294 research outputs found

    Comparative neuropsychological analysis of audio-verbal memory features in first-formers with different learning success

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    The article presents the results of comparative neuropsychological analysis of audio-verbal memory features in first- formers with different learning success: successful in learning or with partial and complex learning disabilities. The differences in the state of functions of memorization, storage, and replication of verbal information in junior schoolchildren depending on the learning successes. Low possibilities of phonemic awareness and processes of audio-verbal information storage affect unfavorably on the acquisition of fundamental school knowledge in children with complex learning disabilities

    The principles of sanitary and epidemiological restrictions of artificial ultraviolet rays emanation in sun parlors

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    Was conducted analytical overview of existing principles regulating the usage of artificial ultraviolet emission in solariums in Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, and also of the integrating recommendations of the WHO, in comparison with the results of our own research. This allows to define key directions of scientific-research activities in the sphere of evaluating the influence of this harmful factor on the organism of solariums visitors. Was proved the necessity of developing methodological recommendations and sanitaryepidemiological requirements to the operation of solariums

    Effects of Cor15a-IPT Gene Expression on Leaf Senescence in Transgenic Petunia x hybrida and Dendranthema x grandiflorum.

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    To prevent leaf senescence of young transplants or excised shoots during storage under dark and cold conditions, the cytokinin biosynthetic gene isopentenyl transferase (ipt) was placed under the control of a cold-inducible promoter cor15a from Arabidopsis thaliana and introduced into Petunia x hybrida \u27Marco Polo Odyssey\u27 and Dendranthema x grandiflorum (chrysanthemum) \u27Iridon\u27. Transgenic cor15a-ipt petunia and chrysanthemum plants and excised leaves remained green and healthy during prolonged dark storage (4 weeks at 25 degrees C) after an initial exposure to a brief cold-induction period (4 degrees C for 72 h). However, cor15a-ipt chrysanthemum plants and excised leaves that were not exposed to a cold-induction period, senesced under the same dark storage conditions. Regardless of cold-induction treatment, leaves and plants of non-transformed plants senesced under prolonged dark storage. Analysis of ipt expression indicated a marked increase in gene expression in intact transgenic plants as well as in isolated transgenic leaves exposed to a short cold-induction treatment prior to dark storage. These changes correlated with elevated concentrations of cytokinins in transgenic leaves after cold treatment. Cor15a-ipt transgenic plants showed a normal phenotype when grown at 25 degrees C

    The impact of tomato fruits containing multi-walled carbon nanotube residues on human intestinal epithelial cell barrier function and intestinal microbiome composition

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    Carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) can positively regulate seed germination and enhance plant growth. However, clarification of the impact of plant organs containing absorbed CNMs on animal and human health is a critical step of risk assessment for new nano-agro-technology. In this study, we have taken a comprehensive approach to studying the effect tomato fruits derived from plants exposed to multiwalled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have on gastrointestinal epithelial barrier integrity and their impact on the human commensal intestinal microbiota using an in vitro cell culture and batch human fecal suspension models. The effects of CNTs on selected pure cultures of Salmonella enterica Typhimurium and Lactobacillus acidophilus were also evaluated. This study demonstrated that CNT-containing fruits or the corresponding residual level of pure CNTs (0.001 mu g ml(-1)) was not sufficient to initiate a significant change in transepithelial resistance and on gene expression of the model T-84 human intestinal epithelial cells. However, at 10 mu g ml(-1) concentration CNTs were able to penetrate the cell membrane and change the gene expression profile of exposed cells. Moreover, extracts from CNT-containing fruits had minimal to no effect on human intestinal microbiota as revealed by culture-based analysis and 16S rRNA sequencing

    Advanced applications of sustainable and biological nano-polymers in agricultural production

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    Though still in its infancy, the use of nanotechnology has shown promise for improving and enhancing agriculture: nanoparticles (NP) offer the potential solution to depleted and dry soils, a method for the controlled release of agrochemicals, and offer an easier means of gene editing in plants. Due to the continued growth of the global population, it is undeniable that our agricultural systems and practices will need to become more efficient in the very near future. However, this new technology comes with significant worry regarding environmental contamination. NP applied to soils could wash into aquifers and contaminate drinking water, or NP applied to food crops may carry into the end product and contaminate our food supply. These are valid concerns that are not likely to be fully answered in the immediate future due to the complexity of soil-NP interactions and other confounding variables. Therefore, it is obviously preferred that NP used outdoors at this early stage be biodegradable, non-toxic, cost-effective, and sustainably manufactured. Fortunately, there are many different biologically derived, cost-efficient, and biocompatible polymers that are suitable for agricultural applications. In this mini-review, we discuss some promising organic nanomaterials and their potential use for the optimization and enhancement of agricultural practices

    Reduction of inositol (1,4,5)–trisphosphate affects the overall phosphoinositol pathway and leads to modifications in light signalling and secondary metabolism in tomato plants

