161 research outputs found

    Religion Value in Novel: Ketika Cinta Bertasbih” Karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy ( Structural Genetic Approach)

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    This research is aimed at searching for the religious values on Habburrahman El Shirazy\u27s novel entitled Ketika Cinta Bertasbih by applying Genetic Structuralism using descriptive method and content analysis technique. The approaches used in this research were the sociology of literature and religiousness of literature. The religious values existing on this novel included as one of missionary endeavor forms, which gave valuable learning and enrich moral value. By means of his work of art, novel in this case, the author tried to present the sociological condition within his society. He also tried to deliver a missionary endeavor by using familiar language expressions, it was because the language of the novel was easily understood by the readers and the theme of the novel was closely related to the society condition. Sociological approach depicted that Ketika Cinta Bertasbih really influenced social values existed within the society, and the reverse. An author\u27s background absolutely gave great influence a novel, so did on this novel. Therefore, the social life of Habiburrahman El Shirazy had close relationship with his novel, Ketika Cinta Bertasbih


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    This article is the result of research on interpretations by several Muslim intellectuals on gender equality in Indonesia, namely M. Quraish Shihab, Masdar F. Mas'udi, Zaitunah Subhan, Nasaruddin Umar, Husein Muhammad. They are interpreters of the early generations of Indonesia who interpret the Qur'an about gender equality. There are many studies on the interpretation of gender equality in Indonesia, however the mapping of methodology and typology of several interpretations of gender equality in Indonesia does not yet exist. This type of research is a library with descriptive-analytic-typological form.  the results of the research on the methodological map and typology of the interpretation of gender equality in Indonesia are:1. M. Quraish Shihab : forms and characters of bi al-ra'yi and scientific, methods and techniques of thematic interpretation of singular-plural and intertext, lughowi's interpretation style, integralistic typology. 2. Masdar Farid Mas'udi: forms and character bi al-ra'yi and socio-cultural, methods and techniques of singular thematic interpretation and intertext-criticism, fiqhi Interpretation style, divergent typology. 3. Zaitunah Subhan: forms and characteristics of bi al-ra'yi and socio-cultural interpretation, methods and techniques of singular and intertext-critical thematic interpretation, socio-anthropological interpretation, eclectic typology. 4. Nasaruddin Umar: forms and characteristics of bi al-ra'yi and semantics interpretation, methods and techniques for singular and intertext thematic interpretation, lughowi's lnterpretation style, eclectic typology. 5. Husein Muhammad: forms and characteristics of bi al-ra'yi and socio-cultural interpretations, methods and techniques of singular and intertext thematic interpretation, fiqhi interpretation style, and anticipatory typology         &nbsp

    Pendidikan agama Islam dan budi pekerti: buku guru SD Kelas II

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    Pendidikan Agama Islam diberikan dengan mengikuti tuntunan bahwa agama diajarkan kepada manusia dengan tujuan untuk mewujudkan manusia yang berakhlak mulia dan bertakwa kepada Allah Swt. Disamping itu untuk menghasilkan manusia yang jujur, adil, disiplin, santun, bertanggungjawab, menghargai orang lain, menciptakan keharmonisan hidup, inovatif dan produktif, baik secara personal maupun sosial. Buku ini menjabarkan usaha minimal yang harus dilakukan siswa untuk mencapai kompetensi yang diharapkan. Siswa diajak menjadi berani untuk mencari sumber belajar lain yang tersedia dan terbentang luas di sekitarnya

    Pendidikan agama Islam dan budi pekerti SD/MI kelas II

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    Kurikulum 2013 disusun dalam upaya meningkatkan mutu siswa dalam bersikap ke arah yang lebih baik dan memperkuat kemampuan siswa dari sisi pengetahuan, keterampilan secara utuh. Proses pencapaiannya melalui pembelajaran sejumlah kegiatan peserta didik yang dirangkai sebagai suatu kesatuan yang saling mendukung pencapaian kemampuan tersebut. Pada tingkat Sekolah Dasar (SD/MI) kelas II, siswa mendapat pengenalan, pemahaman, penerapan atau penanaman nilai-nilai keagamaan, dan pengalaman nilai-nilai Islam dalam kehidupan diri siswa dan lingkungannya. Seiring proses pembelajaran, diharapkan kualitas keagamaan siswa terus meningkat. Hal itu sesuai dengan Kurikulum 2013 yang dirancang untuk memberikan keseimbangan kemampuan pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan. Buku ini menggambarkan proses pembelajaran yang harus dilakukan siswa untuk mencapai kemampuan yang diharapkan. Dalam menguasai materi pembelajaran, siswa banyak melakukan kegiatan yang menyenangkan dan menantang bakat siswa. Siswa diajak menjadi berani untuk mencari sumber belajar lain yang tersedia di lingkungan sekitarnya. Semoga kehadiran Buku Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti untuk Sekolah Dasar (SD/MI) Kelas II ini bermanfaat bagi peserta didik

