42 research outputs found


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    Goal of the study: to investigate the impact  of isoniazid combined  with  silver nanoparticles on the isoniazid resistant strains  of tuberculous mycobacteria  and the course of experimental of tuberculosis  caused by the above strains.Materials and methods. The electrochemical metal resolution was used to obtain silver nanoparticles, the average size of nanoparticles made 3-60 nm. The investigated concentrations of silver nanoparticles made 5; 25; 50 µg/ml. The isoniazid was used only in one concentration of 1 mg/ml. Totally there were 651 in vitro tests.The experimental tuberculosis  model included infecting mice (totally 68) with two-week virulent  multiple drug resistant culture  of M. tuberculosis.Results. In vitro tests  proved that  isoniazid combined  with silver nanoparticles fully or significantly  suppressed  the growth  of MDR  TB strain in 49.2% of cases. The minimal inhibitory concentration of nanoparticles in the combination with isoniazid made 2.5 µg/ml and minimal bactericidal concentration made 5 µg/ml. Atomic force microscopy detected the changes in morphometric parameters of MDR  tuberculous mycobacteria after exposure to silver nanoparticles combined with isoniazid unlike the use of isoniazid only or silver nanoparticles. When treating experimental tuberculosis, survival rates and histological tests of the lung tissue confirmed that the combination of isoniazid and silver nanoparticles was preferable compared to the single use of the above components


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    Goal of the study: to investigate the impact  of isoniazid combined  with  silver nanoparticles on the isoniazid resistant strains  of tuberculous mycobacteria  and the course of experimental of tuberculosis  caused by the above strains.Materials and methods. The electrochemical metal resolution was used to obtain silver nanoparticles, the average size of nanoparticles made 3-60 nm. The investigated concentrations of silver nanoparticles made 5; 25; 50 µg/ml. The isoniazid was used only in one concentration of 1 mg/ml. Totally there were 651 in vitro tests.The experimental tuberculosis  model included infecting mice (totally 68) with two-week virulent  multiple drug resistant culture  of M. tuberculosis.Results. In vitro tests  proved that  isoniazid combined  with silver nanoparticles fully or significantly  suppressed  the growth  of MDR  TB strain in 49.2% of cases. The minimal inhibitory concentration of nanoparticles in the combination with isoniazid made 2.5 µg/ml and minimal bactericidal concentration made 5 µg/ml. Atomic force microscopy detected the changes in morphometric parameters of MDR  tuberculous mycobacteria after exposure to silver nanoparticles combined with isoniazid unlike the use of isoniazid only or silver nanoparticles. When treating experimental tuberculosis, survival rates and histological tests of the lung tissue confirmed that the combination of isoniazid and silver nanoparticles was preferable compared to the single use of the above components.Цель исследования: изучить влияние изониазида в сочетании с наночастицами серебра на устойчивые к изониазиду штаммы микобактерий туберкулеза (МБТ) и течение экспериментального туберкулеза, вызванного этими штаммами.Материалы и методы. Наночастицы серебра получали  методом электрохимического растворения металла, средний размер наночастиц 3-60 нм. Изучаемые концентрации наночастиц серебра составили 5; 25; 50 мкг/мл. Изониазид использовали только в концентрации 1 мг/мл. Всего было проведено 651 исследование in vitro.Экспериментальную модель туберкулеза  создавали  путем заражения мышей (всего 68 мышей)  двухнедельной  вирулентной культурой M. tuberculosis с множественной лекарственной устойчивостью (МЛУ).Результаты. Как показали исследования in vitro, сочетание изониазида с наночастицами серебра обеспечило полное и значительное подавление роста штамма МЛУ МБТ в 49,2% наблюдений. Минимальная подавляющая концентрация наночастиц в составе нанокомпозита с изониазидом составила 2,5 мкг/мл, минимальная бактерицидная – 5 мкг/мл. Атомно-силовая  микроскопия выявила изменения морфометрических параметров  МЛУ  МБТ  после воздействия наночастиц  серебра в сочетании с изониазидом  в отличие от изолированного использования изониазида  или наночастиц серебра. При лечении экспериментального туберкулеза по выживаемости и гистологической  оценке легочной ткани было подтверждено преимущество сочетания изониазида  с наночастицами серебра перед раздельным использованием компонентов

    A preliminary investigation on the effect of extracorporeal shock wave therapy as a treatment for neurogenic heterotopic ossification following traumatic brain injury. Part I: Effects on pain

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    “This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Brain Injury on 24 March 2017, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/02699052.2017.1283059.”Copyright © 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC This author manuscript is made available following 12 month embargo from date of publication (24 March 2017) in accordance with publisher’s copyright policyIntroduction: Neurogenic heterotopic ossification (NHO) is a complication of a neurological injury following traumatic brain injury (TBI) and may be present around major synovial joints. It is often accompanied by severe pain, which may lead to limitation in activities of daily living. Currently, a common intervention for NHO is surgery, which has been reported to carry many additional risks. This study was designed to assess the effect of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) on pain in patients with TBI with chronic NHO. Methods: A series of single-case studies (n = 11) was undertaken with patients who had TBI and chronic NHO at the hip or knee. Each patient received four applications of high-energy EWST delivered to the affected joint over 8 weeks. Two-weekly follow-up assessments were carried out, and final assessments were made 3 and 6 months post-intervention. Pain was measured using the Faces Rating Scale, and X-rays were taken at baseline and 6-months post-intervention to physiologically measure the size of the NHO. Results: The application of high-energy ESWT was associated with significant overall reduction of pain in patients with TBI and NHO (Tau-0.412, 95% confidence interval −0.672 to −0.159, p = 0.002). Conclusions: ESWT is a novel non-invasive intervention for reducing pain resulting from NHO in patients with TBI


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    Kognitivnaja lingvistika

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    The article deals with the main aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of premature ejaculation in the framework of an interdisciplinary approach – involving data of psychology, urology, andrology, endocrinology, neurology. The possibilities of therapy of this disease with the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, allowing to increase the time of intravaginal delay of ejaculation by 3.0–3.5 times, are analyzed