119 research outputs found

    Costs of Early Childhood Home Visiting: An Analysis of Programs Implemented in the Supporting Evidence-Based Home Visiting to Prevent Child Maltreatment Initiative

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    The Cost Study of Evidence-Based Home Visiting Programs applied a uniform approach and common time frame to analyze costs among agencies implementing five different home visiting program models. The study assessed (1) the total cost of providing home visiting programs during a year of steady-state operation, (2) the allocation of annual costs among cost categories and program activities or components, (3) the cost to serve a participating family, and (4) variation in average costs across program models and other agency characteristics.Mathematica Policy Research and Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago conducted the study with support from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and in collaboration with Casey Family Programs. It included agencies that participated in the Supporting Evidence-Based Home Visiting to Prevent Child Maltreatment (EBHV) initiative, a five-year grant program launched in 2008 by the Children's Bureau of the Administration for Children and Families at HHS. In 2011, the EBHV grant program was formally incorporated into the Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV) State Formula Grant Program administered by the Health Resources and Services Administration of HHS

    Observations of Extreme Wildfire Enhancements of CH3OH, HCOOH, and PAN over the Canadian High Arctic

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    Wildfires are a common occurrence in many parts of the globe and can emit significant quantities of trace gases and particulate matter, negatively impacting air quality on large spatial scales. Among the various trace gases emitted by wildfires are volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Three VOCs that are of particular importance are methanol (CH3OH), formic acid (HCOOH), and peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN). CH3OH is the one of the most abundant VOCs in the atmosphere, and it influences the budgets of many tropospheric species including the hydroxyl radical, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and ozone. HCOOH is the most abundant tropospheric carboxylic acid, and thus can have significant impacts on atmospheric acidity, particularly in remote regions such as the Arctic. Lastly, PAN is a key, thermally unstable reservoir species of tropospheric nitrogen radicals (NOx = NO + NO2), controlling the production of tropospheric ozone, and contributing to the ‘Arctic haze’ pollution phenomenon at high latitudes.During August 2017, two independent large-scale wildfires in British Columbia and the Northwest Territories of Canada generated vast smoke plumes that merged and were subsequently transported to the high Arctic. Simultaneous observations by a high-resolution ground-based Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer at the Polar Environment Research Laboratory (PEARL) in Eureka, Nunavut (80.05°N, 86.42°W), and the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) satellite instruments display extreme enhancements in these three species relative to background concentrations during the fire-affected period in late August 2017, demonstrating the long-range transport and secondary formation of these typically short-lived species. Initial results of the analysis of this unique biomass burning event will be presented, including comparisons of observations with the GEOS-Chem global chemical transport model.info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Characterizing model errors in chemical transport modeling of methane: impact of model resolution in versions v9-02 of GEOS-Chem and v35j of its adjoint model

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    The GEOS-Chem simulation of atmospheric CH4_{4} was evaluated against observations from the Thermal and Near Infrared Sensor for Carbon Observations Fourier Transform Spectrometer (TANSO-FTS) on the Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT), the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS), and the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON). We focused on the model simulations at the 4°×5° and 2°×2.5° horizontal resolutions for the period of February–May 2010. Compared to the GOSAT, TCCON, and ACE-FTS data, we found that the 2°×2.5° model produced a better simulation of CH4_{4}, with smaller biases and a higher correlation to the independent data. We found large resolution-dependent differences such as a latitude-dependent XCH4_{4} bias, with higher column abundances of CH4_{4} at high latitudes and lower abundances at low latitudes at the 4°×5° resolution than at 2°×2.5°. We also found large differences in CH4_{4} column abundances between the two resolutions over major source regions such as China. These differences resulted in up to 30 % differences in inferred regional CH4_{4} emission estimates from the two model resolutions. We performed several experiments using 222Rn, 7Be, and CH4_{4} to determine the origins of the resolution-dependent errors. The results suggested that the major source of the latitude-dependent errors is excessive mixing in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, including mixing at the edge of the polar vortex, which is pronounced at the 4°×5° resolution. At the coarser resolution, there is weakened vertical transport in the troposphere at midlatitudes to high latitudes due to the loss of sub-grid tracer eddy mass flux in the storm track regions. The vertical air mass fluxes are calculated in the model from the degraded coarse-resolution wind fields and the model does not conserve the air mass flux between model resolutions; as a result, the low resolution does not fully capture the vertical transport. This produces significant localized discrepancies, such as much greater CH4_{4} abundances in the lower troposphere over China at 4°×5° than at 2°×2.5°. Although we found that the CH4_{4} simulation is significantly better at 2°×2.5° than at 4°×5°, biases may still be present at 2°×2.5° resolution. Their importance, particularly in regards to inverse modeling of CH4_{4} emissions, should be evaluated in future studies using online transport in the native general circulation model as a benchmark simulation

