16,025 research outputs found

    Critical speeds and forced response solutions for active magnetic bearing turbomachinery, part 2

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    The need for better performance of turbomachinery with active magnetic bearings has necessitated a study of such systems for accurate prediction of their vibrational characteristics. A modification of existing transfer matrix methods for rotor analysis is presented to predict the response of rotor systems with active magnetic bearings. The position of the magnetic bearing sensors is taken into account and the effect of changing sensor position on the vibrational characteristics of the rotor system is studied. The modified algorithm is validated using a simpler Jeffcott model described previously. The effect of changing from a rotating unbalance excitation to a constant excitation in a single plane is also studied. A typical eight stage centrifugal compressor rotor is analyzed using the modified transfer matrix code. The results for a two mass Jeffcott model were presented previously. The results obtained by running this model with the transfer matrix method were compared with the results of the Jeffcott analysis for the purposes of verification. Also included are plots of amplitude versus frequency for the eight stage centrifugal compressor rotor. These plots demonstrate the significant influence that sensor location has on the amplitude and critical frequencies of the rotor system

    Conceptual mechanization studies for a horizon definition spacecraft communications and data handling subsystem

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    Conceptual mechanization for horizon definition spacecraft communications and data handling subsyste

    Electrical current distribution across a metal-insulator-metal structure during bistable switching

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    Combining scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron-beam-induced current (EBIC) imaging with transport measurements, it is shown that the current flowing across a two-terminal oxide-based capacitor-like structure is preferentially confined in areas localized at defects. As the thin-film device switches between two different resistance states, the distribution and intensity of the current paths, appearing as bright spots, change. This implies that switching and memory effects are mainly determined by the conducting properties along such paths. A model based on the storage and release of charge carriers within the insulator seems adequate to explain the observed memory effect.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to J. Appl. Phy

    SCUBA polarisation observations of the magnetic fields in the prestellar cores L1498 and L1517B

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    We have mapped linearly polarized dust emission from the prestellar cores L1498 and L1517B with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) using the Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) and its polarimeter SCUBAPOL at a wavelength of 850um. We use these measurements to determine the plane-of-sky magnetic field orientation in the cores. In L1498 we see a magnetic field across the peak of the core that lies at an offset of 19 degrees to the short axis of the core. This is similar to the offsets seen in previous observations of prestellar cores. To the southeast of the peak, in the filamentary tail of the core, we see that the magnetic field has rotated to lie almost parallel to the long axis of the filament. We hypothesise that the field in the core may have decoupled from the field in the filament that connects the core to the rest of the cloud. We use the Chandrasekhar-Fermi (CF) method to measure the plane-of-sky field strength in the core of L1498 to be 10 +/- 7 uG. In L1517B we see a more gradual turn in the field direction from the northern part of the core to the south. This appears to follow a twist in the filament in which the core is buried, with the field staying at a roughly constant 25 degree offset to the short axis of the filament, also consistent with previous observations of prestellar cores. We again use the CF method and calculate the magnetic field strength in L1517B also to be 30 +/- 10 uG. Both cores appear to be roughly virialised. Comparison with our previous work on somewhat denser cores shows that, for the denser cores, thermal and non-thermal (including magnetic) support are approximately equal, while for the lower density cores studied here, thermal support dominates.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; accepted for publication by MNRA

    Kinetic instabilities that limit {\beta} in the edge of a tokamak plasma: a picture of an H-mode pedestal

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    Plasma equilibria reconstructed from the Mega-Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST) have sufficient resolution to capture plasma evolution during the short period between edge-localized modes (ELMs). Immediately after the ELM steep gradients in pressure, P, and density, ne, form pedestals close to the separatrix, and they then expand into the core. Local gyrokinetic analysis over the ELM cycle reveals the dominant microinstabilities at perpendicular wavelengths of the order of the ion Larmor radius. These are kinetic ballooning modes (KBMs) in the pedestal and microtearing modes (MTMs) in the core close to the pedestal top. The evolving growth rate spectra, supported by gyrokinetic analysis using artificial local equilibrium scans, suggest a new physical picture for the formation and arrest of this pedestal.Comment: Final version as it appeared in PRL (March 2012). Minor improvements include: shortened abstract, and better colour table for figures. 4 pages, 6 figure

    Hydromagnetic constraints on deep zonal flow in the giant planets

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    The observed zonal flows of the giant planets will, if they penetrate below the visible atmosphere, interact significantly with the planetary magnetic field outside the metallized core. The appropriate measure of this interaction is the Chandrasekhar number Q = H^2 /4πρνα^2 λ (H = radial component of the magnetic field, ν = eddy viscosity, λ = magnetic diffusivity, α^-1 = length scale on which λ varies); at depths where Q ≳ 1, the velocity will be forced to oscillate on a small length scale or decay to zero. We estimate the conductivity due to semiconduction in H_2 (Jupiter, Saturn) and ionization in H_(2)0 (Uranus, Neptune) as a function of depth; the value λ ≈ 10^10 cm^2 s^-1 needed for Q = 1 is readily obtained well outside the metallic core (where A ≈ 10^2 cm^2 s^-1). These assertions are quantified by a simple model of the equatorial zonal jet in which the flow is assumed uniform on cylinders concentric with the spin axis, and viscous and magnetic torques on each cylinder are balanced. We solve this "Taylor constraint" simultaneously with the dynamo equation to obtain the velocity and magnetic field in the equatorial plane. With this model we reproduce the widely differing jet widths of Jupiter and Saturn (though not the flow at very high or low latitudes) using v = 2500 cm^2 s^-1, consistent with the requirement that viscous dissipation not exceed the specific luminosity. A model Uranian jet consistent with the limited Voyager data can also be constructed, with appropriately smaller v, but only if one assumes a two-layer interior. We tentatively predict a wide Neptunian jet. For Saturn (but not Jupiter or Uranus) the model has a large magnetic Reynolds number where Q = 1 and hence exhibits substantial axisymmetrization of the field in the equatorial plane. This effect may or may not persist at higher latitudes. The one-dimensional model presented is only a first step. Variation of the velocity and magnetic field parallel to the spin axis must be modeled in order to answer several important questions, including: (1) What is the behavior of flows at high latitudes, whose Taylor cylinders are interrupted by the region with Q > 1? (2) To what extent is differential rotation in the envelope responsible for the spinaxisymmetry of Saturn's magnetic field