4 research outputs found

    Social, Cultural and Behavioral Determinants of Health among Hawaii Filipinos: The Filipino Healthy Communities Project

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    Background/Purpose: Filipinos are Hawaii’s largest immigrant group and second largest ethnic group. The Hawaii Filipino Health Communities Project was initiated by the Hawaii State Department of Health, because of the high rates of heart disease and stroke mortality, and other behavioral risks seen among Hawaii’s Filipino population (i.e. high smoking rates among Filipino men). The project sought to gather Filipino community members’ perspectives on why such chronic disease health disparities exist for Filipinos, and identify solutions to address them. Methods: The project gathered information from both immigrant and local Filipinos throughout the state, using community engagement methods of interviews with community leaders (n=20) and community-based focus groups (n=20 groups with 130 participants), Results: Filipino community members were aware of, and community leaders well-versed in, the behavioral, cultural, and social determinants of health in their communities. However, being aware of such determinants of health has yet not resulted in changed behavior in the overall Filipino community (i.e. improved diet, increased physical activity, or better access to healthcare). Conclusion: More outreach is needed with Filipinos, along with interventions to combat health disparities in chronic disease, such as increased smoking cessation and creative ways to eat healthier and increase physical activit

    An assessment of asthma needs in Hawaii.

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    The Hawaii State Asthma Control Program, as a part of state planning, disseminated and collected an asthma needs questionnaire aimed at answering this question: "In your opinion, what asthma-related issues need to be better addressed in Hawaii?" The top five areas of need identified by asthma stakeholders were (1) education, (2) disease management, (3) prevention, (4) healthcare, and (5) support.U59/CCU920890-01/CC/ODCDC CDC HHS/United State

    Report of the first annual Hawaii Asthma Research Consortium.

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    The first Hawaii Asthma Research Consortium was held on 7 May 2001 at Tripler Army Medical Center. Researchers investigating asthma-related problems and program directors of asthma projects were solicited statewide to present their projects. Ten lecturers focused on research and asthma projects in Hawaii in 20-minute presentations. An informal ten-minute discussion followed each presentation to encourage audience questions about the project and to discuss possible collaboration efforts between institutions. The institutions that were represented include: American Lung Association-Hawaii, Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research Hawaii, Kapiolani Medical Center, Tripler Army Medical Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa, and Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center