11,587 research outputs found

    Distribution of PageRank Mass Among Principle Components of the Web

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    We study the PageRank mass of principal components in a bow-tie Web Graph, as a function of the damping factor c. Using a singular perturbation approach, we show that the PageRank share of IN and SCC components remains high even for very large values of the damping factor, in spite of the fact that it drops to zero when c goes to one. However, a detailed study of the OUT component reveals the presence ``dead-ends'' (small groups of pages linking only to each other) that receive an unfairly high ranking when c is close to one. We argue that this problem can be mitigated by choosing c as small as 1/2

    Regional Fishery Management Organization as Games in Coalitional Form

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    This paper examines how a Regional Fisheries Management Organization (RFMO) might successfully achieve effective control of a high seas fishery in the context of partial cooperation. We analyse the feasible allocations of property rights among members of a given RFMO and coalitions of potential entrants. We demonstrate that the modified Shapley value is an appropriate device for the division of the gains from both partial and full cooperations.international fisheries, overexploitation, partial cooperation, games in partition function form, competitive equilibrium, modified Shapley value, Agribusiness, Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Towards correct-by-construction product variants of a software product line: GFML, a formal language for feature modules

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    Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) is a software engineering paradigm that focuses on reuse and variability. Although feature-oriented programming (FOP) can implement software product line efficiently, we still need a method to generate and prove correctness of all product variants more efficiently and automatically. In this context, we propose to manipulate feature modules which contain three kinds of artifacts: specification, code and correctness proof. We depict a methodology and a platform that help the user to automatically produce correct-by-construction product variants from the related feature modules. As a first step of this project, we begin by proposing a language, GFML, allowing the developer to write such feature modules. This language is designed so that the artifacts can be easily reused and composed. GFML files contain the different artifacts mentioned above.The idea is to compile them into FoCaLiZe, a language for specification, implementation and formal proof with some object-oriented flavor. In this paper, we define and illustrate this language. We also introduce a way to compose the feature modules on some examples.Comment: In Proceedings FMSPLE 2015, arXiv:1504.0301

    The Marquis de Sade and materialism : a reading into the unreadable

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    The Marquis de Sade was, and remains, a complex and controversial figure. Critics have argued that Sade explored the very edges of literary and psychological boundaries only in order to outrage expectations. However, in this thesis I argue there is a consistent materialist philosophy running through his works, and to understand Sade it is necessary to understand the materialism within his context. I begin by tracing the ideas in his work back to the materialist philosophers Lucretius, La Mettrie, and d’Holbach. I then explore the political implications of Sade’s materialism, and position his politics within the context of the French revolution. I then finish by positioning his sister novels Justine and Juliette as a response to the criticism of materialism articulated by Jacobi. Though, the ways Sade portrays his philosophy is quite simply horrifying, even to a modern reader, the ideas they portray reveal a unique and fascinating figure

    Endogenous Fiscal Policies, Environmental Quality, and Status-Seeking Behavior.

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    This paper analyzes endogenous fiscal policy and public decision in an endogenous growth model where agents care about social status and environmental quality. The quest for a higher status is assimilated to a preference for capital wealth. The government uses income tax to finance infrastructure and environmental protection, and maximizes individual welfare. We find that accounting for preferences for social status and environmental quality may lead to an allocation of tax revenue in favor of cleanup effort to the detriment of infrastructure. It does not necessary have a negative impact on growth. Status seeking can however harm economic growth and environmental quality when its motive is important enough. Finally, we show that economic growth is consistent with environmental preservation but is not necessarily welfare-improving as in the case of absence of status-seeking behavior.Endogenous policy; endogenous growth; environmental quality; status-seeking; public expenditure; Wagner's law.

    Anthropogenic impacts in the deep sea of the Azores : fishing and litter

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências do Mar, especialidade em Ecologia Marinha.[...]. Os objetivos deste trabalho são, essencialmente, os de caracterizar e entender duas ameaças importantes para o mar profundo dos Açores: a pesca e o lixo. [...]. De um modo geral, este trabalho sugere que a gestão sustentável dos recursos do oceânico profundo deve incluir todos os efeitos das atividades humanas. No caso particular dos Açores, a gestão dos recursos vivos marinhos, se baseada no funcionamento dos ecossistemas, deve ter em consideração as rejeições da pesca, os danos induzidos pela pesca aos habitats bentónicos e a acumulação de lixo.ABSTRACT: [...]. The objectives of this work are to further characterize and understand two important threats for deep sea ecosystem off the Azores; fishing and litter disposal. [...]. My thesis work suggests that sustainable management of deep-sea resources must include all likely effects of human activities. Ecosystem-based management of the deep-sea in the Azores needs to address fisheries discards, damages to benthic habitats, and litter disposal.This research was funded by the the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, Grant number (SFRH/BD/31286/2009) and conducted in the framework of the EU FP7 projects CoralFISH (FP7 ENV/2007/1/21314 4) and HERMIONE (FP7 ENV/ 2008/1/226354