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    The phosphoinositol pathway is one of the major eukaryotic signalling pathways. The metabolite of the phosphoinositol pathway, inositol- (1,4,5) trisphosphate (InsP3), is a regulator of plant responses to a wide variety of stresses, including light, drought, cold, and salinity. It was found that the expression of InsP 5-ptase, the enzyme that hydrolyses InsP3, also dramatically affects the levels of inositol phosphate metabolites and the secondary metabolites in transgenic tomato plants. Tomato plants expressing InsP 5-ptase exhibited a reduction in the levels of several important inositol phosphates, including InsP1, InsP2, InsP3, and InsP4. Reduced levels of inositol phosphates accompanied an increase in the accumulation of phenylpropanoids (rutin, chlorogenic acid) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in the transgenic fruits of tomato plants. The enhanced accumulation of these metabolites in transgenic tomato plants was in direct correspondence with the observed up-regulation of the genes that express the key enzymes of ascorbic acid metabolism (myo-inositol oxygenase, MIOX; L-galactono-γ-lactone dehydrogenase, GLDH) and phenylpropanoid metabolism (chalcone synthase, CHS1; cinnamoyl-CoA shikimate/quinate transferase, HCT). To understand the molecular links between the activation of different branches of plant metabolism and InsP3 reduction in tomato fruits, the expression of transcription factors known to be involved in light signalling was analysed by real-time RT-PCR. The expression of LeHY5, SIMYB12, and LeELIP was found to be higher in fruits expressing InsP 5-ptase. These results suggest possible interconnections between phosphoinositol metabolism, light signalling, and secondary metabolism in plants. Our study also revealed the biotechnological potential for the genetic improvement of crop plants by the manipulation of the phosphoinositol pathway

    Сравнение методов аттестации микропримесей олова, сурьмы и свинца в стандартных образцах сталей

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    Development and introduction of new metallurgical technologies, new additional chemical compound indexes controlled in metallurgical materials demand to develop the new, more advanced methods of analytical control. The particular attention should be paid to identify the traces of stannic, stinium and lead because of their influence on metal characteristics.Развитие и внедрение новых металлургических технологий, появление дополнительных показателей химического состава, контролируемых в металлургических материалах требует разработки новых, более современных методов аналитического контроля. Особое внимание уделяется определению низких концентраций олова, сурьмы, свинца и цинка, так как их присутствие влияет на свойства металла

    Сорбция фосфатов оксигидратами железа (ІІІ) разной модификации

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    Методами осадження синтезовано FeOOH (аморфний оксигідроксид заліза), α-FeOOH (гетит) і γ-FeOOH (лепідокрокіт). Фізико-хімічні параметри синтезованих сполук було охарактеризовано із залученням рентгенівських досліджень, порометрії, рН-потенціометрії. За допомогою рентгенограм встановлено, що α-FeOOH і γ-FeOOH мають кристалічну структуру, тоді як FeOOH аморфний. Вивчено сорбційну активність оксигідратів заліза різної модифікації відносно фосфат-йонів. Синтезовані оксигідрати заліза мають мезопористу структуру з переважними розмірами пор 2 нм для FeOOH (аморфного)і γ-FeOOH та 16 нм для α-FeOOH. рН-метричні дослідження показали, що FeOOH (аморфний) є амфолітом із максимальною обмінною ємністю 3 ммоль/г у кислому та 3,5 ммоль/г у лужному середовищах. Порівняльна оцінка сорбційної здатності оксигідратів заліза різної модифікації відносно фосфат-йонів виявила, що найкращі показники має FeOOH (аморфний), сорбційна ємність якого дорівнює 237,5 мг/г у кислому і 104,5 мг/г у лужному середовищах.By means of precipitation method FeOOH (amorphous ferric oxyhydrate), α-FeOOH (goethite) and γ-FeOOH (lepidocrocite) have been synthesized. Physical-and-chemical parameters of the synthesized compounds have been characterized using X-ray diffraction, porosity studies, pH titration. With the aid of XRD it was found that α-FeOOH and γ-FeOOH have crystalline structure, while FeOOH is amorphous. The sorption affinity of ferric oxyhydrates of various crystalline structure towards phosphate ions has been studied. The synthesized oxyhydrates have a mezoporous structure with the pore size of 2 nm for FeOOH (amorphous), γ-FeOOH and 16 nm for α-FeOOH. рН titration has shown that FeOOH (amorphous) is an ampholite with the maximal exchange capacity of 3 mmol/g in acidic media and 3,5 mmol/g in alkaline media. The comparison of the sorption affinity of the ferric oxyhydrates with various crystalline structures towards phosphate ions shows that FeOOH (amorphous) has the best parameters, and its sorption capacity reaches 237,5 mg/g in acidic media and 104,5 mg/g in alkaline media.Методами осаждения синтезированы FeOOH (аморфный оксигидрат железа), α-FeOOH (гетит) и γ-FeOOH (лепидокрокит). Физико-химические параметры синтезированных соединений были охарактеризованы с использованием рентгеновских исследований, порометрии, рН-метрии. С помощью рентгенограмм установлено, что α-FeOOH и γ-FeOOH имеют кристаллическую структуру, тогда как FeOOH - аморфен. Изучена сорбционная активность оксигидратов железа различной модификации по отношению к фосфат-ионам. Синтезированные оксигидраты железа обладают мезопористой структурой с преобладающими размерами пор 2 нм для FeOOH (аморфного), γ-FeOOH и 16 нм для α-FeOOH. рН-метрические исследования показали, что FeOOH (аморфный) является амфолитом с максимальной обменной емкостью 3 ммоль/г в кислой и 3,5 ммоль/г щелочной средах. Сравнительная оценка сорбционной способности оксигидратов железа разной модификации по отношению к фосфат-ионам выявила, что наилучшие показатели имеет FeOOH (аморфный), сорбционная емкость которого достигает 237,5 мг/г в кислой и 104,5 мг/г в щелочной средах