10 research outputs found

    Analyzes of Algebraic Classification of Higher Dimensional Kundt Geometries with Large DD Method

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    In this paper, classification of higher dimensional Kundt geometry is revisited as the dimension of the spacetime DD \rightarrow\infty. In addition to previous studies, in order to Kundt geometry becomes algebraically special spacetime obligatory conditions are determined. Additionally, Type II, Type III, Type N, Type O and Type D Kundt geometries are explicitly analyzed. Classification of several metrics such as pp-waves, non-gyratonic Kundt metric and VSI spacetime, which are well-known subclasses of Kundt geometry are studied.Comment: Accepted for publication in Turkish Journal of Physic

    On Stationary Axially Symmetric Solutions in Brans-Dicke Theory

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    Stationary, axially symmetric Brans-Dicke-Maxwell solutions are reexamined in the framework of the Brans-Dicke (BD) theory. We see that, employing a particular parametrization of the standard axially symmetric metric simplifies the procedure of obtaining the Ernst equations for axially symmetric electrovacuum space-times for this theory. This analysis also permits us to construct a two parameter extension in both Jordan and Einstein frames of an old solution generating technique frequently used to construct axially symmetric solutions for BD theory from a seed solution of general relativity. As applications of this technique, several known and new solutions are constructed including a general axially symmetric BD-Maxwell solution of Plebanski-Demianski with vanishing cosmological constant, i.e. the Kinnersley solution and general magnetized Kerr-Newman--type solutions. Some physical properties and the circular motion of test particles for a particular subclass of Kinnersley solution, i.e., a Kerr-Newman-NUT--type solution for BD theory, are also investigated in some detail.Comment: V2: 18 pages, published version; some references and section VI is added. V1:17 pages, Revte

    Classification of Robinson-Trautmann and Kundt Geometries with Large D Limit

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    Algebraic classification of higher dimensional, shear-free, twist-free, expanding (or non-expanding) spacetime is studied with the limit of DD\rightarrow\infty. Similar to classification of any arbitrary dimension D>4D>4, this spacetime is Type I(b) or more special, according to our calculations. However, thanks to the method of taking the limit of dimension DD\rightarrow \infty, the components of Weyl scalar are obtained much simpler. Without solving field equations, by determining obligotary conditions to the components of Weyl scalar vanish, the spacetime is classified Type I(a), Type II(a-b-c-d), Type III(a-b), Type N and Type O for primary Weyl aligned null direciton (WAND), and Type IiI_{i}, Type IIiII_{i}, Type IIIiIII_{i} and Type D(a-b-c-d) for secondary WAND.Comment: 17 pages, comments are welcom

    Higher Dimensional Cylindrical or Kasner Type Electrovacuum Solutions

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    We consider a D dimensional Kasner type diagonal spacetime where metric functions depend only on a single coordinate and electromagnetic field shares the symmetries of spacetime. These solutions can describe static cylindrical or cosmological Einstein-Maxwell vacuum spacetimes. We mainly focus on electrovacuum solutions and four different types of solutions are obtained in which one of them has no four dimensional counterpart. We also consider the properties of the general solution corresponding to the exterior field of a charged line mass and discuss its several properties. Although it resembles the same form with four dimensional one, there is a difference on the range of the solutions for fixed signs of the parameters. General magnetic field vacuum solution are also briefly discussed, which reduces to Bonnor-Melvin magnetic universe for a special choice of the parameters. The Kasner forms of the general solution are also presented for the cylindrical or cosmological cases.Comment: 16 pages, Revtex. Text and references are extended, Published versio

    Einstein-maxwell solutions in higher dimensional, static, cylindrically symmetric space-times

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    Bu tezde, N boyutlu, statik, silindirsel simetrik uzay-zaman için bazı yeni Einstein-Maxwell çözümleri bulundu. Bulunan çözümler, bu uzay-zamanda radyal yöndeki bir elektrik alanı tanımlayan genel bir çizgi-elemanı ile Maxwell alanını tanımlamaktadr. Bu çözümlere ait çeşitli skaler değişmezler incelenerek tekillik yapısı tartışıldı. Ayrıca, bu uzay-zaman için nötr ve yüklü test parçacıklarının hareket denklemleri ve bu denklemlerin ilk integralleri hesaplandı. Bazı özel yörüngeler için elektrik alanın parçacığın hareketini nasıl etkilediği tartışıldı. Özellikle vakum çözümünün aksine, elektrik alan mevcut iken yüklü ve yüksüz parçacıklarının dairesel yörüngeler izleyemediği bulundu. Ayn zamanda, elektrik alanın varlığının test parçacığı üzerine etkiyen radyal yöndeki kuvvetin karakterini değiştirdiği belirlendi.In this thesis, we found some new Einstein-Maxwell solutions for N-dimensional, static, cylindrically symmetric space-time. These solutions describe a general line element and Maxwell eld for radially oriented electrical eld. Some scalar invariants are investigated to determine the singularity structure of this space-time. Moreover, the geodesic equations and their rst integrals for charged and uncharged test particles are calculated. The eect of the electrical eld on the motion of test particles for some special trajectories are discussed. Especially, it is found that, in contrast to vacuum solution, in the presence of the electrical eld, the particles cannot follow circular geodesics. Furthermore, it is determined that, the existence of the electrical eld changes the behavior of radial force acting on the test particle

