10,069 research outputs found

    Effect of microstructural evolution on magnetic property of Mn-implanted p-type GaN

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    The effect of microstructural evolution on magnetic property of Mn-implanted p-type GaN was discussed. The effect was studied using cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It was shown that the higher-temperature annealing reduced the ferromagnetic signal and produced antiferromagnetic Mn-nitride nanoclusters.open161

    Atomic Layer Deposition of Ni Thin Films and Application to Area-Selective Deposition

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    Ni thin films were deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) using bis(dimethylamino-2-methyl-2-butoxo)nickel [Ni(dmamb)(2)] as a precursor and NH3 gas as a reactant. The growth characteristics and film properties of ALD Ni were investigated. Low-resistivity films were deposited on Si and SiO2 substrates, producing high-purity Ni films with a small amount of oxygen and negligible amounts of nitrogen and carbon. Additionally, ALD Ni showed excellent conformality in nanoscale via holes. Utilizing this conformality, Ni/Si core/shell nanowires with uniform diameters were fabricated. By combining ALD Ni with octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS) self-assembled monolayer as a blocking layer, area-selective ALD was conducted for selective deposition of Ni films. When performed on the prepatterned OTS substrate, the Ni films were selectively coated only on OTS-free regions, building up Ni line patterns with 3 mu m width. Electrical measurement results showed that all of the Ni lines were electrically isolated, also indicating the selective Ni deposition. (C) 2010 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/1.3504196] All rights reserved.ope

    Proteomic analyses reveal misregulation of LIN28 expression and delayed timing of glial differentiation in human iPS cells with MECP2 loss-of-function.

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    Rett syndrome (RTT) is a pervasive developmental disorder caused by mutations in MECP2. Complete loss of MECP2 function in males causes congenital encephalopathy, neurodevelopmental arrest, and early lethality. Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines from male patients harboring mutations in MECP2, along with control lines from their unaffected fathers, give us an opportunity to identify some of the earliest cellular and molecular changes associated with MECP2 loss-of-function (LOF). We differentiated iPSC-derived neural progenitor cells (NPCs) using retinoic acid (RA) and found that astrocyte differentiation is perturbed in iPSC lines derived from two different patients. Using highly stringent quantitative proteomic analyses, we found that LIN28, a gene important for cell fate regulation and developmental timing, is upregulated in mutant NPCs compared to WT controls. Overexpression of LIN28 protein in control NPCs suppressed astrocyte differentiation and reduced neuronal synapse density, whereas downregulation of LIN28 expression in mutant NPCs partially rescued this synaptic deficiency. These results indicate that the pathophysiology of RTT may be caused in part by misregulation of developmental timing in neural progenitors, and the subsequent consequences of this disruption on neuronal and glial differentiation

    QCD axion and quintessential axion

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    The axion solution of the strong CP problem is reviewed together with the other strong CP solutions. We also point out the quintessential axion(quintaxion) whose potential can be extremely flat due to the tiny ratio of the hidden sector quark mass and the intermediate hidden sector scale. The quintaxion candidates are supposed to be the string theory axions, the model independent or the model dependent axions.Comment: 15 pages. Talk presented at Castle Ringberg, June 9-14, 200

    What can polysemy tell us about theories of explanation?

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    Philosophical accounts of scientific explanation are broadly divided into ontic and epistemic views. This paper explores the idea that the lexical ambiguity of the verb to explain and its nominalisation supports an ontic conception of explanation. I analyse one argument which challenges this strategy by criticising the claim that explanatory talk is lexically ambiguous, 375–394, 2012). I propose that the linguistic mechanism of transfer of meaning, 109–132, 1995) provides a better account of the lexical alternations that figure in the systematic polysemy of explanatory talk, and evaluate the implications of this proposal for the debate between ontic and epistemic conceptions of scientific explanation

    Biohydrogenation of 22:6n-3 by Butyrivibrio proteoclasticus P18

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    Background: Rumen microbes metabolize 22:6n-3. However, pathways of 22:6n-3 biohydrogenation and ruminal microbes involved in this process are not known. In this study, we examine the ability of the well-known rumen biohydrogenating bacteria, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens D1 and Butyrivibrio proteoclasticus P18, to hydrogenate 22:6n-3. Results: Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens D1 failed to hydrogenate 22:6n-3 (0.5 to 32 mu g/mL) in growth medium containing autoclaved ruminal fluid that either had or had not been centrifuged. Growth of B. fibrisolvens was delayed at the higher 22:6n-3 concentrations; however, total volatile fatty acid production was not affected. Butyrivibrio proteoclasticus P18 hydrogenated 22:6n-3 in growth medium containing autoclaved ruminal fluid that either had or had not been centrifuged. Biohydrogenation only started when volatile fatty acid production or growth of B. proteoclasticus P18 had been initiated, which might suggest that growth or metabolic activity is a prerequisite for the metabolism of 22:6n-3. The amount of 22:6n-3 hydrogenated was quantitatively recovered in several intermediate products eluting on the gas chromatogram between 22:6n-3 and 22:0. Formation of neither 22:0 nor 22:6 conjugated fatty acids was observed during 22:6n-3 metabolism. Extensive metabolism was observed at lower initial concentrations of 22:6n-3 (5, 10 and 20 mu g/mL) whereas increasing concentrations of 22:6n-3 (40 and 80 mu g/mL) inhibited its metabolism. Stearic acid formation (18:0) from 18:2n-6 by B. proteoclasticus P18 was retarded, but not completely inhibited, in the presence of 22:6n-3 and this effect was dependent on 22:6n-3 concentration. Conclusions: For the first time, our study identified ruminal bacteria with the ability to hydrogenate 22:6n-3. The gradual appearance of intermediates indicates that biohydrogenation of 22:6n-3 by B. proteoclasticus P18 occurs by pathways of isomerization and hydrogenation resulting in a variety of unsaturated 22 carbon fatty acids. During the simultaneous presence of 18:2n-6 and 22:6n-3, B. proteoclasticus P18 initiated 22:6n-3 metabolism before converting 18:1 isomers into 18:0

