277 research outputs found

    Ryan-Matura Library Annual Report, 1997-1998

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    Library Annual Report, presented by Dorothy Kijanka, University Librarian, for the Academic Year 1997-1998

    Chiral fermions, massless particles and Poincare covariance

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    The coadjoint orbit method is applied to the construction of Hamiltonian dynamics of massless particles of arbitrary helicity. The unusual transformation properties of canonical variables are interpreted in terms of nonlinear realizations of Poincare group. The action principle is formulated in terms of new space–time variables with standard transformation properties.Piotr Kosi´nski gratefully acknowledges fruitful discussion and kind correspondence with P.Horvathy and J.Lukierski.The re-search was supported by the grant of National Science Centrenum-ber DEC-2013/09/B/ST2/02205

    Ryan-Matura Library Annual Report, 1996-97

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    Library Annual Report, presented by Dorothy Kijanka, University Librarian, for the Academic Year 1996-1997

    Protein arrays as tools for serum autoantibody marker discovery in cancer.

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    Protein array technology has begun to play a significant role in the study of protein-protein interactions and in the identification of antigenic targets of serum autoantibodies in a variety of autoimmune disorders. More recently, this technology has been applied to the identification of autoantibody signatures in cancer. The identification of tumour-associated antigens (TAAs) recognised by the patient\u27s immune response represents an exciting approach to identify novel diagnostic cancer biomarkers and may contribute towards a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved. Circulating autoantibodies have not only been used to identify TAAs as diagnostic/prognostic markers and potential therapeutic targets, they also represent excellent biomarkers for the early detection of tumours and potential markers for monitoring the efficacy of treatment. Protein array technology offers the ability to screen the humoral immune response in cancer against thousands of proteins in a high throughput technique, thus readily identifying new panels of TAAs. Such an approach should not only aid in improved diagnostics, but has already contributed to the identification of complex autoantibody signatures that may represent disease subgroups, early diagnostics and facilitated the analysis of vaccine trials

    Брендинг і неймінг: відображення національної ідентичності в назвах авіаперевізників

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    Розглянуто роль назв авіаперевізників у національному брендингу, визначаються типи ідентичностей (територіальна, політична, етнічна та ін.) в назвах авіаперевізників та описуються основні види онімів, що відображають ці ідентичності.Рассматривается роль названий авиалиний в национальном брендинге, определяются типы идентичностей (территориальная, политическая, этническая и др.) в названиях авиаперевозчиков, описываются основные виды онимов, отображающие эти идентичности.The paper defines the role of airlines’ names in nation branding. The author describes the types of identity (territorial, political, ethnic) in airlines’ names and the main types of onyms communicating these identities

    Magnetic-Dipole Spin Effects in Noncommutative Quantum Mechanics

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    A general three-dimensional noncommutative quantum mechanical system mixing spatial and spin degrees of freedom is proposed. The analogous of the harmonic oscillator in this description contains a magnetic dipole interaction and the ground state is explicitly computed and we show that it is infinitely degenerated and implying a spontaneous symmetry breaking. The model can be straightforwardly extended to many particles and the main above properties are retained. Possible applications to the Bose-Einstein condensation with dipole-dipole interactions are briefly discussed.Comment: New references added, implications with Bose-Einstein condensationare discussed and some portions of the manuscript rewritte

    Human IgG antibody profiles differentiate between symptomatic patients with and without colorectal cancer

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE: Patients with cancer have antibodies against tumour antigens. Characterising the antibody repertoire may provide insights into aberrant cellular mechanisms in cancer development, ultimately leading to novel diagnostic or therapeutic targets. The aim of this study was to characterise the antibody profiles in patients whose symptoms warranted colonoscopy, to see if there was a difference in patients with and without colorectal cancer. METHODS: Patients were recruited from a colonoscopy clinic. Individual serum samples from 43 patients with colorectal cancer and 40 patients with no cancer on colonoscopy were profiled on a 37 830 clone recombinant human protein array. Antigen expression was evaluated by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR and by immunohistochemistry on tissue microarrays. RESULTS: Using a sex- and age-matched training set, 18 antigens associated with cancer and 4 associated with the absence of cancer (p\u3c0.05) were identified and confirmed. To investigate the mechanisms triggering antibody responses to these antigens, antigen expression was examined in normal colorectal mucosa and colorectal carcinoma of the same patients. The identified antigens showed cellular accumulation (p53), aberrant cellular expression (high mobility group B1 (HMGB1)) and overexpression (tripartite motif-containing 28 (TRIM28), p53, HMGB1, transcription factor 3 (TCF3), longevity assurance gene homologue 5 (LASS5) and zinc finger protein 346 (ZNF346)) in colorectal cancer tissue compared with normal colorectal mucosa. CONCLUSIONS: It is demonstrated for the first time that screening high-density protein arrays identifies unique antibody profiles that discriminate between symptomatic patients with and without colorectal cancer. The differential expression of identified antigens suggests their involvement in aberrant cellular mechanisms in cance