37 research outputs found

    An effective modeling approach for high efficient solar cell using virtual wafer fabrication tools

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    In order to give a real understanding and realization of all the phenomena occurring inside the photovoltaic cell devices, the development of a reliable simulated model first is also essential. In this paper, a novel method for developing a realistic model of an efficient solar cell is presented. An efficient model of a Dual Junction InGaP/GaAs solar cell having GaAs tunnel diode is prepared and fully simulated using Silvaco VWF/ATLAS code. An optimization of window layer, ARC, BSF etc are also performed incorporating the effect of some of the different parameters on the performance of this model. The major stages of the process are explained and the simulation results are compared with published experimental data to demonstrate the accuracy of our results produced by the model utilizing this technique. For this optimized InGaP/GaAs Dual Junction cell model having 125 nm DLAR on 18 nm InAlP textured window with effective 500 nm InAlGaP bottom BSF , a maximum conversion efficiency of 32.20 % (1 sun) and 36.67 % (1000 suns) is obtained under AM1.5G illumination. The introduction of this modeling technique to the photovoltaic community will prove to be of great importance in aiding in the design and development of advanced solar cells using Silvaco Virtual Wafer Fabrication Tools. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2212


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    In this paper, we prove a quadruple common fixed point theorem in G b -metric space and some results are also given as corollaries. The results obtained are verified with the help of examples

    Fixed point results for β - F-weak contraction mappings in complete S-metric spaces

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    U ovom radu uvodi se pojam β - F-slabe kontrakcije koristeći koncepte F-slabe kontrakcije i a - ps-kontrakcije. Metode: Korišćenjem b-F-slabe kontrakcije dokazuju se neke teoreme o fiksnim tačkama u okviru S-metričkih prostora. Rezultati: Dobijeni rezultati o fiksnim tačkama u S-metričkim prostorima generalizuju neke poznate rezultate u literaturi. Zaključak: β - F-slaba kontrakcija generalizuje neke važne tipove kontrakcija i ispituje postojanje fiksne tačke u S-metričkim prostorima. Rezultati se koriste za rešavanje nelinearne Fredholmove integralne jednačine.Introduction/purpose:Thispaper introducestheconceptofβ−F-weak contractionbyusingtheconceptsofF−weakcontractionandα−ψ− contraction. Methods: Theuseof theβ−F-weakcontractionprovessomefixed pointstheoremsintheframeworkofS−metricspaces. Results:TheobtainedresultsonfixedpointsinS−metricspacesgeneralizesomeknownresultsintheliterature. Conclusions:Theβ−F−weakcontractiongeneralizessomeimportant contractiontypesandexaminestheexistenceofafixedpointinS−metric spaces. Theresultsareusedtosolveanon-linearFredholmintegral equation

    TCAD based modeling and simulation of Graphene Nanostructured FET (GFET) for High Frequency Performance

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     In this paper, the modeling of a Graphene based Field Effect Transistor(GFET) is presented. The modeling is done using the SILVACO TCAD tools. The structure is developed in ATLAS virtual framework and the model is used to investigate the performance of graphene based FET. First we deposit 5nm thick polysilycon film instead of graphene film to generate the device structure. Graphene is modeled as a semiconductor, a carrier mobility of 10,000 cm2/V-s and used as the channel material. The characteristics curves: output characteristic and transfer curve are plotted using TONYPLOT. Pristine graphene has no band gap. So it is considered as semi-metal or zero bandgapsemiconductor. Due to the lack of bandgap, ION/IOFF is relatively low compared to the Silicon based transistor, so for digital logic circuits, GFET still lags behind comparing to Si transistors. It is more suitable for RF application with its very high mobility. Therefore, in this paper, the parameters which are considered to the FOMs of RF transistors i.e. maximum cut off frequency (fT) and the maximum frequencies of oscillations (fmax) are extracted

    Local knowledge of edible flowers used in Mizoram

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    The edible flowers consumed by indigenous people of Mizoram were assessed from Aizawl and Champhai districts of Mizoram during 2015-2016. Altogether, 59 species of edible flowers under 50 genera and 29 families are recorded. Dominant families include Apiaceae, Lamiaceae and Leguminosae with 9% followed by Brassicaceae and Zingiberaceae scoring 7% each. Based on habit and occurrence, plants are categorized into wild (30), cultivated (21) and semi-cultivated (8). Among these plants, 30 species are marketable and 29 species are non-marketable. The study envisaged to highlight the importance of edible flowers in local cuisines of Mizo people and its potential as an additional source of food. It also attempted to document a first-hand report on the traditional knowledge on plant usage for consumption by the people of Mizoram

    Fixed point theorems of generalized S - β - Ψ contractive type mappings

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    In this paper, we introduce the concept of generalised S - β - Ψ contractive type mappings. For these mappings we prove some fixed point theorems in the setting of S-metric space

    A small leap toward DNA barcode library creation of ornamental fishes: development of 17 DNA barcodes from Manipur, India

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    Proper identification is expected to result in proper conservation of a species. Morphology-based identifications are problematic in many cases and often time-consuming. DNA barcoding came out to be the problem solver in these cases. A researcher can easily identify a species by comparing generated barcode sequences with the barcode sequences from a DNA barcode library. We have developed 17 DNA barcodes representing 15 different species of ornamental fishes from Manipur, India, which are deposited in GenBank and BOLD. The present study will help future researchers to identify their ornamental fishes properly without confusion and ultimately may help in proper conservation of ornamental fishes that are threatened. Keywords: Conservation, Cytochrome oxidase subunit I, Reference library, Species identificatio

    Diversity and heavy metal tolerance of fungi associated with different coal overburden strata of Tikak colliery, Assam

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    Heavy metal   tolerance assay to the fungal isolates grown in agar plates supplemented with   and without heavy metals. Experiments were set in triplicates for each   concentration of a heavy metal. Colony diameter was measured after 15 days of   incubation in a BOD incubator. Colony diameter in agar plates without adding   heavy metal was considered as a positive control for normal growth of each   isolate. Increase in one unit or more in colony diameter than the initial   inoculum size (about 1-2 mm in diameter) was considered tolerant at that   particular concentration of the heavy metal.     </p

    A new generic record of Indian Costaceae with the discovery of new species Parahellenia mizoramensis from Northeast India

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    Parahellenia mizoramensis sp. nov. from Costaceae is described and illustrated as a new species from Northeast India (Mizoram) and represents the only existing species under the genus from India. It differs from its allied species, Parahellenia tonkinensis (Gagnep.) Juan Chen, N.H. Xia, L.Y. Zeng, S. Jin Zeng, and Parahellenia yunnanensis S. Jin Zeng, N.H. Xia, L.Y. Zeng, and Juan Chen by the size and shape of axillary buds, wider bracts, longer calyx and corolla lobes, crenulate margin of labellum, prominent overlapping of labellum margin to form trumpet-shaped, presence of bright red streaks in anther crest, and shape of dorsal appendage in stigma. The newly described species is provisionally assessed as Critically Endangered (CR) based on the available data as per the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List Categories and Criteria