    Thermodynamic Properties of Holographic Multiquark and the Multiquark Star

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    We study thermodynamic properties of the multiquark nuclear matter. The dependence of the equation of state on the colour charges is explored both analytically and numerically in the limits where the baryon density is small and large at fixed temperature between the gluon deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration. The gravitational stability of the hypothetical multiquark stars are discussed using the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation. Since the equations of state of the multiquarks can be well approximated by different power laws for small and large density, the content of the multiquark stars has the core and crust structure. We found that most of the mass of the star comes from the crust region where the density is relatively small. The mass limit of the multiquark star is determined as well as its relation to the star radius. For typical energy density scale of 10GeV/fm310\text{GeV}/\text{fm}^{3}, the converging mass and radius of the hypothetical multiquark star in the limit of large central density are approximately solar mass and 15-27 km. The adiabatic index and sound speed distributions of the multiquark matter in the star are also calculated and discussed. The sound speed never exceeds the speed of light and the multiquark matters are thus compressible even at high density and pressure.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figures, 1 table, JHEP versio

    Biochemical, Anatomical, and Pharmacological Characterization of Calcitonin-Type Neuropeptides in Starfish: Discovery of an Ancient Role as Muscle Relaxants

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    Calcitonin (CT) is a peptide hormone released by the thyroid gland that regulates blood Ca2+ levels in mammals. The CT gene is alternatively spliced, with one transcript encoding CT and another transcript encoding the CT-like neuropeptide calcitonin-gene related peptide (α-CGRP), which is a powerful vasodilator. Other CT-related peptides in vertebrates include adrenomedullin, amylin, and intermedin, which also act as smooth muscle relaxants. The evolutionary origin of CT-type peptides has been traced to the bilaterian common ancestor of protostomes and deuterostomes and a CT-like peptide (DH31) has been identified as a diuretic hormone in some insect species. However, little is known about the physiological roles of CT-type peptides in other invertebrates. Here we characterized a CT-type neuropeptide in a deuterostomian invertebrate—the starfish Asterias rubens (Phylum Echinodermata). A CT-type precursor cDNA (ArCTP) was sequenced and the predicted structure of the peptide (ArCT) derived from ArCTP was confirmed using mass spectrometry. The distribution of ArCTP mRNA and the ArCT peptide was investigated using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, respectively, revealing stained cells/processes in the nervous system, digestive system, and muscular organs, including the apical muscle and tube feet. Investigation of the effects of synthetic ArCT on in vitro preparations of the apical muscle and tube feet revealed that it acts as a relaxant, causing dose-dependent reversal of acetylcholine-induced contraction. Furthermore, a muscle relaxant present in whole-animal extracts of another starfish species, Patiria pectinifera, was identified as an ortholog of ArCT and named PpCT. Consistent with the expression pattern of ArCTP in A. rubens, RT-qPCR revealed that in P. pectinifera the PpCT precursor transcript is more abundant in the radial nerve cords than in other tissues/organs analyzed. In conclusion, our findings indicate that the physiological action of CT-related peptides as muscle relaxants in vertebrates may reflect an evolutionarily ancient role of CT-type neuropeptides that can be traced back to the common ancestor of deuterostomes

    Field-induced water electrolysis switches an oxide semiconductor from an insulator to a metal

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    Here we demonstrate that water-infiltrated nanoporous glass electrically switches an oxide semiconductor from an insulator to metal. We fabricated the field effect transistor structure on an oxide semiconductor, SrTiO3, using 100%-water-infiltrated nanoporous glass - amorphous 12CaO*7Al2O3 - as the gate insulator. For positive gate voltage, electron accumulation, water electrolysis and electrochemical reduction occur successively on the SrTiO3 surface at room temperature, leading to the formation of a thin (~3 nm) metal layer with an extremely high electron concentration of 10^15-10^16 cm^-2, which exhibits exotic thermoelectric behaviour.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure

    Molecular Characterization and Expression Analysis of Pathogenesis related Protein 6 from Panax ginseng

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    Panax ginseng Meyer is one of the important medicinal plants in the world, particularly in Asian countries. Ginseng encounters many stress exposure during its long cultivation period. However, the molecular mechanism of stress resistance is still poorly understood in spite of its importance. In this study, pathogenesis- related protein 6 (PR6), also called proteinase inhibitor (PI), was isolated from ginseng embryogenic callus, named PgPR6. The small size of PR6, containing an open reading frame of 219 bp encoding 72 amino acids, the typical characteristic of PR6 protein, shares the highest sequence similarity to PR6 of Theobroma cacao (69% identity). Sequence and structural analysis indicated that PgPR6 belongs to class Kunitz-type PI family. This is the first report pertaining to the identification of PR6 gene from the P. ginseng genome. The high-level expression of PgPR6 was observed in root as revealed by quantitative real-time PCR. The temporal expression analysis demonstrated that PgPR6 expression was highly up-regulated by signaling molecules, heavy metals, mechanical wounding, chilling, salt, sucrose, and mannitol stress, indicating that PgPR6 may play an important role in the molecular defense response of ginseng to a various range of environmental stresses