10,712 research outputs found

    Managing household activities: Gender differences in time-use and activity scheduling behaviour

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    Over the past few decades, the observation of household activities was based on the participants\u27 observed activity patterns using traditional diary-based methods and/or stated perceptions during face-to-face interviews. This research uses an innovative approach to probe men and women\u27s activity and scheduling behaviours as they occur within a household setting. The approach involves the use of a computerized household activity scheduling process survey (CHASE) capable of tracing how activity-travel decisions are pre-planned, planned, added, modified, deleted, and executed over a one-week period. This approach goes beyond traditional diary-based methods, which tends to focus solely on observed outcomes. The data utilised 76 couples with children and 32 without children. The objectives of the study are to compare men and women in different household types (couples and couples with children) according to differences in: (1) observed activities; (2) spatial and interpersonal flexibility of activities; and (3) planning time. The observed activity patterns reveals that certain activities are still gender bias. Where means may hide overall differences, comparison of the distribution of paired differences suggests that some males exceed some females in duration of certain activities and vice versa. However, the relative lack of differences between males and females in terms of scheduling behaviour and flexibility was somewhat unexpected, especially given known differences between males and females\u27 observed activity patterns. In certain activities, men\u27s and women\u27s scheduling behaviour are different from each other

    The \u2724\u27 Effect: How entertainment media affects the public perception of torture

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    This thesis highlights how entertainment media perpetuates the public perception that the use of torture is an effective method to gain valuable and actionable intelligence from enemy combatants. This poses a significant problem to society because torture does not work, and if society continues to believe this misperception, it may lead to the erosion of societal morals for future generations. A possible explanation for entertainment media’s role in the continuation of this misperception could be related to the mere exposure effect due to frequency of torture being seen on television. In order to see how entertainment media perpetuates this misperception, three television shows, 24, Chicago P.D., and Homeland, were chosen to be screened for the presence of torture in episodes of the shows. For each randomly selected episode, indicators of torture and dialogue were monitored and recorded into a data set that marks the episode and time that the acts occurred. In addition to indicators of torture, the description of the individual being tortured was also recorded. After scanning a third of each show, 55% of the episodes in 24, 60% of the episodes in Chicago P.D., and 35% of the episodes of Homeland depicted torture. From these results, it is argued that it is likely these television shows made a significant impact on the public perception of the effectiveness of torture due to how often they were shown and because who was getting tortured

    Water soluble fluorescent carbon nanodots from biosource for cells imaging

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    Carbon nanodots (CNDs) derived from a green precursor, kidney beans, was synthesized with high yield via a facile pyrolysis technique. The CND material was easily modified through simple oxidative treatment with nitric acid, leading to a high density “self-passivated” water soluble form (wsCNDs). The synthesized wsCNDs have been extensively characterized by using various microscopic and spectroscopic techniques and were crystalline in nature. The highly carboxylated wsCNDs possessed tunable-photoluminescence emission behavior throughout the visible region of the spectrum, demonstrating their application for multicolor cellular imaging of HeLa cells. The tunable-photoluminescence properties of “self-passivated” wsCNDs make them a promising candidate as a probe in biological cell-imaging applications.Kumud Malika Tripathi, Tuan Sang Tran, Tran Thanh Tung, Dusan Losic and TaeYoung Ki

    The Outstanding Decisions of the United States Supreme Court in 1954

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    We perform a kinematic and morphological analysis of 44 star-forming galaxies at z ̃ 2 in the COSMOS legacy field using near-infrared spectroscopy from Keck/MOSFIRE and F160W imaging from CANDELS/3D-HST as part of the ZFIRE survey. Our sample consists of cluster and field galaxies from 2.0 < z < 2.5 with K-band multi-object slit spectroscopic measurements of their Hα emission lines. Hα rotational velocities and gas velocity dispersions are measured using the Heidelberg Emission Line Algorithm (HELA), which compares directly to simulated 3D data cubes. Using a suite of simulated emission lines, we determine that HELA reliably recovers input S 0.5 and angular momentum at small offsets, but V 2.2/σ g values are offset and highly scattered. We examine the role of regular and irregular morphology in the stellar mass kinematic scaling relations, deriving the kinematic measurement S 0.5, and finding {log}({S}0.5)=(0.38+/- 0.07){log}(M/{M}☉ -10)+(2.04+/- 0.03) with no significant offset between morphological populations and similar levels of scatter (̃0.16 dex). Additionally, we identify a correlation between M ⋆ and V 2.2/σ g for the total sample, showing an increasing level of rotation dominance with increasing M ⋆, and a high level of scatter for both regular and irregular galaxies. We estimate the specific angular momenta (j disk) of these galaxies and find a slope of 0.36 ± 0.12, shallower than predicted without mass-dependent disk growth, but this result is possibly due to measurement uncertainty at M ⋆ < 9.5 However, through a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test we find irregular galaxies to have marginally higher j disk values than regular galaxies, and high scatter at low masses in both populations