    Toward a chemical reanalysis in a coupled chemistry-climate model: an evaluation of MOPITT CO assimilation and its impact on tropospheric composition

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    We examine in detail a 1 year global reanalysis of carbon monoxide (CO) that is based on joint assimilation of conventional meteorological observations and Measurement of Pollution in The Troposphere (MOPITT) multispectral CO retrievals in the Community Earth System Model (CESM). Our focus is to assess the impact to the chemical system when CO distribution is constrained in a coupled full chemistry-climate model like CESM. To do this, we first evaluate the joint reanalysis (MOPITT Reanalysis) against four sets of independent observations and compare its performance against a reanalysis with no MOPITT assimilation (Control Run). We then investigate the CO burden and chemical response with the aid of tagged sectoral CO tracers. We estimate the total tropospheric CO burden in 2002 (from ensemble mean and spread) to be 371 ± 12% Tg for MOPITT Reanalysis and 291 ± 9% Tg for Control Run. Our multispecies analysis of this difference suggests that (a) direct emissions of CO and hydrocarbons are too low in the inventory used in this study and (b) chemical oxidation, transport, and deposition processes are not accurately and consistently represented in the model. Increases in CO led to net reduction of OH and subsequent longer lifetime of CH4 (Control Run: 8.7 years versus MOPITT Reanalysis: 9.3 years). Yet at the same time, this increase led to 5-10% enhancement of Northern Hemisphere O3 and overall photochemical activity via HOx recycling. Such nonlinear effects further complicate the attribution to uncertainties in direct emissions alone. This has implications to chemistry-climate modeling and inversion studies of longer-lived species

    Unprecedented atmospheric ammonia concentrations detected in the high Arctic from the 2017 Canadian wildfires

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    Abstract From 17-22 August 2017 simultaneous enhancements of ammonia (NH3), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen cyanide (HCN), and ethane (C2H6) were detected from ground-based solar absorption Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic measurements at two high-Arctic sites: Eureka (80.05°N, 86.42°W) Nunavut, Canada and Thule (76.53°N, 68.74°W), Greenland. These enhancements were attributed to wildfires in British Columbia and the Northwest Territories of Canada using FLEXPART back-trajectories and fire locations from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and found to be the greatest observed enhancements in more than a decade of measurements at Eureka (2006-2017) and Thule (1999-2017). Observations of gas-phase NH3 from these wildfires illustrates that boreal wildfires may be a considerable episodic source of NH3 in the summertime high Arctic. Comparisons of GEOS-Chem model simulations using the Global Fire Assimilation System (GFASv1.2) biomass burning emissions to FTIR measurements and Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) measurements showed that the transport of wildfire emissions to the Arctic was underestimated in GEOS-Chem. However, GEOS-Chem simulations showed that these wildfires contributed to surface-layer NH3 and enhancements of 0.01-0.11 ppbv and 0.05-1.07 ppbv, respectively, over the Canadian Archipelago from 15-23 August 2017

    Study of the footprints of short-term variation in XCO₂ observed by TCCON sites using NIES and FLEXPART atmospheric transport models

