145 research outputs found

    Közgazdász hallgatók pénzügyi kultúrája

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    The crisis of 2008 drew attention to the low level of financial knowledge among the population bringing research into financial literacy to the fore. The literature has given priority to young people, because in order to be able to avoid a future crisis, it is necessary to develop the next generation’s financial literacy. In our research financial literacy (described by its three components – financial knowledge, financial behaviour, and financial attitudes) of 3rd year economics students from a Hungarian university was examined and compared to “average” young people from previous studies not receiving financialeconomic knowledge in the frame of organized education. Our major findings include that examined students significantly undervalued their own financial knowledge in spite of being above average; their financial behaviour shows no significant difference compared to “average” young people (except the acquisition of information prior to the purchase of financial products) as well as their financial attitudes that is above average similarly to the previous research findings. Besides this we found no evidence of the fact that financial knowledge gained in secondary school increases financial literacy that suggests developing financial literacy is not even late in higher education

    Consumer acceptance of food nanotechnology

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    Today, food industry developments are driven by two megatrends: global warming and the need to address nutrition-related adverse health consequences (diseases of civilization, obesity, hunger and an aging society). As a result, consumer preferences have also changed, as „everyday” needs such as the acceptable price, pleasant taste and safe consumption of foods, as well as for the food to satisfy physiological needs, have become essential requirements and do not represent a demonstrable market advantage. The market presence of a product is expected to be successful if, in addition to the above, its ingredients and physiological effects can be demonstrated to improve or increase consumer well-being, their state of health or physical performance. One of the fastest growing disciplines today is nanotechnology, which has many applications in the food industry. Even though this technology brings unprecedented benefits to consumers and may be able to solve many global problems, nanofoods also carry many risks and dangers. Although nanotechnology is still unknown to many, the willingness to buy is very high among those interviewed if the technology improves some of the properties of the food. Based on their attitudes, consumers can be divided into two well-distinguishable groups: those who see potential advantages and disadvantages in radically different ways
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