    Leaching of a Cu-Co ore from Congo using sulphuric acidhydrogen peroxide leachants

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    A Cu-Co ore from Katinga Province, the Republic of Congo containing 1.5% Co and 1.6% Cu was tested to determine the leachability of Cu and Co using sulphuric acid and hydrogen peroxide mixtures at different conditions. Without hydrogen peroxide, the maximum extraction of copper and cobalt were found to be ~80% and ~15%, respectively when the acid concentration was varied between 0.36 - 1.1M. When hydrogen peroxide was added (0.008-0.042M), Cu recovery was enhanced to ~90%. Recoveries of ~90% of Co could be achieved at 20ÂșC, using leachants consisting of 0.36M sulphuric acid and 0.025M hydrogen peroxide after 3 hours. The reaction time to reach 90% Co extraction was reduced to less than 2 hours at 30ÂșC. Stabcal modelling of the Eh-pH diagrams shows the importance of hydrogen peroxide as a reductant. The decrease of solution potential (300-350 mV) by adding hydrogen peroxide was confirmed by Eh measurements during the tests. The leaching follows the shrinking core model kinetics, where the rate constant is linearly dependent on hydrogen peroxide concentration in the range 0-0.025M and proportional to (1/r2) where r is the average radius of the mineral particles. The activation energy for the leaching process is 72.3 kJ/mol

    ZFOURGE: Extreme 5007A˚\AA emission may be a common early-lifetime phase for star-forming galaxies at z>2.5z > 2.5

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    Using the \prospector\ spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting code, we analyze the properties of 19 Extreme Emission Line Galaxies (EELGs) identified in the bluest composite SED in the \zfourge\ survey at 2.5≀z≀42.5 \leq z \leq 4. \prospector\ includes a physical model for nebular emission and returns probability distributions for stellar mass, stellar metallicity, dust attenuation, and nonparametric star formation history (SFH). The EELGs show evidence for a starburst in the most recent 50 Myr, with the median EELG having a specific star formation rate (sSFR) of 4.6 Gyr−1^{-1} and forming 15\% of its mass in this short time. For a sample of more typical star-forming galaxies (SFGs) at the same redshifts, the median SFG has a sSFR of 1.1 Gyr−1^{-1} and forms only 4%4\% of its mass in the last 50 Myr. We find that virtually all of our EELGs have rising SFHs, while most of our SFGs do not. From our analysis, we hypothesize that many, if not most, star-forming galaxies at z≄2.5z \geq 2.5 undergo an extreme HÎČ\beta+[\hbox{{\rm O}\kern 0.1em{\sc iii}}] emission line phase early in their lifetimes. In a companion paper, we obtain spectroscopic confirmation of the EELGs as part of our {\sc MOSEL} survey. In the future, explorations of uncertainties in modeling the UV slope for galaxies at z>2z>2 are needed to better constrain their properties, e.g. stellar metallicities.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures (main figure is fig 5), accepted for publication in Ap

    State-constraint static Hamilton-Jacobi equations in nested domains

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    We study state-constraint static Hamilton-Jacobi equations in a sequence of domains {Ωk}k∈N\{\Omega_k\}_{k \in \mathbb{N}} in Rn\mathbb{R}^n such that Ωk⊂Ωk+1\Omega_k \subset \Omega_{k+1} for all k∈Nk\in \mathbb{N}. We obtain rates of convergence of uku_k, the solution to the state-constraint problem in Ωk\Omega_k, to uu, the solution to the corresponding problem in Ω=⋃k∈NΩk\Omega = \bigcup_{k \in \mathbb{N}} \Omega_k. In many cases, the rates obtained are proven to be optimal. Various new examples and discussions are provided at the end of the paper.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    Chemical pre-processing of cluster galaxies over the past 10 billion years in the IllustrisTNG simulations

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    We use the IllustrisTNG simulations to investigate the evolution of the mass-metallicity relation (MZR) for star-forming cluster galaxies as a function of the formation history of their cluster host. The simulations predict an enhancement in the gas-phase metallicities of star-forming cluster galaxies (10^9< M_star<10^10 M_sun) at z<1.0 in comparisons to field galaxies. This is qualitatively consistent with observations. We find that the metallicity enhancement of cluster galaxies appears prior to their infall into the central cluster potential, indicating for the first time a systematic "chemical pre-processing" signature for {\it infalling} cluster galaxies. Namely, galaxies which will fall into a cluster by z=0 show a ~0.05 dex enhancement in the MZR compared to field galaxies at z<0.5. Based on the inflow rate of gas into cluster galaxies and its metallicity, we identify that the accretion of pre-enriched gas is the key driver of the chemical evolution of such galaxies, particularly in the stellar mass range (10^9< M_star<10^10 M_sun). We see signatures of an environmental dependence of the ambient/inflowing gas metallicity which extends well outside the nominal virial radius of clusters. Our results motivate future observations looking for pre-enrichment signatures in dense environments.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter
