665 research outputs found

    Hope In the Shadow of Despair

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    Reflections on last spring\u27s tragedy at Virginia Tech -- and the ongoing challenge to heal and forgive

    Hope In the Shadow of Despair

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    Reflections on last spring\u27s tragedy at Virginia Tech -- and the ongoing challenge to heal and forgive

    Workplace screening programs for chronic disease prevention: a rapid review

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    This review examined the effectiveness of workplace screening programs for chronic disease prevention based on evidence retrieved from the main databases of biomedical and health economic literature published to March 2012, supplemented with relevant reports. The review found: 1. Strong evidence of effectiveness of HRAs (when used in combination with other interventions) in relation to tobacco use, alcohol use, dietary fat intake, blood pressure and cholesterol 2. Sufficient evidence for effectiveness of worksite programs to control overweight and obesity 3. Sufficient evidence of effectiveness for workplace HRAs in combination with additional interventions to have favourable impact on the use of healthcare services (such as reductions in emergency department visits, outpatient visits, and inpatient hospital days over the longer term) 4. Sufficient evidence for effectiveness of benefits-linked financial incentives in increasing HRA and program participation 5. Sufficient evidence that for every dollar invested in these programs an annual gain of 3.20(range3.20 (range 1.40 to $4.60) can be achieved 6. Promising evidence that even higher returns on investment can be achieved in programs incorporating newer technologies such as telephone coaching of high risk individuals and benefits-linked financial incentive

    Remarks by Bill E. King

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    Turning the Tide on Persistent Rural Poverty: Blueprint for a Path Forward

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    It is the goal of NeighborWorks America to make every place a community of opportunity. Unfortunately, some areas are being left behind more than others as our global and national economies continue to shift. Rural communities are among them. The people who have toiled in the coal mines of Kentucky and West Virginia, as well as in the paper and textile mills in Maine and western North Carolina, have not fared well in the changing economy. Likewise, the historically disenfranchised Native Americans in the Southwest, Latinos in the border colonias and the residents of the disaster-plagued Delta are struggling to survive. Our country needs to bring opportunity back to these regions and their people.Although rural America accounts for less than 20 percent of the country's overall population, 85 percent of persistent-poverty counties are outside of metro areas. Yet at the same time, there are so many examples of people and organizations doing good work; they just need support and the resources to go to scale. Special attention clearly is required, and that's why we formed the Rural Initiative

    Caring for profit? The impact of for-profit providers on the quality of employment in paid care

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    O estágio pedagógico teve início em setembro de 2014, sob a Orientação Pedagógica da Drª Maria Domitila Costa, tendo, ainda, a Orientação Científica da Professora Doutora Maria Arminda Pedrosa, na componente de Química e do Professor Doutor Décio Martins, na componente de Física. Este relatório compreende uma introdução, cinco capítulos, referências bibliográficas e anexos. A introdução incide numa abordagem sobre o papel dos professores, bem como uma reflexão sobre o caminho que deverá ser planeado para se atingir um ensino com eficácia. No capítulo I – Enquadramento geral, é realizada uma apresentação da escola e da turma de ensino supervisionado. No capítulo II – Componente de Química, procede-se à apresentação das unidades exploradas nesta componente, dos documentos das atividades letivas, incluindo, ainda, uma reflexão sobre as mesmas. No capítulo III – Componente de Física, repete-se a sequência, para esta componente, utilizada para o capítulo II. No capítulo IV – Componente não letiva, são apresentadas as atividades não letivas. No capítulo V – Conclusão, perpetua-se uma análise reflexiva sobre o trabalho desenvolvido. Por último, são indicadas as referências bibliográficas utilizadas e os anexos, para leitura e apreciação do presente relatório
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