4,953 research outputs found

    Semidefinite Programming Approach for the Quadratic Assignment Problem with a Sparse Graph

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    The matching problem between two adjacency matrices can be formulated as the NP-hard quadratic assignment problem (QAP). Previous work on semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations to the QAP have produced solutions that are often tight in practice, but such SDPs typically scale badly, involving matrix variables of dimension n2n^2 where n is the number of nodes. To achieve a speed up, we propose a further relaxation of the SDP involving a number of positive semidefinite matrices of dimension O(n)\mathcal{O}(n) no greater than the number of edges in one of the graphs. The relaxation can be further strengthened by considering cliques in the graph, instead of edges. The dual problem of this novel relaxation has a natural three-block structure that can be solved via a convergent Augmented Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) in a distributed manner, where the most expensive step per iteration is computing the eigendecomposition of matrices of dimension O(n)\mathcal{O}(n). The new SDP relaxation produces strong bounds on quadratic assignment problems where one of the graphs is sparse with reduced computational complexity and running times, and can be used in the context of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) to tackle the assignment problem.Comment: 31 page

    Optical supercavitation in soft-matter

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    We investigate theoretically, numerically and experimentally nonlinear optical waves in an absorbing out-of-equilibrium colloidal material at the gelification transition. At sufficiently high optical intensity, absorption is frustrated and light propagates into the medium. The process is mediated by the formation of a matter-shock wave due to optically induced thermodiffusion, and largely resembles the mechanism of hydrodynamical supercavitation, as it is accompanied by a dynamic phase-transition region between the beam and the absorbing material.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, revised version: corrected typos and reference

    Seasonal variation in breast cancer diagnosis in Singapore

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    This study investigates seasonality in the diagnosis of 3219 female breast carcinoma cases reported between 1995–8 in Singapore. There is little evidence of marked seasonal variation. Angular regression suggested that observed differences in peak diagnosis with respect to menopausal status, tumour size, ER and PR status may be chance. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Progressive myoclonic epilepsy due to rare mitochondrial ND6 mutation, m.14487T>C

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    INTRODUCTION: Mitochondrial diseases exhibit wide phenotypic heterogeneity, and can present as progressive myoclonic epilepsy. SUMMARY: We report a case of adult-onset drug-resistant epilepsy, cortical myoclonus and bilateral optic neuropathies due to m.14487T>C, a rare mitochondrial gene mutation identified on whole-genome sequencing. This mutation, which affects the NADH dehydrogenase 6 (ND6) subunit of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, is most commonly implicated in cases of infantile-onset Leigh syndrome, although a broader phenotypic spectrum including migraine with aura and progressive myoclonic epilepsy have been described. Serial MRI scans over a 2-year period demonstrated the interval development of bihemispheric stroke-like lesions. Giant somatosensory evoked potentials and short-duration myoclonic jerks with craniocaudal spread on surface electromyography were consistent with cortical myoclonus. Optical coherence tomography showed bilateral symmetric thinning of the nerve fibre layer in the papillomacular bundles. CONCLUSION: Whole-genome sequencing can help to provide a definitive diagnosis for mitochondrial disease and should be considered in situations where clinical suspicion remains high despite normal genetic panels or muscle histopathology. Mitochondrial disease can present as adult-onset progressive myoclonic epilepsy, and bilateral optic neuropathies can be a striking feature of ND6 mitochondrial gene mutations. In our case, severe cortical myoclonus affecting speech and swallowing remained highly drug-resistant, however, symptomatic benefit was derived from targeted onabotulinum toxin A injections

