396 research outputs found
Utilizing MAXENT to Improve and Explain a Species Distribution Model for Freshwater Mussel Species in East Texas
One of the greatest challenges in landscape ecology has been determining the degree to which landscape level environmental characteristics effect the distribution of freshwater mussels. Freshwater mussels have long been regarded as valuable indicators of lotic system health because they are often the first organisms to exhibit a response to changes in their environment. Understanding distributional patterns of mussels is consequently a valuable conservation and management tool. Here, I evaluated the improvement of predictive modeling software by applying MAXENT to the distributions of two freshwater mussel species, the Texas Pigtoe (Fusconia askewi), a state threatened species, and the Rock Pocketbook (Arcidens confragosus), a species of concern. Existing species distribution models for these two mussel species were evaluated by the addition of sampling data from two unique watersheds, the Sulphur and Cypress River drainages. The Sulphur River was historically modified and has a biogeographically unique geology compared to most other rivers in East Texas. In addition to locating both species of interest, a range extension for the White Heelsplitter (Lasmigona complanata) was produced on the lower Sulphur River. The Cypress River drainage is a set of watersheds that includes the Big Cypress Creek, Little Cypress Creek, and Black Cypress Creek. Compared to other East Texas Rivers the Cypress drainage is a relatively meandering bottomland system that is healthy along much of its length and empties into the Little Cypress Bayou near Louisiana. Each species distribution was modeled with 11 GIS derived environmental layers. I evaluated each environmental layer by the components these layers were built from and drew conclusions about associations of Texas Pigtoe and Rock Pocketbook with the most suitable habitat types in each important environmental layer. Improvement may depend on a complete understanding of a species fundamental niche and AUC values may not be an appropriate measure of model improvement. Freshwater mussel species will also associate significantly with specific components of each most highly contributing environmental layer
The high protein/low carbohydrate diet : a literature review of it's effectiveness for weight loss
Scholarly project (M.S.)
Questions and conjectures about the modular representation theory of the general linear group GLn(F2) and the Poincar\'e series of unstable modules
This note is devoted to some questions about the representation theory over
the finite field of the general linear groups
and Poincar\'e series of unstable modules. The first draft
was describing two conjectures. They were presented during talks made at VIASM
in summer 2013. Since then one conjecture has been disproved, the other one has
been proved. These results naturally lead to new questions which are going to
be discussed. In winter 2013, Nguyen Dang Ho Hai proved the second conjecture,
he disproved the first one in spring 2014. Up to now, the proof of the second
one depends on a major topological result: the Segal conjecture. This
discussion could be extended to an odd prime, but we will not do it here, just
a small number of remarks will be made
Visualizing aerosol-particle injection for diffractive-imaging experiments
Delivering sub-micrometer particles to an intense x-ray focus is a crucial
aspect of single-particle diffractive-imaging experiments at x-ray
free-electron lasers. Enabling direct visualization of sub-micrometer aerosol
particle streams without interfering with the operation of the particle
injector can greatly improve the overall efficiency of single-particle imaging
experiments by reducing the amount of time and sample consumed during
measurements. We have developed in-situ non-destructive imaging diagnostics to
aid real-time particle injector optimization and x-ray/particle-beam alignment,
based on laser illumination schemes and fast imaging detectors. Our diagnostics
are constructed to provide a non-invasive rapid feedback on injector
performance during measurements, and have been demonstrated during diffraction
measurements at the FLASH free-electron laser.Comment: 15 page
Simulació de models de físiques en OpenGL i shaders
En els darrers anys les capacitats gràfiques computacionals han augmentat considerablement, permetent l'ús d'objectes 3D en temps real i, fins i tot, efectes complexes tals com explosions o moviment de líquids. Aquests elements necessiten d'uns entorns gràfics específics per ser implementats i OpenGL ho permet. Amb la realització d'aquest projecte es busca indagar en aquests entorns, es busca aprendre a utilitzar OpenGL per programar elements complexes tals com els sistemes de partícules, recursos de gran potencial i flexibilitat capaços de simular tot tipus de comportaments a utilitzar en tot tipus d'àmbits (videojocs, cinema, simulacions científiques, etc.). En el projecte es desenvoluparan dos sistemes de partícules (una font d'aigua i un castell de focs) utilitzant diferents tipus d'algorismes i diferents tècniques per tal de realitzar anàlisis i extreure'n conclusions. Es buscarà, també, realitzar els desenvolupaments per permetre l'encapsulament i la seva importació en entorns 3D externs. Es tindrà en compte els diferents mètodes de test a utilitzar en el projecte, així com la parametrització dels diferents sistemes per permetre la modificació en els comportaments de forma simple i còmode.En