18 research outputs found

    Multifrequency Optomechanical Stiffness Measurement of Single Adherent Cells on a Solid Substrate with High Throughput

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    Mechanical properties of a cell reflect its biological and pathological conditions and there have been active research efforts to develop high-throughput platforms to mechanically characterize single cells. Yet, many of these research efforts are focused on suspended cells and use a flow-through configuration. In this paper, the stiffness of single adherent cells are optomechanically characterized using the vibration-induced phase shift (VIPS) without detaching them from the substrate. With the VIPS measurements, the frequency and amplitude dependency of the cell stiffness is investigated and statistically significant difference in the cell stiffness is confirmed after exposure to various drugs affecting cytoskeleton network. Furthermore, a 3-dimensional finite element model of a cell on a vibrating substrate is developed to extract the mechanical property from the measured VIPS. The developed technique can characterize the mechanical properties of single adherent cells at multiple frequencies with high throughput and will provide valuable clues in understanding cell mechanics

    Band Gap Tuning of Twinned GaAsP Ternary Nanowires

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    GaAs<sub>1ā€“<i>x</i></sub>P<sub><i>x</i></sub> ternary alloy nanowires have drawn much interest because their tunable band gaps, which range from the near-infrared to visible region, are promising for advanced and integrated nanoscale optoelectronic devices. In this study, we synthesized compositionally tuned GaAs<sub>1<i>ā€“x</i></sub>P<sub><i>x</i></sub> (0 ā‰¤ <i>x</i> ā‰¤ 1) alloy nanowires with two average diameters of 60 and 120 nm by vapor transport method. The nanowires exhibit exclusively twinned superlattice structures, consisting of zinc blende phase twinned octahedral slice segments between wurtzite phase planes. Smaller diameter and higher P content (<i>x</i>) result in shorter periodic superlattice structures. The band gap of the smaller diameter nanowires is larger than that of the larger diameter nanowires by about 90 meV, suggesting that the twinned superlattice structure increases the band gap. The increase in band gap is ascribed to the higher band gap of the wurtzite phase than that of the zinc blende phase

    Transition-Metal Doping of Oxide Nanocrystals for Enhanced Catalytic Oxygen Evolution

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    Catalysts for the oxygen reduction and evolution reactions are central to key renewable-energy technologies including fuel cells and water splitting. Despite tremendous effort, the development of oxygen electrode catalysts with high activity at low cost remains a great challenge. In this study, we report a generalized solā€“gel method for the synthesis of various oxide nanocrystals (TiO<sub>2</sub>, ZnO, Nb<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub>, In<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>, SnO<sub>2</sub>, and Ta<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub>) with appropriate transition metal dopants for an efficient electrocatalytic oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Although TiO<sub>2</sub> and ZnO nanocrystals alone have little activity, all the Mn-, Fe-, Co-, and Ni-doped nanocrystals exhibit greatly enhanced OER activity. A remarkable finding is that Co dopant produces higher OER activity than the other doped metals. X-ray photoelectron and X-ray absorption spectroscopies revealed the highly oxidized metal ions that are responsible for the enhanced catalytic reactivity. The excellent OER activity of the Co-doped nanocrystals was explained by a synergistic effect in which the oxide matrix effectively guards the most active Co dopants at higher oxidation states by withdrawing the electrons from the metal dopants. The metal-doped NCs exhibit enhanced catalytic activity under visible light irradiation, suggesting their potential as efficient solar-driven OER photoelectrocatalysts

    Strain Mapping and Raman Spectroscopy of Bent GaP and GaAs Nanowires

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    Strain engineering of nanowires (NWs) has been recognized as a powerful strategy for tuning the optical and electronic properties of nanoscale semiconductors. Therefore, the characterization of the strains with nanometer-scale spatial resolution is of great importance for various promising applications. In the present work, we synthesized single-crystalline zinc blende phase GaP and GaAs NWs using the chemical vapor transport method and visualized their bending strains (up to 3%) with high precision using the nanobeam electron diffraction technique. The strain mapping at all crystallographic axes revealed that (i) maximum strain exists along the growth direction ([111]) with the tensile and compressive strains at the outer and inner parts, respectively; (ii) the opposite strains appeared along the perpendicular direction ([2Ģ…11]); and (iii) the tensile strain was larger than the coexisting compressive strain at all axes. The Raman spectrum collected for individual bent NWs showed the peak broadening and red shift of the transverse optical modes that were well-correlated with the strain maps. These results are consistent with the larger mechanical modulus of GaP than that of GaAs. Our work provides new insight into the bending strain of IIIā€“V semiconductors, which is of paramount importance in the performance of flexible or bendable electronics

    GaPā€“ZnS Pseudobinary Alloy Nanowires

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    Multicomponent nanowires (NWs) are of great interest for integrated nanoscale optoelectronic devices owing to their widely tunable band gaps. In this study, we synthesize a series of (GaP)<sub>1ā€“<i>x</i></sub>(ZnS)<sub><i>x</i></sub> (0 ā‰¤ <i>x</i> ā‰¤ 1) pseudobinary alloy NWs using the vapor transport method. Compositional tuning results in the phase evolution from the zinc blende (ZB) (<i>x</i> < 0.4) to the wurtzite (WZ) phase (<i>x</i> > 0.7). A coexistence of ZB and WZ phases (<i>x</i> = 0.4ā€“0.7) is also observed. In the intermediate phase coexistence range, a coreā€“shell structure is produced with a composition of <i>x</i> = 0.4 and 0.7 for the core and shell, respectively. The band gap (2.4ā€“3.7 eV) increases nonlinearly with increasing <i>x</i>, showing a significant bowing phenomenon. The phase evolution leads to enhanced photoluminescence emission. Strikingly, the photoluminescence spectrum shows a blue-shift (70 meV for <i>x</i> = 0.9) with increasing excitation power, and a wavelength-dependent decay time. Based on the photoluminescence data, we propose a type-II pseudobinary heterojunction band structure for the single-crystalline WZ phase ZnS-rich NWs. The slight incorporation of GaP into the ZnS induces a higher photocurrent and excellent photocurrent stability, which opens up a new strategy for enhancing the performance of photodetectors

    Zn<sub>3</sub>P<sub>2</sub>ā€“Zn<sub>3</sub>As<sub>2</sub> Solid Solution Nanowires

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    Semiconductor alloy nanowires (NWs) have recently attracted considerable attention for applications in optoelectronic nanodevices because of many notable properties, including band gap tunability. Zinc phosphide (Zn<sub>3</sub>P<sub>2</sub>) and zinc arsenide (Zn<sub>3</sub>As<sub>2</sub>) belong to a unique pseudocubic tetragonal system, but their solid solution has rarely been studied. Here In this study, we synthesized composition-tuned Zn<sub>3</sub>(P<sub>1ā€“<i>x</i></sub>As<sub><i>x</i></sub>)<sub>2</sub> NWs with different crystal structures by controlling the growth conditions during chemical vapor deposition. A first type of synthesized NWs were single-crystalline and grew uniformly along the [110] direction (in a cubic unit cell) over the entire compositional range (0 ā‰¤ <i>x</i> ā‰¤ 1) explored. The use of an indium source enabled the growth of a second type of NWs, with remarkable cubic-hexagonal polytypic twinned superlattice and bicrystalline structures. The growth direction of the Zn<sub>3</sub>P<sub>2</sub> and Zn<sub>3</sub>As<sub>2</sub> NWs was also switched to [111] and [112], respectively. These structural changes are attributable to the Zn-depleted indium catalytic nanoparticles which favor the growth of hexagonal phases. The formation of a solid solution at all compositions allowed the continuous tuning of the band gap (1.0ā€“1.5 eV). Photocurrent measurements were performed on individual NWs by fabricating photodetector devices; the single-crystalline NWs with [110] growth direction exhibit a higher photoconversion efficiency compared to the twinned crystalline NWs with [111] or [112] growth direction

    Surface-Modified Ta<sub>3</sub>N<sub>5</sub> Nanocrystals with Boron for Enhanced Visible-Light-Driven Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting

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    Photocatalysts for water splitting are the core of renewable energy technologies, such as hydrogen fuel cells. The development of photoelectrode materials with high efficiency and low corrosivity has great challenges. In this study, we report new strategy to improve performance of tantalum nitride (Ta<sub>3</sub>N<sub>5</sub>) nanocrystals as promising photoanode materials for visible-light-driven photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting cells. The surface of Ta<sub>3</sub>N<sub>5</sub> nanocrystals was modified with boron whose content was controlled, with up to 30% substitution of Ta. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed that boron was mainly incorporated into the surface oxide layers of the Ta<sub>3</sub>N<sub>5</sub> nanocrystals. The surface modification with boron increases significantly the solar energy conversion efficiency of the water-splitting PEC cells by shifting the onset potential cathodically and increasing the photocurrents. It reduces the interfacial charge-transfer resistance and increases the electrical conductivity, which could cause the higher photocurrents at lower potential. The onset potential shift of the PEC cell with the boron incorporation can be attributed to the negative shift of the flat band potential. We suggest that the boron-modified surface acts as a protection layer for the Ta<sub>3</sub>N<sub>5</sub> nanocrystals, by catalyzing effectively the water splitting reaction

