1,743 research outputs found

    The complete mitochondrial genome of a Dokdo shrimp, Lebbeus groenlandicus

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    Lebbeus groenlandicus is a shrimp species indigenous to the Dokdo islands in the East Sea of Korea. We report the 17,399 bp mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of the species that consists of 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNAs (tRNAs), 2 ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), and a control region (CR). A maximum-likelihood tree, constructed with 18 prawn and 45 shrimp mitogenomes, confirmed that L. groenlandicus occupies the most basal position within the Caridea infra-order and is closely related to Pandalidae shrimps

    Chromosome-scale assembly comparison of the Korean Reference Genome KOREF from PromethION and PacBio with Hi-C mapping information.

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    BACKGROUND:Long DNA reads produced by single-molecule and pore-based sequencers are more suitable for assembly and structural variation discovery than short-read DNA fragments. For de novo assembly, Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) are the favorite options. However, PacBio's SMRT sequencing is expensive for a full human genome assembly and costs more than $40,000 US for 30× coverage as of 2019. ONT PromethION sequencing, on the other hand, is 1/12 the price of PacBio for the same coverage. This study aimed to compare the cost-effectiveness of ONT PromethION and PacBio's SMRT sequencing in relation to the quality. FINDINGS:We performed whole-genome de novo assemblies and comparison to construct an improved version of KOREF, the Korean reference genome, using sequencing data produced by PromethION and PacBio. With PromethION, an assembly using sequenced reads with 64× coverage (193 Gb, 3 flowcell sequencing) resulted in 3,725 contigs with N50s of 16.7 Mb and a total genome length of 2.8 Gb. It was comparable to a KOREF assembly constructed using PacBio at 62× coverage (188 Gb, 2,695 contigs, and N50s of 17.9 Mb). When we applied Hi-C-derived long-range mapping data, an even higher quality assembly for the 64× coverage was achieved, resulting in 3,179 scaffolds with an N50 of 56.4 Mb. CONCLUSION:The pore-based PromethION approach provided a high-quality chromosome-scale human genome assembly at a low cost with long maximum contig and scaffold lengths and was more cost-effective than PacBio at comparable quality measurements

    Inhibition of c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase or extracellular signal-regulated kinase improves lung injury

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    BACKGROUND: Although in vitro studies have determined that the activation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases is crucial to the activation of transcription factors and regulation of the production of proinflammatory mediators, the roles of c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (JNK) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in acute lung injury have not been elucidated. METHODS: Saline or lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 6 mg/kg of body weight) was administered intratracheally with a 1-hour pretreatment with SP600125 (a JNK inhibitor; 30 mg/kg, IO), or PD98059 (an MEK/ERK inhibitor; 30 mg/kg, IO). Rats were sacrificed 4 hours after LPS treatment. RESULTS: SP600125 or PD98059 inhibited LPS-induced phosphorylation of JNK and ERK, total protein and LDH activity in BAL fluid, and neutrophil influx into the lungs. In addition, these MAP kinase inhibitors substantially reduced LPS-induced production of inflammatory mediators, such as CINC, MMP-9, and nitric oxide. Inhibition of JNK correlated with suppression of NF-κB activation through downregulation of phosphorylation and degradation of IκB-α, while ERK inhibition only slightly influenced the NF-κB pathway. CONCLUSION: JNK and ERK play pivotal roles in LPS-induced acute lung injury. Therefore, inhibition of JNK or ERK activity has potential as an effective therapeutic strategy in interventions of inflammatory cascade-associated lung injury

    KOREF_S1: phased, parental trio-binned Korean reference genome using long reads and Hi-C sequencing methods