    Teaching and Learning Analytical Exposition Paragraph Writing (Dictogloss Technique)

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    Writing is one of skills in English. It is often considered a difficult subject by the students. Some techniques are needed by the teacher to overcome writing difficulties. One of technique is Dictogloss. Furthermore, students often make mistake in writing while targeted to reconstruct the paragraph. The objective of the research was to describe the process of teaching and learning analytical exposition paragraph writing by using dictogloss technique and to construe the teacher\u27s problems and students\u27 problems in teaching and learning. This research was a descriptive qualitative research. The subject of the research was the eleventh grade. The researcher applied the purposive sampling technique to determine the sample. The researcher adopted and determined one class as a sample. As well, the researcher chose class XI IPA 4 for the reason that the students of this class had difficulties in mastering writing skill. The total number of the sample was 39 students. The researcher used triangulation to collect the data, they were observation, interview, and questionnaire. From the data analysis, the researcher found the teacher who got some difficulties to handle the crowded class. Besides that, the teacher had low voice in teaching so the students did not hear clearly until behind of the class. Second, the students\u27 --in learning analytical exposition paragraph writing by using dictogloss-- had adversities in reconstructing the version of analytical exposition paragraph. That was because they had limited vocabulary, poor organization, spelling, and capitalization letters. A step form that, the students had lack motivation in learning writing

    Pendidikan agama Islam dan budi pekerti :SD/MI Kelas II

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    Pada tingkat Sekolah Dasar (SD/MI) kelas II, siswa mendapat pengenalan, pemahaman, penerapan atau penanaman nilai-nilai keagamaan, dan pengalaman nilai-nilai Islam dalam kehidupan diri siswa dan lingkungannya. Seiring proses pembelajaran, diharapkan kualitas keagamaan siswa terus meningkat. Hal itu sesuai dengan Kurikulum 2013 yang dirancang untuk memberikan keseimbangan kemampuan pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan. Buku ini menggambarkan proses pembelajaran yang harus dilakukan siswa untuk mencapai kemampuan yang diharapkan. Dalam menguasai materi pembelajaran, siswa banyak melakukan kegiatan yang menyenangkan dan menantang bakat siswa. Siswa diajak menjadi berani untuk mencari sumber belajar lain yang tersedia di lingkungan sekitarnya


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    Abstrak : Guru Pendidikan Islam mempunyai peran vital untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang toleransi dan akidah yang benar dengan tidak mengesampingkan nilai-nilai kebhinekaan dan kebangsaan, sebagai bekal untuk dapat mencegah konflik antar umat Islam maupun umat beragama lain, serta menghindari ajaran radikal untuk mencegah aksi-aksi kekerasan yang mengatasnamakan agama. Dalam penelitian ini mengungkap peran dan upaya strategis guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam menangkal radikalisme  melalui pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi di SDIT Al-Husna Gondang Tulungagung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan analisis   data dengan langkah reduksi, display data dan konklusi. Teknik  keabsahan data menggunakan trianggulasi dan diskusi sejawat. Hasil penelitiannya adalah peran guru PAI sebagai perencana, mediator, fasilitator, dan filter  dalam proses pembelajaran PAI berbasis teknologi Informasi yang berwawasan nilai-nilai moderasi Islam. Abstrack: Islamic education teachers have a vital role to provide an understanding of tolerance and the correct creed without neglecting the values ​​of diversity and nationality, as a provision to prevent conflicts between Muslims and other religious communities, and avoid radical teachings to prevent violent acts. In this study reveals the role and strategic efforts of Islamic Religious Education teachers in counteracting radicalism through information technology-based learning at SDIT Al-Husna Gondang Tulungagung. The research method used is a type of qualitative research with observation data collection techniques, interviews and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis using reduction steps, data display and conclusion drawing. The data validity technique used triangulation and peer discussion. The result of the research is the role of Islamic Education teachers as planners, mediators, facilitators, and filters in the learning process of Islamic Education based on Information technology with the insight into Islamic moderation values

    Is Peer Interaction Necessary for Optimal Active Learning? Using Minimal Pairs for Improved Students' Pronunciation Ability