    IrO<sub>2</sub>ā€“ZnO Hybrid Nanoparticles as Highly Efficient Trifunctional Electrocatalysts

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    Development of high-performance catalysts is very crucial for the commercialization of sustainable energy conversion technologies. Searching for stable, highly active, and low-cost multifunctional catalysts has become a critical issue. In this study, we report the synthesis of IrO<sub>2</sub>ā€“ZnO hybrid nanoparticles and their highly efficient electrocatalytic activities toward oxygen/hydrogen evolution reaction (OER/HER) as well as oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). For comparison, we synthesized RuO<sub>2</sub>ā€“ZnO, showing a smaller catalytic activity than IrO<sub>2</sub>ā€“ZnO, which provides robust evidence for the unique synergic effect of these hybrid structures. IrO<sub>2</sub>ā€“ZnO and RuO<sub>2</sub>ā€“ZnO exhibit excellent OER catalytic performance with Tafel slopes of 57 and 59 mV decade<sup>ā€“1</sup>, respectively. For HER, IrO<sub>2</sub>ā€“ZnO shows a higher catalytic activity than RuO<sub>2</sub>ā€“ZnO. The numbers of electrons involved in the ORR were 3.7 and 2.8, respectively, for IrO<sub>2</sub>ā€“ZnO and RuO<sub>2</sub>ā€“ZnO. The remarkable catalytic performance of IrO<sub>2</sub>ā€“ZnO would be ascribed to the abundant oxygen vacancies and the metallic states of Ir, which ensure excellent catalytic activity and stability

    Lightā€“Matter Interactions in Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Nanowire Lasers

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    Lightā€“matter interactions in inorganic perovskite nanolasers are investigated using single-crystalline cesium lead halide (CsPbX<sub>3</sub>, X = Cl, Br, and I) nanowires synthesized by the chemical vapor transport method. The perovskite nanowires exhibit a uniform growth direction, smooth surfaces, straight end facets, and homogeneous composition distributions. Lasing occurs in the perovskite nanowires at low thresholds (3 Ī¼J/cm<sup>2</sup>) with high quality factors (<i>Q</i> = 1200ā€“1400) under ambient atmospheric environments. The wavelengths of the nanowire lasers are tunable by controlling the stoichiometry of the halide, allowing the lasing of the inorganic perovskite nanowires from blue to red. The unusual spacing of the Fabryā€“PeĢrot modes suggests strong lightā€“matter interactions in the reduced mode volume of the nanowires, while the polarization of the lasing indicates that the Fabryā€“PeĢrot modes belong to the same fundamental transverse mode. The dispersion curve of the excitonā€“polariton model suggests that the group refractive index of the polariton is significantly enhanced

    Red-to-Ultraviolet Emission Tuning of Two-Dimensional Gallium Sulfide/Selenide

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    Graphene-like two-dimensional (2D) nanostructures have attracted significant attention because of their unique quantum confinement effect at the 2D limit. Multilayer nanosheets of GaSā€“GaSe alloy are found to have a band gap (<i>E</i><sub>g</sub>) of 2.0ā€“2.5 eV that linearly tunes the emission in red-to-green. However, the epitaxial growth of monolayers produces a drastic increase in this <i>E</i><sub>g</sub> to 3.3ā€“3.4 eV, which blue-shifts the emission to the UV region. First-principles calculations predict that the <i>E</i><sub>g</sub> of these GaS and GaSe monolayers should be 3.325 and 3.001 eV, respectively. As the number of layers is increased to three, both the direct/indirect <i>E</i><sub>g</sub> decrease significantly; the indirect <i>E</i><sub>g</sub> approaches that of the multilayers. Oxygen adsorption can cause the direct/indirect <i>E</i><sub>g</sub> of GaS to converge, resulting in monolayers with a strong emission. This wide <i>E</i><sub>g</sub> tuning over the visible-to-UV range could provide an insight for the realization of full-colored flexible and transparent light emitters and displays