236 research outputs found

    British and American relations with independent Ukraine, 1917-1921 and 1991-1994

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    Having emerged onto the stage of international relations ten years ago, independent Ukraine could not but affect them due to the magnitude of the transformation which it was undergoing since the breakup of the Soviet Empire. At the same time its relations with other states, particularly with the major powers, to a large extent influenced the course of its own nation-state formation. As this was the second attempt at state-building in Ukraine's history, the first one being a short-lived struggle for independence from Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the thesis aims to provide a comparative analysis of the two periods in which Ukraine pursued its goal of national statehood. It focuses on how and to what extent the latter was affected by external factors, above all by the policies of the two key players in international relations, Great Britain and the United States of America. Part I of the thesis examines the bilateral relations, political and diplomatic, between the two Western powers with Ukraine during the first period, namely from 1917 till 1921 when Ukraine was finally absorbed by Bolshevik Russia. Part 2 provides an account of these relations from the time Ukraine declared independence from the USSR in August 1991 until the end of 1994, a year in which the major stumbling-block to Ukraine's co-operation with the West, its possession of the nuclear arsenal inherited from the disintegrated Soviet Union, was removed and the two Western states in question alongside Russia signed a number of international agreements guaranteeing Ukraine's sovereignty. Finally, the comparative analysis of the two periods under consideration assesses the difference between the principles underlying relations of Great Britain and the United States with Ukraine at the end of World War I and in the early nineties and the ways these relations affected the process of nation-state formation in the Republic. The research is based on original sources and data. Although some of the primary sources, mainly relating to the first period, had been published previously in collections of documents, many of them are introduced and analysed for the first time. While a great number of monographic studies and journal articles have been written on Ukraine, the sphere of its international relations has so far not been properly explored. The thesis thus contributes to the general study of Ukraine's foreign relations and for the first time closely examines the interconnectedness between its state-building performance and external factors

    The role of small businesses in the development of the Central Chernozem regions

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    Статья посвящена состоянию малого бизнеса в Центрально-Черноземном регионе и выявлению проблем, с которыми сталкиваются руководители малых предприятий. Приводятся результаты экспертной оценки руководителей малых предприятий Курской области 2016 г. The article is devoted to the state of small business in the Central Chernozem region and identifying problems faced by managers of small businesses. The results of expert assessment of managers of small enterprises of Kursk region in 2016

    Influence of association state and DNA binding on the O2-reactivity of [4Fe-4S] fumarate and nitrate reduction (FNR) regulator

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    The fumarate and nitrate reduction (FNR) regulator is the master switch for the transition between anaerobic and aerobic respiration in Escherichia coli. Reaction of dimeric [4Fe-4S] FNR with O2 results in conversion of the cluster into a [2Fe-2S] form, via a [3Fe-4S] intermediate, leading to the loss of DNA binding through dissociation of the dimer into monomers. In the present paper, we report studies of two previously identified variants of FNR, D154A and I151A, in which the form of the cluster is decoupled from the association state. In vivo studies of permanently dimeric D154A FNR show that DNA binding does not affect the rate of cluster incorporation into the apoprotein or the rate of O2-mediated cluster loss. In vitro studies show that O2-mediated cluster conversion for D154A and the permanent monomer I151A FNR is the same as in wild-type FNR, but with altered kinetics. Decoupling leads to an increase in the rate of the [3Fe-4S]1+ into [2Fe-2S]2+ conversion step, consistent with the suggestion that this step drives association state changes in the wild-type protein. We have also shown that DNA-bound FNR reacts more rapidly with O2 than FNR free in solution, implying that transcriptionally active FNR is the preferred target for reaction with O2

    Categories of socio-economic determinants of health

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    The increase of lifetime and the relative improvement of individual health indicators generally have not yet led to a balance of health among the populations of different countries and individual population groups. Health indicators differ between different population groups in all countries. At the same time, the level of health depends on many factors and environmental conditions, as well as on the individual lifestyle. Socioeconomic determinants that have the greatest impact on the formation of human health are amenable to adjustment at the state level. It should be noted that the role for each of the determinants in shaping health is not the same, and the determinants themselves may be different for population groups and countries. This is particularly important for the definition of differential health indicators, the use of which in public policy will reduce the differences in health status within each country and between countries