los últimos años las capacidades gráficas computacionales han aumentado considerablemente, permitiendo el uso de objetos 3D en tiempo real e, incluso, efectos complejos tales como explosiones o movimiento de líquidos. Estos elementos necesitan de unos entornos gráficos específicos para ser implementados y OpenGL lo permite. Con la realización de este proyecto se busca indagar en estos entornos, se busca aprender a utilizar OpenGL para programar elementos complexos tales como los sistemas de partículas, recursos de gran potencial y flexibilidad capaces de simular todo tipo de comportamientos a utilizar en todo tipo de ámbitos (videojuegos, cine, simulaciones científicas, etc.). En el proyecto se desarrollaran dos sistemas de partículas (una fuente de agua y un castillo de fuegos artificiales) utilizando diferentes tipos de algoritmos y diferentes técnicas para poder realizar análisis y extraer conclusiones. Se buscará, también, realizar los desarrollos para permitir su encapsulamiento e importación en entornos 3D externos. Se tendrán en cuenta los distintos métodos de test a utilizar en el proyecto, así como la parametrización de los diferentes sistemas para permitir la modificación en los comportamientos de forma simple y cómoda.In recent years computational graphic skills have greatly incleased, allowing the use of 3D objects in real time, even complex effects such as explosions or movement of liquids. These elements need to be implemented in specific graphical environments and OpenGL allows it. With the realization of this project seeks to investigate these environments to learn how to use OpenGL to program complex elements such as particle systems, resources with high potential and flexibility capable of simulating all types of behaviours to be used in all kinds of areas (videogames, cinema, scientific simulations, etc.). In the project will develop two particle systems (a water fountain and a firework) using different algorithms and different techniques to perform analysis and draw conclusions. Will seek also make development to allow encapsulation and import in externs 3D environments. Also will take into account the different test methods used in the project, as well as the parameterization of the different systems to allow modifications in the behaviour so simple and comfortable
Principais causas de abandono de gatos
Os gatos tem ganhado cada vez mais espaço como animal de companhia nos lares humanos, entretanto, o abandono destes animais é também um fenômeno crescente, sendo considerado um importante problema de saúde pública e de bem estar animal. Problemas de comportamento, incluindo o comportamento normal do gato que os tutores consideram inaceitáveis, são as causas mais comuns de abandono e eutanásia e, destes, os mais relatados são: a agressividade, eliminação em local inapropriado, arranhadura em móveis e vocalização excessiva. Considerando que grande parte dos tutores não têm conhecimentos suficientes sobre a espécie, ou que ainda nutrem expectativas irreais em relação ao animal, a compreensão do comportamento natural felino pode ser fator imprescindível para melhorar a relação entre tutor e gato. Questões pessoais como acontecimentos ou mudanças na vida dos tutores também parecem exercer influência na decisão de abandonar o animal. A compreensão destes fatores auxilia na criação de medidas eficazes que visam instruir a população a considerar também os fatores pessoais no momento da adoção de um animal. O objetivo desta revisão de literatura é discutir as principais causas de abandono de gatos, abordando os principais distúrbios de comportamento e as questões pessoais dos tutores associadas a este problema.Cats have gained more and more space as a companion animal in human homes, however, the relinquishment of these animals is also a growing phenomenon and is considered a major public health and animal welfare problem. Behavioral problems, including normal cat behavior that tutors consider unacceptable, are the most common causes of relinquishment and euthanasia, and the most related of these are: aggressiveness, inappropriate elimination, scratch furniture and excessive vocalization. Considering that most of the owners do not have enough knowledge about the species, or have unrealistic expectations about the animal, understanding the natural feline behavior can be an essential factor to improve the relationship between tutor and cat. Personal issues such as events or changes in the life of the guardians influence the decision to relinquish the animal. Understanding these factors helps in the creation of effective measures that aim to instruct the population to consider personal factors when adopting an animal. The aim of this literature review is to discuss the main causes of cat abandonment, addressing the main behavioral disorders and personal issues of guardians associated with this problem
Avaliação da relação entre o comportamento dos gatos e o nível de ansiedade do proprietário durante a consulta veterinária
