4,378 research outputs found

    Semi-fermionic representation of SU(N) Hamiltonians

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    We represent the generators of the SU(N) algebra as bilinear combinations of Fermi operators with imaginary chemical potential. The distribution function, consisting of a minimal set of discrete imaginary chemical potentials, is found for arbitrary N. This representation leads to the conventional temperature diagram technique with standard Feynman codex, except that the Matsubara frequencies are determined by neither integer nor half-integer numbers. The real-time Schwinger-Keldysh formalism is formulated in the framework of complex distribution functions. We discuss the continuous large N and SU(2) large spin limits. We illustrate the application of this technique for magnetic and spin-liquid states of the Heisenberg model.Comment: 11 pages, 7 EPS figures included, extended versio

    Prospects for the Bc Studies at LHCb

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    We discuss the motivations and perspectives for the studies of the mesons of the (bc) family at LHCb. The description of production and decays at LHC energies is given in details. The event yields, detection efficiencies, and background conditions for several Bc decay modes at LHCb are estimated.Comment: 20 pages, 5 eps-figure

    Two-particle decays of B_c meson into charmonium states

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    The factorization of hard and soft contributions into the hadronic decays of B_c meson at large recoils is explored in order to evaluate the decay rates into the S, P and D-wave charmonia associated with rho and pi. The constraints of approach applicability and uncertainties of numerical estimates are discussed. The mode with the J/psi in the final state is evaluated taking into account the cascade radiative electromagnetic decays of excited P-wave states, that enlarges the branching ratio by 20-25%.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX axodraw-style, 1 figure, 2 table

    Quenching and Propagation of Combustion Without Ignition Temperature Cutoff

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    We study a reaction-diffusion equation in the cylinder Ω=R×Tm\Omega = \mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{T}^m, with combustion-type reaction term without ignition temperature cutoff, and in the presence of a periodic flow. We show that if the reaction function decays as a power of TT larger than three as T0T\to 0 and the initial datum is small, then the flame is extinguished -- the solution quenches. If, on the other hand, the power of decay is smaller than three or initial datum is large, then quenching does not happen, and the burning region spreads linearly in time. This extends results of Aronson-Weinberger for the no-flow case. We also consider shear flows with large amplitude and show that if the reaction power-law decay is larger than three and the flow has only small plateaux (connected domains where it is constant), then any compactly supported initial datum is quenched when the flow amplitude is large enough (which is not true if the power is smaller than three or in the presence of a large plateau). This extends results of Constantin-Kiselev-Ryzhik for combustion with ignition temperature cutoff. Our work carries over to the case Ω=Rn×Tm\Omega = \mathbb{R}^n\times\mathbb{T}^m, when the critical power is 1+2/n1 + 2/n, as well as to certain non-periodic flows

    Semileptonic BcD0νB_{c}^{-}\to D^{*0}\ell\nu transition in three--point QCD sum rules and HQET with gluon condensate corrections

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    Taking into account the gluon condensate contributions, the form factors of the semileptonic BcD0νB_c^- \to D^{*0}\ell\nu transition with l=τ,el=\tau, e are calculated in the framework of the three point QCD sum rules. The heavy quark effective theory limit of the form factors are also computed. The relevant total decay width as well as the branching ratio are evaluated and compared with the predictions of the other non-perturbative approaches.Comment: 27 Pages, 4 Figures and 4 Table

    Mass spectra of doubly heavy Omega_QQ' baryons

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    We evaluate the masses of baryons composed of two heavy quarks and a strange quark with account for spin-dependent splittings in the framework of potential model with the KKO potential motivated by QCD with a three-loop beta-function for the effective charge consistent with both the perturbative limit at short distances and linear confinement term at long distances between the quarks. The factorization of dynamics is supposed and explored in the nonrelativistic Schroedinger equation for the motion in the system of two heavy quarks constituting the doubly heavy diquark and the strange quark interaction with the diquark. The limits of approach, its justification and uncertainties are discussed. Excited quasistable states are classified by the quantum numbers of heavy diquark composed by the heavy quarks of the same flavor.Comment: 14 pages, revtex4-file, 3 eps-figures, 5 tables, typos correcte

    One-Loop Corrections to Bubble Nucleation Rate at Finite Temperature

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    We present an evaluation of the 1-loop prefactor in the lifetime of a metastable state which decays at finite temperature by bubble nucleation. Such a state is considered in one-component phi^4 model in three space dimensions. The calculation serves as a prototype application of a fast numerical method for evaluating the functional determinants that appear in semiclassical approximations.Comment: DO-TH-93/18, 15 pages, 11 Figures available on request, LaTeX, no macros neede

    Centipede ladder at quarter filling

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    We study the ground state and excitation spectrum of a quasi one-dimensional nanostructure consisting of a pole and rungs oriented in the opposite directions ("centipede ladder", CL) at quarter filling. The spin and charge excitation spectra are found in the limits of small and large longitudinal hopping tt_\| compared to the on-rung hopping rate tt_\perp and exchange coupling II_\perp. At small tt_\| the system with ferromagnetic on-rung exchange demonstrates instability against dimerization. Coherent propagation of charge transfer excitons is possible in this limit. At large tt_\| CL behaves like two-orbital Hubbard chain, but the gap opens in the charge excitation spectrum thus reducing the symmetry from SU(4) to SU(2). The spin excitations are always gapless and their dispersion changes from quadratic magnon-like for ferromagnetic on-rung exchange to linear spinon-like for antiferromagnetic on-rung exchange in weak longitudinal hopping limit.Comment: 10 pages, 7 eps figure