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    In a Hilbert space we consider the linear boundary value problem of optimal control based on the linear dynamics and the terminal linear programming problem at the right end of the time interval. There is provided a saddle-point method to solve it. Convergence of the method is proved

    Certification of Foreign Language Knowledge in Adult Education in Germany

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    У статті простежується шлях становлення і розвитку системи сертифікації іншомовних знань у системі освіти дорослих у Німеччині, аналізуються наявні у Німеччині можливості отримання сертифікату, який підтверджує рівень знань на певному рівні згідно із Загальноєвропейськими рекомендаціями Ради Європи. Описуються екзамени з найпоширеніших у Німеччині мов, що підлягають сертифікації. Звертається увага на ті установи, що пропонують послуги визначення рівня іншомовних знань, порівнюються структура і завдання тестів, вказується на їх відмінності з огляду на їх професійну складову. Зазначається, що сучасна система тестування іншомовних знань має ознаки виваженої, в межах якої за потреби передбачено відвідування мовних курсів з подальшою сертифікацією знань. Спектр іноземних мов, які підлягають сертифікації, надзвичайно широкий, а послуги надаються не тільки культурними центрами держав, посольствами та іншими дипломатичними установами, але й університетами. Помітна тенденція до уніфікації й інтернаціоналізації сертифікації іншомовних знань Вказується на особливості навчально-методичного забезпечення освіти дорослих, на узгодження змісту навчальних матеріалів та вимог до знань і вмінь у різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності, що описані у Рекомендаціях Ради Європи. Акцентується увага на спрямованій на досягнення певного рівня мовній підготовці у межах вищої освіти, на створенні умов складання сертифікаційних іспитів в університетах за підтримки культурних центрів іноземних держав та провідних зарубіжних університетів. Визначено ті елементи позитивного досвіду Німеччини у сертифікації іншомовних знань, які могли б бути корисними в реаліях вітчизняної системи мовної освіти.The article traces the way of growth and development of the certification of foreign language knowledge in adult education in Germany, reviewed existing in Germany the possibility of obtaining a certificate confirming knowledge at some level by the Common Council of Europe recommendations. Describe the most common examinations in Germany as subject to certification. Attention is drawn to those institutions that offer services to determine the level of foreign language knowledge, compared the structure and objectives of the tests indicated their differences in terms of their professional component. It is noted that the current system of testing knowledge of foreign language signs is balanced within which needed visits provided language training followed by certification of knowledge. The range of foreign languages that are subject to certification is extremely wide, and services are not only the cultural center of the state, embassies and other diplomatic offices, but also universities. It is marked trends towards unification and internationalization of knowledge of foreign certification. The article highlights the features of the teaching of adult education, in coordination training materials and content requirements for knowledge and skills in various types of speech activity described in the recommendations of the Council of Europe. It is emphasized on aims to achieve a certain level of linguistic learning within higher education, creating conditions for the certification exams in the universities with the support of the cultural centers of foreign countries and leading foreign universities. The elements of positive experience of Germany in the certification of foreign knowledge that could be useful in the realities of the domestic system of language education are defined

    Mitochondria-targeted antioxidant SkQ1 reverses glaucomatous lesions in rabbits

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    Original article is published in: Frontiers in Bioscience, Landmark, 20, 892–901, January 1, 2015Glaucoma is the main cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. This disease is characterized by apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells (RGC) and visual field loss that seems to be related to elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). Several lines of evidences have implicated the crucial role of mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of glaucoma. Increased mitochondrial oxidative stress in RGC may underlie or contribute to susceptibility of RGC to apoptosis. In our work we (i) designed a rabbit model of chronic, moderately elevated IOP for studying glaucoma and (ii) demonstrated efficacy of mitochondria-targeted antioxidant SkQ1 as a tool to reverse several traits of experimental glaucoma induced by a series of injections of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) to the anterior chamber of the rabbit eye. It is shown that 6 months instillations of drops of 0.2.5–5 µM solution of SkQ1 normalize IOP and eye hydrodynamics and abolish an increase in lens thickness that accompanies glaucoma.Original article is published in: Frontiers in Bioscience, Landmark, 20, 892–901, January 1, 2015Glaucoma is the main cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. This disease is characterized by apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells (RGC) and visual field loss that seems to be related to elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). Several lines of evidences have implicated the crucial role of mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of glaucoma. Increased mitochondrial oxidative stress in RGC may underlie or contribute to susceptibility of RGC to apoptosis. In our work we (i) designed a rabbit model of chronic, moderately elevated IOP for studying glaucoma and (ii) demonstrated efficacy of mitochondria-targeted antioxidant SkQ1 as a tool to reverse several traits of experimental glaucoma induced by a series of injections of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) to the anterior chamber of the rabbit eye. It is shown that 6 months instillations of drops of 0.2.5–5 µM solution of SkQ1 normalize IOP and eye hydrodynamics and abolish an increase in lens thickness that accompanies glaucoma


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    The urban passenger public transport as an important element of social infrastructure of megalopolises directly influences the quality of life of city residents, development of town-planning, social and economic potential. Efficiency of urban transport directly depends on the right choice and well-sought designing of its routes.The objective of the research was to develop based on the overview of existing methods for designing route networks of urban public passenger transport an updated technique allowing to restructure existing routes. The analysis of route network design methods permitted to reveal their advantages and disadvantages. An improved methodology for designing route networks is proposed, aimed at solving the problems of restructuring existing route networks and at practical implementation of the results considering existing constraints. The technique to design route networks of city districts and of small towns is based on the model of road and street network, shown as a detailed graph with subsequent consideration of the arrays of connections of all the vertices of the graph with several points of gravity. QGIS geoinformatics software used to build the graph allows to analyze, visualize, and facilitate the operations with the detailed graph of the transport network of a city district.Identifying of rational itineraries between points of departure and of gravity is executed by purposed selection of options by criterion of minimum travel time spending. Shaping out of routes is based on principles of integration of the most possible number of points (vertices of the graph) into the route.The application of an improved technique will allow to consider the changing demand of the population for transport services, make adjustments to the existing route network, thereby satisfying the population’s need for transportation and increasing the efficiency of urban transport networks and motor transport enterprises.Городской пассажирский транспорт общего пользования, являясь важнейшим элементом социальной инфраструктуры мегополисов, оказывает прямое воздействие на качество жизни населения, раскрытие градостроительного и социально-экономического потенциала. Эффективность работы городского транспорта напрямую зависит от правильного выбора и проектирования его маршрутов.Целью данного исследования было на базе обзора существующих методов проектирования маршрутных сетей городского пассажирского транспорта общего пользования разработать усовершенствованную методику, позволяющую реформировать действующие маршрутные сети.Проведён анализ методов проектирования маршрутных сетей, определены их достоинства и недостатки. Предложена усовершенствованная методика проектирования маршрутных сетей, направленная на возможность решения задач реформирования действующих маршрутных сетей и практическую реализацию полученных результатов с учётом имеющихся ограничений. В основу методики проектирования маршрутных сетей городских районов и малых городов положена модель улично-дорожной сети, представленная в виде детализированного графа с последующим рассмотрением массивов связей всех вершин графа с несколькими пунктами тяготения. Для построения графа используется геоинформационная система QGIS, что позволяет анализировать, визуализировать и обеспечивать лёгкую и удобную работу с детализированным графом транспортной сети городского района.Определение рациональных путей проезда между пунктами отправления и тяготения проводится методом направленного отбора вариантов по критерию минимума затрат времени на движение. Формирование маршрутов осуществляется по принципу включения в маршрут наибольшего количества пунктов (вершин графа).Применение методики позволит учитывать изменение спроса населения на транспортные услуги, вносить коррективы в действующую маршрутную сеть, тем самым удовлетворяя потребность населения в перевозках и повышая эффективность работы городских транспортных сетей и автотранспортных предприятий

    Examining the influence of corporate website favorability on corporate image and corporate reputation: findings from fsQCA