O estresse é uma resposta fisiológica a diversos estímulos, sendo os mais comuns o medo e a ansiedade. A consulta veterinária pode ser considerada um evento motivador de estresse em gatos, uma vez que os animais são expostos a diferentes imagens, sons e cheiros. Embora o conhecimento em medicina felina e a importância dos cuidados de saúde com os felinos tenham aumentado nos últimos anos, mesmo os proprietários mais cuidadosos relatam dificuldades quando precisam levar seu animal para as consultas veterinárias. Sendo assim, este pode ser um exemplo comum de evento que resulta em ansiedade para os donos de gatos. A mecânica das interações sociais entre gatos e seus donos têm sido alvo de estudo nas últimas décadas. Atualmente, sabe-se que os gatos domésticos são capazes de manter relações complexas e formar uma relação muito próxima com seus donos. Além disso, podem se espelhar nas ações dos proprietários, modulando seu comportamento de acordo com a valência da emoção percebida. Dessa maneira, é possível que situações potencialmente estressoras para os proprietários sejam interpretadas também como estressoras e ameaçadoras pelos gatos. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi investigar a associação entre ansiedade do proprietário e estresse do gato durante a consulta veterinária. Participaram do estudo 44 pessoas e 44 gatos saudáveis, que foram submetidos a duas consultas nas quais avaliou-se o comportamento de ambos. Através de duas escalas do tipo autorrelato determinou-se o nível de ansiedade dos proprietários. Por meio da Cat Stress Score avaliou-se o nível de estresse dos gatos, em um primeiro momento, na presença do dono, e em outro, em sua ausência. Segundo as análises conduzidas, não foi detectada correlação estatisticamente significativa entre os escores de ansiedade humana e os escores de estresse felino. Foi detectado menor nível de estresse felino e de comportamentos relacionados ao estresse quando o gato está na presença do seu proprietário, na comparação com a consulta na presença apenas da médica veterinária. Esse resultado está alinhado com a literatura e sugere que estes animais podem usar a presença da pessoa (no caso, o proprietário) como fonte de conforto diante do enfrentamento da própria situação de estresse. Assim sendo, a presença do dono durante a consulta veterinária pode contribuir positivamente para um atendimento mais respeitoso aos gatos.Stress is a physiological response to various stimuli, the most common being fear and anxiety. The veterinary consultation can be considered an event that motivates stress in cats, since the animals are exposed to different images, sounds and smells. Although knowledge of feline medicine and the importance of feline health care has increased in recent years, even the most careful owners report difficulties when it comes to taking their pet to veterinary appointments. As such, this may be a common example of an event that results in anxiety for cat owners. The mechanics of social interactions between cats and their owners have been studied in recent decades. Currently, it is known that domestic cats are capable of maintaining complex relationships and forming a very close relationship with their owners. In addition, they can mirror the actions of the owners, modulating their behavior according to the valence of the perceived emotion. Thus, it is possible that potentially stressful situations for owners are also interpreted as stressful and threatening by cats. The general objective of this work was to investigate the association between owner anxiety and cat stress during the veterinary consultation. 44 people and 44 healthy cats participated in the study, which were submitted to two consultations in which the behavior of both was evaluated. Through two scales of the self-report type, the level of anxiety of the owners was determined. Through the Cat Stress Score, the level of stress of the cats was evaluated, at first, in the presence of the owner, and in another, in his absence. According to the analyses, no statistically significant correlation was detected between human anxiety scores and feline stress scores. A lower level of feline stress and stress-related behaviors was detected when the cat was in the presence of its owner, in comparison with the consultation in the presence of only the veterinarian. This result is in line with the literature and suggests that these animals can use the presence of the person (in this case, the owner) as a source of comfort when facing their own stressful situation. Therefore, the presence of the owner during the veterinary appointment can contribute positively to a more respectful care for cats
Proyecto estructural de edificio industrial para montaje de maquinaria hortofrutícola
[ES] Se trata de diseñar y calcular la estructura de una nave industrial ubicada de una parcela de suelo urbano industrial. El uso de dicha nave será el de montaje de maquinaria hortofrutícola. Se tendrán en cuenta las normas de obligado cumplimento para una edificación de dicha tipologia. Especialmente el CTE y también la normativa urbanística de la población donde se ubica. La estructura se ha diseñado y calculado usando como materiales acero y hormigón armado. Se han tenido en cuenta las necesidades de protección al fuego según el uso.[EN] It is a question of designing and calculating the structure of an industrial warehouse located on a plot of industrial urban land. The use of such a ship shall be the assembly of fruit and vegetable machinery. The rules of mandatory compliance for a building of this type of technology shall be taken into account. Especially the CTE and also the urban regulations of the population where it is located. The structure has been designed and calculated using steel and reinforced concrete as materials. Fire protection needs have been taken into account according to use.Guardia Molina, K. (2020). Proyecto estructural de edificio industrial para montaje de maquinaria hortofrutícola. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/151749TFG
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