    Alternatif kütle çekim kuramlarının eksenel simetrik çözümleri

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    ALTERNATİF KÜTLE-ÇEKİM KURAMLARININ EKSENEL SİMETRİK ÇÖZÜMLERİ Bu tezde, durağan veya statik, eksenel simetrik uzay-zaman geometrileri için alternatif kütle-çekim teorilerden Brans-Dicke ve metrik f(R)f(R) kuramlarının bazı yeni tam çözümleri, bir takım çözüm üretme teknikleri kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Standard durağan ve eksenel simetrik bir metriğin özel bir biçimi kullanılarak elde edilen Brans-Dicke (BD) alan denklemlerinin düzenlenmesiyle, önemli bir çözüm üretme tekniği olan Ernst denklemlerinin elde edilebileceği gösterilmiştir. Bu sonuç, literatürde mevcut olan ve BD çözümlerini, Genel Görelilik (GG) çözümlerini temel alan tek parametreli bir çözüm üretme yönteminin, bu tezde Einstein veya Jordan çerçevelerinde iki parametreli bir genelleşmesinin elde edilmesine olanak vermiştir. Elde edilen bu genel çözüm üretme tekniği uygulanarak, bir çok GG çözümüne karşılık gelen bilinen ya da yeni BD çözümleri elde edilmiştir. Örneğin, Weyl-tipi çözümler için iki parçacıklı Curzon-Chazy ve Bertotti-Robinson BD çözümleri, durağan, eksenel simetrik çözümler için, manyetikleşmiş Kerr-Newman BD çözümü gibi çözümler ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiştir. Aynı zamanda, BD çözümleri elde edilen bazı uzay-zaman çözümlerinin bazı fiziksel özellikleri, tekillik yapıları ile dairesel jeodeziklerinin olup olmadığı irdelenerek GG kuramının sonuçları ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Kerr-Newman-Taub-NUT BD çözümünün ise en iç kararlı dairesel yörünge (ISCO) denklemi hesaplanmıştır. Diğer bir alternatif teori olan metrik f(R) kuramı tam çözümlerinin, BD için türetilen çözüm üretme tekniğine benzer bir yöntem ile elde edilebileceği gösterilmiştir. Bu yöntem ile, GG uzay-zamanı çözümleri bilinen Plebanski-Demianski(PB) ve Kerr-Newman-Taub-NUT-AdS (KNTNAdS) karadelik çözümlerinin metrik f(R) karşılıkları incelenmiştir. Aynı zamanda, KNTNAdS karadeliği için, Smarr formülü genelleştirilerek, termodinamik büyüklükleri elde edilmiştir. ABSTRACT AXIALLY SYMMETRIC SOLUTIONS OF ALTERNATIVE GRAVITATIONAL THEORIES In this thesis, some exact solutions of static or stationary and axially symmetric spacetimes are obtained using solution generating techniques for Brans-Dicke or metric f(R) alternative gravity theories. It is shown that, by employing BD field equations of a particular form of the standard axially symmetric metric, the Ernst equations, which is one of the important solution generating technique, can be obtained for BD theory. This analysis also permits us to construct a two parameter extension in both Jordan and Einstein frames of an old solution generating technique frequently used to construct axially symmetric solutions for BD theory from a seed solution of general relativity. As applications of this technique, several known and new solutions are constructed. For example, the new static solutions are obtained for the general Weyl solutions, two particle Chazy-Curzon solution and Bertotti-Robinson type solution and the new stationary solution are studied for magnetized Kerr- Newman solution. Furthermore, some physical properties, singularity structure and the circular motion of test particles are investigated and compared with the solutions of GG for some BD solutions. The inner-most stable circular orbit (ISCO) is calculated for BD solution of Kerr-Newman-Taub-NUT (KNTN) space-time. The exact solutions of metric f(R) theory is studied with a new method which is similar to solution generating technique of BD theory. Plebanski-Demianski and KNTNAdS black hole solutions of metric f(R) theory with constant scalar curvature are constructed by this technique. Thermodynamic potentials of KNTNAdS black hole are discussed by generalizing Smarr formula for this black hole

    Alternatif kütle çekim kuramlarının eksenel simetrik çözümleri

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    ÖZETALTERNATİF KÜTLE-ÇEKİM KURAMLARININ EKSENEL SİMETRİK ÇÖZÜMLERİBu tezde, durağan veya statik, eksenel simetrik uzay-zaman geometrileri için alternatif kütle-çekim teorilerden Brans-Dicke ve metrik f(R)f(R) kuramlarının bazı yeni tam çözümleri, bir takım çözüm üretme teknikleri kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Standard durağan ve eksenel simetrik bir metriğin özel bir biçimi kullanılarak elde edilen Brans-Dicke (BD) alan denklemlerinin düzenlenmesiyle, önemli bir çözüm üretme tekniği olan Ernst denklemlerinin elde edilebileceği gösterilmiştir. Bu sonuç, literatürde mevcut olan ve BD çözümlerini, Genel Görelilik (GG) çözümlerini temel alan tek parametreli bir çözüm üretme yönteminin, bu tezde Einstein veya Jordan çerçevelerinde iki parametreli bir genelleşmesinin elde edilmesine olanak vermiştir. Elde edilen bu genel çözüm üretme tekniği uygulanarak, bir çok GG çözümüne karşılık gelen bilinen ya da yeni BD çözümleri elde edilmiştir. Örneğin, Weyl-tipi çözümler için iki parçacıklı Curzon-Chazy ve Bertotti-Robinson BD çözümleri, durağan, eksenel simetrik çözümler için, manyetikleşmiş Kerr-Newman BD çözümü gibi çözümler ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiştir. Aynı zamanda, BD çözümleri elde edilen bazı uzay-zaman çözümlerinin bazı fiziksel özellikleri, tekillik yapıları ile dairesel jeodeziklerinin olup olmadığı irdelenerek GG kuramının sonuçları ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Kerr-Newman-Taub-NUT BD çözümünün ise en iç kararlı dairesel yörünge (ISCO) denklemi hesaplanmıştır.Diğer bir alternatif teori olan metrik f(R) kuramı tam çözümlerinin, BD için türetilen çözüm üretme tekniğine benzer bir yöntem ile elde edilebileceği gösterilmiştir. Bu yöntem ile, GG uzay-zamanı çözümleri bilinen Plebanski-Demianski(PB) ve Kerr-Newman-Taub-NUT-AdS (KNTNAdS) karadelik çözümlerinin metrik f(R) karşılıkları incelenmiştir. Aynı zamanda, KNTNAdS karadeliği için, Smarr formülü genelleştirilerek, termodinamik büyüklükleri elde edilmiştir.ABSTRACTAXIALLY SYMMETRIC SOLUTIONS OF ALTERNATIVE GRAVITATIONAL THEORIESIn this thesis, some exact solutions of static or stationary and axially symmetric spacetimes are obtained using solution generating techniques for Brans-Dicke or metric f(R) alternative gravity theories. It is shown that, by employing BD field equations of a particular form of the standard axially symmetric metric, the Ernst equations, which is one of the important solution generating technique, can be obtained for BD theory. This analysis also permits us to construct a two parameter extension in both Jordan and Einstein frames of an old solution generating technique frequently used to construct axially symmetric solutions for BD theory from a seed solution of general relativity. As applications of this technique, several known and new solutions are constructed. For example, the new static solutions are obtained for the general Weyl solutions, two particle Chazy-Curzon solution and Bertotti-Robinson type solution and the new stationary solution are studied for magnetized Kerr- Newman solution. Furthermore, some physical properties, singularity structure and the circular motion of test particles are investigated and compared with the solutions of GG for some BD solutions. The inner-most stable circular orbit (ISCO) is calculated for BD solution of Kerr-Newman-Taub-NUT (KNTN) space-time.The exact solutions of metric f(R) theory is studied with a new method which is similar to solution generating technique of BD theory. Plebanski-Demianski and KNTNAdS black hole solutions of metric f(R) theory with constant scalar curvature are constructed by this technique. Thermodynamic potentials of KNTNAdS black hole are discussed by generalizing Smarr formula for this black hole

    Static Weyl type solutions of the Brans-Dicke theory

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    9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, BPU 2015 -- 24 August 2015 through 27 August 2015 -- -- 119904Static, axially symmetric Weyl type solutions and their properties are studied in the Brans-Dicke (BD) theory. The new solutions are obtained for the general Weyl solutions, two particle Chazy-Curzon solution and Bertotti-Robinson type solution. Some physical properties such as the geodesic motion and singularities of these solutions are also discussed in detail. © 2016 AIP Publishing LLC

    Some Properties of Magnetized Bonnor-Dihole Solution in Brans-Dicke Theory

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    32nd International Physics Congress of Turkish-Physical-Society (TPS) -- SEP 06-09, 2016 -- Bodrum, TURKEYSoule properties of magnetized Bonnor-dihole solution in Brans Dicke(BD) theory is discussed. Conical deficit angle and equatiorial geodesics of (jawlike and null particles are investigated in detail for different values of the parameters of the BD solution.Turkish Phys So