significance to guide the development and utilization of brine-mineral resources, design process of obtain, separation and purification of inorganic salts, and provide a theoretical basis for understanding the recovery of rare earth elements, whether from the environment or the economy. Therefore, the phase diagram determination of the corresponding systems is essential for establishment of the optimal temperature-concentration conditions of the process of crystallization. The efficiency of the investigation of the solid-liquid equilibria in quinary system CO(NH2)2 – NH4Cl – (NH4)2SO4 – NH4H2PO4 – H2O at 25 °C by the optimized sections method was shown. The method is allowed to determine the compositions of equilibrium solid phases without isolating them from liquid in the systems differently complexity. As a result of the formation of one complex salt NH4Cl·CO(NH2)2 between urea and ammonium chloride the quinary system has two invariant regions – eutonic and peritonic. In this study, the specifics of predicting the compositions of two invariant points, experimental determination of the compositions on the hyperplanes of invariant regions for computation of the compositions of equilibrium liquid and solid phases were considered. The efficiency of the algorithm for predicting the compositions of invariant points in the system was proved. The methodology of experimental design in studies of univariant curves and salt crystallization surfaces was described. According to the experimental data the phase diagram projection on the salt base of the system was constructe

    Использование ассоциативного анализа для обработки научных публикаций в области систем доставки лекарств

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    In this paper the associative analysis of terms' co-occurrences in the abstracts of scientific articles (more than 600 thousands publications) in the field of drug delivery system was used. The associations between 2358 biologically active chemicals were depicted as a network diagram (semantic network). In the diagram clusters were found, which included compounds similar either in chemical structure or in biological properties. Most of the members of a certain cluster were investigated in relation to the problems of drug delivery.В данной работе был использован ассоциативный анализ для обработки более 600 тыс. научных статей, посвященных системам доставки лекарств. Ассоциативную взаимосвязь между двумя объектами, которыми являлись наименования лекарств, устанавливали в том случае, если они совместно встречались в реферате статьи. Совокупность взаимосвязей, полученных для 2358 фармацевтически активных соединений, отображали в виде сетевой диаграммы (семантической сети). В составе диаграммы были выявлены кластеры веществ, характеризующиеся общностью химической структуры или сходными биологическими свойствами. Показано, что в составе доминирующего по количеству узлов кластера преобладают вещества, используемые для адресной доставки лекарственной субстанции при помощи какой-либо транспортной системы

    Systematic bioinformatic analyses of nutrigenomic modifications by polyphenols associated with cardiometabolic health in humans: Evidence from targeted nutrigenomic studies

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    Cardiometabolic disorders are among the leading causes of mortality in the human population. Dietary polyphenols exert beneficial effects on cardiometabolic health in humans. Molecular mechanisms, however, are not completely understood. Aiming to conduct in-depth integrative bioinformatic analyses to elucidate molecular mechanisms underlying the protective effects of polyphenols on cardiometabolic health, we first conducted a systematic literature search to identify human intervention studies with polyphenols that demonstrate improvement of cardiometabolic risk factors in parallel with significant nutrigenomic effects. Applying the predefined inclusion criteria, we identified 58 differentially expressed genes at mRNA level and 5 miRNAs, analyzed in peripheral blood cells with RT-PCR methods. Subsequent integrative bioinformatic analyses demonstrated that polyphenols modulate genes that are mainly involved in the processes such as inflammation, lipid metabolism, and endothelial function. We also identified 37 transcription factors that are involved in the regulation of polyphenol modulated genes, including RELA/NFKB1, STAT1, JUN, or SIRT1. Integrative bioinformatic analysis of mRNA and miRNA-target pathways demonstrated several common enriched pathways that include MAPK signaling pathway, TNF signaling pathway, PI3K-Akt signaling pathway, focal adhesion, or PPAR signaling pathway. These bioinformatic analyses represent a valuable source of information for the identification of molecular mechanisms underlying the beneficial health effects of polyphenols and potential target genes for future nutrigenetic studies