281 research outputs found

    Strontium And Iron Substituted Lanthanum Nickelate As Cathode Material In Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

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    The MIEC La1.5Sr0.5Ni1-yFeyO4 (y=0.1-0.4) oxides have been studied as cathode materials with La0.88Sr0.12Ga0.82Mg0.18O3-δ (LSGM) electrolyte. Total conductivity, thermal expansion, oxygen nonstoichiometry, and chemical compatibility with LSGM and Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 (SDC) were determined. The following fuel cells were tested: La1.5Sr0.5Ni1-yFeyO4 (y=0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)/SDC/LSGM/Sr2N0.75Mg0.25MoO6 (SNMM) and La1.5Sr0.5Ni0.6Fe0.4O4/SDC/LSGM/SDC/NiO-SDC. For the former, the maximum power densities were 218, 274, 222, and 390 mW/cm2 at 850 °C in case of y equal to 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4, respectively. The latter cell showed maximum power density of 341 mW/cm2 at 850°C

    VEPP-4M collider: Scurrent activity and future plans

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    Results of the activity at VEPP-4M collider of the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics over the period of 2000-2001 and the near future plans are presented

    Ху Ши об истории философии как философской дисциплине

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    Ху Ши о культурах Востока и Запада и будущем мировой философии

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    This article is about the beginning of the tight interaction between cultures of East and West in China in the beginning of XXth century and about the role of Hu Shih in this interaction. The article describes main ideological debates in China of that time and disputes about material and spiritual essence of cultures of East and West. The article pays special attention to vision of Hu Shih to the future of world philosophy.Данная статья повествует о начале тесного взаимодействия культур Востока и Запада в Китае в начале ХХ в. и о роли Ху Ши в данном взаимодействии. В статье показаны основные общественно-политические дискуссии Китая того времени и споры о материальных и духовных сущностях культур Востока и Запада. Отдельное внимание уделяется взгляду Х Ши на будущее мировой философии

    Лао-Цзы или Конфуций? Позиция Ху Ши в споре о первом философе Китая

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the position of Chinese philosopher Hu Shih in the philosophical discussion in China about the historical priority of Lao-zi or Confucious. Hu Shih's argumentation of historicity of Lao-zi and of his priority is reproduced. Analyzing Hu Shih's polemics with Ling Qichao and Feng Youlan reveals the ideological background of this scientific debate.Статья посвящена анализу позиции китайского философа Ху Ши в философском споре 20-х гг. ХХ в. в Китае об историческом приоритете Лао-цзы или Конфуция. Приводится аргументация Ху Ши в пользу историчности Лао-цзы и его первенства. Анализируется полемика Ху Ши с Фэн Юланем и Лян Цичао, а также вскрывается идеологическая подоплека этого научного спора

    Формирование истории китайской философии как научной дисциплины в Китае

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    Ancient China used traditional systems of classification of knowledge, in which philosophy was not specially separated. Modern word for philosophy - zhexue - appeared in Chinese language only at the beginning of 20th century. Important task for many of Chinese intellectuals of that time was to prove the existence of Chinese philosophy. First special writing in China dedicated to the history of Chinese philosophy was “The History of Chinese Philosophy” by Xie Wuliang.В древнем Китае использовались традиционные классификации знания, в которых философия специально не выделялась. Современное слово чжэсюэ (философия) появилось в китайском языке только в начале ХХ в. И в это время для многих китайских интеллектуалов важнейшей задачей было доказательство существования китайской философии. Первой специализированной работой, посвященной китайской философии, была «История китайской философии» Се Уляна

    Учение Конфуция и «конфуцианская логика» в трактовке Ху Ши

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of Chinese philosopher Hu Shih's view on the philosophy of Confucius. First of all analyzed the Hu Shih's attempt to find in thoughts of ancient Chinese philosopher the logical methodology based on combinatorial ideas of "Book of Changes" (I Ching). In the article is showed aspiration of Hu Shih to lead conceptions of different schools of Chinese philosophy to common conceptual field.В статье анализируются взгляды Ху Ши на философию Конфуция. В первую очередь рассматривается попытка Ху Ши обнаружить в построениях древнекитайского философа логическую методологию, основанную на ицзинистской комбинаторике. В статье также показано стремление Ху Ши ввести понятийный аппарат разных философских школ и течений в некое общее концептуальное поле

    Heavy Quark Fragmentation into Baryons in a Quark-Diquark Model

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    In the framework of the nonrelativistic QCD and a quark-diquark model of baryons we have obtained the fragmentation functions for heavy quark to split into spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 double heavy baryons. It was predicted the production rates as well as the shape of the energy spectra for the cccc- and bcbc-baryons in the region of ZoZ^o peak at LEP collider.Comment: LaTeX, 9 pages, 2 figure

    Instanton - like transitions at high energies in (1+1) dimensional scalar models. II.Classically allowed induced vacuum decay

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    We consider classical Minkowskian solutions to the field equation in the (1+1) dimensional scalar model with the exponential interaction that describe the unsuppressed false vacuum decay induced by nn initial particles. We find that there is a critical value of nn below which there are no such solutions, i.e., the vacuum decay is always suppressed. For the number of initial particles larger than this value the vacuum decay is unsuppressed at high enough energies.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, LaTex, figures in PS, INR-T-94/

    Production of B(c) mesons via fragmentation in the kT-factorization approach

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    In the framework of the kT-factorization approach we have calculated in the fragmentation model the pT-spectra of B(c) mesons at the energies of the Tevatron and the LHC Colliders and at the large pT domain. We compare the obtained results with the existing experimental data and with the predictions obtained in the collinear parton model.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure