513 research outputs found

    Synchronization and directed percolation in coupled map lattices

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    We study a synchronization mechanism, based on one-way coupling of all-or-nothing type, applied to coupled map lattices with several different local rules. By analyzing the metric and the topological distance between the two systems, we found two different regimes: a strong chaos phase in which the transition has a directed percolation character and a weak chaos phase in which the synchronization transition occurs abruptly. We are able to derive some analytical approximations for the location of the transition point and the critical properties of the system. We propose to use the characteristics of this transition as indicators of the spatial propagation of chaoticity.Comment: 12 pages + 12 figure

    On the Use of Finite-Size Scaling to Measure Spin-Glass Exponents

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    Finite-size scaling (FSS) is a standard technique for measuring scaling exponents in spin glasses. Here we present a critique of this approach, emphasizing the need for all length scales to be large compared to microscopic scales. In particular we show that the replacement, in FSS analyses, of the correlation length by its asymptotic scaling form can lead to apparently good scaling collapses with the wrong values of the scaling exponents.Comment: RevTeX, 5 page

    Secure exchange of information by synchronization of neural networks

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    A connection between the theory of neural networks and cryptography is presented. A new phenomenon, namely synchronization of neural networks is leading to a new method of exchange of secret messages. Numerical simulations show that two artificial networks being trained by Hebbian learning rule on their mutual outputs develop an antiparallel state of their synaptic weights. The synchronized weights are used to construct an ephemeral key exchange protocol for a secure transmission of secret data. It is shown that an opponent who knows the protocol and all details of any transmission of the data has no chance to decrypt the secret message, since tracking the weights is a hard problem compared to synchronization. The complexity of the generation of the secure channel is linear with the size of the network.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Dynamical Replica Theory for Disordered Spin Systems

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    We present a new method to solve the dynamics of disordered spin systems on finite time-scales. It involves a closed driven diffusion equation for the joint spin-field distribution, with time-dependent coefficients described by a dynamical replica theory which, in the case of detailed balance, incorporates equilibrium replica theory as a stationary state. The theory is exact in various limits. We apply our theory to both the symmetric- and the non-symmetric Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin-glass, and show that it describes the (numerical) experiments very well.Comment: 7 pages RevTex, 4 figures, for PR

    Nonlocal mechanism for cluster synchronization in neural circuits

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    The interplay between the topology of cortical circuits and synchronized activity modes in distinct cortical areas is a key enigma in neuroscience. We present a new nonlocal mechanism governing the periodic activity mode: the greatest common divisor (GCD) of network loops. For a stimulus to one node, the network splits into GCD-clusters in which cluster neurons are in zero-lag synchronization. For complex external stimuli, the number of clusters can be any common divisor. The synchronized mode and the transients to synchronization pinpoint the type of external stimuli. The findings, supported by an information mixing argument and simulations of Hodgkin Huxley population dynamic networks with unidirectional connectivity and synaptic noise, call for reexamining sources of correlated activity in cortex and shorter information processing time scales.Comment: 8 pges, 6 figure

    A lattice gas model of II-VI(001) semiconductor surfaces

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    We introduce an anisotropic two-dimensional lattice gas model of metal terminated II-IV(001) seminconductor surfaces. Important properties of this class of materials are represented by effective NN and NNN interactions, which result in the competition of two vacancy structures on the surface. We demonstrate that the experimentally observed c(2x2)-(2x1) transition of the CdTe(001) surface can be understood as a phase transition in thermal equilbrium. The model is studied by means of transfer matrix and Monte Carlo techniques. The analysis shows that the small energy difference of the competing reconstructions determines to a large extent the nature of the different phases. Possible implications for further experimental research are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Training a perceptron in a discrete weight space

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    On-line and batch learning of a perceptron in a discrete weight space, where each weight can take 2L+12 L+1 different values, are examined analytically and numerically. The learning algorithm is based on the training of the continuous perceptron and prediction following the clipped weights. The learning is described by a new set of order parameters, composed of the overlaps between the teacher and the continuous/clipped students. Different scenarios are examined among them on-line learning with discrete/continuous transfer functions and off-line Hebb learning. The generalization error of the clipped weights decays asymptotically as exp(Kα2)exp(-K \alpha^2)/exp(eλα)exp(-e^{|\lambda| \alpha}) in the case of on-line learning with binary/continuous activation functions, respectively, where α\alpha is the number of examples divided by N, the size of the input vector and KK is a positive constant that decays linearly with 1/L. For finite NN and LL, a perfect agreement between the discrete student and the teacher is obtained for αLln(NL)\alpha \propto \sqrt{L \ln(NL)}. A crossover to the generalization error 1/α\propto 1/\alpha, characterized continuous weights with binary output, is obtained for synaptic depth L>O(N)L > O(\sqrt{N}).Comment: 10 pages, 5 figs., submitted to PR

    Modified Thouless-Anderson-Palmer equations for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glass: Numerical solutions

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    For large but finite systems the static properties of the infinite ranged Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model are numerically investigated in the entire the glass regime. The approach is based on the modified Thouless-Anderson-Palmer equations in combination with a phenomenological relaxational dynamics used as a numerical tool. For all temperatures and all bond configurations stable and meta stable states are found. Following a discussion of the finite size effects, the static properties of the state of lowest free energy are presented in the presence of a homogeneous magnetic field for all temperatures below the spin glass temperature. Moreover some characteristic features of the meta stable states are presented. These states exist in finite temperature intervals and disappear via local saddle node bifurcations. Numerical evidence is found that the excess free energy of the meta stable states remains finite in the thermodynamic limit. This implies a the `multi-valley' structure of the free energy on a sub-extensive scale.Comment: Revtex 10 pages 13 figures included, submitted to Phys.Rev.B. Shortend and improved version with additional numerical dat

    Inferring hidden states in Langevin dynamics on large networks: Average case performance

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    We present average performance results for dynamical inference problems in large networks, where a set of nodes is hidden while the time trajectories of the others are observed. Examples of this scenario can occur in signal transduction and gene regulation networks. We focus on the linear stochastic dynamics of continuous variables interacting via random Gaussian couplings of generic symmetry. We analyze the inference error, given by the variance of the posterior distribution over hidden paths, in the thermodynamic limit and as a function of the system parameters and the ratio {\alpha} between the number of hidden and observed nodes. By applying Kalman filter recursions we find that the posterior dynamics is governed by an "effective" drift that incorporates the effect of the observations. We present two approaches for characterizing the posterior variance that allow us to tackle, respectively, equilibrium and nonequilibrium dynamics. The first appeals to Random Matrix Theory and reveals average spectral properties of the inference error and typical posterior relaxation times, the second is based on dynamical functionals and yields the inference error as the solution of an algebraic equation.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure