86 research outputs found

    Removal of American Indians, destruction of Ottoman Armenians. American missionaries and demographic engineering

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    This article describes and compares two distinct instances of removal of a people from its native land. The removals in question were organized at different times by two different states, one a rising, the other a crumbling power. The removals had different dimensions, but were both claimed to be unavoidable for state building. The same organization, the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mission (ABCFM), was a privileged witness and an outspoken critic of both: the removal of the American Indians from Georgia and Carolina in the 1830s, and the removal of the Armenians from Asia Minor during World War I. This removal comprised nearly all Ottoman Armenians, equalled mass murder and paved the way for an exclusively Turkish nation-state in the whole of Anatolia. In both cases the ABCFM had defended an integrative, non-exclusive vision of the societies concerned

    Réformes ottomanes et cohabitation entre chrétiens et Kurdes (1839-1915))

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    RĂ©sumé :Cet article dĂ©crit les acteurs et facteurs, internes et externes, de la cohabitation entre chrĂ©tiens et Kurdes dans l’Empire ottoman tardif. Il s’intĂ©resse Ă  l’égalitĂ© ethno-religieuse, aux rapports entre le pouvoir, la communautĂ©-nation et le territoire, Ă  la propriĂ©tĂ© fonciĂšre et Ă  l’internationalisation des litiges kurdo-armĂ©niens. Les leaders kurdes ont rĂ©agi Ă  l’égalitĂ© proclamĂ©e par les rĂ©formes ottomanes et Ă  l’ascension sociale des chrĂ©tiens en s’appropriant des terres, y compris par la force. Ils ont ainsi acquis un nouveau pouvoir. L’auteur distingue quatre Ă©tapes dans le processus de dĂ©gradation des relations armĂ©no-kurdes : le nouvel ordre des tanzimat ; le grand massacre des ArmĂ©niens Ă  l’automne 1895 ; les nouvelles opportunitĂ©s crĂ©Ă©es par la « rĂ©volution des Jeunes-Turcs » de 1908, y compris le plan international de rĂ©forme Ă©tabli entre 1912 et 1914 ; la PremiĂšre Guerre mondiale, avec le gĂ©nocide de 1915, qui a dĂ©finitivement mis fin Ă  la cohabitation.This description of the parties involved and the factors, internal and external, of cohabitation between Christians and Kurds in the latter period of the Ottoman Empire focuses on ethnic and religious equality; the relations between authorities, community-nations and territories; land ownership; and the internationalization of disputes between Kurds and Armenians. Kurdish leaders reacted to the equality proclaimed in Ottoman reforms and to the Christians’ upwards social mobility by taking land, even by force, and thus acquired new power. Four phases stand out in the degradation of relations between Kurds and Armenians: the new order of the tanzimat; the massacres of Armenians in the autumn of 1895; the new opportunities opened by the “Young Turk Revolution” in 1908, including the international plan for reforms established between 1912 and 1914; and Word War I with the genocide in 1915, which put a definitive end to cohabitation

    Beyond national narratives? : centenary histories, the First World War and the Armenian Genocide

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    In April 2015 the centenary of the Armenian Genocide was commemorated. Just like the First World War centenary, this anniversary has provoked a flurry of academic and public interest in what remains a highly contested history. This article assesses the state of the current historiography on the fate of the Ottoman Armenians. It focuses on the possibilities for moving beyond the national narratives which continue to dominate the field, in particular through connecting the case of the Armenian Genocide to what has been termed a ‘transnational turn’ in the writing of the history of the First World War

    TĂŒrkische Nationalrevolution, anthropologisch gekrönt : Kemal AtatĂŒrk und Eugene Pittard.

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    Donated by Klaus KreiserReprinted from in : Historische Anthropologie, Kultur - Gesellschaft- Alltag, 14/1 (2006)

    Mission as Factor of Change in Turkey (nineteenth to first half of twentieth century).

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    Donated by Klaus KreiserReprinted from in : Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Vol 13, No.4, 2002

    TĂŒrk ulusal tarihçiliğinin gölgesinde "Ermeni tehciri".

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    Donated by Klaus KreiserReprinted from in : Tarih ve Toplum Yeni Yaklaşımlar, Sayı 1 Bahar 2005

    The Anatolian Alevis’ ambivalent encounter with modernity in late Ottoman and early Republican Turkey

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