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    Background KOREF is the Korean reference genome, which was constructed with various sequencing technologies including long reads, short reads, and optical mapping methods. It is also the first East Asian multiomic reference genome accompanied by extensive clinical information, time-series and multiomic data, and parental sequencing data. However, it was still not a chromosome-scale reference. Here, we updated the previous KOREF assembly to a new chromosome-level haploid assembly of KOREF, KOREF_S1v2.1. Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) PromethION, Pacific Biosciences HiFi-CCS, and Hi-C technology were used to build the most accurate East Asian reference assembled so far. Results We produced 705 Gb ONT reads and 114 Gb Pacific Biosciences HiFi reads, and corrected ONT reads by Pacific Biosciences reads. The corrected ultra-long reads reached higher accuracy of 1.4% base errors than the previous KOREF_S1v1.0, which was mainly built with short reads. KOREF has parental genome information, and we successfully phased it using a trio-binning method, acquiring a near-complete haploid-assembly. The final assembly resulted in total length of 2.9 Gb with an N50 of 150 Mb, and the longest scaffold covered 97.3% of GRCh38's chromosome 2. In addition, the final assembly showed high base accuracy, with Conclusions KOREF_S1v2.1 is the first chromosome-scale haploid assembly of the Korean reference genome with high contiguity and accuracy. Our study provides useful resources of the Korean reference genome and demonstrates a new strategy of hybrid assembly that combines ONT's PromethION and PacBio's HiFi-CCS

    Obstructive Fibrinous Tracheal Pseudomembrane After Tracheal Intubation: A Case Report

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    Obstructive fibrinous tracheal pseudomembrane is a rare, but potentially fatal complication associated with endotracheal intubation. It has been known that the formation of tracheal pseudomembrane is related with intracuff pressure during endotracheal intubation or infectious cause. But in the patient described in this case, pseudomembrane formation in the trachea was associated with subglottic epithelial trauma or caustic injuries to the trachea caused by aspirated gastric contents during intubation rather than tracheal ischemia due to high cuff pressure. We report a patient with obstructive fibrinous tracheal pseudomembrane after endotracheal intubation who presented with dyspnea and stridor and was treated successfully with mechanical removal using rigid bronchoscopy

    T cell costimulatory receptor CD28 is a primary target for PD-1–mediated inhibition

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    Programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) is a coinhibitory receptor that suppresses T cell activation and is an important cancer immunotherapy target. Upon activation by its ligand PD-L1, PD-1 is thought to suppress signaling through the T cell receptor (TCR). By titrating PD-1 signaling in a biochemical reconstitution system, we demonstrate that the co-receptor CD28 is strongly preferred over the TCR as a target for dephosphorylation by PD-1-recruited Shp2 phosphatase. We also show that CD28, but not the TCR, is preferentially dephosphorylated in response to PD-1 activation by PD-L1 in an intact cell system. These results reveal that PD-1 suppresses T cell function primarily by inactivating CD28 signaling, suggesting that costimulatory pathways play key roles in regulating effector T cell function and responses to anti-PD-L1/PD-1 therapy

    Diffuse Hepatic Hemangiomatosis without Extrahepatic Involvement in an Adult Patient

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    We report an extremely rare case of a diffuse hepatic hemangiomatosis without extrahepatic involvement in an adult. The imaging findings of this tumor were similar to those of a hepatic hemangioma and included contrast enhancement with a centripetal filling pattern of the entire hepatic tumor on the delayed phase of a dynamic CT and inhomogeneous diffuse uptake of the entire tumor on blood-pool images obtained five hours later on a 99mTc-labeled red blood cell scan. Despite its rarity, diffuse hepatic hemangiomatosis can be suggested in adult patients with diffusely involved hepatic tumors showing the radiological findings of a hepatic hemangioma

    Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly of the Butter Clam Saxidomus purpuratus

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    Herein, we provide the first whole-genome sequence of the purple butter clam (Saxidomus purpuratus), an economically important bivalve shellfish. Specifically, we sequenced and de novo assembled the genome of Sa. purpuratus based on PromethION long reads and Hi-C data. The 978-Mb genome of Sa. purpuratus comprises 19 chromosomes with 36,591 predicted protein-coding genes. The N50 length of Sa. purpuratus genome is 52 Mb, showing the highest continuous assembly among bivalve genomes. The Benchmarking by Universal Single-Copy Orthologs assessment indicated that 95.07% of complete metazoan universal single-copy orthologs (n = 954) were present in the assembly. Approximately 51% of Sa. purpuratus genome comprises repetitive sequences. Based on the high-quality Sa. purpuratus genome, we resolved half of the immune-associated genes, namely, scavenger receptor (SR) proteins, which are collinear to those in the closely related Cyclina sinensis genome. This finding suggested a high degree of conservation among immune-associated genes. Twenty-two (19%) SR proteins are tandemly duplicated in Sa. purpuratus genome, suggesting putative convergence evolution. Overall, Sa. purpuratus genome provides a new resource for the discovery of economically important traits and immune-response genes