6 research outputs found

    Endomyocardial Fibrosis: Still a Mystery after 60 Years

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    The pathologist Jack N. P. Davies identified endomyocardial fibrosis in Uganda in 1947. Since that time, reports of this restrictive cardiomyopathy have come from other parts of tropical Africa, South Asia, and South America. In Kampala, the disease accounts for 20% of heart disease patients referred for echocardiography. We conducted a systematic review of research on the epidemiology and etiology of endomyocardial fibrosis. We relied primarily on articles in the MEDLINE database with either “endomyocardial fibrosis” or “endomyocardial sclerosis” in the title. The volume of publications on endomyocardial fibrosis has declined since the 1980s. Despite several hypotheses regarding cause, no account of the etiology of this disease has yet fully explained its unique geographical distribution

    May Measurement Month 2018: a pragmatic global screening campaign to raise awareness of blood pressure by the International Society of Hypertension

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    Aims Raised blood pressure (BP) is the biggest contributor to mortality and disease burden worldwide and fewer than half of those with hypertension are aware of it. May Measurement Month (MMM) is a global campaign set up in 2017, to raise awareness of high BP and as a pragmatic solution to a lack of formal screening worldwide. The 2018 campaign was expanded, aiming to include more participants and countries. Methods and results Eighty-nine countries participated in MMM 2018. Volunteers (≥18 years) were recruited through opportunistic sampling at a variety of screening sites. Each participant had three BP measurements and completed a questionnaire on demographic, lifestyle, and environmental factors. Hypertension was defined as a systolic BP ≥140 mmHg or diastolic BP ≥90 mmHg, or taking antihypertensive medication. In total, 74.9% of screenees provided three BP readings. Multiple imputation using chained equations was used to impute missing readings. 1 504 963 individuals (mean age 45.3 years; 52.4% female) were screened. After multiple imputation, 502 079 (33.4%) individuals had hypertension, of whom 59.5% were aware of their diagnosis and 55.3% were taking antihypertensive medication. Of those on medication, 60.0% were controlled and of all hypertensives, 33.2% were controlled. We detected 224 285 individuals with untreated hypertension and 111 214 individuals with inadequately treated (systolic BP ≥ 140 mmHg or diastolic BP ≥ 90 mmHg) hypertension. Conclusion May Measurement Month expanded significantly compared with 2017, including more participants in more countries. The campaign identified over 335 000 adults with untreated or inadequately treated hypertension. In the absence of systematic screening programmes, MMM was effective at raising awareness at least among these individuals at risk

    Rates of untreated, treated, and controlled hypertension and relationships between blood pressure with other cardiovascular risk factors in Brazzaville (Republic of the Congo): May Measurement Month 2017-Sub-Saharan Africa.

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    Hypertension (HT) is a growing burden worldwide, leading to over 10 million deaths each year. In Brazzaville, the prevalence of HT was 32.5% in 2004. The mortality for stroke in 2008 and heart failure in 2013 were, respectively, 24% and 20.2%. May Measurement Month (MMM) is a global initiative initiated by the International Society of Hypertension aimed at raising awareness of HT and to act as a temporary solution to the lack of screening programmes worldwide. An opportunistic cross-sectional survey of volunteers aged ≥18 was carried out in May 2017. Blood pressure (BP) measurement, the definition of HT and statistical analysis followed the standard MMM protocol. The screening was carried out in Brazzaville, and the screening sites were distributed in different districts of the city in public places and health facilities. A total of 3842 individuals were screened during MMM17. After multiple imputations, 1576 (41.0%) had HT. About 956 (29.7%) individuals not receiving anti-hypertensive medication, were hypertensive. Four hundred and nine (66.0%) individuals receiving anti-hypertensive medication, had uncontrolled BP. Systolic and diastolic BPs after adjustment for age and sex differed significantly in association with use of anti-hypertensive medication (P < 0.0001), previous stroke (P = 0.001 for systolic), and waist circumference (P < 0.0001). MMM17 was the largest BP screening campaign undertaken in Congo. Almost one-third of screenees had untreated HT, and two-thirds of treated hypertensives were not well controlled. These results suggest that opportunistic screening can identify significant numbers with raised BP

    May measurement month 2018: an analysis of blood pressure screening results from Republic of the Congo.

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    To determine the proportion with hypertension among opportunistic screenees in the Republic of the Congo. This cross-sectional study was conducted in Republic of the Congo in May 2018. This screening was done in urban and rural areas that included Brazzaville, Pointe-Noire, District of Ngoyo, and District of Nkayi. The study protocol was provided by the International Society of Hypertension, and local ethical clearance was obtained. The data were processed by the May Measurement Month global project team. In total, 6169 people were screened, 2418 of which were female (39.2%). Most of the people screened were from 18 to 29 years old (n = 4184, 67.8%). The proportion of hypertension found was 22.2% (n = 1371). Among the hypertensive patients, 40.2% were aware of their hypertension, but only 493 (36.0%) were on antihypertensive treatment, and only 16.0% were controlled. The frequency of diabetes was 2.2% (n = 135), 2.3% (n = 139) had a previous stroke, and overweight and obesity were present in 15.4% (n = 952) and 7.3% (n = 449), respectively. Hypertension is frequent in the Republic of the Congo, and levels of awareness, treatment and control are low. Actions are needed to increase access of all to a correct diagnosis and treatment of hypertension to achieve universal health coverage