44 research outputs found

    Measurement of tissue optical properties in a wide spectral range: a review

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    A distinctive feature of this review is a critical analysis of methods and results of measurements of the optical properties of tissues in a wide spectral range from deep UV to terahertz waves. Much attention is paid to measurements of the refractive index of biological tissues and liquids, the knowledge of which is necessary for the effective application of many methods of optical imaging and diagnostics. The optical parameters of healthy and pathological tissues are presented, and the reasons for their differences are discussed, which is important for the discrimination of pathologies and the demarcation of their boundaries. When considering the interaction of terahertz radiation with tissues, the concept of an effective medium is discussed, and relaxation models of the effective optical properties of tissues are presented. Attention is drawn to the manifestation of the scattering properties of tissues in the THz range and the problems of measuring the optical properties of tissues in this range are discussed. In conclusion, a method for the dynamic analysis of the optical properties of tissues under optical clearing using an application of immersion agents is presented. The main mechanisms and technologies of optical clearing, as well as examples of the successful application for differentiation of healthy and pathological tissues, are analyzed

    Sapphire shaped crystals for laser-assisted cryodestruction of biological tissues

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    We have developed cryo-applicators based on the sapphire shaped crystals fabricated using the edge-defined film-fed growth (EFG) and noncapillary shaping (NCS) techniques. Due to the unique physical properties of sapphire: i.e. high thermal, mechanical, and chemical strength, impressive thermal conductivity and optical transparency, these cryo-applicators yield combination of the tissue cryo-destruction with its exposure to laser radiation for controlling the thermal regimes of cryosurgery, and with the optical diagnosis of tissue freezing. We have applied the proposed sapphire cryo-applicators for the destruction of tissues in vitro. The observed results highlight the prospectives of the sapphire cryo-applicators in cryosurgery

    Biomedical applications of sapphire shaped crystals

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    We have proposed novel medical instrument

    Terahertz technology in intraoperative neurodiagnostics: A review

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    Terahertz (THz) technology offers novel opportunities in biology and medicine, thanks to the unique features of THz-wave interactions with tissues and cells. Among them, we particularly notice strong sensitivity of THz waves to the tissue water, as a medium for biochemical reactions and a main endogenous marker for THz spectroscopy and imaging. Tissues of the brain have an exceptionally high content of water. This factor, along with the features of the structural organization and biochemistry of neuronal and glial tissues, makes the brain an exciting subject to study in the THz range. In this paper, progress and prospects of THz technology in neurodiagnostics are overviewed, including diagnosis of neurodegenerative disease, myelin deficit, tumors of the central nervous system (with an emphasis on brain gliomas), and traumatic brain injuries. Fundamental and applied challenges in study of the THz-wave – brain tissue interactions and development of the THz biomedical tools and systems for neurodiagnostics are discussed

    Quantitative super-resolution solid immersion microscopy via refractive index profile reconstruction

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    Solid Immersion (SI) microscopy is a modern imaging modality that overcomes the Abbe diffraction limit and offers novel applications in various branches of visible, infrared, terahertz, and millimeter-wave optics. Despite the widespread use, SI microscopy usually results in qualitative imaging. Indeed, it presents only the raw distributions (in the image plane) of the backscattered field intensity, while unlocking the information about the physical properties of an imaged object, such as its complex refractive index (RI) distribution, requires resolving the inverse problem and remains a daunting task. In this paper, a method for resolving the SI microscopy inverse problem is developed, capable of reconstructing the RI distribution at the object imaging plane with subwavelength spatial resolution, while performing only intensity measurements. The sample RI is retrieved via minimization of the error function that characterizes discrepancy between the experimental data and the predictions of analytical model. This model incorporates all the key features of the electromagnetic-wave interaction with the SI lens and an imaged object, including contributions of the evanescent and ordinary-reflected waves, as well as effects of light polarization and wide beam aperture. The model is verified numerically, using the finite-element frequency-domain method, and experimentally, using the in-house reflection-mode continuous-wave terahertz SI microscope. Spatial distributions of the terahertz RIs of different low-absorbing optical materials and highly absorbing biological objects were studied and compared to a priori known data to demonstrate the potential of the novel SI microscopy modality. Given the linear nature of the Maxwell’s equations, the developed method can be applied for subwavelength-resolution SI microscopy at other spectral ranges

    Cellular effects of terahertz waves

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    Significance: An increasing interest in the area of biological effects at exposure of tissues and cells to the terahertz (THz) radiation is driven by a rapid progress in THz biophotonics, observed during the past decades. Despite the attractiveness of THz technology for medical diagnosis and therapy, there is still quite limited knowledge about safe limits of THz exposure. Different modes of THz exposure of tissues and cells, including continuous-wave versus pulsed radiation, various powers, and number and duration of exposure cycles, ought to be systematically studied. Aim: We provide an overview of recent research results in the area of biological effects at exposure of tissues and cells to THz waves. Approach: We start with a brief overview of general features of the THz-wave–tissue interactions, as well as modern THz emitters, with an emphasis on those that are reliable for studying the biological effects of THz waves. Then, we consider three levels of biological system organization, at which the exposure effects are considered: (i) solutions of biological molecules;(ii) cultures of cells, individual cells, and cell structures; and (iii) entire organs or organisms; special attention is devoted to the cellular level. We distinguish thermal and nonthermal mechanisms of THz-wave–cell interactions and discuss a problem of adequate estimation of the THz biological effects’ specificity. The problem of experimental data reproducibility, caused by rareness of the THz experimental setups and an absence of unitary protocols, is also considered. Results: The summarized data demonstrate the current stage of the research activity and knowledge about the THz exposure on living objects. Conclusions: This review helps the biomedical optics community to summarize up-to-date knowledge in the area of cell exposure to THz radiation, and paves the ways for the development of THz safety standards and THz therapeutic applications