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    In teaching and learning process in the class, there are a lot of students who find some difficulties in learning English. One of the difficulties that the students find in English learning activity is pronunciation. Pronunciation is important because it is the way someone communicate to other, express ideas, feelings, and thought in speaking form. The objective of this research is to know whether there is an Influence of Using Minimal Pairs towards Students' Pronunciation Ability. The research methodology used was quasi experimental design. In this study, we analyzed student responses on an optimized pretest and posttest administered during two different class in a english course. The researcher took two classes, one class as the experimental class and one class as the control class. In the experimental class, the researcher used Minimal Pairs and in the control class the teacher used Reading Aloud. The meetings held in three times in which 2 x 45 minutes for each class. After doing posttest, then the researcher analyzed the data using SPSS to compute t . The result is using Minimal Pairs was a significant influence towards students' pronunciation ability. It shown from Sig = 0.025 < = 0.05

    Using Smule Applications to Improve Students’ Pronunciation at Eighth Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 12 Paciran

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    The nature of this study is action research. This study aimed at improving the students pronunciation by using smule applications in the process of teaching and learning.The subject of this research were 41 students of class VIII-G in SMP Muhammadiyah 12 Paciran. The research instrument was collected through test form. The data were in the form of pre-test and post- test. The researcher used quantitative method to analyzing the data.The result of data analysis were obtained from pre-test up post-test. The average of study result gained in pre-test with average value was 3.74, whereas in post-test after applyingsmule applications had enhanced 5.91. From the research findings, it showed that using smule media could improve the students’ pronunciation.Overall, the finding of the study indicates that: (1) using smule application was able to improve the students pronunciation. (2) Teaching pronunciation by using music technology such as smule gives positive influences on students’ pronunciation ability (3) The use of smule in teaching pronunciation can motivate students to learn pronunciation. Students can also learn to use smule without having to be accompanied by the teacher, because students can use smule media wherever and whenever. Because smule media includes singing as the main activity which is becoming a hobby of some students

    Praktik Akad Pembiayaan Gadai Emas Perspektif Hukum Islam

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    This study aims to: 1) Know more about the practice of gold pawn financing at BMT-UGT Sidogiri Kwalanar Bangkalan Branch Office. 2) to know the contract of the golden installment of the gold mortgage at BMT-UGT Sidogiri Kwanyar Bangkalan Sub-Branch Office according to the Islamic Law. Analysis of the data obtained from the research is that it can be stated that: 1) Basically gold pawning on BMT-UGT Sidogiri Kwanyar Bangkalan Sub-Branch Office has fulfilled the conditions and conditions according to muamalah fiqih. 2) Islamic banks that should adjust themselves to the principles of Shari'ah, in BMT-UGT Sidogiri Kwalanar Bangkalan Sub-Branch Office is still weak in that matter so that it can cause invalid contract. 3) In the case of history; Determination of administrative costs, place rent, and estimated goods of Sidogiri BMT-UGT are still less prioritizing the participation of both parties so that they are still considered unilateral decisions and not in accordance with the provisions of Islamic law contained in the words of Allah SWT QS al-Baqarah 2 : 275,278-280, and Surah an-Nisa '4:29Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) Mengetahui lebih medalam tentang praktik pembiayaan gadai emas di BMT-UGT Sidogiri Kantor Cabang Pembantu Kwanyar Bangkalan. 2) mengetahu akad prarktik pembiayaangadai emas di BMT-UGT Sidogiri Kantor Cabang Pembantu Kwanyar Bangkalan menurut hUkum Islam. Analisi data yang diperoleh dari penelitian adalah dapat diuangkapkan bahwa : 1) Pada dasarnya gadai emas pada BMT-UGT Sidogiri Kantor Cabang Pembantu Kwanyar Bangkalan sudah terpenuhi rukun dan syaratnya menurut fiqih muamalah. 2) Perbankan syariah yang seharusnya menyesuaikan diri dengan perinsip-prinsip syari’ah, dalam BMT-UGT Sidogiri Kantor Cabang Pembantu Kwanyar Bangkalan masih lemah dalam hal itu sehingga dapat menyebabkan tidak sahnya akad. 3) Dalam aka ijarah; penentuan baiaya administrasi, baiaya sewa tempat, dan taksiran barang BMT-UGT Sidogiri masih kurang mengedepankan perisip an-taradhin atara kedua belah pihak sehingga masih dinilai sebagai keputusan sepihak dan belum sesuai dengan ketentuan hokum islam yang tertera dalam firman Allah SWT Q.S al-Baqarah 2:275,278-280, dan Q.S an-Nisa’ 4:2
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