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    This study uses the attribution and signaling theory perspective to scrutinize the key impacts of the determinants of corporate website favorability. In addition, this paper examines the main influences of satisfaction and attractiveness on corporate image and reputation, observes the role that the demographics of consumers (gender and age) play in such relationships, and proposes a research model along with research tenets. To examine these tenets, the conceptual framework was empirically evaluated through the perceptions of 563 consumers toward the financial setting in Russia (563). This study employs complexity theory, which integrates the principle of equifinality. To examine the data, this research employs fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Additionally, this study makes a managerial contribution to the understanding of marketing and communication managers and website designers regarding the associations among corporate website favorability, its antecedents, and its consequences


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    The data on the down productivity of the Altai white down breed and the Gorny Altai down breed of the Chuya type in breeding herds of the Altai Republic are presented. According to the valuation data for 2019, the amount of down from goats (male) was 1.50 - 1.55, from goats (female) - 0.70-0.74 kg. Down productivity meets the requirements of the breed standard, the content of down in relation to the awn is within 75%. The down is equalized in fineness.The density is estimated at 4 points. The live weight of goats (m) is 68-73, of goats (f) - 41-43 kg. In the studied BLG gene, 2 alleles and 3 genotypes were identified. The frequency of these alleles and genotypes in goats with gray and white down has some differences. White goats are characterized by a higher frequency of the S1S1 genotype (by 8.3–11.5%) and a lower frequency of the S2 S2 genotype (by 14.1–17.4%) in comparison with goats with gray down (P ≤ 0.05; P ≤ 0.01). Accordingly, in goats of the white down breed, a higher frequency of the S1 allele (by 0.115-0.148) was revealed, and in goats with gray down, the S2 allele (by 0.115-0.148, P ≥ 0.01) in comparison with the alternative allele. The gene balance is not disturbed (χ2 = 0.530 - 2.720). The immunogenetic characteristics of gray and white goats are given for 14 antigens. Goats of the Altai white downy breed and the Gorny Altai downy breed of the Chuya type have a similarity in antigens Bi, R, O1, Da and a difference in the frequencies of antigens of blood groups Ab, Be, Bb, Bg, Ca. Herds of Altai white downy goats differ in frequencies Aa, Ab, Ca, Mb and O1 . The genetic similarity index between herds of the Altai White Down breed is 0.985, between herds of different breeds - 0.947-0.948.Представлены данные по пуховой продуктивности алтайской белой пуховой породы и горно-алтайской пуховой породы чуйского типа в племенных стадах Республики Алтай. По данным бонитировки 2019 г., начёс пуха от козлов составлял 1,50–1,55, от козочек – 0,70–0,74 кг. Пуховая продуктивность соответствует требованиям стандарта породы, содержание пуха по отношению к ости находится в пределах 75 %, по тонине пух уравненный, густота оценивается в 4 балла. Живая масса козлов составляет 68–73, козоматок – 41–43 кг. В исследуемом гене BLG выявлено 2 аллеля и 3 генотипа, по частоте которых козы с серым и белым пухом имеют некоторые отличия. Белые козы характеризуются более высокой частотой генотипа S1 S1 (на 8,3– 11,5 %) и пониженной – генотипа S2 S2 (на 14,1–17,4 %) в сравнении с козами с серым пухом (P ≤ 0,05; P ≤ 0,01). Соответственно у коз белой пуховой породы выявлена более высокая частота аллеля S1 (на 0,115–0,148), а у коз с серым пухом – аллеля S2 (на 0,115– 0,148, P ≥ 0,01) в сравнении с альтернативным аллелем. Генное равновесие не нарушено (χ2 =0,530–2,720). Дана иммуногенетическая характеристика серых и белых коз по 14 антигенам. Козы алтайской белой пуховой породы и горно-алтайской пуховой породы чуйского типа имеют сходство по антигенам Bi, R, O1 , Da и различие по частотам антигенов групп крови Ab, Be, Bb, Bg, Ca. Стада коз алтайской белой пуховой породы отличаются по частотам Aa, Ab, Ca, Mb и O1 . Индекс генетического сходства между стадами алтайской белой пуховой породы составляет 0,985, между стадами разных пород – 0,947–0,948