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    The Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) is a network of ground-based Fourier Transform Spectrometers (FTS) that record near-infrared (NIR) spectra of the Sun. From these spectra, accurate and precise observations of CO2 column-averaged dry-air mole fraction (denoted XCO2) are retrieved. TCCON FTS observations have previously been used to validate satellite estimations of XCO2; however, our knowledge of the short-term spatial and temporal variations in XCO2 surrounding the TCCON sites is limited. In this work, we use the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) Eulerian three-dimensional transport model and the FLEXPART (FLEXible PARTicle) Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model (LPDM) to determine the footprints of short-term variations in XCO2 observed by operational, past, future, and possible TCCON sites. We propose a footprint-based method for the colocation of satellite and TCCON XCO2 observations, and estimate the performance of the method using the NIES model and five GOSAT XCO2 product datasets. Comparison of the proposed approach with a standard geographic method shows higher number of colocation points and average bias reduction up to 0.15 ppm for a subset of 16 stations for the period from January 2010 to January 2014. Case studies of the Darwin and La Réunion sites reveal that when the footprint area is rather curved, non-uniform and significantly different from a geographical rectangular area, the differences between these approaches are more noticeable. This emphasizes that the colocation is sensitive to local meteorological conditions and flux distributions

    Improved Constraints on Northern Extratropical CO2 Fluxes Obtained by Combining Surface-Based and Space-Based Atmospheric CO2 Measurements

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    © 2020. The Authors. Top-down estimates of CO2 fluxes are typically constrained by either surface-based or space-based CO2 observations. Both of these measurement types have spatial and temporal gaps in observational coverage that can lead to differences in inferred fluxes. Assimilating both surface-based and space-based measurements concurrently in a flux inversion framework improves observational coverage and reduces sampling related artifacts. This study examines the consistency of flux constraints provided by these different observations and the potential to combine them by performing a series of 6-year (2010–2015) CO2 flux inversions. Flux inversions are performed assimilating surface-based measurements from the in situ and flask network, measurements from the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON), and space-based measurements from the Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT), or all three data sets combined. Combining the data sets results in more precise flux estimates for subcontinental regions relative to any of the data sets alone. Combining the data sets also improves the accuracy of the posterior fluxes, based on reduced root-mean-square differences between posterior flux-simulated CO2 and aircraft-based CO2 over midlatitude regions (0.33–0.56 ppm) in comparison to GOSAT (0.37–0.61 ppm), TCCON (0.50–0.68 ppm), or in situ and flask measurements (0.46–0.56 ppm) alone. These results suggest that surface-based and GOSAT measurements give complementary constraints on CO2 fluxes in the northern extratropics and can be combined in flux inversions to improve constraints on regional fluxes. This stands in contrast with many earlier attempts to combine these data sets and suggests that improvements in the NASA Atmospheric CO2 Observations from Space (ACOS) retrieval algorithm have significantly improved the consistency of space-based and surface-based flux constraints

    Improved Constraints on Northern Extratropical CO2 Fluxes Obtained by Combining Surface-Based and Space-Based Atmospheric CO2 Measurements

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    Abstract Top-down estimates of CO2 fluxes are typically constrained by either surface-based or space-based CO2 observations. Both of these measurement types have spatial and temporal gaps in observational coverage that can lead to differences in inferred fluxes. Assimilating both surface-based and space-based measurements concurrently in a flux inversion framework improves observational coverage and reduces sampling related artifacts. This study examines the consistency of flux constraints provided by these different observations and the potential to combine them by performing a series of 6-year (2010?2015) CO2 flux inversions. Flux inversions are performed assimilating surface-based measurements from the in situ and flask network, measurements from the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON), and space-based measurements from the Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT), or all three data sets combined. Combining the data sets results in more precise flux estimates for subcontinental regions relative to any of the data sets alone. Combining the data sets also improves the accuracy of the posterior fluxes, based on reduced root-mean-square differences between posterior flux-simulated CO2 and aircraft-based CO2 over midlatitude regions (0.33?0.56?ppm) in comparison to GOSAT (0.37?0.61?ppm), TCCON (0.50?0.68?ppm), or in situ and flask measurements (0.46?0.56?ppm) alone. These results suggest that surface-based and GOSAT measurements give complementary constraints on CO2 fluxes in the northern extratropics and can be combined in flux inversions to improve constraints on regional fluxes. This stands in contrast with many earlier attempts to combine these data sets and suggests that improvements in the NASA Atmospheric CO2 Observations from Space (ACOS) retrieval algorithm have significantly improved the consistency of space-based and surface-based flux constraints