    Estimated generic prices for novel treatments for drug resistant tuberculosis

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    Background: Estimated annual incidence of MDR-TB is 480,000, representing 5% of TB incidence, but 20% of mortality. Multiple drugs have recently been developed or re-purposed for the treatment of MDR-TB. Currently, treatment for MDR-TB costs thousands of dollars per course. Objectives: To estimate generic prices for novel TB drugs that would be possible given large-scale competitive manufacture. Methods: Prices for linezolid, moxifloxacin, and clofazimine were estimated based on per-kilogram prices of active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). Other costs were added, including formulation, packaging and a profit margin. The costs of projection for sutezolid were estimated to be equivalent to those for linezolid, based on chemical similarit y. Generic prices for bedaquiline, delamanid, and pretomanid were estimated by assessing routes of synthesis, costs/kg of chemical reagents, routes of synthesis, and per-step yields. Costing algorithms reflected variable regulatory requirements, efficiency of scale based on demand, and were validated by testing predictive ability against widely-available TB medicines. Results: Estimated generic prices were USD 88-17/month for bedaquiline, 55-16/month for delamanid, 1111-3 /month for pretomanid, 44-9/month for linezolid, 44-9/month for sutezolid, 44-11/month for clofazimine, and 44-8/month for moxifloxacin. Estimated generic prices were 87%-94% lower than current lowest available prices for bedaquiline, 95%-98% for delamanid, 94%-97% for linezolid. Estimated generic prices were 168168-395 per course for the STREAM trial modified Bangladesh regimens (current cost s 734734-1,799), 5353-276 for pretomanid-based three-drug regimens, and 238238-507 for a delamanid-based four-drug regimen. Conclusions: Competitive large-scale generic manufacture could allow supplies of treatment for 5-10 times more MDR-TB cases within current procurement budgets

    Universal relations for quasinormal modes of neutron stars in R2R^2 gravity

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    We construct quasinormal modes for neutron stars in R2R^2 gravity in the Einstein frame, considering scalar masses in the sub-neV range. In particular, we investigate the fundamental quadrupole fluid f-modes and the dipole fluid F-modes. Employing six equations of state covering matter content with nucleons, hyperons, and quarks, we then propose universal relations for the quadrupole f-modes and dipole F-modes. The dipole F-modes are ultra-long lived and, for the lower scalar masses, their frequencies are inversely proportional to the corresponding Compton wavelength.Comment: 25 pages, 23 figures; Some figures update

    The PULSE@Parkes project: A new observing technique for long-term pulsar monitoring

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    The PULSE@Parkes project has been designed to monitor the rotation of radio pulsars over time spans of days to years. The observations are obtained using the Parkes 64-m and 12-m radio telescopes by Australian and international high school students. These students learn the basis of radio astronomy and undertake small projects with their observations. The data are fully calibrated and obtained with the state-of-the-art pulsar hardware available at Parkes. The final data sets are archived and are currently being used to carry out studies of 1) pulsar glitches, 2) timing noise, 3) pulse profile stability over long time scales and 4) the extreme nulling phenomenon. The data are also included in other projects such as gamma-ray observatory support and for the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array project. In this paper we describe the current status of the project and present the first scientific results from the Parkes 12-m radio telescope. We emphasise that this project offers a straightforward means to enthuse high school students and the general public about radio astronomy while obtaining scientifically valuable data sets.Comment: accepted for publication by PAS

    Decay modes of 250No

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    The Fragment Mass Analyzer at the ATLAS facility has been used to unambiguously identify the mass number associated with different decay modes of the nobelium isotopes produced via 204Pb(48Ca,xn)(252-x)No reactions. Isotopically pure (>99.7%) 204Pb targets were used to reduce background from more favored reactions on heavier lead isotopes. Two spontaneous fission half-lives (t_1/2 = 3.7+1.1-0.8 us and 43+22-15 us) were deduced from a total of 158 fission events. Both decays originate from 250No rather than from neighboring isotopes as previously suggested. The longer activity most likely corresponds to a K-isomer in this nucleus. No conclusive evidence for an alpha branch was observed, resulting in upper limits of 2.1% for the shorter lifetime and 3.4% for the longer activity.Comment: RevTex4, 10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR